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Assessment of the diabetic person - eye health

1. Why this area is important

- People with diabetes lose part of their sight due to Diabetes Retinopathy,
which is caused by damage to small blood vessels (retina) behind the
- Risk of developing Diabetes Retinopathy increases with length of time of
having diabetes and consistent irregular BGL (not controlled)
- Good BGL and BP, and regular comprehensive eye exams can reduce
this risk or help manage it on its onset
- Diabetic people should have their eyes checked when diabetes is first
diagnosed and every 2 years

2. Who in the IDT can help and how they help

- Ophthalmologist - can perform laser treatment to treat Diabetes
- Diabetes specialist (nurse educator, MO)
- Occupational therapist
- Psychologists, counselors, psychiatrists
- Nurses or social workers

Diabetes Australia. (n.d.). Your eye health and diabetes.

BetterHealth Channel. (2015). Diabetic Retinopathy.

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