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Importance of Science and Technology in Our Daily Life

Today, we cannot expect our life without science and technology revolving around it every single
second! Science and technology are extremely essential in our everyday life as they have made things
more simple, fast and secured.

Science and technology are both closely related terms. Scientific studies & progress result into
wonderful technologies. Science and technologies are not only subjects. Rather, they are the means that
provide us with ways and objects that help us live a better life.

Science is the study of entire universe from the cellular level to the highest level.
science involves explanation, phenomenon, analysis and predictions on various subjects.

Technology is something that simplifies all these things. For instance, computers help scientists by
storing big data, analyzing and organizing it. Thus, science works better and keep progressing when
technology keeps on supporting it technology is the application arising from science! Hence, we need
both of them in our life.

Importance of Science & Technology in our Daily Life

Almost everything that we see around us is the gift of science and technology. Be it the smart-phones,
fan, wheel, vehicles, cloth, paper, toothbrush, electricity, microwave, vehicles, radio, television, laptops,
etc., everything is the result of science and technology.

The importance of science & technology in detail:

1.It helps us save time & money – Various contributions of science and technology have helped us save
time and money. While science has given us the knowledge why baked or steam- cooked food is better
than the fried or oily food, technology has gifted us with microwave and steam-cookers that help us
bake and steam cook our food. Various objects and devices like computers, modes of transport, washing
machines or just anything else help us save our time and money.

2.Education – Science & technology have made significant contribution in the education field as well.
Science has given us immense knowledge and therefore, we have got important matter to study.
Technology has made education itself easier. It has provided us options like smart classes, multimedia
devices, e-libraries, e-books, etc.

3.Internet – Information technology, including internet, is an excellent gift of technology. With the help
of internet, we do not only get immense knowledge on science and other subjects, but we also get to
stay connected with our friends and family, continuously.

4.Provides us devices for comfortable sleeping, quick cooking and fast commute – In short, science and
technology have made our life easier. With the help of objects like A.C, microwave, and vehicles, science
and technology have made our sleeping, cooking and commute process easier and faster, respectively!
It helps us live a better life . has made significant contributions in health by providing treatment for various chronic
diseases, technology has benefited us in receiving those treatments through various ways and devices
like X-ray, scan machines, operation devices, pacemaker and much more! We are also blessed with
numerous exercising equipment, various health apps, online doctor and other things that help us
maintain good health and life.

Conclusion: Undoubtedly, science and technology have made our life easier and faster. We should
always hope, make an effort and ensure that the inventions and discoveries in these fields are always
used for the benefit of entire human race! Henceforth, with the help of science and technology, let’s
make world a better place, for you, me & the entire human race!


Science and technology is the very best thing society might ever request for. Since the commercial
transformation in the 18 th century science has actually remained in development. Some sectors that
have actually been increased by science and technology are energy, physical sciences, details and
interaction. The society has actually considerably gotten with the development of technology.
Infrastructure in the society has actually grown with the aid of science and technology Modes of
transportation like electronic train lines were understood and these really benefited the society by
providing them a much better ways of transportation. In the past, nearly whatever was analog however
thanks to the science and technology we are now being digitalized every day. The development of the
telephone and radio services has actually widened human interaction.

Without society then there would be no science and technology

That is why the development of specific tools and devices have actually assisted attain huge things.
Society can refrain from doing without the markets we have today. The society requirements science
and technology The production of computer systems is masterpiece by people was a stone that would
come a long method in assisting the society. A computer system assists us to take advantage of
ourselves by getting important details that we can utilize to enhance our lives. The effect of science and
technology can seriously be acknowledged. Many individuals around the globe consider example
scholars in colleges and universities have actually taken the lead taking a look at the relationship
between science and technology

The assessment of this relationship has actually become an essential location of research study. Public
interest groups and scholastic companies throughout the world are acknowledging the value of STS. The
factor is that individuals have to acknowledge that there are individuals who are impacted by the
science and technology Controversies such as customized foods, stem cell research study are the
concerns that have actually invited policy makers and researchers together to have a method forward
on this.

Science and technology has really considerably added to the vision of male about himself. Science has
actually been customized the viewpoint about the origin of male and location of origin too. Through the
outcomes of clinical discoveries the understanding of male about his habits and his location of origin has
actually been customized diversely. Experiments in science today remain in one method or another
impacting the society. Take for instance the experiment on cloning a human. The experiment purchased
a great deal of debate given that the society was doubtful about it.

