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Coding Challenge Day 1 (Week 1)

# Todo Manager Sprint 1

## Problem Statement
Todo Manager is an application, which can Manage our Tasks and keep track of our Tasks. In
the course of 3 week, we will be creating a Todo manager.

## User Stories:-
1. As a user I should be able to print my name on the screen
2. As a user I should be able to list at least 5 tasks for the day.
3. As a user I should be able to see all the tasks in increasing and decreasing order.
4. As a user I should be able to see the repeated tasks.

## Instructions:-
1. Please use simple system.out.println to print the name
2. Please use simple variables to store all tasks
3. Please use simple if else to arrange the task in an order
4. Please use if else to check the repeated tasks
5. Estimated completion time of the challenge will be 2hr.
6. Make sure you're uploading the code on Olympus.

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