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Choose the correct answers:
1. Factories will be run largely by robots and offices will go electronic with the result that paper will
disappear _______.
a. Totally b. completely c. definitely d. absolutely
2. Ursula does not go to work; She works at home at computers ________ a head office.
a. Attached to b. combined with c. assembled to d. linked to
3. All the runners had to start again because some of them had ________ a false start.
a. got b. taken c. put d. made
4. Many cars now are _______ with modern alarms and computers.
a. fixed b. filled c. fitted d. fetched
5. The government has ________ appropriate policies to encourage farmers to work more efficiently.
a. taken into action b. put in force c. made allowances for d. brought into use
6. You are expected to dress _______ and formally for an interview.
a. neatly b. comfortably c. responsibly d. tidily
7. I’ll _______ down the phone number before I forget it.
a. make b. get c. hand d. jot
8. The teacher no less than his colleagues _______ having a difficult time at the moment.
a. is b. are c. was d. were
9. Annette wanted to read the letter _______ .
a. to which I had written b. that had written by me c. I had written d. which I have written
10. I’d rather ________ until Jill comes back. Let’s go home.
a. not to wait b. not wait c. have not waited d. I didn’t wait
11. I _______ him the truth, for he is telling it to everyone else.
a. mustn’t have told b. can’t have told c. shouldn’t have told d. shouldn’t to tell
12. The room was too small and I felt as if I ______ in a lift.
a. were b. am c. had been d. would be
13. I suggest the room _________ before Christmas.
a. is decorated b. were decorated c. should decorate d. be decorated
14. What are you ________ at? Can you make it clearer?
a. making b. putting c. taking d. getting

Choose the word whose stress is different:

15. a. initial b. inherit c. occurrence d. occupied
16. a. obstacle b. intolerable c. possess d. secure
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently:
17. a. control b. collect c. cover d. consult
18. a. synchronize b. psychology c. mythology d. lyrics
Identify the mistake in each of the following sentences:
19. Although Kate saw (A) no link among (B) the two crimes, she thought (C) that there was only one (D)
20. Young babies (A) prefer the (B) smell of milk to those (C) of other liquids (D).
21. The roles of people in society (A) have changed, and so are (B) the rules of conduct (C) in certain (D)

Choose the answer which is similar in meaning to the underlined part:

22. The children like programs which can cater for their taste. They are not fascinated by news bulletins.
a. reflect b. improve c. refer to d. meet
23. The bus was crammed with students who were making for the central park where the festival would take
a. packed b. stuffy c. sparse d. reserved

Choose the answer which is opposite in meaning to the underlined part:

24. When abroad, it is advisable to carry your passport at all times.
a. recommended b. indispensable c. optional d. unnecessary
25. It is said that the pen is mightier than the sword in the non-violence struggle for something.
a. stronger b. less powerful c. more noticeable d. less lethal

Choose the correct answer to complete the passage:

Good press photographers must have an eye for news, just as journalists must have a nose for good story.
They must be able to (26)_____ a story and decide rapidly how they can take (27)_______ of the best
opportunities to take pictures. The most difficult part of a press photographer’s job is that he or she has to be
able to (28)________ a complicated situation with just one photograph. They rarely have second chances and
must be able to take the required (29)_____ very quickly. Indeed speed is essential – if the photographs are
not ready for the printing deadline, they are very unlikely to be of any (30)____. Most press photographers
begin work with a local newspaper. There, the demand is mostly for material of regional interest.
Photographers may be expected to photograph a lot of unexciting events but to (31)___ the enthusiasm to put
something special into every picture.
26. a. transfer b. interpret c. bring d. invent
27. a. profit b. benefit c. advantage d. gain
28. a. sum up b. draw up c. put out d. turn out
29. a. image b. shot c. scene d. illustration
30. a. role b. achievement c. employment d. use
31. a. hold on b. stay up c. keep up d. carry on

Read the following passage and answer the questions :

