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1. Which of the following helps in soil formation?

a. Formation of rocks b. Arrangements of rocks c. breaking down of rocks. d.

All the above,

2. The scientific study of soil in their natural environment is called_______ .

a. Petrology b. Geology c. Pedology d. Ecology.

3. Which of the following soil is found in the Sutlej- Ganga-Brahmaputra

a. Black soil b. alluvial soil c. Red soil d. Laterite

4. Which of the following is not an in-situ soil?

a. Red soil b. Alluvial soil c. Black soil. d. Laterite soil

5. Which of the following statement regarding the nature or feature of soil is

a. Soil only consists of the inorganic substances b. Nature of soil depends on
the nature of Bed rock. c. Soil has varied texture. d. Only Soil is must for
growth of plants

6. Which of the following soil is found in the shaded region?

a. Red soil
b. Black soil
c. Laterite soil
d. Alluvial
7. Black soil is suitable for dry farming-as
a. High moisture holding capacity b. It is rich in magnesium.
c. It is black in colour. d. All the above.

8. Which of the following soil is associated with the tropical climate having
high temperature & heavy rainfall with alternative wet & dry periods?
a. Black soil b. Laterite soil c. Alluvial soil. d. Red

9. This process is defined as the removal of soluble salts, especially the bases
& silica from horizon A or the top soil by percolating rain water. Which
process is this?
a. Pedogenesis b. Leaching c. Lithification. d. Conglomeration.

10. Laterite soil is acidic in nature- which of the following factor is responsible
for it?
A. As it is friable in nature. B. as it can retain moisture C. as the bases
leached down from the top soil. d. All the above are correct.

11. Which of the following soil is found in the summits of Western Ghats?
a. Laterite soil b. Black soil c. alluvial soil. d. Red

12. Study picture A & B. On which area the process of soil erosion is most
a. A
b. B
c. Both A & B.
d. none of the above.

13. Which type of soil erosion is seen in

this image?
a. Sheet erosion
b. Gully erosion
c. Rill erosion.
d. All the above

14. Wind is the main agent of erosion in which of the following region?
a. Western slopes of Western Ghats
b. Arid regions of Rajasthan
c. Northern Uttar Pradesh & Bihar.
d. Deccan plateau.

15. Identify the method of soil conservation.

a. Strip cropping
b. Terrace farming
c. Shelter belts.
d. Contour ploughing..3
16. Identify the method of soil conservation.
a. Strip cropping
b. Terrace farming
c. Shelter belts.
d. Crop rotation.

17. Afforestation is needed to prevent soil erosion as

a. It reduces pollution b. It protects the soil from being exposed.
c. the roots of the trees bind the soil particles d. Both b & c

18. Which of the following rock is formed by the weathering of the crystalline
igneous & metamorphic rocks?
a. Black soil b. alluvial soil c. Red soil. d. Laterite soil.

19. Which of the following soil is mostly suited for the cultivation of cotton &
a. Laterite soil b. Black soil c. Red soil. d. Alluvial Soil.

20. Which of the following soil is widely found in the southern part of
peninsular region?
a. Laterite soil b. alluvial soil c. Red soil. d. Alluvial Soil.

21. The process of removal of top soil and exhaustion of its nutrients by
different agents of weathering. *
A. Subsoil B. Soil conservation C. Soil erosion. D. Soil formation.

22. This soil gets renewed annually

A. Bhangar. B. Khadar. C. Deltaic. D. All the above.
23. This soil has self-ploughing capacity and is found in parts of Rajasthan. *
A. Alluvial soil B. Black soil C. Red Soil. D. Laterite.

24. Soil that develops cracks on drying is. *

A. Red soil B. Black soil C. Alluvial soil. D. Alluvial and Black.

25. Soil rich in iron oxide.

A. Alluvial soil B. Black Soil C. Laterite soil D. Both laterite and Red Soil.

26. Coffee and tapioca are best grown on this type of soil. *
A. Laterite soil B. Alluvial Soil C. Black Soil. D. Red Soil.