How is science and technology associated to society:

The establishing world has a long custom of participatory action research study, popular education and
neighborhood company enrolling to fix some science and technology concerns that impact the society.

Characteristics of technology
Technology is defined as “purposeful intervention by design”, and technological practice as the activity
through which technological outcomes are created and have impact in the world.

*Technological outcomes are designed to enhance the capabilities of people and expand human
possibilities. They change the made world in ways that have positive and/or negative impacts on the
social and natural world.

*Technology uses and produces technological knowledge. Technological communities endorse

technological knowledge as valid when it is shown to support the successful development of
technological outcomes.

All technology exists within a historical context, influenced by and influencing society and culture.

*Technological practice is becoming increasingly interdisciplinary, relying more than ever on

collaboration between the technology community and people from other disciplines.
What are environmental principles?

The Seven Environmental Principles

1.Nature knows best

One natural process that needs serious attention is nutrient cycling. In nature, nutrients pass from the
environment to the organisms and back to the environment. Any disruption in the cycle can bring about
imbalance. Our nature knows everything. Sometimes, it knows what is best for us.

2.All forms of life are important

Organism plays a fundamental role in nature. Since such occupational or functional position, otherwise
known as niche, cannot be simultaneously occupied by more than one specie, it is apparent that all
living things must be considered as invaluable in the maintenance of homeostasis in the ecosystem.

3.Everything is connected to everything else

"This principle is best amplified by the concept of the ecosystem. In an ecosystem, all biotic and
amniotic components interact with each other to ensure that the system is perpetuated. Any outside
interference may result in an imbalance and the deterioration of the system.

4.. Everything changes

It is said that the only permanent thing is change. Our world is constantly changing and nothing is
permanent anymore. Even each day humans try to change their living to fit in to the world.

5.Everything must go somewhere

When a piece of paper is thrown away, it disappears from sight but it does not cease to exist. It ends up
elsewhere. Everything goes somewhere and nothing goes nothing it has its own way to go.

6.Ours is a finite earth

Just how long would the earth be able to sustain demands on its resources "This is a *Question that
needs serious reflection. Unless the factors of population growth, lifestyles, and polluting technologies
are checked, the collapse of the earth might be inevitable.

7.Nature is beautiful and we are stewards of God’s creation

Among all creatures, humans are the only ones made in intos image and have been given the right to
have dominion over all itis creations. The most intelligent and gifted with reason, humans are capable of
manipulating creation to their own advantage. and are made not to rule the world but to help the world.
humans are God’s creation and we need to take care of everything.

What are the character traits and attitudes of a scientist?

The character traits and attitudes of a scientist includes :

1.Analytical - Scientist assess and evaluate all evidences and data gathered. They carefully check the
accuracy of facts and the reliability of the sources of information. They do not make hasty conclusions,
but instead base their judgments on facts and information.

2.Humble - Scientists humble and do not boast their achievements. They do not belittle others who do
not meet their standards.

3.Intellectually Honest - Scientist present truthful report and accurately acknowledge their sources of
information. They do not claim the works of others as theirs, but give credit to those who deserve it.

4.Rational - Scientist do not believe in superstitions. They base their decisions only on fact that are
supported by proofs. They believe that all things that happen on earth have a rational explanation.

5.Curious - Scientists are very observant. They examine details. They ask why and how things happen,
and conduct investigation to find solutions to problems or answers to their queries.

6.Objective - Scientists avoid prejudices. Their decisions are based mainly on data and facts. Their
decisions are not influenced by the opinions of others, personal preferences, or emotions.

Scientist record data accurately and interpret these on the bases of actual observations and
experiments. They likewise verify their observations for consistency.

7.Creative - this is the main reason why scientist invent and discover new things.

8.Open-minded - Scientists listen and analyze the suggestions given by others. Scientist are not biased.
They demonstrate thinking that is free of prejudice. They even change their own ideas in light of new

9.Focused - Scientists need to concentrate when they perform their tasks. The accuracy and validity of
data depend on how they do their work.

10.Unselfish - Scientists share their knowledge with other scientist. They devote their time and expertise
to perform and complete tasks that will benefit humankind. They think of the welfare of others before
they think of themselves.
11.Determined - Investigation are tedious. Scientists need the will and perseverance to do tasks that
need to be accomplished or completed.

12.Thorough and Accurate - Scientists check the correctness and veracity of all the data and information
they have gathered. They conduct experiments to solve the problem being investigated. Scientists have
the eagerness to observe, record and evaluate data with care and exactness

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