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ment and the positiv pole to the abdominal pad. After en- R tering the tip into the rectum, exert stedy pressure using from 5 to 10 milliampéres of current. Often the rectum wil dilate sufficiently with this strength current to allow the di- lator to enter. Personally I much prefer the rapid-sine cur- rent. Never neglect to examin the rectum in all neurotic or obscure reflex conditions, because it is often the seat of many of the neuroses that the physician meets. (See Part Five, Lecture II.) REGURGITATION (See Gastric Diseases) RETROVERSION (See Dysmenorrea) REUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, TORTICOLLIS, GOUT, ARTHRITIS. I shal mention these apparently allied conditions under one hed, as the fysical treatment, either local or general, is so much alike. Always test the urin in any of these conditions and if it shows over 25 or 30 by the decinormal-sodium-hydroxid- fenolthalin test, take such mesures as wil reduce the acid- ity. For testing the acidity, I use the simple outfit furnisht by the Abbott Laboratories of Chicago. For reducing the acidity in the urin I employ Sodoxylin, manufactured by the same concern, I also employ dietetic mesures. Each of these conditions calls for elimination. There- fore we must see that the bowels ar wel cleard, preferably by magnesium sulfate, or sodium fosfate taken in hot water on arising in the morning. As a medicament for stimulating the liver I always employ podofylin. Avoid mercury. Use soluble, stainless iodin on the affected parts. Em- ploy iodin therapy . There ar many fysical, local mesures that seem to work very wel indeed in these conditions, and I shal mention them in the order of their importance. A 3,000-candle-power lamp is to be thot of first. This is to be used over the painful area until the skin is very hyper- 1273 R emic. This produces a relaxation of the tissues, relieves stasis, and enhances elimination. If you hav a quartz light, use it also. Electric light baths ar considerd as second to the power- ful radiant energy. Another modality that is wel to use, if you ar so equipt, is the static-wave current, with the electrode applied over the painful areas. This modality relevs stasis and has a peculiar action in enhancing elimination. If the two modal- ities ar used at the same treatment, use the light first. High frequency current from the surface, vacuum elec- trode used over the painful areas, while the muscles ar drawn as tense as possible, is also of great benefit and many times wil work like magic. Notis that 1 mention while the muscles ar under tension. I hav found that even if it cause great pain for the patient to contract an inflammatory mus- cle, it should be done, as during the application of the high frequency current, thru the surface, vacuum electrode, the pain subsides in a very few minutes. 4 dry sowel between the tube and skin increases the reaction. Another method is the use of the sinusoidal current, applied one pole over the origin and the other over the in- sertion of the painful muscles. This deep massaging of the muscles seems to reliev the stasis, or pressure, about the nerv sheaths and remedies the cause. Before using this modality, always use the powerful incandescent lamp, as that prepares the tissues for such treatment. My tecnic in using the light is to giv it 10 or 20 minutes over the painful area and 10 or more minutes over the spine at the origin of the nervs involvd. The static wave current I giv for 20 minutes, and the sinusoidal current I never giv for more than 10 minutes. Do not overdo these treatments. The time limit given I hav found by experience to be correct. Incandescent radia- tions can be used for 30 or more minutes over the inflamed area with good results. For a very painful localized area, the static sparks ar indicated, but as they ar so painful I try everything else first and as a rule do not hav to use them. In fact I hav given up for good the static modalities, as I can do as wel or better by using radiant energy and the sinusoidal current. For a gouty toe, the powerful heat from the incandes- cent lamp can be used along with the high-frequency current, 1274 but almost always the light alone is sufficient. If you hav R a static machine the blue-pencil-brush discharge is useful for this condition. In all of these reumatic conditions there appears to be a sub-oxidation of the tissues. Therefore oxygen-vapor inhalation and deep breathing in the open air ar of great benefit. Zone therapy is also of great benefit for relieving the pain. Often that alone, with dietetic mesures wil relieve the condition. The Magnetic Wave Current is often very helpful in treating these diseases. Traction, or in other words extension, by means of a suitable apparatus is also at times very beneficial in relieving painful points, especially about the spine and joints. SuBcuTANEOuS INJECTION FOR NEURALGIA There has been publisht in the French Journal of Med- icin and Surgery a “New Treatment for Neuralgia.” The principle upon which it is used is not entirely new, but per- haps the tecnic and formula ar. I hav not used it, but it looks as if it might be of use in many instances, and I giv it here. The treatment is by means of subcutaneous injections of a solution composed of the following: Sodium clorid 5 gms. Sodium sulfate . 10 gms. Steril water 100 mils The injections ar given at the painful spots in a dose of from 5 to 10 c.c., repeated every two or three days. It is claimd that sciatica can be cured by 10 to 15 injections. The object is to free the nervy endings which ar em- bedded in hyperemic tissues. Air as wel as distild water hav been used for this before, and some hav reported very good results; but this saline solution seems to be a great improve- ment. The sites of election for injection in the case of sciatica ar given as the upper part of the buttock, the middle and posterior parts of the thigh, and the outer side of the leg. Of course in using the hypodermic needle, it is necsesary to make sure that the point is not in a vessel. A little numness and tingling ar usually experienst by the patient. 1275 R I cannot see as the method is at all hazardous and it is quite painless. One thing the users of this method report, is that the patient nearly always experiences immediate relief. Intercostal neuralgia, femoral cutaneous neuralgia, fa- cial neuralgia, and in fact any form of neuralgia, can be treated in this same manner. Good results ar also reported in using this method for diffused painful neuritis following contusions of the shoulder, hip, elbow, nee, etc. Never use alcohol hypodermically for neuralgia or any other inflammatory condition. Acute arthritis is a serious condition, if all the joints ar involvd. The condition can hav so sudden an onset as to make the physician at first wonder if his diagnosis is correct or not. The causes ar, first, a tired-out, toxemic condition. Second, severe exercize. The victims ar usually those who think they can endure anything and they forget they hav a limit to endurance. Rest in bed is the first requisit. Power- ful light and heat for local treatment ar cald for. Match the hart! Often these cases get up with endo- or pericardi- tis, so keep the patient quiet during the attack and for a few days afterward. REUMATOID ARTHRITIS (See Arthritis Deformans) REYNAUD’S DISEASE This complex condition is a vasomotor affection. The disease occurs more frequently in women before thirty and is quite common in children. Almost any disease seems to be an etiological factor. Reynaud's original hypothesis was that the disease is an affection of the vasomotor trofic nervs. Altho the prognosis is very unfavorable, yet if one can prevent gangrene