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Nim : 203020601085

Kelas :B

Fakultas/prodi : Hukum/Ilmu Hukum

Matkul : B.inggris


The legend of Batu Suli is believed by the Dayak Ngaju and Ot Danum people to have happened.
According to the stories of the old people, a long time ago a rock cliff called the Suli rock had collapsed,
closing the fish traffic from Kahayan Hulu to Kahayan Hilir. This incident really does not apply to the
Fish people, they used to have kinship and relatives in Kahayan Hulu or vice versa in Kahayan Hilir.
Over time the situation became unbearable for the Fish people, they felt like they were imprisoned due to
the cut off of the Kahayan river. They were really tormented by the landslide incident. The big problem of
the fish nation must be solved.

To overcome this, then the fish gathered and held a big meeting on the Kahayan River. The big fish
meeting finally resulted in a decision, namely to re-establish the cliff that had collapsed. Finally, on the
agreed day, thousands of fish nations gathered to jointly erect the cliffs blocking the Kahayan river.
According to the results of the deliberation, the tapa fish was appointed as the foreman. His job required
him to constantly shout loudly so that the morale of the fish nation workers was always high. Meanwhile,
according to the deliberation results, the flat fish were also given the task to carry the collapsed cliff on its
flat back. Thus, the hard work of the fish nation went on for days. Finally, thanks to the hard work of the
whole fish nation, the cliffs of Batu Suli can be upheld to normal.

Of course the hard result was greeted with happiness by the whole fish race. The feeling of being
imprisoned for so long can finally be free again, and the fish race can return to contact between the lower
Kahayan and the upper Kahayan. However, it seems that this hard product must be paid for dearly by the
fish nations who are involved in this great work. Every fish who shares in this work must bear the
consequences of that great work. For example, the offspring of the tapa fish, for example, because his
grandfather used to open his mouth too much to scream in his duties as a foreman, now all his offspring
have large mouths. While the breeds of flat fish, because their grandfather had to carry the very heavy
cliffs, their backs were bent and their bones were crushed. So now all the breeds of flat fish have hunched
backs and smooth bones .

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