Research has indicated that dyslexia has biological origin, and most investigators now suspect that
dyslexic children read poorly as a result of highly specific language problem, sometimes called “phonological
unawareness” . Dyslexic children cannot easily learn to read because they have trouble associating printed letters
with the sounds of speech. A similar problem occurs in congenitally deaf people who have mastered the linguistic
complexities and subtleties of sign language but have trouble learning to read .
Evidence also exists suggesting that the root cause for much dyslexia is a problem with processing very
rapidly changing sensory stimuli. For example, studies have shown that dyslexic children have trouble making
accurate distinctions between similar auditory signals. They often cannot hear the difference between speech
sounds such as “pah” , “dah” , and “bah” . Recently, diferences have been noted between the visual pathways
of dyslexics and those of nondyslexics that suggest a comparable problem with fast-changing visual stimuli.
Researchers have also found several other neuroanatomical abnormalities in the temporal lobe and in other
areas of the brain. All of these studies are extremely valuable in helping researchers understand the mechanisms
underlying reading problems so that dyslexic children can be accurately identified and more efficiently helped.

32. What is the main purpose of the passage?

a. to change current ideas about dyslexia.
b. to explore the causes of dyslexia.
c. to distinguish between dyslexia and congenital deafness.
d. to cite examples of dyslexic behaviors.
33. According to the passage, “phonological unawareness” means
a. trouble with hearing and sensory stimuli.
b. inability to distinguish between auditory signals.
c. problems associating printed letters and sounds.
d. abnormalities in the temporal lobe.
34. Where are neuroanatomical abnormalities located?
a. visual stimuli b. visual pathways c. temporal lobe d. mechanism
35. The author compares the problems of dyslexic children with _______.
a. dyslexic adults
b. the subtleties of sign language
c. the visual pathways of other dyslexics
d. the problems of congenitally deaf people
36. What can be concluded from the visual pathways of dyslexics and those of nondyslexics
a. they are the same b. they are similar in one detail c. they are different d. they cannot be compared
37. What is not true about Dyslexic children?
a. they master linguistic complexities.
b. they have difficulty in reading.
c. they have trouble making accurate distinctions between similar auditory signals.
d. they need help
38. The word underlying means:
a. reasoning b. being the cause of c. hiding d. being the example of

A pioneering study by Donald Appleyard made the astounding discovery that a sudden increase in the
volume of traffic through an area affects people in the way that a sudden increase in crime does. Appleyard
observed this by finding three blocks of houses in San Francisco that looked much alike and had the same kind
of middle-class and working-class residents, with approximately the same ethnic mix. The difference was that
only 2,000 cars a day ran down Octavia Street (LIGHT street, in Appleyard’s terminology) while Gough Street
(MEDIUM street) was used by 8,000 cars daily, and Franklin Street (HEAVY street) had around 16,000 cars a
day. Franklin Street often had as many cars in an hour as Octavia had in a day.
Heavy traffic brought with it danger, noise, fumes and soot, directly, and trash secondarily. That is, the cars
didn’t bring in much trash, but when trash accumulated, residents seldom picked it up. The cars, Appleyard
determined, reduced the amount of territory residents felt responsible for. Noise was a constant intrusion into
their homes. Many Franklin Street residents covered their doors and windows and spent most of their time in
the rear of their houses. Most families with children had already left.
Conditions on Octavia Street were much different. Residents picked up trash. They sat on their front steps
and chatted with neighbors. They had three times as many friends and twice as many acquaintances as the
people on Franklin.
On Gough Street, residents said that the old feeling of community was disappearing as traffic increased.
People were becoming more and more preoccupied with their own lives. A number of families had recently
moved and more were considering. Those who were staying expressed deep regret at the destruction of their