there is hope. Powerful radiant light energy and especially the quartz light ar our best therapeu- tic agencies. The radiations ar put over the affected areas as wel as over the entire body. Everything should be done to enhance metabolism and the treatment in general should be the same as for tuber- culosis. Out door life and carefully regulated diet ar im- perativ. Regulate the diet so that the meals wil not pre- cipitate an attack. Keep the bowels open. 1276 In cold climates, it is better that the patient wear linen R mesh next to the skin with light woolen underclothes over it, and it is better to wear mittens than gloves. Some advocate the protecting of the affected parts with ointments before going out in the cold. The pulsoidal current is indicated in many cases and is often beneficial in treating this condition. Some think that the intermittent galvanic current is better than the rapid- sine current. I do not think that high frequency currents hay any special effect over this disease, but | do know that powerful radiant light energy is very beneficial. RING WORM (TINEA TRICOFYTINA) This as wel as other fungoid skin diseases can be quick- ly and easily cured by cataforesis, using zinc sulfate upon the positiv pole. Quartz Light is no doubt our very best modality for ring worm. One treatment is usually sufficient. Localize the light thru a suitable applicator. Another method for curing ring worm is to paint the lesion with a solution of iodin and then paint over this area, and about one-quarter inch beyond, with iodized flexible collodion. This not only givs the iodin effect, but shuts out the air from the fungus. Sometimes one application wil be sufficient, while at others three or four paintings wil be nec- essary. Terpene peroxid, in place of iodin, wil cure the con- dition. RINITIS, BRONCHITIS, HAY FEVER For these affections I know of nothing that can be com- pared with the 3,000-candle-power incandescent lamp over the face and chest for from 10 to 15 minutes, and over the back for the same length of time. Along with this should be given from 20 to 40 minutes wel directed inhalation of oxygen vapor and B-D-C therapy. In using all fysical mesures, never forget hygiene and diet. Thoro elimination is the keynote of all diseases and especially those affecting the respiratory system. Stimulation of the 6th and 7th cervical vertebra in- creases vagal tone, and therefore is indicated in every dis- ease affecting the respiratory system. 1277 The use of iodin in the form of soluble, stainless iodin on the skin or of calcidin taken internally, I hav found to be indicated in most diseases of the respiratory system. Formula of a noted specialist for Nasal Spray—“Brst Ever.” Always keep it on hand. Creosote (Beechwood) ............. 2 mils Menthol ........... . 8 gms. Terebene, Oil D Oil Eucalyptus—aa . Pure Hydrocarbon Oil..... M—Use in Nebulizer. Lhav used this for years with very gratifying results. For congestion of the Schneiderian membrane, Zone therapy acts like magic. Zone therapy is also a very efficient aid in bronchitis and hay fever. The quartz light is a great aid in treating these condi- tions. Some claim it is specific. - 16 mils .. 500 mils Rinitis—Crinica Cases Case 292 Mr. X., 45 years of age. Came to me suffering with what he said was a periodical attack of rinitis, which he had every time he got any cold, and the attacks generally lasted for ten days. As our big lamps wer in use, 1 could not giv him that treatment, so gave oxygen-vapor inhalation and B-D-C therapy for 40 minutes. He said he felt so much relievd that he would like to come the next day for another treatment. When he came the following day he said the “cold” was “broken” and he had never had an attack like that cleard up so quickly, altho he had tried all kinds of remedies and physicians. After the second treatment I told him to come again the following day, if he felt any bad effects from the rinitis. About two weeks later he reported that the attack was broken after the first treatment and after the second treat- ment he felt wel. Case 293 Mr. R., 45 years of age. Merchant. Came to me suf- fering with terrible pain in the frontal sinus which he said 1278 had kept him awake for three nights and he wanted me to R giv him an opiate. This I did not do, but put him on the table and exhibited the rays from the 3,000-candle-power lamp for one hour, covering the eyes wel with an opaque fame Within half an hour the pain thru his hed had left. After this radiant light treatment I had him take oxy- gen-vapor inhalation along with B-D-C therapy for 40 min- utes. He went home that night and slept comfortably with- out any pain. The next day he came for another treatment, and from that time on has had no return of the trouble. This was a case of congestion of the frontal sinus caused by an acute attack of rinitis, and the frontal sinus was very much involvd. The effects of the light wer to produce sur- face hyperemia, which reduced the congestion within. At the same time the penetration from the light had a very profound effect. The oxygen-vapor inhalation and B-D-C therapy tended to brace up the whole system, to say nothing about the local effects of the terpene peroxid vapor along with the oxygen passing thru the nasal passages. I could mention very many cases of rinitis that T hav cured in this manner. Case 294 Mrs. A. Aged 42. Cronic bronchitis for years and coft until nearly worn out. I gave powerful lamp radiations over the chest for about 20 minutes and about the same length of time over the back in the thoracic and cervical region, and added vibration between the 4th and Sth cervical vertebra. After fifteen daily treatments there was no cof to speak of and treatments wer discontinued. For three years her general condition was excellent, after which time I lost track of her. RINOFYMA This nodular swelling and congestion of the nose, which is often cald acne hypertrofica, is best treated with the quartz light. Probably no other modality can be compared with it for effectivness. RODENT ULCER Treatment the same as for Lupus Vulgaris. (See Skin Diseases.) 1279 RUMINATION (See Gastric Diseases) ST. VITUS DANCE (See Corea) SAND, INTESTINAL (See Intestins) SCARLET FEVER Scarlet fever should not be considerd lightly even if it is cald “Scarlatina.” Many patients ar deceivd by having the physician call the case Scarlatina, which to them means a “light case of scarlet fever.” Scarlet fever is no light mat- ter, whether it is cald Scarlatina or Scarlet Fever. No doubt many of the weak harts and kidneys ar caused by the old- fashiond “allopathic” method of treating this malady. For internal medication the homeopathic indicated rem- edy is without any doubt the best. Remember you ar treat- ing an individual and not the named disease. Therefore the remedy that might be indicated with one patient would not be indicated with another, altho the disease might hav the same name. As a rule calcium sulfid, % grain every hour, is beneficial. No doubt the hydrotherapeutic method of treating scarlet fever is the best of all, and if carried out judiciously, everything else being equal, wil prevent all sequella. Altho some hydrotherapeutists advize the use of ful baths at 90° to 100° F. for 10 minutes or longer, the hed being kept cool by a cold compress, yet I believe the hot, eucalyptus water pack is the best. (The proportion is a tea- spoonful of oil of eucalyptus to the quart of water.) It opens the pores of the skin and brings about elimination that cannot be equald by any other method unless one is fitted up for giving regular Turkish or Russian baths. To prevent the hedakes and delirium that often accom- pany scarlet fever, cool compresses on the hed seem to be the best procedure. Many of the laity hav an idea that such and such proce- dures “drive the eruption in” but it is very easy to convince them that swetting the patient wil “bring the eruption out.” Giv the patient plenty of fresh air, but be careful that their bare skin is not exposed to drafts of cool air during the entire activ stage of the disease. 