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What makes you curious?

*Curious means interested in learning about people or things around you

Who or what gives you inspiration?

*inspiration is someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something

Who do you look up to?

*look up to sb means to admire and respect someone

Are you afraid of taking risks?

*To take a risk means to do something that may result in loss, failure, etc.

What are your main goals now?

*a goal is an aim or purpose

Have you ever stepped out of your comfort zone?

Do you enjoy trying extraordinary activities?
*extraordinary means very unusual, special, unexpected, or strange

Are you a spontaneous person?


Language for talking about plans/hopes/dreams

 a bucket list
 to kick the bucket = to die
 to achieve | an achievable goal
 a wish | to make a wish
 to make come your dreams come true
 to step in your/out of your comfort zone
 spontaneous
 to take a risk
 an extraordinary activity /ɪkˈstrɔr·dənˌer·i/
 take up doing something = to begin to do something

Positive Negative
I’ve always fancied… I have no desire to…
I’m dying/itching to try… … doesn’t appeal to me (at all)
… is a burning ambition of mine. Whatever floats your boat.
… would be right up my street. To each their/his own
… is one for the bucket list. The idea of … doesn’t do anything
A pipe dream (an for me.
unrealistic/improbable dream) You wouldn’t catch me …ing
I would jump at the chance to… … is not my thing.
If you offered me the chance to…, I … is not for me.
would bite your hand off. I’m not into …
I have a soft spot for …
I’d give it a go.

Group Discussion Questions

What things on the list surprised you and which ones didn’t?
What would you definitely NOT put in this list? Why?
Why don’t people do these things regularly?
Why do we need to have such kind of dreams? Is it only about crossing out things
you’ve already done or there’s something more behind this Bucket List idea?
What should definitely be in every before-I-die list? Why?

Annette White once said:

“It is never too early to begin a bucket list, don't wait for that someday that may
never come.”
“Stop dreaming about your bucket list and start living it.”
Our time here on this planet is limited. Focus on what brings
you joy – not brings you stress. Unknown

The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your
dreams. Oprah Winfrey

You’re always one decision away from a totally different life.

Mark Batterson

As I get older I’ve stopped doing things which don’t feel right. I
no longer wear shoes which hurt and feel uncomfortable. And I
no longer spend time with people who make me feel bad. Karen

I’ve never seen any life transformation that didn’t begin with
the person in question getting tired of their own bullshit.
Elizabeth Gilbert

I have no time to battle egos and small minds. Unknown

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. Walt

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