27. A category of soil which develops on old crystalline rocks and forms the
second largest
A. Black Soil B. Alluvial Soil C. Red Soil. D. Laterite

28. Soils which are found at the place of their formation. *

A. Ex-situ soil B. In-situ soil C. Transported soil. D. Deposited soil.

29. Cotton is cultivated best in. *

A. Alluvial soil B. Black soil C. Red Soil. D. Laterite soil.

30. Laterite soil is found extensively in *

A. The Indus and Gangetic Plains B. The Malwa Plateau C. Crystalline rocky
regions of Kerala, TN and Rajasthan. D. All the above.

Soils of India
1. The formation of soil depends on ………….
a. Climate. b. Parent Rock.
c. Relief. d. All the above.

2. Another term associated with leaching …………

a. Desilication. b. Acidification.
c. Salinization d. Laterization.

3. The process of soil formation is………

a. Pedogenesis. b. Pedology.
c. Pedography. d. Pedantology.

4. The main constituent of black soil is ……….

a. Silica. b. Clay. c. Chalk d. Loam.

5. Alluvial soil is mainly good for the cultivation of ………..

a. Fruits & Vegetables. b. Tapioca and rubber.
c. Wheat, rice and Jute. d. Oilseeds and pulses.

6. The texture of alluvial soil ……….

a. Varies. B. Is the same.
c. Is fine. D. Is coarse.

7. Is not an agent responsible for the removal of top soil ……….

a. Ground Water. b. Running Water.
c. Wind. d. Waves.

8. Bhangar, and khaddar are the types of

a. Laterite soil. b. Alluvial soil.
c. Black d. Red soil.

9. An example of an area affected by Gully Erosion……….

A. Chambal Ravines b. Northern Plains c. Coastal Plains d. Deccan
10. Is not an adverse effect of soil erosion ……….
a. Increase in agricultural productivity b. Decrease in soil moisture
c. Lowering of the water table d. Extension of arid lands.

11. Wind erosion is prominent in arid regions due to ……….

a. Lack of natural vegetation b. Sandy porous soil
c. Lack of moisture. d. All the above.

12. An agricultural method leading to soil erosion ……….

a. None of the below. b. Contour Ploughing.
c. Terracing. d. Crop Rotation.

13. Soil erosion in north eastern India is a result of …….....

a. Deforestation. b. Shifting Agriculture c. Heavy Rainfall d. All
the above.

14. Is not a method of soil conservation……….

a. Jhuming. b. Planting Shelter Belts. c. Constructing Check Dams
d. Contour Bunding.

15. Soils of Northern Plains are………

A. In Situ. B. Ex Situ. c. Residual. d. None.

16. The All India Soil Survey Committee has classified soils on the basis of
A. Location. b. Origin. c. Composition. d. All.

17. Growing two crops in alternate rows in a plot of land to check soil erosion
A. Mixed Cropping. b. Row Farming. c. Multiple Cropping. d. Strip
18. There is a variety of soils in India due to varying………
a. Relief. b. Parental Rock Material. c. Climate. d. All the above.

19. Most widespread transported soil found in India……..

a. Black. b. Red c. Alluvial. d. Laterite

20. Alluvial soils in the North Indian Plains originate from sediments
transported and deposited by………
a. Rivers. b. Wind. c. Glaciers. d. Waves.

21. Is not a characteristic of Khadar Soil………..

a. Contains lime nodules. B. Is very fertile. c. Is replenished annually.
d. Occupies the floodplains of rivers.

22. Black soil is essentially formed by the disintegration of………..

A. Basalt Rocks of the Deccan Trap. b. Volcanic Rocks. c. Solidified
Lava. d. All.

23. Laterite soil is suitable for………..

a. Jute. b. Rice. c. Coffee. d. Wheat.

