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REACHING SCIENCE TO WOMEN Naas Impact of Science and Technology on Women suthere is a need for more dialogues and collaborations between the physical scientists and social scientists to be able to unravel the ‘complexities of women in science and technology in India. It is equally important {for the STI agenda to move beyond women in science to science for women to reach STI to vast majority ‘of women in society It is through this symbiotic relationship between science and society through equitable participation that can realize ‘the dream of reaching science to women in India thas become imperative fora developing county ike India thatthe pace f development needs to be commensurate with the growth and development inthe field of science and technology. In thisnew seenaro, characterised by modernisation and industrialisation, the advantage of @ nation largely rests on the ‘competitive advantage it can have particulary int sblitytoreconigure Knowledge. While most counties rely on technological imovation as tap important strategy to get abead ofthe rest, the concems of women and the poor who constitute the vast majority of the population is often forgoten, Bringing women and the oor to the forefront of the S&T policy isa challenge. In other words, {nthe journey of competitive sience how ean India be more inclusive? ‘Women and S&T Policies in India The National policies on Science and Technology in India have, over the decades, made shifts 10 engage with science technology and innovation as reflected in the more recent Science Technology and Innovation Policy of 2013. Earlier, India’s Policy Resolution of 1958 sssumed that technology would fw and be the logical nex step from these Scientific institutions! establishment, Anitha Kurup ‘To provide the much needed flip to technology, Indie introduced the Technology Policy statement in 1983 witha focus on technological competence and self-reliance A review of progress of the carlier policies of S&T in India Indicates that there was a need fora synergy between science technology land innovation to make impressive Strides towards progress in society ‘Though science and technology have historically excluded women, itwas hoped that, withthe addition of innovation, there would be treater participation of the under priviledged and women in general Innovation i the Indian context has had a more equitable participation ofthe poor sad women, which is ‘Musrated through the several rural innovations documented by the ‘National Innovation Foundation. And ‘hiss ony the tip ofthe ieberg, in sn ancient county like ours which ‘hss historically been engaged in innovation based on traditional knowledge. The current Science Technology and Innovation Policy of 2013 has the potential to expand Pastcpation in science andteshinoloay to every section of society. More importantly, the poliey emphasis the need to integrate programmes ofthe socio-economic sectors with esearch and development to address national problems. The mention of women for ‘Tie autor is Dean and Proto, Shoo of Sia Sinees Head te Education rogranae a be Nabeul nsec oT AGvanse0 Stas Indian Instn of Sense Campus, Bengal, 6 YOIANA December 2016 the fist time inthe S&T poicy of India has ben trough shor section on gender pity, The focus of this section bas Been on the importance Gf increasing the partiiption of Women in ST activities, thus on ‘women STI professionals White this tsa ec wep to lnk science ‘ith society and more iprsaaly ‘women in society stdoes ot adress (hough itcan iti wants) the aceds ‘fmilions of women who constite the vast majority of eu society Having said this, itisimportant to recognise that the eueent STI policy ‘pens two windows tallow science ‘and tecanology to impact women. While the fist isto build bridges between science and technology with socio-economic sectors and address national problems: the second is through an increased and ‘eal participation of Women S&T professional to shape the research agenda of tie country. ‘The advancement of scence and technology has been largely pre- occupies with increased resources for RED and make India globally competitive, In this journey, very often the priorities of STY are in consonance with global needs and often relegate the local and ational needs tothe background Science, Technology and Women [eis interesting to note that the caier discussions in India regarding Science and technology on one hand fd women on the other has been ‘onstrsted post independence inthe domain of the previledged sections of society reflected by the English Speaking, upper castesiclass, men in urban areas predominantly. Thus, the earlier imerface of science and technology with women was in the form of reepiens of development. The previleged mea from predominantly urban backgrounds ‘were the benefactors Inan attempt to reach out fo the vast majority ofthe population predominantly the lower fastes/classes; rural; and women YOIANA Devember 2016 cout of formal education system, Scents and technologists focured fon domestic daily needs like low ost efficient uel, drinking water, ‘ficient agricultural equipments to reduce the drudgery of labour, among thers While scence and techoology research in the above areas was pursued only by a miniscule nmber ‘fscientets, the vart majority ofthe S&T professionals were engaged in big. funding projets reflecting the slobal agenda. ‘Women in Science in India Today, the statistics of panicipation of women in science is extremely encouraging with almost ‘qual participation of women in feience courses inthe under gadate and postgraduate levels. India unike ‘most counriesin the west ha ek Pipeline not st the school or college Tevels but at the doctoral level Thus, aso