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Mamitag, Mark Angelou G.


Pricing Strategy

BAMM 201

IV. Statement of the Problem

The products of Baskin-Robbins are expensive. It will have a negative impact on

their brand image and may result in a loss of profit. The majority of Indians are

unable to purchase Baskin-Robbins products.

Consumers discovered that the products given by Baskin-Robbins were overpriced

in 2012. Because the ice cream flavor was not suitable for the Indian palette,

customers felt disconnected from the product. Baskin Robbins India discovered

that the rate of new products launched is extremely high, affecting the brand


As a result, Baskin Robbins India should conduct analysis on how to keep the

Baskin Robbins brand image. They must take steps to ensure that Indian citizens

can afford Baskin-Robbins products as well.

V. Objectives

 To increase brand awareness

This can assist Baskin Robbins customers in recognizing the brand and products

that the company provides to Indian nationals.

 To create an online office campaign to encourage people to visit their


This could help Baskin-Robbins increase social media engagement. To become

more well-known and to reach a larger number of customers who enjoy Baskin-

Robbins goods.

 To enhance their target audience's engagement

Baskin-Robbins should encourage their target audience to interact with them. to

make Baskin Robbins parlors a more known gathering spot and develop a younger

brand identity
V-I Short Range Objectives

 To provide a healthier ice cream alternative.

This will give the middle-aged customers an opportunity to try Baskin-Robbins ice

cream. Baskin-Robbins can offer healthy ice cream so that their middle-aged

customers can eat it.

 To achieve profitable within a year and gain substantial growth rate


This will benefit Baskin Robbins company in reaching its profit objective within a

year and determining how many individuals have tried Baskin Robbins. This will

gain Baskin Robbins profitable every year.

V-II Long Range Objectives

 To keep up with the market's competition

This will provide Baskin Robbins an advantage over its competitors, because if a

company does not develop a competitive strategy, it will lag behind and lose

market share.

 To provide customers with a new upcoming dessert option.

Baskin-Robbins consumers will be able to test a new dessert choice as a result of

this. This will inspire Baskin Robbins customers to try the other desserts on the


 To come up with a new Baskin Robbins product,

This will assist Baskin-Robbins enhance profits while also allowing them to

compete with other market competitors. Creating a new product can help Baskin-

Robbins gain better reputation in the market.



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