1280 The diet should be preferably liquid and given as warm S as the patient can comfortably take it. For the convalescent period, the electric-light baths and radiations from the powerful incandescent lamp as wel as quartz lamp, can be clast among our very best therapeutic mesures. Onjgeunapar inhalation is also of markt value. The eyes should be protected and not used while the patient is suffering with scarlet fever or any other febril condition, and they should also be protected from bright light for three or four weeks after the activ stage of the disease has past. This should be thoroly imprest upon the patient's mind or upon those who hav charge of the patient. To preyent contagion in the houschold, hang sheets up at communicating doors, keeping them wet with a 5% solution of formaldehyde. Each member of the family should keep the bowels wel open and use antiseptic nasal and throat treatments. Eating onions also appears to be a profylactic mesure. After giving hot eucalyptus water packs, it is wel to rub the patient's skin with sweet spirits of niter if they ar inclined to be nervous. If not, rub them with alcohol, bay rum, witch-hazel, or oil eucalyptus. SCURVY Dietetic mesures ar probably all that ar really needed for treating this condition. Fruit juices, especially orange, lime, prune, lemon, etc., ar of great value. Onions ar also of great value in treating scurvy. Infantile scurvy can be just as wel treated by a potato diet, using a tablespoonful of masht potato to the pint of water added to the tewnty-four hours’ feeding of milk. This can be added in place of the usual cereal diluent. Probably it is best to ad the masht potato to the water in which it is boild because in that manner the vitamins ar preservd. Suitable bathing, electric light baths, powerful electric light therapy, quartz-light therapy, oxygen-vapor therapy, etc., ar to be considerd next to dietetic mesures for treating scurvy. SEA SICKNESS or CAR SICKNESS Sea sickness or car sickness is generally caused by some toxemia. See that the bowels ar wel cleard and that the diet before the beginning of the trip is very rigidly regulated. 1281 S Horlick’s Malted Milk is probably one of the best diets to put a patient on before taking a trip if they ar at all troubled with car sickness or sea sickness. Plenty of fresh air wil often prevent the patient from being sea sick or car sick. Bromid of potassium taken in doses of from thirty to sixty grains, wel diluted in water, about two hours before beginning the trip is often effectual. SEBORREA I wish particularly to call attention to the form of se- borrea known as seborrea sicca, or dandruf. Nearly all of our patients hav dandruf and wil ask us how to treat it. It is good policy to know how to anser such questions. I advize first that the scalp be thoroly clensd with carbenzol soap and water. Then thoroly wet it with the following mixture : Bay Rum . 200 mils Liquor Potassi Arsenitis (Fowler's Solution) ......... 25 mils As this mixture is poison, it is wel to safegard the bot- tle by sticking needles thru the cork so they project on each side. This bay rum and arsenic solution may be used every other day for the first week and after that not more than once a week. With some people it may cause a little local dermatitis, in which case it should be discontinued for a week or so, depending upon the idiosyncrasy of the patient. The scalp should be thoroly clensd with carbenzol soap at least once a month. Along with this local treatment, I use the powerful incandeseent lamp, which seems to hav a very beneficial effect. Quartz Light also is very useful, some say “specific.” Several of my patients, who wer being treated daily with the quartz light, hav remarkt that their hair had stopt coming out and that they had no more dandruf. This change was caused by the quartz light. (See Skin Diseases.) Seborrea in other forms is best treated by some con- stitutional remedy along with the powerful incandescent lamp, quartz lamp, and soluble, stainless iodin, as wel as oxygen-vapor inhalation and B-D-C- therapy. 1282 SEXUAL NEURASTHENIA In the male, the pulsoidal current thru the bi-polar rectal electrode thru the rectum is probably the best elec- trical mesure. In the female, use the pulsoidal current or the slow-sine current thru the vagina and thru a weighted clay pad on the abdomen. Use powerful, radiant light energy (incandescent light and quartz light combined) and B-D-C therapy. Suggestiv therapy plays a leading réle in treating this condition. SHEL-SHOCK It is now time that we began to realize what “over- wrot nervs” really means. This great war with its terri- ble guns in use is bringing about a nervous condition in the soldiers and in those who ar exposed to shel explosions that is wel named shel-shock. Some time ago | advocated the use of light, color, and other natural fenomena for treating this condition. The plan that I outlined is to hav the room in which these unfor- tunate people ar treated made to look as much like spring- time as possible. For example, hav the ceiling tinted to represent the sky and the side walls painted to represent foliage. Hav artificial light in the room to resemble sun- light. This can be done by shedding electric light thru prop- erly colord screens or it can also be done by shedding quartz and incandescent light simultaneously into the room. The lights should not be glaring but should be reflected or past thru material that wil take away all glare. The prevailing color of the room should be yellow, which wil giv the gen- eral effect of sunlight; so if the light is past thru yellow silks it has a very soft effect. Mixt with the yellow should be green of the color of foliage. All this blends wel for sooth- ing over-wrot nervs. By changing the color thru which the light passes, other effects can be produced to meet the requirements of the pa- tient. For example, with many patients violet or purple or magenta would be indicated rather than yellow, especially after they had become accustomd to yellow and wer on the road to recovery. If possible, electric lighting effects can be instald in such a recuperation ward so as to simulate sunrise, sunset, and other natural fenomena. 1283 Ss The placing of flowers that do not hav too hevy an odor about the room has a very good effect. Another use- ful adjunct is to hav singing birds within hearing distance of the patients. The whole object of this scheme is to hav springtime in every sense of the word surround the patient. This has a soothing effect upon such patients that cannot be dupli- cated by any other procedure. Often a delicate odor in the room, such as the odor of apple blossoms, is to be recom- mended, especially if apple trees in blossom ar painted on the walls. Music of the right kind also has a very markt thera- peutic value in treating over-wrot nervs. , Giv the patients plenty of rest and nourishing food and keep them cheerful. Suggestiv Therapy is of paramount value in treating over-wrot nervs, irrespectiv of the cause. The magnetic-wave current, because of its peculiar sta- bilizing influence upon the nervous system and because of its absolute freedom from producing irritating effects, is also indicated in treating shel-shock or over-wrot nervs. The aboy outlined method wil work wonders in restor- ing victims of shel-shock. These same methods wil work wonders in recuperating persons with over-wrot