compromise, oly numberof qualified women ssiontists opt fr undor-greduate or schoo evel teaching, while others «campletely drop ut of science. Desitethis, women’spaticipation thigher levels of Science in emured esearch positions has shown litle increase." Women constitte over ‘one-third ofthe total siencepradate and post-graduate degree holders but ‘comprise only between 15-20 percent ofthe tenured faculty across research institations and wniversiis in India (AINSA Report, 2004), Further, the relatively higher representation of ‘women is seen in the low status jobs (e.g. junioe/ ad-hoc faculty, ‘temporary research associates, post- ctora fellows, et.) in science that have ben vacated by men vet thet lower profitability. As Bal (2004) has pointed out, a permanent position withthe ability to undertake research projects with appropriate institutional facilities, advise doctoral students, ‘nd publish is important fora stable carer in science. Since competition to remain and advance in science careers begins at the earliest stage Soon after PRD, it is important for ‘women toesablish themselves during ‘heir early 305 a period that coincides Formos Indian omen with maciape and family commitments. Thus, (Of qualified women scientists opt for undet-graduate or school level teaching, while others completely Arop out ofsience Eventhough theres recognition of this “winding ereer path for women, science poliey makers often ignore the wiligness and ned for women tosty active in esench despite their ler responsibilities. Absence from active esearch through beaks cannot be compensted for at later stage in ‘hehighly competitive environment of science. Therefore policies designed to provide extended maternity breaks or temporary research projects mi actually not address the central problem and may instead work against he interests of women Keeping these factors in mind, a study was conducted by the Indian ‘Academy of Sciences in collaboration ‘wt the National laste of Advanced Studies in order to develop act of recommendations from the actual experiences of and data obtained from women siemss. Acknowledging the diversity among women scientists (Kurup, A, etal 2007), efforts were made to include women who have ‘continued in science a well a those Wo have dropped out Sample and Methodology: A survey was conducted with 568 ‘women scents, of whom 312 were cogaged in science research (WIR); 182 were engaged in postions other than long-term seience research (WNR)? and 74 were noc working (WNW), In addition to representing the diversity among women, another unique aspect of the study was the inclusion of men scientists (161) 283 Evidence from his study suggests that ongaizations play vital role in sfecting women’s careers through 0 Data from the study debunks the ‘common assumption that domestic responsibilities and gender-role fatus of women are responsible for women's drop-out. These ‘sssumptions invoke explanations ‘eed for change atthe societal level for women's poor retention in Science, Instead, the study shoves that these factors can be easily addressed through arevision atthe ‘organizational and policy level The study reveals that despite family and childeare, women work indifferent waystoputintheideally equied number of 6-10 hours pet ay for research. While this may fot be an indicator of quality, the findings convincingly disprove tht smyth that women caanot provide ‘enough ime for work and research sMtermarrage and ehildbich de to family responsibilities. The data reveals that there is 2 largely prevalent perception bby men that women's domestic responsibilities hinder ther ops performance in Science, However, there is 8 lack of recognition ‘svarded to women’s commitment and ability to manage multiple responsibilities, and th utility of organizational provisions inaiding women’s management of eareet tod fai supportive or dsenbling mechaaisns, ‘Women scientists report fexiility in timings to be the most useful ‘organizational provision. This entails starting the workday earlier or ending Inter, depending on one's multiple domestic responsibilities, A high proportion of women have, however, indicated not taking up previous jobs due to organizational factors such as Tong, inflexible hours, no room for professional growth and lack of childcare facilities compared to men. Thus, for women more than men, organizational structures that 0 cease the work atmosphere and help balance family life ae important Prime among the organizational recommendations made in the report is Tor provisions to manage multiple responsibilities ~ such as providing accommodation on campus, transportation, childcare tnd eldercare facilities, ete, While such provisions, where available, are ‘mostly givenon seniority basis, there isaneed to prioritize such options for younger couples between the 30-40, Years age-group since they would be the likely ones ith young chien. ‘A compulsory gender audit with mandatory requirements for ell ‘research institutions, universities gender breakup of students and focuty t all levels needs to be implemented, In addition, there is a need to provide flexibility in timings to help ‘them balance family responsibilities slong with work Flexibility does not imply work ffom home without spending the required hours in the laboratory. Rather, it emphasizes the need t support women's commitment {o put im de mandatory number of hours at work even when children are younger through extension of office hours Further, an important ‘organizational mechanism to retain women would be to introduce mentoring programmes with incentives fr mentors to be accrued during the time of performance appraisals and promotions. Mentors fd role models will be extremely Useful to overcome the general perception among