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Colegio Roberto Matta

3rd grade of Elementary School

1st Conditional - Reading

Name: ______________________________________________________ Date: _________________
Activity 1
A. Before you read, answer the questions below.
➔ Do you grow vegetables at home?
➔ What are your most and least favorite vegetables?
➔ How many different types of vegetables do you eat in a meal?

B. Read the text and find 4 different examples of first conditional sentences.
➔ _____________________________________________________________________________
➔ _____________________________________________________________________________
➔ _____________________________________________________________________________
➔ _____________________________________________________________________________

Activity 2
A. Choose the correct answer.

1. Some people worry that there… for everyone. 3. The plants in “living towers” will be….
a. isn’t enough food a. electronic.
b. won’t be enough food b. carefully controlled.
c. will be too much food c. perfect.
d. aren’t enough cities e. aren’t enough d. free for everyone.
apartments. e. Recycled.
2. There won’t be … in “living towers”. 4. Everyone agrees we will probably need to…
a. shops a. change the way we grow food.
b. apartments b. grow different kinds of food.
c. offices c. grow all our food in cities.
d. direct sunlight d. grow all our food in the countryside.
e. free food e. eat more fresh food.
Colegio Roberto Matta
3rd grade of Elementary School

B. Read the text again. Answer the questions with complete sentences.

1) What do people think will happen if we continue to grow food in the same way?
2) What will be on the first floor of the “living tower”?
3) What are two examples of the food that people will grow in the tower?
4) In Jason Goldsmith’s opinion, how will “living towers” help the environment?
5) Why do other people disagree with Jason Goldsmith?
6) What do other people think is the best solution?
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believe that . I
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really help
environment. the

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