nervs from whatever cause. Chromo-Therapy and Natural-Fenomena Therapy hav a great field in treating neurotic conditions, and especially over-wrot nervs. SKIN DISEASES I mention skin diseases collectivly as the treatment for all skin diseases is about the same. First regulate the diet to conform with the urinary findings. Cut out all fried foods. Often all fats hav to be prohibited. Usually all sugar must be prohibited. Use iodin therapy. Soluble, stainless iodin (iodex) is indicated in most skin diseases. The fysical mesure that seems to be the best of all is powerful radiant light energy—powerful incandescent light and quartz light combined. Such stubborn diseases as soriasis and some forms of eczema can be cured by means of these two lights alone. Probably the quartz light wil do it without the other, but 1284 by using the two together, the beneficial effect is greatly enhanst. In many skin diseases after the skin is cleard up there wil be a return within a few months or a year. Treat the same as at first. The recurrences wil grow farther and farther apart and wil be less severe. This is especially true of soriasis. SMALLPOX Altho an offis specialist wil not seek out smallpox cases, yet it is a good plan to know something about handling the condition it the physician should be where it was necessary. In the first place, vaccination is not at all necessary. In fact, I think it is a detriment. If it is possible to giv powerful radiant light treatment, especially with the quartz light, or the combination of the two, smallpox could be handled as redily as any other disease. Inasmuch as I hav personally been thru a smallpox siege, I am not very much afraid of it. A thoro elimination thru the bowels and kidneys, a light diet, and quantities of onions ar the mesures to pursue. Giy the patient all the fresh air they can get and sunlight if possible. Try to make it possible. It is best to let the sunlight come on the body without passing thru glass as the actinic rays ar of great value in treating smallpox. Of course the patient must be isolated. I do not believe smallpox is as contagious as scarlet fever, and I believe that the scare of smallpox kils more people than smallpox itself. Don’t rush to be vaccinated the moment you hear of smallpox. That is superstitious. Simply clear out the bowels, eat nourishing food, and eat onions three times a day and don’t worry! Calcium sulfid is also a great profylatic remedy. Don’t be afraid of smallpox and the chances ar that you wil never take it. Hygienic mesures wil prevent smallpox, but I do not think that vaccination has ever prevented it or ever wil. odin therapy is always to be thot of in treating small- OX. , To prevent pitting no doubt red light is of great benefit. Oliv oil on the face is also of great benefit. Iodex anointed on the face and body wil also prevent pitting, or at least is a great aid. Keep the patient from scratching by 1285, S binding the hands when they ar asleep. Painting the face with tincture of iodin is considerd by some the best method of preventing pitting. It is generally best to paint it on once or twice a day according to the sensitivness of the skin. At first the patients may complain of smarting but soon they do not mind it. With some patients it is impossible to use tincture of iodin as the skin is too sensitiv. About the eighth to the tenth day a fine, dry, parchment-like mask wil peel off where the tincture of iodin has been used. The quartz light no doubt is the modality par excel- lence for treating smallpox and for preventing pitting. If the radiations from the powerful incandescent lamp can be used at the same time, the quartz light therapy is greatly enhanst. One physician told me that he had taken several cases thru smallpox with no remedy except a mild solution of bi- cromate of potash, having it just strong enuf to color the skin and putting the patient in a bath tub of this solution. He said he did this two or three times a day, kept the bowels wel open, and carried out every hygienic mesure needed for handling smallpox, and he had universally good results. T know that onions ar profylactic in smallpox and can- not speak too highly of their use in this condition. SORIASIS The Actinic Rays from a quartz, mercury-vapor lamp ar without any doubt the best agency for this stubborn skin symptom. Treat the whole body with the rays as wel as the local lesions. Radiations from the powerful incandescent lamp is of great value. Oxygen-vapor inhalations along with the B-D-C ther- apy aid greatly in curing this condition. Terpene peroxid is also very beneficial—some say it is “specific.” Jodex is also beneficial as a local treatment. If there is a return of the scaling, as there usually treat again and so on til it is worn out and the disease erad cated from the system. In soriasis as wel as in other skin diseases, there must be constitutional treatment, and in all cases of skin diseases one must never forget to keep watch of the urin. Regulate the diet and enforce the best hygienic meth- ods. (See Skin Diseases.) 1286 SPINAL CORD, DIS Tabes Dorsalis—See Sy fi Poliomyelitis—See Infantile Paralysis. For nearly all diseases of the spinal cord powerful ra- diant light energy—incandescent and quartz light—is indi- cated. The pulsoidal current in many cases is also indicated for stimulating the nervs. The magnetic wave current is also very soothing. In all affections of the spinal cord, be sure to see that the spinal colum is in good form, and use such manipulation as is necessary to reduce muscular contractions about the vertebra. For all inflammatory conditions about the spinal colum powerful radiant light energy is the best remedy. SPINAL NERVS, DISEASES OF Neuritis—See Reumatism, Neuralgia, etc. Brachial Neuritis—Sce Reumatism, Neuralgia, etc. Coccygodynia—See Reumatism, Neuralgia, etc. In treating neuritis of all kinds powerful radiant light —the incandescent and quartz light—is our best remedy. Neuritis really comes under the hed of these allied con- conditions—reumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, arthritis, etc. As the name implies, it is an inflammatory condition of the nerv or nerv sheath. The treatment for this condition is powerful radiant light energy—incandescent and quartz. If no one has used the quartz light in connection with the powerful incandescent light in cases of neuritis, they hav no idea how beneficial itis. It is a new departure in the treatment of this condition. Coccyalgia. Inasmuch as Coccyalgia is only a localized arthritis or neuritis or, as some might say, a neuralgia of the caudal extremity of the spinal colum, this treatment is the fame as for neuritis—powerful incandescent light and quartz. ight. As mentiond in the lecture on sone therapy, I might say that coccyalgia, lumbago, and other reumatic or neuralgic pains ar often cured like magic by means of zone pressures, correctly used over the correct zone or zones. The tecnic is described in the lecture on Zone Therapy. 