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en17e, 10-6 PM Chris Kott polinator Posts: 3844 Location: Marmora, Ontario 568 #3 Die Laura Jean Wilde Posts: 86 Location: LAKE HURON ‘SOUTHERN SHORE 3 ‘wepsipreniascom/¥12644loos permacultt design-comses ‘he costofpernacuitue design coses (guat whit orth forum at permis) stay an extra day to pick my brain and/or do more hands on work of their choice. http://www. Zone 5a in Central Ontario, Canada posted 10 years ago em oa Ge d= Travis, please let me know when you will be offering your course, as 1 ‘would definitely be interested, If may be so bold as to suggest, I for one ‘would find it much easier to commit to a series of weekend workshops, but I do also recognise the value and general benefit of having a retreat-like atmosphere and solid chunk of time away from everything else in which to acclimatise to, absorb and digest the material. 'm probably dreaming here, but what would make sense to me would be for you to use something like a WOFATI barn project as the focus for your Permie Primer Course, ‘something that could easily shelter large numbers of students in a pinch, and whatever type of outhouse project would suit your particular situation, ‘That would make it much easier to host PDCs. I can only speak for myself, but I would contribute to a fund to bring Paul Wheaton to do a PDC in Ontario if he'd be willing (not to sound like a profiteer, but I would want it ‘set up so that contributors would see their contributions returned, with Interest corresponding to the success of the project as incentive), but I suspect that we'd need to do something like a weekend lecture series suited to large numbers (Paul has said repeatedly that he sets his target at reaching a thousand people a day), with a core of permies doing a two- week PDC and staying on site and providing video and photo material for the weekend lectures. Even if he weren't interested personally, I would think Paul would know who to go to. I think, though, that he could accumulate enough material for podcasts and video to fuel his site for years just doing a PDC once in a while. Sorry, I ramble. I hope any of it was useful ck ‘Ahuman being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher ahog, conna ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program 3 omputer, cooks tasty mea fight efcent, de gallantly. Specializations for insects, Robert A. Heinlein posted 10 years ago es a G&D oss To Travis I don't think that ($55) is at all out of line for an introductory course. I recently attended a fairly good introductory course and it was $80 pp. Speaking from my own experience though, had to hagle to geta discount for my husband, who is ust as keen as Lam on rnc a) is this scenario that frustrates me when assessing PDC's want to attend, As for costs I think if were going to do this myself, would 13

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