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Dialogo ingles

N= hello people, welcome to your favorite show "tourist wonders", a show dedicated to
informing you about upcoming tourist destinations and you do not just sit there and go and
adventure to travel

Today we have as today's guest our space guest Daniela who will tell us about a great tourist

Hello Daniela thanks for being here

D = hello, the pleasure is mine thanks for inviting me

N= Daniela what special place do you have for our audience today?

D= Today I recommend that you venture out and go to Zakouma National Park, Chad

N= sounds interesting, where is it located?

D= this park is located south of the Sahara desert, and is known for its bustling wildlife

N=great. Is there any special document people need to go there?

D= It is important that people have visa, passport and the COVID-19 vaccine certification so
they can enter to the country

N= really important and more these days

What can people do there? What are the main attractions?

D= where to start

They can visit the Gaoul people and the civilization of Sao

They can go to the Sahara and drive the ennedi

10-day safari in the park

Visit the national reserves of ennedi

N=wow Is there any other reason for people to go there?

D= It is a perfect place to rest and have fun, in the middle of nature, with many animals always
guarded, seeing them from a distance, it is such a natural and organic place, perfect to learn
about history and culture

N= Now I want to go there next week! Tell us how can people go there?

D= People con go by plane, or they can go there in a cruise. In the city they can take taxis or
rent cars or vans. It is easy to move around this place.

N= What is the best time to travel to Zakouma National Park, Chad?

D= The dry season from February to June is the best time for observing, when pots and fertile
floodplains provide water and pasture for the animals. Lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas,
elephants, giraffes or gazelles are just some of the inhabitants of this natural space.

N=magnificent Any other important recommendation?

D=wear comfortable clothing for hot weather. Also, have a good budget of around $ 4,000 or $
5,000 for a good week with no worries. And finally, take the official transport and book your
hotels in advance.

N=Well, our time is up but you know, you have to go and book those tickets now, it is a great
tourist experience, full of nature in its purest form, do not forget the money, the clothes and
to book my hotel. nice viewers I loved this recommendation I say goodbye bye

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