1287 SPLANCNIC INSUFFICIENCY (Relaxation of the Splancnic Vessels) SPLANCNIC NEURASTHENIA (Neurasthenia Concomitant With. Splancnoptosis) Splancnoptosis, Visceroptosis, Abdominal Tosis, Glé- nard’s Disease, ar all synonymous terms used to express an abnormal downward displacement of the abdominal viscera. Abdominal Tosis may include tosis of the stémac, liver, spleen, kidneys, and intestins; altho the downward displace- ment may include only the stomac and intestins. If the stomac only is lowerd, the condition is cald gastroptosis: if the intestins ar lower than normal, it is spoken of as enter- optosis; and so on. Splancnic Insuffiency indicates a condition in which the tonicity of the splancnic vessels is lowerd. In other words, they ar not efficient. Another term for this is splancnic relaxation or relax- ation of the splancnic vessels. Inasmuch as the splancnic vessels contain such a large proportion of the entire amount of blood in the body, any relaxation or lack of tone in the splancnic vessels has more or less of an effect upon the entire organism. One can hav splancnic insufficiency and not splancnop- tosis, but a person cannot hav splancnoptosis without having splancnic insufficiency. When a neurasthenic condition exists along with splanc- nic insufficiency or splancnoptosis, it can be cald splancnic neurasthenia. Abdominal Tosis involys primarily the intestinal mass —enteroptosis associated with gastroptosis. Nefroptosis is concomitant in about 40% of all cases of visceroptosis, he- patoptosis in about 10% and splenoptosis in about 5%. “TIOLOGY Splancnoptosis is said to be more prominent in women than in men, but from my experience I cannot agree with this classification. I should say that as many men suffer from this condition as women, because their habits seem to more than overweigh the etiological factor of childbirth in women. Splancnoptosis occurs in all ages and among all so-cald civilized people. 1288 SPLANCNIC INSUFFICIENCY (Relaxation of the Splancnic Vessels) SPLANCNIC NEURASTHENIA (Neurasthenia Concomitant With Splancnoptosis) Splancnoptosis, Visceroptosis, Abdominal Tosis, Glé- nard’s Disease, ar all synonymous terms used to express an abnormal downward displacement of the abdominal viscera. Abdominal Tosis may include tosis of the stémac, liver, spleen, kidneys, and intestins; altho the downward displace- ment may include only the stomac and intestins. If the stomac only is lowerd, the condition is cald gastroptosis: if the intestins ar lower than normal, it is spoken of as enter- optosis; and so on. Splancnic Insuffiency indicates a condition in which the tonicity of the splancnic vessels is lowerd. In other words, they ar not efficient. Another term for this is splancnic relaxation or relax- ation of the splancnic vessels. Inasmuch as the splancnic vessels contain such a large proportion of the entire amount of blood in the body, any relaxation or lack of tone in the splancnic vessels has more or less of an effect upon the entire organism. One can hav splancnic insufficiency and not splancnop- tosis, but a person cannot hav splancnoptosis without having splancnic insufficiency. When a neurasthenic condition exists along with splanc- nic insufficiency or splancnoptosis, it can be cald splancnic neurasthenia. Abdominal Tosis involys primarily the intestinal mass —enteroptosis associated with gastroptosis. Nefroptosis is concomitant in about 40% of all cases of visceroptosis, he- patoptosis in about 10% and splenoptosis in about 5%. “TIOLOGY Splancnoptosis is said to be more prominent in women than in men, but from my experience I cannot agree with this classification. I should say that as many men suffer from this condition as women, because their habits seem to more than overweigh the etiological factor of childbirth in women. Splancnoptosis occurs in all ages and among all so-cald civilized people. 1288 The following ar some of the predisposing factors: S heredity, rachitis, constricted waist (either congenital or ac- quired from corsets or tight clothing) ; hevy clothing hung from the waist; improper breathing; childbirth, tumors; sudden straining or lifting; sedentary habits; lack of exer- cize; prolongd exertion without adequate rest; being-on the feet too much; fallen or ‘falling arches”; shoes that change the natural poise; prolongd upright position after a long period in bed; rapid emaciation; obesity; over-eating; dyspepsia; atony of the stomac; use of liquor, tobacco, and all other dope; narcotics or stimulants; enlargement of the liver; jaundis; constipation; auto-intoxication; worry; and anything that produces lowerd vitality or relaxation of the abdominal walls. SymMPpToms 1. Subjectiv. Splancnoptosis is often congenital and may exist with- out any symptoms. The most prominent symptoms seem to be obscure neurotic conditions. These nervous fenomena may include symptoms of every known ailment. ‘The more the patient knows about diseases, the more he complains of. They include especially symptoms of “tumors” which change location; “painful” localized areas which ar migratory; drowsiness; lack of ambition; insomnia; ‘“‘blues;” ‘‘discour- aged feeling”; melancolia; desire to be left alone; feel like weeping; fear of “catching” this or that disease; bad tem- per; always looking for a new remedy or a new physician; sensitiv areas in mouth, farynx, nose, or on any other mucous membrane; bad taste in mouth; dryness in mouth and throat; rising of food or “hot liquid” in throat; belching; borgoryg- mus; nervous dyspepsia; globus hystericus; sense of fulness in the epigastrium; constipation or diarrea; colitis; hemorr- oids; abnormal pelvic conditions in women and menstrual disorders; hedake; vertigo; constricted feeling in hed or body; cold or num hands or feet; nees cold; sensitivness to heat or cold, or drafts of air; many asthmatic conditions. Many symptoms ar ameliorated when lying down. 2. Objectiv. General appearance is nervous or downcast or haggard —worried look;” general restlessness is pronounst; ex- tremities, hed or body always moving; skin often sensitiv 1239 S to touch; dry skin; complexion often appears abnormal; gait may be nervous or hevy; clorosis or anemia is often present; low blood pressure—generally lower in the sitting position than in the recumbent: blood pressure may be different in one side than in the other; temperature is often irregular; tung furd and chocolate colord; teeth and gums bad; abdo- men may protrude, drop, or show no change. Abdominal tension lessend; tenth rib is very often free at its costal ex- tremity; displaced viscera may sometimes be seen in thin- wald persons; the umbilicus often appears as if puld down- ward and inward, and sometimes moves during inspiration or expiration. Palpation of abdomen often reveals misplaced viscera thru the relaxt walls; hard masses of intestinal contents may often be palpated; liver is generally enlarged; stomac is often vertical, or lying on bladder; sinking of hepatic and splenic flexures is often notist; transverse colon easily pal- pated and sensitiv to the touch. Owing to the relaxt condition of the splancnic veins, blood gravitates into this area and causes congestion. Pres- sure upon the abdomen wil cause the blood to go back into the right hart and thus re-establishes the circulation. In the normal condition the vaso-motor mecanism is sufficient to prevent the blood gravitating into the splancnic area, but in splancnic insufficiency, or splancnoptosis this mecanism is ex- hausted and lacks the necessary tone. It can be likend to a pump with a leaky valy which continues to let the liquid flow back. The Pulses, if both taken together with the rists on a level with the hart (dual-puls system), patient grounded and standing facing east or west in a subdued light, wil nearly always be found to vary. Compression and lifting of abdo- men wil at once make the pulses equal. This objectiv symp- tom is very constant and reliable, and shows us how to rem- edy many of the symptoms. dir-Colum Percussion tels us a great deal. If the pa- tient is grounded and faces east or west in a subdued light, the lines of maximum dulness over the lower abdominal area on each side wil not be on the same level. Air-Colum per- cussion wil also indicate the position and condition of the viscera. The X-ray is very valuable in clearing up the diagnosis of visceroptosis. By employing bismuth “meals” not only 1290 can the location and position of stomac and colon be out- S lined, but the motor