24. Alluvial soil up to 500 meters depth is found in the valley of the river……..
a. Narmada. b. Ganga. c. Indus. d. Cauvery.

25. Soil formed by the weathering of acidic granites and gneisses

(Metamorphic Rocks) ……
a. Alluvial. b. Black c. Laterite. d. Red.
25. A soil which has the property of being valuable building material as its
bricks harden
Like iron when exposed to air……….
a. Laterite b. Red c. Black d. Alluvial.

26. Is a chemical characteristic of Laterite Soil……….

a. Acidic b. Basic. c. Neutral d. Coarse.

27. Laterite soil supports ………….

a. Intensive agriculture b. Grazing grounds and scrub lands
c. Dense forests d. Wetlands.

28. Red soil is generally formed in areas of poor rainfall and is thus ideal
a. Extensive Agriculture b. Plantation Farming
c. Dry Farming d. Shifting Agriculture.

29. Regur is a term associated with…………

a. Black soil. b. Red Soil. c. Laterite Soil. d. Alluvial Soil.

30. The area least affected by soil erosion is……..

A. Ganga Plains. B. Piedmont Zone of the Himalayas.
c. Chotanagpur plateau. d. Chambal Badlands.

Topic: Soil Resources in India

1. Bhangar soil is _______.

a. older alluvium and contains kankar pebbles and fine clay
b. newer alluvium and contains fine clay
c. older alluvium and contains kankar pebbles and gravels
d. newer alluvium and is frequently inundated

2. Soil found on the summits of Eastern Ghats and Western Ghats is

a. Laterite b. Black c. Alluvial d. Red soil

3. Black soil is ________ .

a. Moisture retentive b. Not moisture retentive
c. Coarse and crumbly d. Rich in humus

4. Red soil is formed due to weathering of_______.

a. Ancient crystalline and metamorphic rocks b. Sedimentary and
metamorphic rocks
c. Red crystalline schists and basic gneisses d. Both b and c

5. Laterite soil lacks fertility. Give reason.

a. It is porous b. It undergoes leaching
c. It does not retain moisture d. It is deficient in iron

6. Name the soil rich in humus.

a. Black soil b. Red soil
c. Alluvial soil d. both a and b

7. 'Ex situ' refers to the soil which is____________ .

a. Formed where it is found b. Transported alluvium
c. Residual d. Formed by solidification of lava

8. Name the soil which releases moisture during dry period also.
a. Black soil b. Red soil
c. Alluvial soild. Laterite soil

9. What is humus?
a. Organic matter in soil produced by the decomposition of vegetables or
animal matter.
b. Inorganic matter formed by the minerals.
c. Organic matter essential for the fertility of soil.
d. Both a and c

10. Sheet erosion causes due to__________.

a. Heavy drops and hailstones during heavy rainfall
b. Rivers flowing through steep sided slopes
c. Heavy rains, a surface film of water carries away surface layer of topsoil
d. Winds which carries surface layer of topsoil

11. What is soil conservation?

a. It is an effort made to prevent soil fertility.
b. It is an effort made to retain the fertility of soil.
c. It is an effort made to prevent soil erosion.
d. Both b and c.

12. Soil contains______.

a. Minerals b. Only minerals
c. Only humus d. Organic and inorganic materials

13. Which of the following statement is true about Gully erosion?

a. Deep gullies are made on soils by winds.
b. Deep gullies are made on soils by running water.
c. Both a and b d. None of the above
14. It is very important to plant belts to trees and shrubs. Why?
a. This is because it checks reduces the speed of flowing water and prevents
soil erosion.
b. This is because it checks over grazing and prevents soil erosion.
c. This is because it checks the velocity of wind and prevents soil erosion
d. This is because it checks deforestation.

15. Khadar soil is very fertile. Give geographic reason.

a. This is because it is frequently inundated.
b. This is because it is found at lower levels near the rivers.
c. This is because it contains fine sand and clay.
d. All the above.