student/parents bli thatthe work-life balance for ‘women in seience may be difficult to achieve, A compulsory gender aut with mandatory requirements for all research institutions, universities ‘and national laboratories to provide depariment-wise gender breakup of students and faculty at all levels ‘needs tobe implemented. Along with this, a Time-bound target Recruiting System (TRS), with an emphasis on ‘increasing the fecruitmeat of women to premier research institutions neds to be implemented. A large number of women in the study (especially those not currently working) have reported ‘not getting ‘the Jb? as reason for not taking up jobs. Critical research studies om ‘seleetion and evaluation procedures that examine factors responsible for the lower numberof recruitment end sdrencemants for ome, 0 pole on the transparency of selection tnd evaluation procedures will be important. YOIANA December 2016 In order to increase job ‘opportunities, exploring venture capital to expand infrastructure in science with possible patenting provisions for entrepreneurs who have invested in the research is enfil. Another option wold he 0 treate entrepreneurial opportunities fn Science and Technology for scientists who have completed a PD in Seience, Engineering or Medicine ‘There isa need for modification of existing schemes for re-entry for women. The study has revealed that a major problem with such schemes is the thort-duration of 3 years, along with delay and lack of efficient renewal process. Tere is a need to develop 8 long-term Scheme of $ years duration that can be renewed periodically based fon performance. Dependence on institutions / guides for obtaining tr continuing such projects needs to be reduced, since these clauses have ed to breaks for many women Instead, it must be made mandatory for all government universities, laboratories and research istittions to allow women scientists in these schemes to undertake research at their institutions. An advisory group, in place ofa single faculty member can be constituted to review work and guide these scientists, in order to ensure their autonomy as well as availability of adequate resource personnel t them, ‘The study showed significant differences in the perceptions of ‘women and men scientists with respect 10 women's retention in science. With men forming the majority in science organizations tnd on important committes, the perception that the problem lies fn the socio-cultural realm would preventthe development af proactive policies that ean address the issue ff women’s lower participation in science. Therefore, for polices to be effective, it is essential to have at least one third representation of YOIANA December 2016 women, The data has shown large difference between WIR, WNR ad WNW, and some ditferences aco age cohorts. Hence, itis extremely Important to implementa system of fotation to represent new members Ibed on meri stone different age ‘groupe who could provide new insights based on ther experiences. ‘The study advocates for gender- neutral provisions that can be availed both by women and men. This is sly, to prevent negative appraisal of women for availing special opportunities and secondly to goalong way insedefining gender roles by providing opportunities Tor men too, to take on multiple responsibilities. An essential requirement for these polices is e periodic review to evaluate the extent to which the recommendations have been implemented, or may require modification, In conclusion, there is a need for more dialogues and collaborations between the physical scientists and social scientist to beable to unravel the complenitis af women in science and technology in India tis equally Important for the STI agenda to move beyond women in scence t0 fcience for women to reach STI to vast majority of women in society. It {snough this symbiotic relationship between science and society through cquitable participation that can realize the dream of reaching science to women in India Bal, V. (2005). Women Scientists in India: Nowhere Near the Glass Ceiling. Current Science: 88(6). pp. 872-378, sumscimar2S2005/872 pif Accessed 12 May, 2010; 8:30 am. Chanana, K. (2007). Globalization, Higher Education and Gender: Changing Subject Choices of Indian Women Studeets. Economic and Political Weohiy:42(2), Pp 590-595, Elgquist-Saltzman, Inga, 1992. Siraight Rods and Winding Teacks Swedish Educational Policy fom « Gender Equality Perspective. In Gonder ond Ecaion (12) pps “Sciense Career for Women An retention in aclenie career” Report published bythe Indian Nacional Science Academy; New Deli (2004), Kurup, Mitreyi , Kanthara B and Godbole.R., (2010). Trained seienic women power: How much are 1 losing and why? Bangalore: IAS. IAS Reseach Report. pf Korop.A., & Mathreyi:R.(2011) ‘Beyond Family and Societal Atitudes to Retain Women in Seienee, Curent Science, vol 100(1) Jan. 2011, 43-48, (conauter) urup, An Fest) Gender, Sience and Technology Education ta India, Te Transforming Science: Femiaist, Perspectives is Indi, V2, New Delhi ‘See Publisher Kurup, A. (2015).Will Mestoring ‘Bridge the Geer Gop In nin Seeee? Ins Physigue Au Canada, 712), Shas A. Kurup, L. Resmi. R ‘Ramaswamy, S. Usle . Bagi, S Rao abd S, Naasinbas (2015) Towards Gender Equity in Physicr io Tndix Initiates, investigations and Question. India County Peer, ICWIP, Waterloo, Cade. Endnotes 1, Refer Ba, 2002; Sense Caer for Women, published by INSA (2004) 2. Refer Eggust Saman, (1992) for explanation of "winding eareer 3 WNRinclaed tose in ndergradaate shoo! level teching, temporary resesch postions chs DST momen ‘ientint chee and conan dinistative poss. The deine om obs ha may equi Wain fehe PAD level. 3 (mai: Meandha@amai com) n

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