39. The word “astounding” in line 1 is closest in meaning to __________.

a. startling b. disappointing c. dubious d. alternative
40. The three streets mentioned in this passage are different in that __________.
a. they are in different cities b. the residents are of different ethnic backgrounds.
c. they have varying amounts of traffic. d. the income levels of the residents vary considerably.
41. All of the following are direct results of heavy traffic EXCEPT __________.
a. increased amount of trash b. greater danger to residents
c. more pollution d. more vibrations
42. The author’s main purpose in the second paragraph is to __________.
a. discuss the problem of trash disposal b. point out the disadvantage of heavy traffic
c. propose an alternate system of transportation d. suggest ways to cope with traffic problems
43. On which street was there the most social interaction?
a. Octavia street b. Gough street
c. Franklin street d. there was no significance social interaction on any of the three streets
44. Which of the following is not a statement you would expect from a resident of Gough street?
a. people on this street are unhappy because the neighborhood is deteriorating.
b. people on this street think mostly of themselves.
c. people on this street have more and more space for which they feel responsible.
d. a number of people are preparing to leave this street.
45. What is the writer’s attitude toward heavy traffic when he mentions the Appleyard’s study?
a. neutral b. favorable c. critical d. doubtful

Choose the sentence which is similar in meaning to the given sentence:

46. Neither of the hotels are worth living in.
A. One of the hotel is not good enough to live in.
B. Either of the hotels is worth living in.
C. All of the hotels are not good to live in
D. The two hotels are not good enough to live in
47. The sales figures were not good enough, and the manger became irritated.
A. If the sales figures had been better, the manager would not have been irritated.
B. The manager got angry because of the bad sales figures.
C. Although the sales figures were good, the manager became annoyed.
D. How annoyed the manager was depended on how bad the sale figures were.
48. You should not use the lift when there is a fire.
A. In case of fire, don’t use the lift.
B. Lift is forbidden because it is on fire.
C. The lift on fire should be used.
D. The fire should prevent somebody from using the lift.
49. Tommy acts as if he knew everything.
A. Tommy knew everything, so he acts this way.
B. The way Tommy acts shows that he knows everything.
C. Tommy would act like that if he knew everything.
D. Tommy doesn’t know everything, but he appears he does.
50. The boy came down with flu. The boy had to stay in.
A. The boy who got flu could not go out.
B. The boy had flu, though he stayed in.
C. Because the boy wanted to stay in, he pretended to have flu.
D. The boy coming down with flu did not stay in.

Choose the correct answers:
1. As a winner, Nina was ______ a set of CDs for studying English.
a. presented b. rewarded c. welcomed d. provided
2. Women in different parts of the world have gained _______ legal rights.
a. magnificent b. splendid c. spectacular d. significant
3. Native Americans were forced to live in _________.
a. reservations b. preservations c. reserves d. conservations
4. ______ decoration in the restaurant provides us with good appetite.
a. tasty b. tasteful c. tasteless d. tasting
5. When Rita saw me in the crowd, she just gave me a _______ nod.
a. mild b. slight c. light d. minor
6. ‘I’ve just lost my car’ “ _________”
a. Oh, believe it or not b. Really? Now you say it
c. Oh, I am so sorry to hear about that d. Don’t worry! It’ll be OK soon.
7. The new policy is to _______ the rate of development in banking.
a. promote b. push c. send up d. grow
8. The pioneer thinkers advocated that women should not be discriminated ________ their sex.
a. within b. on the basis of c. in answer to d. in the field of
9. The red List has been introduced to _______ people’s awareness of conservation needs.
a. wake b. trigger c. raise d. derive
10. Species extinction is caused by habitat destruction, commercial ______ , and pollution.
a. exploitation b. expedition c. urbanization d. diversion
11. - You must be Carla’s sister. Nice to meet you. - ________.
a. I am, too b. So I am. I’m glad c. What do you do? d. Me, too
12. I _______ in the gym almost every two days.
a. take up b. do over c. work out d. put out
13. It was too late; the policeman had _______ my car number.
a. copied out b. put down c. made up d. pulled in
14. Speak slowly _______ everybody can understand you.
a. so as to b. seeing that c. such that d. so that

Choose the answer which is similar in meaning to the underlined part:

15. The children can’t do without a nap in such hot weather.
a. endure not having b. feel well c. suffer d. wait for
16. He bought the warehouse with an eye to converting it into a hotel.
a. looking at b. in view of c. with a view to d. regardless of
Choose the answer which is opposite in meaning to the underlined part:
17. The members of the committee are very supportive of one another.
a. unfrank to b. agreeable to c. opposing to d. reliant on
18. We all marvelled at his boldness in the rescue of the victims.
a. bravery b. hesitation c. prudence d. cowardice

