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Version 1.00
April, 2009

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About the Author

Dr. Raphael Rettner is a Palmer College of

Chiropractic West graduate and has been in practice since 1982. Dr.
Rettner is one of the most highly skilled and respected chiropractors in
the United States. He has made numerous radio and T.V. appearances,
is the author of Vegetarian Cooking for People with Allergies and has
produced several DVDs including: End P.M.S Now!, The Ultimate Diet,
and Twelve Causes of an Unstable Spine. He has studied both force
and non-force techniques such as Advanced Biostructural Correction,
Applied Kinesiology, Biophysics, Gonstead, S.O.T. and over a dozen
others. With a combination of creative thinking and an insatiable quest
for knowledge, Dr. Rettner has developed several new and exciting
chiropractic techniques. Since 1994 he has taught these in his Applied
Trigger Points seminar to chiropractors all across the United States,
Australia, Canada and England.
Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................................................................ 6

Chapter 1
Alliances:......... 7

Chapter 2: At
The Body Shop14

Chapter 3: Nuts
and Bolts of the
Cross Referral
System .......... 18

Chapter 4:
Commercial... 21

Chapter 5:
Conclusion .....25

Special Added Bonus:......................................................................................... 26


Introduction: Greg: Hi, my name is Greg Fessler and I’m a producer for
Excelsior Productions. What I want to show you today and what we’re going
to discuss is how to create a personal injury referral system using a body
shop, a tow company in a three-way alliance with a chiropractor. First I
would like to introduce Dr. Raphael Rettner.

Dr. Rettner: Thanks Greg. Hi, I am Dr. Rettner and I’m executive producer
for Excelsior Productions. About six months ago, I was in a car accident and
believe it or not, it was one of the best experiences of my entire life. I know
that sounds a little strange to you, but the reason for that was; after my car
was repaired, the two owners of the body shop drove the car back, delivered
it to my house. Just on impulse I gave them coupons for free chiropractic
exams and I said to them if you meet anybody that’s ever in a car accident
and needs my help, please give them one of my coupons. In exchange, if I
ever meet anybody that needs body work done on their cars, then I’ll do the
same, I’ll send the business to you. I’ve had business alliances for years, but
it dawned on me just like a lighting bolt, this is a great idea. I don’t know
why I never thought of it before, but that’s what this DVD’s all about,
getting an unlimited amount of personal injury cases without attorney
Chapter 1 Business Alliances:

Greg: Raphael, I had a question just so we can set the stage and understand
what an alliance is, what does an alliance mean to you? Do you have a
working definition for a business alliance?
Dr. Rettner: Sure Greg. A business alliance is a way for two businesses to
prosper through cross referrals, referring back and forth. It’s a win, win
situation. It doesn’t cost either business any money and it’s a way for both
to prosper.

Greg: Who do you contact in the community? For instance, you’re a

chiropractor, what business would you go to contact for a business alliance?
Are there ones that are better than others?

Dr. Rettner: Sure Greg, there are weight loss businesses for example.
People that are overweight usually have back problems. I also go into shoe
stores because I often take women off of high heels and give them flats so
we can refer back and forth that way. People who go to health food stores
have health problems so they’re great for referrals. Also attorneys as well,
but attorneys are slow to refer back very often. You can refer them several
patients before they refer you someone. So, this is a new way to get some. I
wouldn’t set up a business alliance with a candy store or a liquor store
because that’s not something I feel comfortable with. It’s not an appropriate

Greg: And you guys really wouldn’t have a common denominator. You’re
into health and nutrition and they’re into something else. Mechanically, just
how do you go about doing this? You just kind of walk in or do you call
people or….

Dr. Rettner: I just go into a store, it doesn’t have to be a health food store, it
could be a record store or book store, anything in my neighborhood. It’s a
way to introduce myself to the people in the neighborhood. I say “Hi, my
name is Dr. Rettner and by the way, I would like some of your business
cards.” They’re surprised, even shocked, that I would want some of their
business cards. Who asks for business cards in this day and age? They say
“What do you want the business cards for?” I tell them I want to start a
business alliance with you. What I’m going to do is put the business cards
into this book here, which is like a photo album, only it’s for business cards
and then what
we do is place
this in the
waiting room
of my office.
Now let’s say a
patient’s sitting
there waiting,
they can leaf
through it and
find a business
interested in
like yours, pull
out a business
card and then come in and see you. In exchange for that what I would like
to do is just leave some of my brochures, coupons and business cards in your
place of business so that when you find somebody that has a back problem
or health problems, you’ll refer them to me as well.

