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Nama : Herika Yulisa

NPM : 2006614664

Tabel 1 Karakteristik subjek

Data Numerik Age Category dan Time to Hospital

Variabel Mean/Median

45-54 tahun 2,94 ± 1,335

55-64 tahun 2,84 ± 1,303
65-74 tahun 3,02 ± 1,317
75+ tahun 3,34 ± 1,406

Data Kategorik Diabetes dan Surgery

Variabel n (Frekuensi) % (persentase

No 964 92
Yes 84 8
Total 1048 100

None 369 46,9
Carotid 338 42,9
Cerebral 80 10,2
Total 787 100

History of diabetes
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid No 964 92.0 92.0 92.0
Yes 84 8.0 8.0 100.0
Total 1048 100.0 100.0

Post-event preventative surgery

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid None 369 35.2 46.9 46.9
Carotid endarterectomy 338 32.3 42.9 89.8
Cerebral angioplasty 80 7.6 10.2 100.0
Total 787 75.1 100.0
Missing Died in hospital 171 16.3
D.O.A. 90 8.6
Total 261 24.9
Total 1048 100.0

Tabel 2. Hasil uji perbandingan proporsi bivariat antara faktor risiko yang sesuai dengan stroke1

Riwayat Stroke
Total Nilai p OR (lk)95%
Ya Tidak
n (%) n (%)
Diabetes Melitus
Ya 7 (12,5%) 49 (87,5%) 56 (100%) 0,001cs 4,0 (1,6-9,7)
Tidak 25 (3,45) 706 (96,6%) 731 (100%)

Berdasarkan data diatas Diabetes Melitus didapatkan OR > 1 yang menyebabkan penyakit stroke
dengan jumlah penderita diabetes melitus tidak berpengaruh menyebabkan stroke

Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) 95%
Step 1 a
Post-event preventative 14.504 2 .001
Post-event preventative -1.886 .541 12.140 1 .000 .152 .
Post-event preventative -1.830 1.026 3.183 1 .074 .160 .
Constant -2.539 .200 161.317 1 .000 .079
a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: Post-event preventative surgery.

History of diabetes * Stroke between release and 1 month Crosstabulation

Stroke between release and 1
No Yes Total
History of diabetes No Count 706 25 731
% within History of diabetes 96.6% 3.4% 100.0%
Yes Count 49 7 56
% within History of diabetes 87.5% 12.5% 100.0%
Total Count 755 32 787
% within History of diabetes 95.9% 4.1% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Significance (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 10.994 a
1 .001
Continuity Correction b
8.789 1 .003
Likelihood Ratio 7.530 1 .006
Fisher's Exact Test .005 .005
Linear-by-Linear Association 10.980 1 .001
N of Valid Cases 787
a. 1 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2.28.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Risk Estimate
95% Confidence Interval
Value Lower Upper
Odds Ratio for History of 4.034 1.662 9.792
diabetes (No / Yes)
For cohort Stroke between 1.104 .999 1.220
release and 1 month = No
For cohort Stroke between .274 .124 .605
release and 1 month = Yes
N of Valid Cases 787

Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) Lowe
Step 1 a
Age category 3.778 3 .286
Age category(1) 1.005 .652 2.372 1 .123 2.732 .
Age category(2) 1.266 .655 3.739 1 .053 3.546 .
Age category(3) .885 .841 1.107 1 .293 2.423 .
Time to hospital .290 .137 4.482 1 .034 1.337 1.
Post-event preventative -1.498 .436 11.838 1 .001 .223 .
Constant -4.396 .742 35.138 1 .000 .012
a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: Age category, Time to hospital, Post-event preventative surgery.

Tabel 3. Hasil uji perbandingan rerata antara faktor risiko yang sesuai dengan dengan stroke 1,
dilengkapi dengan diagram bocplot perbandingannya
Variabel n Skor Bartel Nilai p Nilai p antar
KEseluruhan kelompok
Age (category) 2,50 ± 0,83 < 0,001
45-54 tahun 186 Refrensi
55-64 tahun 306 0,110
65-74 tahun 216 0,020
75+ tahun 79 0,275

History Diabetes 0,22 ± 0,24 < 0,001

No 964 Refrensi
Yes 84 0,001

Surgery 0,19 ± 0,47 < 0,001

None 369 Refrensi
Carotid 338 <0,001
Cerebral 0,042
angioplasty 80

Stroke between release and 1 month Statistic Std. Error
Age category No Mean 2.23 .034
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 2.16
Mean Upper Bound 2.29
5% Trimmed Mean 2.20
Median 2.00
Variance .863
Std. Deviation .929
Minimum 1
Maximum 4
Range 3
Interquartile Range 1
Skewness .289 .089
Kurtosis -.790 .178
Yes Mean 2.50 .142
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 2.21
Mean Upper Bound 2.79
5% Trimmed Mean 2.50
Median 2.50
Variance .645
Std. Deviation .803
Minimum 1
Maximum 4
Range 3
Interquartile Range 1
Skewness .000 .414
Kurtosis -.304 .809
History of diabetes No Mean .06 .009
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound .05
Mean Upper Bound .08
5% Trimmed Mean .02
Median .00
Variance .061
Std. Deviation .247
Minimum 0
Maximum 1
Range 1
Interquartile Range 0
Skewness 3.539 .089
Kurtosis 10.555 .178
Yes Mean .22 .074
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound .07
Mean Upper Bound .37
5% Trimmed Mean .19
Median .00
Variance .176
Std. Deviation .420
Minimum 0
Maximum 1
Range 1
Interquartile Range 0
Skewness 1.429 .414
Kurtosis .039 .809
Time to hospital No Mean 2.80 .046
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 2.71
Mean Upper Bound 2.89
5% Trimmed Mean 2.74
Median 3.00
Variance 1.625
Std. Deviation 1.275
Minimum 1
Maximum 6
Range 5
Interquartile Range 1
Skewness .593 .089
Kurtosis -.046 .178
Yes Mean 3.34 .223
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 2.89
Mean Upper Bound 3.80
5% Trimmed Mean 3.33
Median 3.00
Variance 1.588
Std. Deviation 1.260
Minimum 1
Maximum 6
Range 5
Interquartile Range 2
Skewness .223 .414
Kurtosis -.147 .809
Post-event preventative No Mean .65 .024
surgery 95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound .60
Mean Upper Bound .70
5% Trimmed Mean .61
Median 1.00
Variance .437
Std. Deviation .661
Minimum 0
Maximum 2
Range 2
Interquartile Range 1
Skewness .521 .089
Kurtosis -.716 .178
Yes Mean .19 .083
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound .02
Mean Upper Bound .36
5% Trimmed Mean .12
Median .00
Variance .222
Std. Deviation .471
Minimum 0
Maximum 2
Range 2
Interquartile Range 0
Skewness 2.610 .414
Kurtosis 6.692 .809