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently:

19. a. unity b. university c. unattended d. unanimous
20. a. feast b. beat c. deplete d. critic
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different:
21. a. employment b. uniform c. applicant d. television
22. a. contestant b. reconcile c. prosecute d. mineral
Identify the mistake in each of the following sentences:
23. Today the number of people who(A) enjoy winter sports (B) are (C) almost double of that (D) of
twenty years ago.
24. Voyager 2 is a spacecraft which (A) has greatly (B) expanded us (C) knowledge of (D) the solar system.
25. The smallest things (A) in universe (B) are, paradoxically, explored (C) by the (D) largest machines.

Read the following passage and choose the correct answers:

Fog is a cloud in contact with or just above the surface of land or sea. It can be a major environmental hazard.
Fog on highways can cause chain-reaction accidents involving dozens of cars. Delays and shutdowns at airports
can cause economic losses to airlines and inconveniences to thousands of travelers. Fog at sea has always been
a danger to navigation. Today, with supertankers carrying vast quantities of oil, fog increases the possibility of
catastrophic oil spills.
The most common type of fog, radiation fog, forms at night, when moist air near the ground loses warmth
through radiation on a clear night. This type of fog often occurs in valleys, such as California’s San Joaquin
Valley. Another common type, advection fog, results from the movement of warm, wet air over cold ground.
The air loses temperature to the ground and condensation sets in. This type of fog often occurs along the
California coast and the shores of the Great Lakes. Advection fog also forms when air associated with a warm
ocean current blows across the surface of a cold current. The thick fogs of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland,
Canada, are largely of this origin, because here the Labrador Current comes in contact with the warm Gulf
Two other types of fog are somewhat more unusual. Frontal fog occurs when two fronts of different
temperatures meet, and rain from the warm front falls into the colder one, saturating the air. Steam fog
appears when cold air picks up moisture by moving other warmer water.

26. The first paragraph focuses on which aspect of fog?

a. its dangers b. its composition c. its beauty d. its causes
27. The word ‘catastrophic ‘is closest in meaning to:
a. accidental b. inevitable c. unexpected d. disastrous
28. It can be inferred from the passage that the Labrador Current is
a. cold b. weak c. polluted d. warm
29. The author organizes the discussion of the different types of fog according to
a. their geographic locations b. their relative density
c. the types of problems they cause d. their relative frequency
30. The author of the passage is probably an expert in the field of
a. physics b. economics c. transportation d. meteorology
31. According to the article, fog that forms through radiation process of moist air is generally
a. radiation fog b. advection fog c. frontal fog d. steam fog
32. Which is not true of the frontal fog?
a. It is quite common b. It forms when two fronts of different temperatures meet
c. The air is soaked d. The warm front has rain falling into the colder front

Amy Tan, the American-born daughter of Chinese immigrants, received the Commonwealth Club Gold Award in
1989 for her first work of fiction, the best-selling Joy Luck Club. The sixteen interrelated stories that constitute
the work alternate between the tales of four Chinese immigrant mothers and their Americanized daughters, in
an exploration of the generational and cultural tensions experienced by many first-generation daughters of
Tan’s parents, like many immigrants, had high expectations for their children and often set confusing standards,
expecting Amy and her two brothers to think like Chinese but to speak perfect English, excel academically, and
take advantage of every circumstance that might lead to success. Tan, however, rebelled against her parents’
expectations, which included such exalted professions as neurosurgery, and devoted herself to being
thoroughly American and dreaming of being a fiction writer.
Tan obtained a bachelor’s degree in English and linguistics and a master’s degree in linguistics and eventually
established herself as a highly successful business writer. Tan, however, was not satisfied despite her material
success. Turning to her life-long dream, she wrote her first short story, Endgame, and then a second, Waiting
Between The Trees. In 1987 Tan visited her half-sisters in China with her mother, a trip that proved to be a
turning point in her life and career. Tan felt a sense of completeness, a bonding with the country and its culture
that she had never expected. Returning from China, Tan was surprised to learn that on the strength of her short
stories she had received an advance from a publisher. Tan closed her business and wrote the remaining stories
for the Joy Luck Club. It was a resounding success, well received by the critics and appearing on the New York
Times bestseller list. It has been translated into 17 languages, including Chinese, and was made into a movie in