efficiency of the same can be determind. TREATMENT 1. The General Treatment includes the remedying of all predisposing factors as far as possible and adoption of hygienic mesures, such as fresh air, nourishing food, rest, regulation of clothing, etc. Change of scene and rest wil work wonders in this form of neurasthenia. Exercize of the abdominal muscles is of great benefit. Deep abdominal breathing exercizes should be practist while lying in bed. Such gymnastics as wil bring the abdominal muscles into play should be faithfully carried out, namely, lying on the back and flexing the thighs on the abdomen; flexing the trunk on the thighs while lying on the back, etc. (a) Stimulation of the spinal nervs can be done by means of the pulsoidal current or the slow sinusoidal cur- rent, placing one terminal over one side of the vertebra and the other terminal over the other side; or by placing one electrode right over the spinous process and the other over the sacrum, in the hands, or over the abdomen. Stimulation of the spinal nervs can also be produced by means of radiant light and heat, or concussion, or vibra- tion. For giving the pulsoidal current I use the Valens Met- ronomic Interrupter, illustrated in Fig. 246. For giving the slow-sine wave, any good sinusoidal ap- paratus can be used, but I use either the universalmode, il- lustrated in Fig. 207, or the polysine, illustrated in Fig. 209. For radiant light I use the powerful incandescent lamps illustrated in Figs. 148 and 153 as wel as the quartz lamp. For concussion I employ Valens Spinal Concussor illus- trated in Fig. 260. With this concussor I giv concussion over the 6th and 7th cervical vertebre for about one minute. This increases vagal tone. I then concuss the 6th and 7th thoracic vertebre for about a minute. This equalizes the splancnic blood supply. If the liver is enlarged, as it gen- erally is in splancnoptosis, I concuss the 2nd lumbar vertebra for about a minute. This contracts the liver. In concussing with this concussor, I leave the concus- sode in contact with the skin during the whole treatment, but strike the concussode handle with a firm staccato blow at the rate of about four times the respiration of the patient. 1291 $s The duration of these treatments should be for the pul- soidal or sinusoidal current 10 minutes. For concussion, from 10 to 20 blows. For powerful incandescent light, from 10 to 20 minutes. I want to mention in particular about radiations from the powerful incandescent lamp in combination with the quartz light for neurasthenia concomitant with splancnic in- sufficiency—splancnic neurasthenia. This method seems to have been overlookt. I hav been greatly gratified by the re- sults obtaind from its use. Along with any other modality, the use of the powerful incandescent lamp for 10 minutes on the spine and 10‘to 20 minutes on the abdomen aids greatly in the metabolic processes. It also aids in relieving the nervous symptoms as wel as improving digestion and splancnic tonicity. For the relief of congestion that is almost always pres- ent in some of the viscera in abdominal ptosis, radiations from the powerful incandescent lamp hav a most beneficent effect. The fact that radiant light and heat dilate the periferal blood vessels, thereby relieving organic congestion and im- proving visceral circulation, givs us another potent reason for using this modality. The quartz light has a specific ef- fect on the nervous system and so that is especially indicated in this condition. Oxygen-vapor inhalations when given in a dark room with the patient grounded and sitting or reclining parallel with the magnetic meridian, along with the intermittent indi- cated color (B-D-C therapy), aids greatly in every pro- cedure. (b) Abdominal Support. All authorities ar of one opinion regarding support- ing the abdomen for splancnoptosis. Of course, there ar ex- treme cases where an abdominal support is of no use. When the stomac and transverse colon ar nearly down to the pubes, an appliance would not support but would constrict. When the ovaries ar sensitiv to palpation, in cronic appendicitis, or in abdominal abscess, a belt of any kind is contra-indica- ted. ‘For nearly all other cases of visceroptosis, a support that lifts and supports the abdomen is indicated and should be worn. A support to be of much real benefit for visceroptosis should be made of a stif material, preferably lether, and of 1292 a keystone shape, with the shorter length next to the pubic S arch. This unyielding abdominal pad should be so construct- ed that it, wil keep its place. Strong elastic belts should go around the body to giv a constant pul to the pad. The common form of abdominal belt, which is made of various kinds of webbing and comes up high on the abdo- men, is contra-indicated, as it tends to produce the very con- dition it is designd to alleviate. The stif, corset-like ar- rangement, advertized to correct the poise of the wearer, is also detrimental and wil do more harm than good in a case of abdominal tosis. Such a device has a tendency to Fig. 403 Illustrates the Valens Improved Abdominal Support in_posi- tion. Notis that it is worn over the undershirt, Notis that the pul is up- ward and inward. Notis the ventilating holes which pass way thru the pad. Fig. 404. Showing Valens Improved Abdominal Support redy to put on, G represents the ventilating holes. H represent the strong lether tab sewd into the pad. C represents the socket or pivot fastener by which the belt is fastend on by passing this tab thru a loop wire D. As this is past thru and snapt together, it can never come off until it is taken off. This method of fasten- ing prevents any slipping or loosening of the attachment. E represents a specially made suspender buckle for making the belt longer or shorter. F shows how the hevy web belt is sewd in the pad. 1293 S cause abdominal tosis. The pressure of an abdominal sup- port should be upward and inward from the pubes. As nothing could be found to meet my ideas for an ab- dominal support, I devized one, which is sold under the name of Valens Abdominal Support. This support is made of the best strap lether with padded, truss-elastic-web belts. This abdominal support is illustrated in Figs. 403, 404, and 405. In prescribing such a belt, one should select a size, the pad of which wil come between the anterior superior spines of the ilia. The width of the pad should be less than half its length. The lower edge of an abdominal support for this condition should come as near to the pubes as possible to allow the patient to sit down with comfort. Fig. 405. Showing the ribbing, ventilating holes and general construc- tion of Valens Improved Abdominal Support. A represents the ribs. B the lether that covers these ribs. This lether lining is ruf and the ribs stand out so when the belt is fastend on it cannot slide up and down or to the right or left. G represents the ventilating holes, In fitting any abdominal support, the patient should lie on the back w putting it on and draw the abdomen in as much as possible while adjusting it. A physician by knowing when to use and how to adjust a suitable abdominal support can often remedy many ob- scure conditions which cannot be remedied in any other man- ner Fig. 52 is a drawing of one of my patients, and these lines ar exactly as they wer found. The general contour 1294 of this abdomen shows the condition of tosis or relaxation S of the splancnic area. This patient's right puls was much higher than the left, and it wil be notist that the working and reflex lines on the right side ar much higher than they ar on the left. These two conditions generally go hand in and. All of this patient's peculiar symptoms wer relieyd by wearing a properly adjusted