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Jidai Matsuri di Kota Kyoto

Hiuzon, Mie. 2018. Kyoto's Festival of Ages 2019 Rescheduled for October 26
Overlap with Emperor Enthronement Ceremony. (diakses
pada tanggal 9 October 2018)

By September 25, Heian Kosha, an organization to manage the "Jidai Matsuri," or Festival of Ages which is one of
Kyoto's three main festivals, decided to hold next year's event on October 26. It is usually held on October 22.
However, the "Sokuirei Seiden no Gi," or Enthronement Ceremony, which is the main ceremony for the accession of
the new emperor, will be held in the Imperial Palace on October 22, so the organization changed it to avoid the festival
falling on the same day. The Festival of Ages will be postponed for the first time since 1933 for a reason other than

On September 20, officers of Heian Kosha which consists of worshipers at Heian Jingu Shrine, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto,
and others gathered to discuss next year's schedule. They decided to postpone the festival in order to celebrate the
accession of the new emperor together as citizens. They also considered that it would be difficult for the Kyoto
Prefecture governor and Kyoto City mayor to attend the festival if it were held on October 22. The new date for the
event is Saturday, October 26 as it is a day on which attendants and spectators can easily gather after October 22. In
case of rain, the festival will be postponed until October 27. It will be cancelled if it also rains on October 27.

The Festival of Ages has been postponed fourteen times in the past and it was cancelled last year due to a typhoon. In
1933, the festival was put off because Emperor Showa visited Kyoto on October 22.
Chairman Junichi Hoonoki of Heian Kosha said, "The festival will be held four days later than usual next year, but we
want to make it a grand celebration of the arrival of a new age."

Galileo, 2015. A Millennium's Historical Picture Scroll Colors Kyoto Festival of Ages. (diakses 22 Oktober 2015)

One of Kyoto's three major festivals, "Jidai Matsuri," or Festival of Ages, was held in Kyoto City on October 22. The
approximately two-kilometer-long procession, with about 2,000 participants, retroactively reenacted the changes in
historical costumes over the approximately 1,000 year period of when Kyoto was the capital. Visitors were fascinated
by the magnificent scroll of history.
The Festival of Ages was inaugurated in 1895 in celebration of the 1,100th anniversary of the "Heian Sento," or
relocation of the ancient capital to Kyoto in the Heian Period, and the foundation of Heian Jingu Shrine in Sakyo
Ward, Kyoto.

The "Jidai Gyoretsu" procession departed from the Kenrei-mon Gate of the Kyoto Imperial Palace at noon. The lead
procession of loyalists of the Meiji Restoration waved a banner of the Imperial forces and advanced with the airy
sound of flutes and drums. It was followed by a procession of patriots dressed up Kogoro Katsura and Genzui Kusaka
who were active at the end of the Edo Period, a "Daimyo Gyoretsu," or feudal lords' procession, and a procession of
women wearing gorgeous costumes from the Edo Period. Graceful and valiant costumes for court nobles and feudal
lords decorated the streets of the ancient capital. Women's costumes, such as Shirakawame, Oharame and Katsurame,
or women peddlers from Shirakawa, Ohara and Katsura, were also recreated.

The "Shinko-retsu" procession, consisting mainly of portable shrines in which the spirits of Emperor Kammu, who is
an enshrined deity of the Heian Jingu Shrine and the one who transferred the ancient capital to Heian-kyo, and
Emperor Komei, who ascended the throne just before moving the capital to Tokyo, ride respectively, held the final
place in the line. The procession returned to the Heian Jingu Shrine at around 3:50 p.m.
Hiuzon, Mie. 2018. Kyoto's Festival of Ages 2019 Rescheduled for October 26
Overlap with Emperor Enthronement Ceremony. (diakses
pada tanggal 9 October 2018)

Pada 25 September, Heian Kosha, sebuah organisasi untuk mengelola "Jidai Matsuri," atau Festival
Zaman yang merupakan salah satu dari tiga festival utama Kyoto, memutuskan untuk mengadakan acara
tahun depan pada 26 Oktober. Biasanya diadakan pada 22 Oktober. Namun, "Sokuirei Seiden no Gi," atau
Upacara Penobatan, yang merupakan upacara utama untuk aksesi kaisar baru, akan diadakan di Istana
Kekaisaran pada 22 Oktober, jadi organisasi mengubahnya untuk menghindari festival jatuh pada hari
yang sama. . Festival of Ages akan ditunda untuk pertama kalinya sejak 1933 karena alasan selain hujan.

