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md 12/4/2021

Lecture 1 Notes
1. File Extensions
Every file has two things-
Extension (Format)
Every filename follows the format filename.extension
Example -
VID-2021-12-02.mp4, where VID-2021-12-02 is the filename and mp4 is the extension
resume.pdf, where resume is the filename and pdf is the extension
IMG-843203.jpg, where IMG-843203 is the filename and jpg is the extension

2. Web Technologies
A website is made up of HTML, CSS, & JavaScript
. HTML - Defines the structure of the page
. CSS - Defines the styling (look & feel / aesthetics)
. JS - Defines the behaviour of the website
HTML Tags have an ending element and a closing element, it follows this format- <tag>Content is
added in the between</tag>.

Every HTML tag must be closed with it's closing HTML tag
Following are some HTML tags-
Heading Elements: They are mostly used for heading texts (Title, Subtitle). They range from h1 to h6

<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
<h2>Hello, World!</h2>
<h3>Hello, World!</h3>
<h4>Hello, World!</h4>
<h5>Hello, World!</h5>
<h6>Hello, World!</h6>

Paragraph Element: It is used when a paragraph is required

<p>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</p>

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Strong Element: It signifies that a certain part of a text has a strong importance, seriousness or urgency.
Similar to "bold".

<p>Trespassers will be <strong>prosecuted</strong></p>

Emphasis Element: This element signals that a certain part of text has stress emphasis. Similar to "italic".

<p>We <em>ran</em> on seeing the ghost</p>

Ordered List: A list where the "order" (numbering/rank) matters, the output will have numbers for each item.


Unordered List: A list where the "order" (numbering/rank) DOESN'T matter, the output will have bullet
points for each item.


Image Element: It is used to load an image.

<img src="cat.jpg"></img>

Anchor Element: It is used to link (anchor) an HTML page with another HTML page. The Anchor element is
the "Hyper" of Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), meaning you can jump from one page to another
just by clicking links.

<a href="some-page.html">Click Here</a>

Attributes of HTML Tags

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Every HTML tag has various attributes, they are of this format-

<ram age="25" weight="70"></ram>

Here <ram></ram> is a tag, age and weight are its attributes with their respective values.
This <ram></ram> tag is just an example to explain attributes of HTML Tags, in reality there is no such tag
in HTML.
You've used the below HTML Tags with attributes-

<img src="cat.jpg"></img>

Here the <img> tag has an attribute src with the value cat.jpg

<a href="some-page.html">Click Here</a>

Here the <a> tag has an attribute href with the value some-page.html
Nesting HTML Tags
You can nest (put one inside another) one HTML Tag within another like this-

<strong><em>India</em></strong> is my <em>country</em>

Another example-

<a href="second.html"><img src="cat.jpeg"></img></a>

Remember to close the tags properly, the inside one is closed first and then you move outside closing the
others on the way.


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