Greg: And you just refer back and forth.

Dr. Rettner: Right.

Greg: And the common denominator is the best service for you acquiring
new patients.

Dr. Rettner: Sometimes just contacting these people once a month, going in
there, the people that work in the store say. “You know I have this pain in
my neck” and they come see me too.

Greg: You know, earlier we were talking about a unique selling proposition.
Now everybody has got something unique about them and you being a
chiropractor, in your profession what makes you unique?

Dr. Rettner: O.K. Greg, what makes me unique is I take a more holistic
approach to people’s health problems than the typical chiropractor. I work
with diet, exercise and releasing underlying emotional causes. This speeds
up the underlying cause for people’s health problems, get them out of pain
faster and get rid of symptoms faster. Then we get to the real important part
which is improving range of motion and posture.

Greg: Okay now that we have generally defined a business alliance that
relates directly to chiropractors. When we were talking about body shops
and tow companies, we also had a few questions as to is this ethical? Are
there any regulations against it? We did call the State Board and you talked
to them personally on the phone. What did they have to say to you?

I was a little concerned if there were any problems. What they said to me
was that this was just another form of advertising and there is nothing to
worry about it. They approve of it. But it’s important if you’re in another
state to call your State Board and check because each State Board is
different. Each state’s regulations are different and they may have some
clause around it.

Greg: Right, it could vary from state to state.

Dr. Rettner: Greg, how is a tow shop or body shop alliance different than a
regular business alliance that we’ve just talked about?

Greg: There are some similarities and there are some major differences. By
the nature of the two businesses, they have a common denominator. They
rely on each other’s services all the time. For instance body shops have to
have cars towed in and tow shops usually have wrecked cars stored in their
yard that have to go to a body shop. What is different is because of the
nature of the business and because they have been doing business back and
forth, they form contracts and agreements. They have formal agreements
with one another to channel their business back and forth. That’s a little bit
different than what we are doing. What we are doing is an informal alliance.

Dr. Rettner: Okay, but what are the incentives for a body shop or tow shop
to refer to a chiropractor?

Greg: Well the incentives are not necessarily apparent, of course there’s a
general incentive that everyone wants to give their customers the best
business they can and help them as much as possible. But as a real strong
incentive. You’ve produced a DVD. You’re a whiplash specialist and you’ve
produced a give-a-way DVD on whiplash. Now, if you were to take this
DVD and add a 10 second tag on the end of it for the body shop and a 10
second tag for the tow company, and put it all on the DVD, as you give these
DVDs away, you’re piggy-backing your advertising. This is a major
incentive for them because they are getting free advertising. They’re also
tapping a market that they may never have tapped before. It will be bringing
in new clients for them that they may never have gotten.

Dr. Rettner: Okay, but what can I do to get the body shop to stimulate more

Greg: Well you want to rely on a lot of PR. You want to get to know the
people that you’re dealing with in the alliance. You want to build a
relationship and a rapport with them. You want to listen to their basic needs
and concerns and you want to make sure that you can conform to all these
needs and concerns.

Dr. Rettner: Which are the best body shops or tow shops to approach?

Greg: Let’s draw a simple profile. Let’s start with a body shop. There are all
kinds of body shops. There are body shops and garages where people do
body work for extra money. Then there are some big body shops that have
tremendous overhead and they’re usually located in or around new car
dealerships. They usually employ a half dozen employees. They have state
of the art equipment. They have the best tools on the market and the best
body men on the market. Consequently their overhead is high. They do a
tremendous amount of insurance work. With this insurance work and all
their overhead, any kind of referral that they can get for extra work helps.

Dr. Rettner: Oh really.

