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Presentation Marking Rubric (Group)

4 3 2 1 Mark
Visual Appeal Information is clear and concise Too much information on two Too much information was The slides were difficult to read and
& on each slide. or more slides. contained on many slides. too much information had been
Presentation Visually appealing/engaging. Significant visual appeal. Minimal effort made to make slides copied onto them.
Skills Regular/constant eye contact, Most members spoke to appealing or too much going on. No visual appeal.
The audience was engaged, majority of audience; steady Members focused on only part of Minimal eye contact by more than
and presenters held the eye contact. audience. one member focusing on small part
audience’s attention. The audience was engaged Sporadic eye contact by more than of audience.
by the presentation. one presenter. The audience was not engaged.
The audience was distracted. Majority of presenters spoke too
quickly or quietly making it difficult to
understand. Just read the slide
Extensive knowledge of topic. Most showed a good Few members showed good Presenters didn’t understand topic.
Presenter Members showed complete understanding of topic. understanding of some parts of Majority of questions answered by
Response understanding of assignment. All members able to answer topic. only one member or majority of
Accurately answered all most of audience questions. Only some members accurately information incorrect.
questions posed. Can give the answered questions.
example to support the answer
Can ask question and able to Can ask a good question and Can ask a good question that Can ask a simple question
Audience react or response or argue to give some suggestion and show the understanding of the
response the answer given opinion regarding the topic presentation and can encourage
presented the response
Content The presentation was a concise The presentation was a good The presentation was informative The presentation was a brief look at
summary of the topic with all summary of the topic. but several elements went the topic but many questions were
questions answered. Most important information unanswered. left unanswered.
Comprehensive and complete covered; little irrelevant info. Much of the information irrelevant; Majority of information irrelevant and
coverage of information. coverage of some of major points. significant points left out.
Participated equally, and helped Slight domination of one Significant controlling by some Multiple group members not
Participation/ each other as needed. presenter. members with one minimally participating.
Time management Good time management Time management ok contributing. Very bad time management
Time management slightly bad

Total /20

Group members: 1.

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