16. Which of the following is not the feature of Bhangar soil?

a. It is older alluvium.
b. It contains pebbles and gravels.
c. It is darker in colour.
d. It is found at the lower levels near the rivers.

17. Name two states where black soil is found.

a. Maharashtra and Gujarat b. Maharashtra and Punjab
c. Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh d. Tamil Nadu and Punjab

18. Black soil is _______.

a. Insitu b. ex situ c. Residual soils d. Both a and c

19. Name the soil formed under conditions of high temperature and heavy
a. Laterite soil b. Red soil c. Alluvial soil d. Black soil

20. Which of these is not the characteristic of red soil?

a. It is rich in iron. b. It is porous and friable in nature.
c. It lacks potash. d. It is red in colour.

21. Slow removal of soil, layer by layer from the earth’s surface is termed as .
a. Rill erosion. b. Gully erosion
c. Sheet erosion d. Erosion of erosions

22. Name the soil which is suitable for building purpose.

a. Red soil b. Black soil c. Alluvial soil d. Laterite soil

23. Acid granites and gneisses are the parent rocks of _______soil.
a. Alluvial soil b. Red soil c. Black soil d. None of the above

24. Name two states where laterite soil is found.

a. Bihar and West Bengal b. Manipur and Kerala
c. Kerala and Punjab d. Punjab and West Bengal

25. Identify the soil found in Ganga deltaic region.

a. Red soil b. Laterite soil c. Alluvial soil d. Black soil

26. Name the soil which is also called river soil.

a. Laterite soil b. Black soil c. Alluvial soil d. Red soil

27. Laterite soil is valuable building material because __________.

a. It is porous b. It is leached c. It is easily available d. It hardens like iron

28. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

a. Black soil undergoes leaching. b. Red soil is rich in iron oxide.
c. Black soil is very suitable for the cultivation of cotton. d. Black soil is
residual soil.

29. ______ soil is red in colour.

a. Red soil b. alluvial soil c. Laterite soil d. Both a and c.

30. Which of the following statement is false with regard to soil erosion?
a. Soil erosion by wind occurs when soil devoid of vegetation is exposed to
high velocity wind.
b. Soils are washed away by running water down the slope.
c. Cutting of trees exposes the soil to water and wind which leads to soil
d. The trees are planted along the edges of the fields which causes soil

1. Soil has been formed as a result of _____ rocks.
a) Weathering
b) Blasting
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above.

2. Which of the following soils is comparatively in less quantity in India

compared to the other three?
a) Alluvial.
b) Laterite.
C) Red.
d) Black.

3. The ____ sequence of soil horizons found at a given location is collectively

called the soil profile.
a) Lateral.
b) Vertical.
c) Horizontal.
d) Parallel.

4. Which of the following is not a method of soil conservation?

a) Mulching
b) Leaching
c) Terrace Farming.
d) Shelter Bed.
5. Which river systems have deposits of alluvial soils in the Northern Plains
of India?
a) Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati
b) Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra
c) Krishna, Cauvery and Godavari
d) Mahanadi, Kosi and Gandak.

6. It takes hundreds of years to make a one-centimetre thick layer of:

a. Land
b. Humus
c. Soil
d. Mixture.

7. Which one of the following is not a constituent of soil?

a) Humus.
b) Minerals.
c) Moisture.
d) None.

8. The soil that has good humus contains more ____.

a) Carbon dioxide.
b) Air.
c) Oxygen.
d) Moisture.

9 The most important factor in determining soil characteristics is ____.

a) Topography of the area.
b) Parent rock
c) Climate
d) Temperature.

10.Name the type of soil found in 1 and 5.

a. Black and Laterite Soil.
b. Red and Black Soil.
c. Black and Red Soi.
d. None of the above.
11.Which one of the following states mostly has laterite soil?
(a) Uttar Pradesh
(b) Bihar
(c) Rajasthan
(d) Meghalaya.