Greg: They’re always looking for that. Tow companies operate quite often
on contracts. They are like bread and butter contracts and they deal with the
state, the county, the city and police departments. If there has been an
abandoned vehicle or if there has been a car accident, they call this particular
tow company and they have the contract to come and pick it up off the
roadway, take it to the tow shop and store it. In order for them to quality for
these contracts, they have to have X amount of equipment. They have to
qualify for the contract. Usually they are required to have a half dozen
trucks. They have to be on a 24-hour service radio dispatched and they have
to guarantee that they will have a truck to respond within X amount of time.
They have a time limit to respond to pick up these wrecks and abandoned
vehicles off the public roadways. So they have to qualify for that.
When you’re shopping around for potential business alliances, you want to
look for those things. You want to look for a body shop that’s in or around a
dealership. You want to look for a tow company that employs at least six
trucks and a full complement of employees and drivers for that, and one that
operates on a 24-hour basis, seven days a week.

Dr. Rettner: Okay, but who should I contact when I approach these people?

Greg: You always want to go to the person that can make the decisions.
That’s usually the general manager, the owner of the body shop or tow
company. You want to contact them and run down your business alliance
with them and how it can help them and back and forth. They’re the ones
that can make the decision. Anybody else can’t make a decision, so you
want to go right to the top. Deal with the people that can say yes or no.

Dr. Rettner: What can I do to make the first contact a good one?

Greg: You want to prequalify these like we were just discussing, where you
draw a profile. You want to call them on the phone. It’s very important that
you contact them by phone first. You want to give them a synopsis of the
alliance, that you plan on referring back and forth, what the concept is and
how it works. See if you can get in for an appointment. You need to get
either into their office or take them out to lunch. Going to lunch and
discussing a business alliance is always a wonderful thing.

Dr. Rettner: O.K. so I take them out to lunch, what kind of objections do you
think they might have to starting a business alliance?

Greg: Well, I have only run into basically one concern. It’s not really an
objection, it’s just a concern. It concerns the body shops and their insurance
adjusters. They don’t want to upset their insurance adjusters. It’s very
important that they realize that chiropractic care, in particular, is more cost
effective. It costs less, there’s a speedier recovery and it becomes very cost
effective for insurance companies. Actually they are saving money as
opposed to traditional medical treatment.

Dr. Rettner: We know that, we just have to communicate that to the

insurance companies.
Greg: Well, you communicate it to the body shop manager and then he in
return can relate it to any insurance adjuster who may have a little bit of a

Dr. Rettner: Should I pay them to take our materials on their counter and to
refer to me.

Gregg: No, no you don’t want to pay them. This is an informal agreement.
This is done on an old fashion handshake. You know, you have an
agreement. What makes it work is the first time you refer a client to them,
they are going to be tickled and of course they are going to reciprocate
because they want you to send more clients to them. The first time that you
can send a client to them, the faster they are going to refer back to you. And,
as that system works, everybody is happy. It didn’t cost them anything.
They didn’t have to sign any heavy contracts and make major obligations to
anything. It is done on a handshake and if the system works, why fix it? We
just keep using it. If it doesn’t work, then you have to go in and
troubleshoot it and find out why it’s not.

Dr. Rettner: What marketing tools can I use to make this business alliance
the most effective?

Gregg: Well, this is the 21st century and right now it seems like every other
household in America has a DVD player. Now the chiropractors have a
particular problem with their profession in the fact that they have to do more
education in the buying market. They have to educate people about
chiropractic and what’s going on. It’s not cost effective to take a five or six
minute commercial out on television and continually show that. It would
take too much money. The objective is to get the information inside each and
every household that you can. If you have the DVD, that’s five or six
minutes long that explains what chiropractic’s all about and how rapidly
people can recover and how quickly they can get out of pain, and you can
place this in each individual household where you have circumvented the
television system. You have placed your product inside the household.
They can review it at their leisure and once they review it, they can pass it
on to their friends or they can store it if they don’t have an immediate need
for chiropractic. They can pass it on to anybody else who they think may
need it. Anybody that is going to pick up a DVD on chiropractic and
whiplash is going to have a need for it, so these people are prequalified. You
are not just shotgunning your marketing materials out there, you are
prequalifying by distributing this DVD to your alliances.