Pada tanggal 20 September, petugas Heian Kosha yang terdiri dari jamaah di Kuil Heian Jingu, Daerah
Sakyo, Kyoto, dan lainnya berkumpul untuk membahas jadwal tahun depan. Mereka memutuskan untuk
menunda festival untuk merayakan aksesi kaisar baru bersama sebagai warga negara. Mereka juga
menganggap bahwa akan sulit bagi gubernur Prefektur Kyoto dan walikota Kota Kyoto untuk menghadiri
festival jika diadakan pada 22 Oktober. Tanggal baru untuk acara tersebut adalah Sabtu, 26 Oktober
karena merupakan hari di mana para pengunjung dan penonton dapat dengan mudah berkumpul setelah
22 Oktober. Jika hujan, festival akan ditunda hingga 27 Oktober. Akan dibatalkan jika hujan juga turun
pada 27 Oktober.

Festival of Ages telah ditunda empat belas kali di masa lalu dan dibatalkan tahun lalu karena topan. Pada
tahun 1933, festival ditunda karena Kaisar Showa mengunjungi Kyoto pada 22 Oktober.
Ketua Junichi Hoonoki dari Heian Kosha mengatakan, "Festival ini akan diadakan empat hari lebih
lambat dari biasanya tahun depan, tetapi kami ingin menjadikannya sebagai perayaan akbar kedatangan
zaman baru."

Galileo, 2015. A Millennium's Historical Picture Scroll Colors Kyoto Festival of Ages. (diakses 22 Oktober 2015)

Salah satu dari tiga festival besar Kyoto, "Jidai Matsuri," atau Festival of Ages, diadakan di Kota Kyoto
pada tanggal 22 Oktober. Prosesi sepanjang kira-kira dua kilometer, dengan sekitar 2.000 peserta, secara
surut memperagakan kembali perubahan kostum sejarah selama kira-kira Periode 1.000 tahun ketika
Kyoto adalah ibu kotanya. Pengunjung terpesona oleh gulungan sejarah yang megah.
Festival of Ages diresmikan pada tahun 1895 untuk merayakan peringatan 1.100 tahun "Heian Sento",
atau pemindahan ibu kota kuno ke Kyoto pada Periode Heian, dan pendirian Kuil Heian Jingu di Daerah
Sakyo, Kyoto.

Prosesi "Jidai Gyoretsu" berangkat dari Gerbang Kenrei-mon Istana Kekaisaran Kyoto pada siang hari.
Prosesi utama para loyalis Restorasi Meiji mengibarkan panji-panji pasukan Kekaisaran dan maju dengan
suara seruling dan genderang. Diikuti dengan arak-arakan patriot berdandan Kogoro Katsura dan Genzui
Kusaka yang aktif di akhir Zaman Edo, arak-arakan "Daimyo Gyoretsu," atau raja-raja feodal, dan arak-
arakan wanita mengenakan kostum cantik dari Zaman Edo. . Kostum anggun dan gagah berani untuk
bangsawan istana dan penguasa feodal menghiasi jalan-jalan ibukota kuno. Kostum wanita, seperti
Shirakawame, Oharame dan Katsurame, atau penjaja wanita dari Shirakawa, Ohara dan Katsura, juga
dibuat ulang.

Prosesi "Shinko-retsu", sebagian besar terdiri dari kuil portabel di mana roh Kaisar Kammu, yang
merupakan dewa yang diabadikan dari Kuil Heian Jingu dan orang yang memindahkan ibu kota kuno ke
Heian-kyo, dan Kaisar Komei, yang naik tahta sebelum memindahkan ibukota ke Tokyo, naik masing-
masing, memegang tempat terakhir di baris. Prosesi kembali ke Kuil Heian Jingu sekitar pukul 15:50.

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