abdominal support. The fact that these lines wil come on the same level immediately after lifting the abdomen up shows at once how to treat this con- dition. VALENS ABDOMINAL SUPPORT Valens Abdominal Support consists of a lether pad sub- stantially trapezoidal in shape and with hevy truss-elastic- web belts. Fig. 403 shows this abdominal support on the body. Obsery that the belt pulls upward and inward from the pubes. The pad lifts and supports the abdomen. (Never put one of the belts under the buttocks unless on a lady with very flaring hips. ) Fig. 404 shows this abdominal support unclaspt redy to put on. The elastic belts ar provided with hevy, sliding suspender buckles shown at E. Fig. 405 shows the pad cut down thru its center so as to giv an end sectional view, as wel as a side view of the part of same. LetHer Paps Notis that the pad, Fig. 405, is made of layers of strap lether, cemented and stitcht together over a form. The in- side ribs ar cemented, and over same a lining, B, of ruf lether is cemented and sewd to the middle layer. The lining is key-stone shaped and tapers at the edges. This lining is so sewd that each rib, 4, stands out prominently and pre- yents the pad from slipping up or down on the abdomen. The beveld edges of the lining section keep the pad from moving to the right or left. The pad is moulded so it wil fit the abdomen. After over thirty years of use, this keystone shape for an abdom- inal pad has been found to be the best. 1295 S Tue Ezasric Bers The very best reinforst truss-elastic-web is used in this support. This webbing is padded on the under side so it is comfortable for the wearer. As the belts stretch, they can be-taken up by means of the hevy suspender buckles. LeapinG FEATURES The main features of the Valens Abdominal Support is that it does just what the name implies—supports the ab- domen, ‘Another feature is the ventilation in the pad. Fig. 404 shows this very wel indeed. These ventilations, placed as they ar between the ribs as shown in detail in Fig. 405, giv the patient great comfort when wearing this support, even in the hottest wether. There ar many abdominal supports on the market, some very good, some good, and some useless. The cloth supports ar not to be clast with those made of lether. While the cloth supports wil do very wel for a short time or for a thin person, they ar not at‘all adequate for a fleshy person, and neither ar they intended for wear and tear. Only for the extra expense, probably all abdominal supports would be made of lether. Corsets can be made with an abdominal lifting and supporting device attacht. When having such a corset made, belts must be on to pul upward and inward, and the corset must be loose abov the umbilicus. Otherwise it wil tend to produce the very condition that the abdominal support is intended to correct. To Pur THE Support ON To adjust the VALENS ABDOMINAL SupporRT to the body, it is best to lie on the back with thighs flext. It can be put on when the person is standing if the abdomen is drawn in wel. Place the pad as near the pubic bone as possible and equidistant from the anterior, superior spines of ‘the ilia. Place the belts in a comfortable position so they draw in- ward and lift the abdomen. 1296 Ixpications For Its Use A hevy, pendulous abdomen. A relaxt abdomen. Abdominal tosis. Asthmatic condition. Splancnic neurasthenia. During pregnancy and after labor until walls ar strong. Many so-cald “hart diseases.” Sizes The V. lowing sizes: s ABDOMINAL Support is made in the fol- long circumference No. 7 pad 634 in. x 354 in. belts 30 in, 36 in. No. 8 pad 734 i % in. belts 34 in. 40 in. No. 9 pad 834i in. belts 36 in. 44 in. No. 10 p: i in. belts 42 in. 50 in. No. 11 pad 1034 in. in. belts48in. 56 in. When selecting the size, mesure circumference on level with navel and select size by comparing circumference col- um abov with the circumference of the patient. Special shapes and sizes made to order. Seal skin, walrus skin, pig skin, or other special lethers, can he made up to order. Pads for concave abdomens can be made to order. SPLEEN Most diseases of the spleen ar best treated by means of radiant light energy—radiations from the 3,000-candle- power incandescent lamp and the quartz light together— electric light baths and B-D-C therapy. STAMMERING Inasmuch as stammering is caused by a spasm of op- posing muscles in the articulating mecanism, the treatment must be not only suggestiv but gymnastic. Before commencing the treatment of this condition, physicians should realize the importance of notifying par- ents, if they see the least signs of stammering developing in the children. It is easy to prevent stammering, but it is quite difficult to rectify the condition. Nearly all stammerers 1297 S ar neurotic. They hav at times spasms thru the chest which resemble asthma. In treating this condition, instruct the patient to take a deep breth every time before they begin to articulate and then articulate rythmically. I hav found it very efficacious to hav the patient practis pinching their fingers together before they commence each word, and in some cases before they commence each syllable. In that way their mind was imprest with the fact that they wer to begin an expulsion of air and they would be prepared for it. Inasmuch as a stammerer is usually quick-temperd. care must be taken to keep them from losing their temper. Often the physician sees the stammerer after the orig- inal cause of this neurotic condition has past away. There- fore the treatment is really a re-education of the vocal mecanism. Syllabication is no doubt the rational cure for all vocal and retorical difficulties. Teach the patient to pronounce the last syllable of each word as distinctly as they do the first. Do not allow them to decapitate or decaudate their words. Deep breathing exercizes ar of the greatest import- ance. In such cases teach the patient to breathe rythmically, counting four while they inhale, eight while they hold the breth, and eight while they exhale. Giv the patient muscle training not only of the tung, throat, and vocal organs but also of the chest and neck muscles. In fact it is wel to giv them scientific gymnastic training from hed to foot. It teaches them co-ordination and muscle control which nearly every stammerer lacks. STERILITY Even tho we do hear a good deal about “birth control” and “race suicide,” there ar numberless women who would giv anything to become pregnant. The offis specialist is often consulted as to a cure for this condition. In the first place, find whether the husband's semen has live spermatazoa. This can only be told by the microscope, or if a person has no microscope they can tel by placing some of the fluid between two pieces of glass and looking thru it at a bright light, especially the sun. If it has live spermatazoa in it of any quantity, there wil be a constant change of reflection in the light past thru the glass. The 1298 man is most often steril from having gonorreal infection or S from having operations about the testicles, which hav oc- cluded the vas deferens. For this condition I do not know as there is any remedy. If the man is impotent, many times that condition can be cured by the pulsoidal current thru the rectum, using the bi-polar rectal electrode; and also by powerful radiant light energy— incandescent and quartz. I know of no drugs that hav any special value for impotency, but I am having con- tinued success in treating this affliction by means of fysical, natural methods. Sterility in the woman is most often caused by gonor- real affection. Often the young wife notises soon after mar- riage that she has more leukorrea than she has ever had before, and within six months or a year she wil begin to complain of