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<b> </b> :- Bold tag use to bold an element

<p></p> :- paragraph element, creates a block element
<h1>_ _ _<h6> :- heading tag used to give heading
<!DOCTYPE>:- specifies the document type to be html
<html></html>:- specifies the document to be of html type
<head> </head>:- specifies things that relate to the page
<title> </title> :- It gives the name to be displayed on the title
<body> </body>:- All the things that is displayed on the page
comes here
<ol></ol>:- ordered list
<ul></ul>:-unordered list
<li></li>:- list item
Under ol or ul only li,script and template item can come
<a></a>:- anchor tag used to create hyperlink
<img>:- to add image, it has 2 main attributes
1. Src :- source attribute defines the location of the image
2. Alt:- it gives text if image isn’t loaded also it gives screen
reader wordings to say whenever it encounters image
<div></div>:- Used to create block elements used for styling
in CSS whenever we need different elements to style
<span></span>:- Used for creating inline styling in the CSS
<br>:- break line element
<hr>:- horizontal rule element
<sub></sub>:- used to create subscript
<sup></sup>:- used to create superscript
Entity codes:- These are the special code reserved for some
special characters like < > & with more
Semantic Elements:- Helps us to shape the web page
1. <main></main>:- main content of page
2. <nav></nav>:- used on navigation link
3. <section></section>:- used on section of content
4. <article></article>:- used on article content
5. <aside></aside>:- used on contents that appear on side
6. <header></header>:- used to create a header, can also
be used in other elements like article
7. <footer></footer>:- used to create a footer, same as ab..
8. <time></time>:-used with attribute datetime to give
format, it is used when content contains date and time
9. <figure></figure>:- it is used around the image tag and
contains attribute figurecaption to give a caption
<table></table>:- Use to create a tabular data in html
<th></th>:- Table heading
<tr></tr>:- Table row
<td></td>:- Table data
<thead></thead>:- used to create header section of table
<tbody></tbody>:- used to create main section of table
<tfoot></tfoot>:- used to create footer section of table
Colspan attribute:- Used to stretch a cell across colemns
Rowspan attribute:- Used to stretch a cell across rows
<form></form>: Used to create a form
Action attribute: Gives us the location where we need to
send our http request for the website
<input>: used inside form element to create a box where we
can type our inputs
Type attribute: Defines the type of input that input elements
takes. There are about 20 types of values. Can be accessed
<label></label>: used to link input and text for which the
input is
For attribute is used in label and id element is used in input
element to link them, both of them should contain the same
name .
<button></button>: Used to create a button
Type attribute defines the type of button it should be
Eg type=”Buttons” will give us a regular button
Type=”Submit” will create a submit button
Name attribute of input type assigns a name to the input
type which is then send to the request.
Input type=”Checkbox”, it can select multiple options,
information send in the browser , checked to describe default
checked box
Input type=”radio”, it can select only one option out of many
and to group them into one field we set name same for all
the fields value attribute is used to give the value that is
passed after submitting the form
<Select></select>: used to give a dropdown box
<option>:used to give option in dropdown box, value
attribute is same as radio buttons.
Input type=”range” used to give us a slider, max and min
attributes can be selected to give us the maximum and
minimum amount
Step attribute can be used to give us the count by which it
should increment
<textarea> used to give multiline input, used rows and cols
can be used to give the initial lines to the system.
Required attribute makes it mandatory to fill the input
Maxlength minlength is used for text
Max min is used for numbers
Pattern attribute is used to fix a pattern i.e a certain pattern
should be followed

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