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Eating home cooked meal is better than eating outside food.

Do you agree?

Eating home cooked meal is better than eating outside food. Do you

In today's modern and busy world, people always think that preparing our own food
is a waste of time since we can conveniently buy food outside. But I agree with the
statement that it is much better for individuals and the family to eat home cooked
meals than to eat out at restaurants, canteens, food courts or hawker food stalls.
There are several reasons why I agree to this matter. Home cooked meals is cheaper,
you can cook your favourite dish besides it being healthier and more hygienic.

Firstly, it is cheaper to cook and eat at home than eat out Eating out at restaurants
is expensive. When you cook and eat at home, you do the cooking. You can buy your
own fresh vegetables, meat, fish and other fresh products at the supermarket or wet
market and stock up the dry ingredients. You pay the same price as the restaurant or
food outlet operators and need not add the cost of labour charges and rental to the
expenses. An individual or family spends less when cooking and eating at home.

Secondly, you can cook and eat your favourite dishes. Family members can request
for favourite dishes from the family chef. If someone in the family likes a particular
dish, it can be cooked and shared by everyone. In a restaurant, some dishes can be
pretty expensive. Raw fish can cost as much as RM100 a dish: If you were to order a
fish dish, you may have to pay double the price whereas if you cook a fish dish at
home, it would cost you just the price of the fish! Then, if you enjoy your mother's
cooking, you will not get it at the restaurant Sometimes food stalls which sells pre-
cooked food may be cold and tasteless or even stale

Thirdly, it is healthier and more hygienic to cook and eat at home. The fresh
ingredients are properly washed, cleaned and prepared. Other ingredients like
cooking oil are of better quality. The dishes promise a more balanced diet with less
sugar, salt and oil. At the outlet, food operators may slack off when preparing food
due to possibly insufficient workers and too many orders. In addition, the
ingredients may not be of the best quality when compared to those used at home.
Usually when mothers want to cook for the family, they will choose the best quality
product. Besides, a restaurant cook is more concerned with taste rather than the
health aspect of the dishes. At home, parents are more careful when serving a healthy
and balanced meal.

I do agree that it is fun and a treat to eat out at times. I believe that it can be exciting
to eat out at restaurants and food courts but only sparingly. I prefer cooking and
eating at home because it is cheaper, and the food is more appetizing, healthier and
more hygienic. I enjoy my father's (who is a great chef) and my mother's cooking.
Nothing beats their cooking!

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