Tests of Normality
Stroke between release and 1 Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
month Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Age category No .227 755 .000 .870 755 .000
Yes .233 32 .000 .867 32 .001
History of diabetes No .539 755 .000 .264 755 .000
Yes .480 32 .000 .511 32 .000
Time to hospital No .195 755 .000 .909 755 .000
Yes .170 32 .019 .939 32 .071
Post-event preventative No .291 755 .000 .764 755 .000
surgery Yes .498 32 .000 .454 32 .000
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
Tabel 4. Hasil uji multivariat seluruh faktor risiko dengan stroke1

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .002 .024 .081 .936
Age category .011 .007 .052 1.476 .140
History of diabetes .092 .027 .120 3.416 .001
Time to hospital .012 .005 .076 2.161 .031
Post-event preventative -.041 .010 -.136 -3.882 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Stroke between release and 1 month

Variabel Total Nilai p OR (Ik 95%)

Age (category) 2,50 ± 0,83 < 0,001
45-54 tahun 186
55-64 tahun 306
65-74 tahun 216
75+ tahun 79

History Diabetes 0,22 ± 0,24 < 0,001

No 964
Yes 84

Surgery 0,19 ± 0,47 < 0,001

None 369
Carotid 338
angioplasty 80


Tabel 1. Tabel Karakteristik Subyek

Time to hospital Statistic Std. Error
Age in years 1 Mean 61.65 .748
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 60.17
Mean Upper Bound 63.13
5% Trimmed Mean 61.22
Median 61.00
Variance 77.250
Std. Deviation 8.789
Minimum 45
Maximum 85
Range 40
Interquartile Range 12
Skewness .694 .206
Kurtosis .115 .410
2 Mean 61.77 .520
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 60.75
Mean Upper Bound 62.79
5% Trimmed Mean 61.56
Median 61.00
Variance 74.533
Std. Deviation 8.633
Minimum 45
Maximum 86
Range 41
Interquartile Range 13
Skewness .292 .147
Kurtosis -.454 .292
3 Mean 62.65 .496
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 61.67
Mean Upper Bound 63.62
5% Trimmed Mean 62.42
Median 62.00
Variance 76.642
Std. Deviation 8.755
Minimum 46
Maximum 86
Range 40
Interquartile Range 13
Skewness .307 .138
Kurtosis -.657 .276
4 Mean 62.93 .769
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 61.41
Mean Upper Bound 64.45
5% Trimmed Mean 62.86
Median 63.00
Variance 100.563
Std. Deviation 10.028
Minimum 45
Maximum 84
Range 39
Interquartile Range 18
Skewness .110 .186
Kurtosis -1.103 .370
5 Mean 62.78 .926
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 60.95
Mean Upper Bound 64.62
5% Trimmed Mean 62.67
Median 63.00
Variance 87.418
Std. Deviation 9.350
Minimum 46
Maximum 82
Range 36
Interquartile Range 14
Skewness .122 .239
Kurtosis -.854 .474
6 Mean 65.12 1.487
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 62.13
Mean Upper Bound 68.11
5% Trimmed Mean 65.09
Median 64.00
Variance 112.826
Std. Deviation 10.622
Minimum 48
Maximum 83
Range 35
Interquartile Range 17
Skewness .154 .333
Kurtosis -1.008 .656

Pada tabel diatas untuk data signifikan dengan nilai COV < 20%

Tabel 2. Hasil uji perbandingan korelasi hubungan seluruh faktor dengan skor Barthel, tampilkan scatter
Tidal terdapat korelasi antara Umur dengan Skor Barthel 3( p =1 ) dengan korelasi yang
diabaikan (r= -0,76). Maka berdasarkan grafik diatas, semakin meningkat usia tidak
berhubungan dengan skor Barthel 3

Barthel index at
Age in years 3 months
Age in years Pearson Correlation 1 -.076*
Sig. (2-tailed) .043
N 1048 709
Barthel index at 3 months Pearson Correlation -.076 *
Sig. (2-tailed) .043
N 709 709
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Tidak terdapat korelasi antara time to hospital dengan skor Barthel 3 (p = 1.00) dengan korelasi
yang diabaikan (r = -2,11). Maka berdasarkan grafik diatas, semakin meningkat lamanya
perawatan tidak berhubungan dengan skor Barthel 3

Barthel index at
3 months Time to hospital
Spearman's rho Barthel index at 3 months Correlation Coefficient 1.000 -.211**
Sig. (2-tailed) . .000
N 709 709
Time to hospital Correlation Coefficient -.211** 1.000
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .
N 709 1048
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

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