12.Which one of the following is the main cause of land degradation in

(a) Extensive cultivation
(b) Deforestation
(c) Overgrazing
(d) Over-irrigation.
13. Which one of the following soil is ideal for growing cotton?
(a) Regur Soil
(b) Laterite Soil
(c) Desert Soil
(d) Mountainous Soil

14. Which of the following method will not help in soil conservation?
(a) Contour ploughing
(b) Strip cropping
(c) Creating shelter belts
(d) Ploughing up and down the slopes.

15. ‘Laterite’ has been derived from the Greek word ‘later’ which means:
(a) Mountain
(b) Brick
(c) Rock
(d) Stone.

16. Moisture retentative soil ..

a) Aluvial Soil
b) Black Soil.
c) Red Soil.
d) All the above.
17 Which among the following is considered to be the best soil for plant
a) Sand.
b) Clay.
c) Loam.
d) Silt

18. In which region we can see Terrace Farming?

a) Assam
b) Western India
c) Western and Central Himalayas.
d) None of the above.

19. The running water cuts the clayey soil and make deep channels which
is called?
a) Gullies.
b) Bad land.
c) Sheet Erosion
d) None of the above.

20. Which one is not a natural force that causes weathering of rock?
a) Wind.
b) Water.
c) Earthquake
d) Both a and b.

21. Which points distinguish Regur Soil from Laterite Soil?

a) Regur soils are not fertile whereas Laterite soil is fertile.
b) Regur soils are black in colour and Laterite soils are red in colour
c) Regur soils are rich in lime and magnesium. Laterite Soils are
deficient in lime and magnesium.
d) Both b and c.

22. Consider the following statement(s) related to alluvial soils.

I. The soil covers 40 percent part of total geographical area of India.
II. Alluvial soils are formed due to depositional work done by rivers in
plains valleys, flood plain and deltas
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
a) Only I
b) Only II
c) Both I and II
d) Neither I nor II

23. Which of the following is not important for soil formation?

(a) Relief
(b) Parent rock
(c) Climate
(d) Duration of day

24. Laterite soil is very useful for growing:

(a) Rice, wheat and mustard
(b) Tea, coffee and Cashewnuts
(c) Pulses, sugarcane and resin
(d) None of the above

25. Which of the following soils has self-aeration capacity?

(a) Alluvial
(b) Red soil
(c) Black soil
(d) Mountain soil.

26. Which of the following is not a measure for soil conservation?

(a) Strip cropping
(b) Terrace cultivation
(c) Shelter belts
(d) Overdrawing of ground water.

27. Which soil is formed by weathering of ancient crystalline and

metamorphic rock?
a) Laterite Soil.
b) Red Soil.
c) Alluvial Soil.
d) Mountain Soil.

28. One characteristic of Black Soil is

a) In hot and dry season it develops deep and wide cracks due to
contraction of soil.
b) Soil is poor in lime and phosphate.
c) Coarse in texture.
d) Both a and b.

29. Which of the soil is renewed annually?

a) Bhangar Soil.
b) Khadar Soil.
c) Clayey Soil.
d) All the above.

30. Why we need to Conserve Soil?

a) Soil erosion leads to removal of top soil.
b) Soil erosion leads to lowering of the underground water.
c) Soil erosion leads to environmental degradation.
d) Both a and b
e) Both c and d.

31. Depending upon the way of formation and location which of the soil is odd
man out.
A. Laterite. B. Alluvial. C. red Soil. Black soil.

32. Which of the method cannot be adopted to stop the gully erosion?
A. Plugging them. B. Growing grass in it. C. Construction of bunds. D.
Terrace farming.

33. Which of the following is not agronomic measure to control soil

A: Contour ploughing. B. Stopping over grazing. C. Strip cropping. D. Crop

34. Which of the nutrient is not present in Black soil.

A. Lime, B. Iron, C. Potash. D. Nitrogen.
35. Which of the following is not the type of alluvial soil.
A: Khadar. B. Khangar. C. Bhangar. D. Deltaic.

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