Dr. Rettner: That’s got to be effective.

Gregg: Oh it is and besides not only tow companies and body shops, but
every alliance that you’ve set up in the past, you can go in and set up a
display with your DVDs as give-a-ways. These have value. It’s a material
thing you hold in your hand. The person receiving it is going to receive a lot
of value, so it’s going to make them happy, the people that are giving it
away, you know the gift of giving, that’s where all the satisfaction is. Their
clients are going to be happy. They are going to be able to take it home and
review it at their leisure which is very important. That gives you a captive
audience focused on you for five minutes, so that you can deliver your

Dr. Rettner: By the way, you’ve been doing some marketing of these body
shops for me.

Gregg: Oh, I’ve called body shops and tow companies all over town. I’ve
set up a lot of appointments for you. As a matter of fact, you have an
appointment right now with John at Stars and Stripes Autobody.

Dr. Rettner: That’s great. I’ll go over there right away.

Chapter 2: At The Body Shop

John: Hello Dr.

Rettner, good to
see you, what’s

Dr. Rettner: I
brought you
doughnuts for
the crew. Have
you had a
chance to think
about the
alliance yet?

John: Well, you know I did have some questions. Do you have a minute?

Dr. Rettner: Sure.

John: I do have
some concerns.
Just tell me
again what it
was that you
exactly had in

Dr. Rettner:
It’s really very
simple. It’s just
a handshake
What I do is
provide you
with this
counter display
and free DVDs
and brochures
chiropractic is
essential for
recovery after
an auto
accident and
that acts like a
permanent reminder to all our customers. Who then can either take it home
and review the DVDs at their leisure or they can pass it on to a friend.

John: Well, that’s real good, but what do I do?

Dr. Rettner: All you have to do is keep this on your counter and give it out
to your customers and then you can put in your cards and brochures. It’s a
cross referral. It helps both of our businesses.

John: Yeah, that’s real nice, whiplash recovery then, huh?

Dr. Rettner: Right, yeah, I’m a whiplash specialist and that’s the kind of care
that’s needed after a car accident. Not pain pills and bed rest. That doesn’t
do anything. What they need is rehabilitative care to get them out of pain
and back to work as quickly as possible.

John: Chiropractic, I never did believe in that until last fall. My wife had an
automobile accident. The doctor said she would need surgery for sure, but
she’s playing golf right now. Lucky girl.

Dr. Rettner: That’s great. A lot of my patients had the same problem as

John: But seriously, I am a little concerned. Now, Joan from State Mutual is
in here three times a week. We do a lot of business together. Is this alliance
legitimate. I can’t afford to upset the insurance adjusters. I depend on their

Dr. Rettner: Okay, an alliance is simply an informal agreement. We’re not

out to scam the insurance companies. As a matter of fact, studies have been
done that show that chiropractic care can save thousands of dollars over first
time back surgeries, which are very often totally unsuccessful. We’re
actually helping people get out of pain faster and it’s more cost effective for
insurance companies.

John: Okay, I’ll buy that, but now just be absolutely straight with me. You
provide the display and the DVDs at no cost? And all I do is give the DVDs
away and put my card in there.

Dr. Rettner: Right. All you have to do is put your cards and brochures and
DVDs, leave them out and even if you like, you can put a 10% discount on
repainting in there as well.

John: You know that’s a good idea. You know I usually cut a deal like that

Dr. Rettner: Right and the customers will feel like they are getting a deal
and they’ll come back in the door again.
John: Coast to Coast then could put a matching discount in which would still
save the auto club fees and then just tie it on to the auto repair bill.

Dr. Rettner: Right, everybody wins and it is sort of cooperative advertising.

John: Uh huh, and then they take this DVD home and they watch it to
remind themselves and then pass it on to a friend or whatever. Tell me
something, can you get co-op plans like the dealers do?

Dr. Rettner: Not exactly, it’s too expensive. I’m going to be doing tv ads
we’ll be giving away these DVDs. We can put a plug for your business on
the end of the DVD and we’re going to give away hundreds of these.

