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European Network of Advisory Teams


sharing knowledge saves lives

Via EPE or e-mail to:

- All EuNAT delegates with access to the European Plattform of Experts (EPE)
- Representatives of EUROPOL and INTERPOL
- National LEA stakeholders according to the decision of all EuNAT delegates
- Representatives of CIPSE and INWG

Berne, the 24th of August 2021

Publishing of new EuNAT product: challenges, recommendations and practical tips for
dealing with cyber extortion

Dear Madam, dear Sir,

On behalf of the European Network of Advisory Teams for Kidnapping, Hostage Taking and
Extortion (EuNAT), I am pleased to inform you on the publication of our latest guidelines: a
report on Cyber Enabled and Dependent Extortion (CEDE).

Within the framework of a project financed by the Internal Security Fund of the European
Commission, numerous professionals from all over Europe have shared with us their key
findings on the topic and the lessons they have learned when dealing with cyber extortion.

As a result, EuNAT is able to provide you with a comprehensive report prepared by

experienced law enforcement professionals. It offers insight in the challenges when dealing
with Cyber Enabled and Dependent Extortion (CEDE) cases and provides law enforcement
with recommendations on how to best prepare for and deal with them.

The report is written for lead officers, senior investigation officers and members
of advisory groups. It offers a basic understanding of what they are dealing with, what their
first response should include and which further steps should be considered. Consequently,
the report does not provide much new information for cyber specialists.

European Network of Advisory Teams

Chair / Project Management
Guisanplatz 1A
CH-3003 Bern
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European Network of Advisory Teams

The report is an example of EuNAT’s efforts to strengthen national and international efforts in
combatting Kidnapping, Hostage Taking and Extortion. It is available to all law enforcement
personnel involved in cyber extortion operations and is intended to serve as a helpful
checklist, training guide and practical reference document in the approach against CEDE.

Special thanks for their commitment goes to the project team led by the State Criminal Police
Office of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Special Interventions Division of the National
Police of the Netherlands, with active support of EUROPOL.

(Cover of CEDE guideline)

With this document, EuNAT would like to contribute to curb the drastic increase of CEDE in
Europe. We are pleased if the document is used and shared actively.

We see EuNAT as partner of the necessary combined efforts by all stakeholders and as
learning organization. In this regard, we would like to thank you in advance for any feedback
on this product to

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us for any further questions.

Sincerely yours

Matthias Herter, Chair of EuNAT


European Network of Advisory Teams

Chair / Project Management
Guisanplatz 1A
CH-3003 Bern
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