33. What is the author’s main purpose in this passage?

a. to analyze Amy Tan’s literary works.
b. to support Amy Tan’s decision to become a fiction writer
c. to present biographical information about Amy Tan
d. to criticize Amy Tan’s rebellion against her parents
34. According to the passage, Amy Tan’s visit to China
a. was disappointing b. had a profound effect on her
c. was not surprising in the least d. was a trip she had always dreamed of
35. The words ‘the work’ refer to
a. stories b. writing c. Commonwealth Club Gold Award d. Joy Luck Club
36. Before becoming a fiction writer, Amy Tan was a successful
a. business writer b. publisher c. English teacher d. neurosurgeon
37. The expectations of Tan’s parents included all of the following except
a. Excelling academically b. speaking perfect English
c. questioning tradition d. choosing an important profession
38. It can be inferred from the passage that
a. Tan’s parents understood her dilemma but wanted the best for her.
b. It took Tan a while to summon the courage to pursue her dream.
c. Tan started writing fiction in order to make more money.
d. Tan had always wanted to return to China.
39. The word “exalted” means
a. highly respected b. very difficult c. common d. established
40. It can be concluded from the passage that
a. Parents don’t know what’s best for their children.
b. Tan did not use personal experience in her writing.
c. Tan made the right decision when she closed her business.
d. Tan always knew she was Chinese foremost.

Choose the sentence which is similar in meaning to the given one:

41. Unlike her friends, Kate prefers an independent life.
A. Kate’s friends all love an independent life, but she does not.
B. Kate is the only one of my friends that prefers an independent life.
C. Kate prefers an independent life because all of her friends do.
D. All of Kate’s friends do not like an independent life, but Kate is different.
42. He last heard from his secondary school friends five years ago.
A. It was five years ago that he last heard from his secondary school friends.
B. It has been five years since he could not hear from his secondary school friends.
C. He has heard from his secondary school friends for the last five years.
D. Five years passed before he could hear from his secondary school friends
43. Sue could hardly found her seat because it was too dark there.
A. Because it was too dark there, Sue found her seat with difficulty.
B. The seat was too dark for Sue to find it.
C. Sue could not find her seat because of the darkness there.
D. Although it was dark there, Sue could find her seat.
44. What you suggested to the teacher was out of the question.
A. Your suggestion to the teacher is not an appropriate question.
B. It was impossible to suggest to the teacher what was not a question.
C. The question was that you could not suggest to the teacher.
D. Your suggestion to the teacher was impossible.
45. By the time the festival ended, we had received 5,000 visitors.
A. Five thousand visitors came to the festival before it ended.
B. The ending of the festival could attract 5,000 visitors.
C. The festival ended, but there were still 5,000 more visitors.
D. Five thousand visitors came to end the festival.

Choose the best words or phrases to fill in the blanks

Daffodils are constantly recurring flowers with at least 50 species and many hybrids. (46)_____ climate is
moderate, Daffodils flourish among the first spring buds. Daffodils often (47)_____ in clusters. Daffodils are
native mainly (48)____ the Mediterranean region, in particular to the Iberian Peninsula, as well as Northern
Africa and the Middle East.
In addition to the species, the Daffodil Data Bank lists over 13,000 hybrids. Generally Daffodils are yellow, and
(49)______ from yellow-and-white, yellow-and-orange, white-and-orange, pink, and lime-green.
All Daffodils have a corona in the center that looks like a trumpet and a ring of petals all around. The natural
Daffodil is colored golden yellow all over (50)_____ the trumpet may often appear in a contrasting color.
40. A. Where B. When C. Why D. Whether
41. A. blossom B. boost C. sprout D. bloom
42. A. for B. at C. to D. within
43. A. range B. extend C. stretch D. consist
44. A. because B. then C. while D. as

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