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1. Visualize a stop sign

2. Observe, label and accept your emotions
3. Dance to your favorite song
4. Go for a walk
5. Call a friend or family member
6. Text someone to let them know you’re thinking of them
7. Plan a vacation
8. Make a list of places you want to travel to
9. Make plans with a friend
10. Take the dog for a walk
11. Pet your dog, cat or gerbil (or visit a pet store)
12. Sing along to your favorite song
13. Make a playlist of songs that make you happy
14. Draw
15. Paint
16. Do a crossword puzzle
17. Listen to a podcast
18. Design a website
19. Journal
20. Organize your closet
21. Shine your shoes
22. Organize a drawer
23. Clean the bathroom
24. Give yourself a manicure
25. Give yourself a pedicure
26. Do a face mask
27. Take a bath
28. Research places to volunteer
29. Break down a large project into smaller steps
30. Set goals
31. Do pushups
32. Do yoga
33. Stretch
34. Use a foam roller
35. Sip on herbal tea
36. Make a meal plan for the following day or week
37. Make a list of home improvement projects
38. Start or continue a home improvement project
39. Visit an animal shelter
40. Knit
41. Crochet
42. Watch your favorite TV show
43. Go to a movie
44. Go people watching
45. Try a new class
46. Watch an online lecture
47. Look at cute animal photos online
48. Pick out a gift for yourself
49. Pick out a gift for someone else
50. Go for a run
51. Go for a bike ride
52. Meditate
53. Practice deep breathing
54. Moisturize
55. Watch funny videos
56. Write a short story
57. Write a poem
58. Join an improv class
59. Go to a museum
60. Go to an art gallery
61. Identify 5 things you can see
62. Identify 5 things you can touch
63. Identify 5 things you can hear
64. Go through old photos
65. Make a photo album or photo book
66. Pay bills
67. Schedule work emails
68. Learn a language with an app or audio program
69. Read
70. Make a list of books you want to read
71. Make a list of movies you want to see
72. Write a letter to someone you admire
73. Write a letter to someone you’re pissed off at
74. Write a letter to someone you haven’t talked to in awhile
75. Go to the gym
76. Go to a pool and swim
77. Put an ice pack on your neck and face
78. Rearrange furniture
79. Look at real estate online
80. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
81. Practice affirmations
82. Focus on your goals
83. Take a self defense class
84. Drink a big glass of water
85. Do some Tai Chi
86. Look up nature walks and hikes near you
87. Go out in nature
88. Go for a drive
89. Do some gardening
90. Jump up and down
91. Write and schedule some work emails
92. Go to a library
93. Read good news websites
94. Go to a concert
95. Start a meetup group
96. Join an online support group
97. Go swing on a swing
98. Go down a slide
99. Do a cartwheel
100. Identify 5 things in your environment that are green
101. Identify 5 things in your environment that are red
102. Mold something out of plasticine or clay
103. Identify 5 things in your environment that are blue
104. Buy yourself flowers
105. Send someone flowers
106. Do karaoke: Sing to a karaoke app, online video or channel
107. Jump rope
108. Hit a pillow
109. Go to a driving range
110. Go to a batting cage
111. Go to a science center
112. Get a goldfish
113. Find a charity you want to support
114. Donate to a charity
115. Go to a sports game
116. Go play pool
117. Plan a party
118. Invite someone over
119. Invite someone to meet up
120. Play a new instrument
121. Try a new makeup look
122. Do a hair conditioning mask
123. Make some jewelry
124. Make candles
125. Light a fragrant candle
126. Throw a tennis ball against a wall
127. Ask someone for help
128. Plan rewarding and fun activities for the week
129. Visit a spa
130. Take a nap
131. Bang on a drum
132. Make a to do list
133. Prioritize items on your to do list
134. Do something on your to do list
135. Sign up for a workshop
136. Go to a part of town you haven’t been to before
137. Ride the subway/streetcar/bus
138. Go to a bookstore and browse
139. Pray
140. Paint a wall
141. Make a vision board
142. Make a collage
143. Make a list of things you’re grateful for
144. Make a list of things you’re good at
145. Dribble a basketball
146. Color
147. Do needlepoint
148. Scream into a pillow
149. Do jumping jacks
150. Write a letter to a politician
151. Go bowling
152. Cuddle
153. Take a shower and alternate between hot and cold water
154. Plan a weekend getaway
155. Throw rocks into a lake, river, pond, etc.
156. Enter a contest
157. Learn about a culture you’re curious about
158. Squeeze a stress ball
159. Play solitaire
160. Play a game online or on an app
161. Do a jigsaw puzzle
162. Do a sudoku
163. Go horseback riding
164. Go to a zoo or petting zoo
165. Take a dance class (online or in person)
166. Brush your teeth
167. Floss
168. Chew gum
169. Read a magazine
170. Empty your email inbox
171. Sort your mail
172. Watch a home video
173. Vacuum
174. Wash the floors
175. Lift weights
176. Brush your pet
177. Update your address book
178. Test drive a car
179. Do a random act of kindness
180. Mend clothes that are torn or have missing buttons
181. Plant an herb garden
182. Plant a tree
183. Do laundry
184. Try aromatherapy
185. Clap along to an upbeat song
186. Listen to an audiobook
187. Play with your kids (or visit friends or family with kids)
188. Play chess
189. Shop for shoes or accessories online
190. Practice photography
191. Get rid of unneeded files on your computer, cloud, etc.
192. Start your own business
193. Do some origami
194. Make paper airplanes and fly them
195. Make goo
196. Clean your computer screen and keyboard
197. Iron
198. Pluck your eyebrows
199. Exfoliate
200. Massage your face, shoulders or feet
201. Make someone a gift (lots of fun easy ideas online)

OK, so there’s a bonus one. I’ll keep adding to this as I get more ideas!

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