John: Which then they take home and they look at it to remind them of this
or pass it on to a friend.

Dr. Rettner: Right, you will be getting lots of business from this.
John: Well,
doctor, I think
we have a

Dr. Rettner:
All right.
Chapter 3: Nuts and Bolts of the Cross Referral System

Gregg, you
know I really
meeting John.
Thank you so

Gregg: You’re
John’s a nice
guy, I like him.

Dr. Rettner: He
really is but
I’m curious,
how can I stimulate and maintain my referrals through my business alliance
with John?

Gregg: Number one you’re a chiropractor and you have a service to render.
You can always give that service to John and his crew. I found out that
actually quite a few people in his employ do see chiropractors because
they’re bending and lifting and they’re doing all that heavy work.
Number two: You always want to put your public relations with John and
your alliances on a personal level. Get to know the people in charge, find out
what their needs are and how you can help.
Number three: A very powerful incentive is to piggyback some of their ads
on your whiplash DVD. Add a ten second ad for the body shop and a ten
second ad for the tow company. This exposes them in a market that they
normally would never be in.

Dr. Rettner: Do you think that producing a give away whiplash DVD is a
worthwhile investment?

Gregg: Oh, absolutely, number one you are hitting a market that you
normally wouldn’t hit. Number two, every patient that you bring in from the
DVD is going to refer another patient. So with your in-house referral system,
it’s going to facilitate more referrals with more new patients, and these are
patients that chiropractors normally wouldn’t get until they have gone way
far down the line. You’re back at the head of the line now.

Dr. Rettner: Great. I’m a busy chiropractor, is this going to take a lot of time
to maintain?

Gregg: About 20 minutes a month. Now that 20 minutes is to go in, look at

your display, make sure you have enough DVDs in there and that it’s in the
proper location. It should be clean and maintained. This type of video ad
display is maintenance free.

Dr. Rettner: Where should I place the counter display in the body shop?

Gregg: The best place is going to be at point of purchase, where people

have to pay their bills. They all have to go up there. They have to stand and
wait. This is an impulse item. What makes it powerful is it’s free. You place
your marketing materials there at the point of purchase. You can’t miss.

Dr. Rettner: Are there a certain kind of advertising materials that I should
avoid using?

Gregg: You want to talk to the people involved in your alliance and find out
if they have any concerns about insurance adjusters. You don’t want to
create a display that’s going to offend them or cause them concern. Consult a
little bit. Design the display so that it fits into the environment.

Dr. Rettner: How can I win and keep the confidence of my business

Gregg: The strongest way to do that is to send your alliance a referral. You
send them a referral and they’re going to be more than glad to refer back to
you because that’s how it begins to work.

Dr. Rettner: If a chiropractor doesn’t want to go to all the trouble and hassle
of producing their own DVDs and counter displays, do you have any
suggestions for him?

Gregg: Sure, they can call Excelsior Productions and we have displays in
stock and we would be glad to help him out in anyway that they need. All
you have to do is call the 1-800 number.
Dr. Rettner: And you can help him produce the DVDs as well?

Gregg: Absolutely. We can produce their DVDs. By producing that DVD,

we can design it so they can pull the commercial out for television and it
doesn’t cost them any more. They save thousands of dollars on commercial
production cost.

Dr. Rettner: And we can even give away the DVD on a TV commercial.

Gregg: You can give it away on a TV commercial, you can give it away at
all your alliances. You can give it away in your office and this is a
prequalified market. People in need are going to call you for that particular

Dr. Rettner: That’s right, I can set up the display in a lawyer’s office, in a
beauty shop, in health food stores, any place.

Gregg: That’s right. With every business alliance that you’ve created you
can set up your display. Now just to review what we’ve gone over. We have
shown you how to create a personal injury referral system using a tow
company, a body shop and a chiropractor in a three-way alliance. Most
importantly, we have strategically placed you inside the offices of the tow
company and the body shop. It’s very important. Now, we’re going to watch
an infomercial DVD on whiplash that we’ve created for Dr. Rettner and
you’ll see that we’re able to pull a 60 second commercial out of the
infomercial and save him thousands of dollars on production costs.
Chapter 4: Television Commercial

Betty: “I was
going along
like everybody
else. My foot
was on the gas
Suddenly I was
hit from
behind. I didn’t
know who or

Craig: “I
seeing a van
heading head-
on towards us.
He slid into
their lane and
it was, after
that I don’t

Betty: “I was in shock. I’m always like that. I’m kind of in shock because
something has happened.”

