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Long question
1. 45 years, c/o excess menstrual bleeding, DD, investigations, management.
2. 60 years , post menopausal bleeding, DD, Investigations, management.
3. 55 years , mass descending p/v , DD, investigations, management.
4. 45 years, post coital bleeding, DD, staging of CA cervix, cancer cervix 1B ,
investigations, management.
5. Define PID , aetiology , investigations, complications, management of chronic PID.
6. Squamous columnar junction pathogenesis CIN – management.
7. Pelvic organ prolapse staging, Etiology, management.
8. Etiopathogenesis, clinical features, investigations, management stage 1 endometrial
9. AUB- Classification, management
10. Cancer cervix stage 1B2, diagnosis, management.
11. Clinical features, diagnosis and management of pelvic endometriosis
12. Clinical features , complications, medical and surgical management of fibroid uterus
13. Causes of anovulation, tests of anovulation management.
14. 65 year old , mass abdomen for evaluation, management of ovarian malignancy.
15. Etiopathogenesis and management of PID.
16. 52 years, post menopausal bleeding p/v for 3 weeks, how will you evaluate and
management of CA endometrium
17. Role of Pap smear in screening of cancer cervix, management of CA cervix
18. Pre malignant lesions of cervix , management of early cancer cervix m stage 1A
19. Aetiology and management of endometriosis
20. 30 year old, married for 4 years , diagnosed as PCOD, etiology, symptoms ,
management, long term complications.

Short notes
1. Medical management of ectopic pregnancy
2. Supports of uterus
3. Dysgerminoma
4. Lymphatic drainage of genital tract
5. Submucosal fibroid
6. Medical management of AUB
7. Red degeneration of fibroid
8. PAP smear
9. Colposcopy
10. Bacterial vaginitis
11. Tubal patency test
12. Imperforated hymen
13. Metropathica hemorrhagica
14. Dermoid cyst ( benign cystic teratoma)
15. Chocolate cyst
16. Perineal body
17. Asherman syndrome
18. Nulliparous prolapse
19. Pessary
20. OC pills
21. Barrier contraception
22. Emergency contraception
23. Puberty menorrhagia
24. Non contraceptive benefits of OCP
25. Testicular feminization syndrome
26. Hysteroscopy
27. Pyometra
28. Laparoscopy
29. Ovarian cyst complications
30. Emergency contraceptive
31. Nulliparous prolapse
32. Follow up of vesicular mole
33. Chemotherapy of ovarian CA
34. Staging laparotomy – ovarian cancer
35. Vault prolapse
36. Semen analysis
37. Cervical fibroid
38. Red degeneration
39. Hydrosalphinx
40. Trichomonas vaginitis
41. Mini pill
42. Tumour markers
44. Uterine polyp and management
45. Mini laparotomy
46. Chronic inversion of uterus
47. MTP act
48. Tests for ovulation
49. Missing copper T
50. Krukenbergs tumour
51. First trimester MTP
52. Bartholin cyst
53. Ovarian Hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)
54. Second trimester MTP
55. Investigations of male infertility
56. Turner’s syndrome
57. Adenomyosis
58. Risk factors of endometriosis Medical management
59. Risk factors of endometrial hyperplasia
60. Menopause- management
61. Endometrial ablation
62. Germ cell tumours ovary
63. IUI
64. Mirena
65. CIN – diagnosis and management
66. Post menopausal bleeding causes
67. LEEP (loop electro surgical excision procedure)
68. Embryo transfer
69. Saline Infusion Sonogram (SIS)
70. AMH
72. Chronic pelvic pain
73. Cryptomennorhoea
74. Premenstrual syndrome
75. SERM
76. HPV vaccine
77. Pyometra
78. Senile vaginitis
79. Tubo ovarian mass
80. Myomectomy
81. RT in Gynaecology
82. Endometrial hyperplasia
83. Leucorrhoea
84. STEM cell bank
85. Vault prolapse
86. PCOD
87. PCOS

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