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Course Syllabus

Department: Contemporary & Alternative Medicine

Date: July 2022
I. Course Prefix and Number: CAM 420
Course Name: CAM Therapies
Credit Hours and Contact Hours: 3 credit hours, 4.5 contact hours
Catalog Description including pre- and co-requisites:
This course looks at the various possibilities available today for pursuing holistic health.
Alternative therapies will be seen as supplements to the current medical system. The
philosophies, clinical studies, politics, and conflicts surrounding the use of various alternative
healing techniques will be examined in this course. It will give the learner knowledge to help
them evaluate the usage of complementary treatments for healing and health maintenance.
This course is taught in a lecture format including class discussions, guest lecturers, video aids,
and student presentations. Anyone interested in alternative remedies is welcome to attend this
II. Course Student Learning Outcomes:
1. Discuss alternative healing therapy methods.
2. Compare and contrast different types of alternative therapy.
3. Assess existing literature and research on alternative remedies.
4. Discuss the role of cultural and religious beliefs in the use of alternative treatments.
5. Discuss the debate about the use of alternative medicines in terms of political considerations
and consumer concerns.
College Learning Outcomes Addressed by the Course:
ethical practices and standards
safety considerations
IV. Instructional Materials and Methods
Types of Course Materials:
Assigned textbook readings and handouts pertaining to the subjects of the guest speaker
Methods of Instruction (e.g., Workshop, Lab, Seminar …):
Guest lecturers from several complementary approaches
Videos/Power points
Student presentations
Displays/active engagement in a range of complementary therapies
V. General Outline of Topics Covered:
Each session will concentrate on a certain type of complementary treatment. A health educator
from that profession will frequently give information regarding the education and practice of
the therapy under consideration. Many sessions feature demonstrations and direct
Course topics examples include:
Massage Therapy

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