Craig: “I woke up after the accident in like a blackout, I would say. I was
violent, I didn’t know where I was, very scary.”
Dr. Rettner:
Whiplash is a
serious injury,
left untreated,
neck and low
back pain can
often last a
lifetime. I’m
Dr. Rettner.
I’m a whiplash
Full recovery
from a
injury requires
chiropractic care. The health and car insurance you already have will most
likely cover chiropractic care for your whiplash injury. Pain pills and
cervical collars do not provide for complete recovery. Yes, it’s what happens
after the car accident that causes the most destruction. Your body releases a
liquid protein
collagen that
forms scar
tissue in the
ligaments of
the neck. With
only a cervical
collar or no
treatment at
all, a stiff scar
tissue will
form. Without
care, it will
remain that way for life. The untreated stiff scar tissue may lead to arthritis,
disc degeneration and constant pain that may never go away. Chiropractic
care seeks to gently loosen your spine. Deep tissue massage and exercise
during the healing phases helps to develop a looser, more flexible scar tissue.
That means greater range of motion and prevention of arthritis, disc
degeneration and freedom from pain. I understand what you’re going
through. I’m a whiplash specialist. If you’ve been in a car accident and you
experience a headache, neck pain, pain between the shoulder blades or
digestive problems, you need chiropractic care now.

Betty: “After the accident, my back was hurting but my neck was hurting,
whiplash. My back was hurting, my legs, I had problems that would make
me undesirable. I’m a more desirable person because of chiropractic care.”

Dorothy: “It
got where a
day or two
later that I
could hardly
move, I had to
get help
getting out of
bed and into
bed, and it was
just terrible
pain. So I went
to a doctor.
The doctor
took x-rays
and told me
that I would probably need surgery on my back. That would be the only
thing that would relieve the pain because evidently there was a disc that was
It was unbelievable really because I did not believe in it when I first came.
I would tell everybody to really give it a try. People are really skeptical
about a chiropractor like I was, but getting on that table and getting relief,
it’s really wonderful. For me to be able to walk again without dragging my
leg; it was just great. My friends couldn’t believe it.”
Craig: “I was
leery of going
to a
but I would
only speak
very highly of
him. He just
doesn’t throw
you on the
table and snap
your back and
your neck. He
really takes the
time to explain
to you what he’s doing and what will work well, and he teaches you
exercises to relax and to stretch your muscles after they’ve been knocked
around, and I really believe that he’s really helped me out a lot after an awful
accident. I feel very well after the short time, the six or eight months that I
spent coming to see Dr. Rettner and seeing his masseuse, it’s a miracle the
job that he’s done, it’s great. I highly recommend it.”

Betty: “You have to think well and wellness is part of my life. I’ve got to
see each day as a new beginning.”

Dr. Rettner: Whiplash is a serious injury. Your consultation is absolutely

free, with no obligation. You can call me at 415-497-0447. I want you to
get well.
Chapter 5: Conclusion

Dr. Rettner:
“Gregg, I’m
really excited
about this new
idea of cross
between body
shops and
We’ll be able
to give our
services to
where they’re
needed the
most. to people
that are really suffering, just after a car accident. We’re really effective there
too. We’ll be able to reach thousands of people we weren’t able to reach
before. I hope you’re just as excited as I am and will put this idea to good
use. Thank you.”
Special Added Bonus:
Since the completion of this DVD, I have learned a more effective
way to get new patients from this process. When going into a body
shop, tell the manager that you would like to give a free safety class
on how to lift and bend properly, to his employees. In exchange for
that, you would like to leave your DVDs and whiplash display at his
front counter. You will then turn his employees into new patients and
you won’t have to bother with the piggyback advertising mentioned in
the DVD.

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