heviness thru the pelvic region and soreness in the ovarian region. From these symptoms we can almost immediately diagnose gonorreal infection. The husband has probably been told by his physician that he was “safe and sound,” but as mentiond under the hed of gonorrea, there is no way of knowing whether a person is cured of this dis- ease except by the B-D-C method. Sometimes the husband wil infect his wife with gonorrea even if he contracted it twenty years before. Another prevalent cause of sterility in the female, which is overlookt by most physicians, is the reaction of the secretion in the vagina. If this secretion is acid in reaction, it wil, as a rule, kil the spermatazoa. Many times the wife has a dry vagina and uses some kind of lubricant which often has an acid reaction and thus prevents conception. Another cause for sterility is that the spermatic fluid is prevented from entering the uterus from some unknown cause. Often diseases of the rectum indirectly cause sterility. I am sure of this from the fact that I hav often cured a woman of sterility by simply getting her colon to working properly. Malposition of the uterus is often the cause of sterility. Often rectifying this condition wil cure the trouble. Often mucus plugs in the cervix ar a cause of sterility. These ar best removed by positiv galvanism, using a small copper electrode in the cervix and using the positiv current —5 to 10 milliampéres about 5 minutes. The current should 1299 S then be turnd off and the electrode removed. It wil be found to hav a quantity of mucus attacht. The quartz light used thru the long quart: trode is also a potent means of relieving the cer is so often responsible for sterility. Walking on all fours from 50 to 100 or more steps night and morning wil often overcome sterility. In fact, the patient’s general condition should be treated and if that is right, it wil go a long way toward rectifying sterility. Many times the position taken by the parties during coition has a great deal to do with preventing sterility. Physicians can do no better servis to humanity than to overcome sterility in those who ar anxious for offspring. STOMAC, DISEASES OF (See Gastric Diseases) STYES (See Eye) SYCOSIS Modern reserch shows that sycosis is parasitic in origin and to a certain extent is inoculable or auto-inoculable. This disease can be cured by cataforesis in from one to three treatments, I use the cataforic electrode, or a piece of block tin cut out to almost cover the surface to be treated. To this I attach a piece of lintine extending about one-eighth inch beyond the borders of the metal. Saturate this lintine with a 10% solution of zinc sulfate and connect it with the positiv pole. Five to 10 milliampéres, for about 10 minutes should be given every second or third day, according to the reaction. The trouble can be eradicated in one treatment, but the reaction is quite severe and I would never advize it. Terpene peroxid applied on lintine and coverd with oil silk, wil often cure the condition. Todex is very valuable, especially when used with pow- erful radiant light. The quartz light is the very latest and best method to use. One, two or three treatments wil cure sycosis—depend- ing on its location. Barber’s Itch can usually be cured in one treatment by the quartz light. ncil elec- itis which 1300 SYFILIS (See Part One, Lecture XVIII) TABES DORSALIS (See Syfilis) For treating Tabes Dorsalis, besides the outlined treat- ment for syfilis, one should use powerful radiant light en- ergy—incandescent and quartz light—over the spinal area. The pulsoidal current thru the feet, placing one foot in one dish of water and the other in another (Fig. 256) is very beneficial. Another auxiliary mesure is that which relies chiefly upon the eyesight. This is probably best carried out by hav- ing the patient place his feet and toes on definit objects placed on the floor. These exercizes should be carried out systematically and not spasmodically. Also hav the patient step over objects of different heights. All these exercizes help cultivate muscular tactil sense as wel as co-ordination in connection with the eyesight. (See Worms) TETANUS The preventiv treatment is to immediately disinfect any suspected puncture. Probably the quartz light thru a suit- able quartz applicator is the best preventiv mesure known. For the treatment after tetanus has set in, there is not much that an offis specialist can do but turn the patient over to a general practitioner. Powerful radiant heat helps. THROAT (SORE THROAT) Ordinary sore throat is best treated by a gargle of plain salt and water, or a teaspoonful of alcohol to a table- spoonful of water, or a teaspoonful of peroxid of hydrogen to a tablespoonful of water. Clear out the bowels wel with a saline laxativ. Besides this, powerful radiant light energy with the incandescent light and quartz light combined is indicated. Look for the predisposing cause. Clear up the system 1301 T by fasting for twenty-four hours and then giv suitable dict. Calcium sulfid is usually indicated in all cases of “sore throat.” THYROIDISM (See Goiter) TIC (See Corea) TICDOULOUREUX Treat this condition by means of localized radiant light over the face. I hav found the quartz light is especially applicable in this condition. Do not use alcoholic injections. They make the second condition far worse than the first. Zone Therapy is often a great aid in ticdouloureux. Look for impingements on the nervs. If any ar found, try to remedy them non-surgically. Just as sure as one begins to cut about the nervs in the face they can keep cutting, because the cicatricial tissue seems to make matters worse rather than better. Examin the teeth. See that there is no impingement upon the nervs thru a lawless root. Ticdouloureux is probably one of the most difficult con- ditions that an offis specialist has to treat, but he can rely more upon localized quartz light thru suitable quartz appli- cators and powerful incandescent light energy than any other mesure. Be careful to not cause any injury to the nervs by vibration or heyy massage. Remember that there is an impingement or pressure upon some nerv or there would not be this pain. Therefore do not ad insult to injury. TONSILS, TREATMENT OF Tonsilitis is discust in Part One, Lecture XXII. The general treatment of enlarged tonsils has also been men- tiond, but right here it wil not be amiss to repeat that one of the best modalities for the treatment of enlargement of the tonsils is the Quartz Light, given thru the mouth and localized over the enlarged gland. 1302 For crypts that ar fild with caseous matter, the treat- T ment is to clean them out with a wire loop or small curet, after which paint the crypt with a 50% solution of triclor- cetic acid or a 25% solution of silver nitrate. Many say they get just as good results without any local medication if they use the Quartz Light directly over the curetted crypt. SAVE THE TonsiLs! Do not enucleate them! Treat them! If necessary, open up pockets so there is free drain- age, and in desperate cases shear off the protuberance. There is no more need of enucleating the whole tonsil be- cause a small portion of it is at fault than there is in cutting off the hand because a finger is a fault. Many of the so-cald “diseasd tonsils” ar not diseasd but simply over-activ. They can be treated and if treated properly can be cured. Until one has used the Quartz Light over a hyper- trofied or diseasd tonsil, they hav no idea what an efficient modality we now hav for treating this condition. SAVE THE TONSILS! ! THEY AR THE POLICEMEN OF THE tTHRoat!! TOOTHAKE Hav teeth examind by a competent dentist. Zone Ther- apy wil relieve Toothake better than any other agency that T know of. Also use powerful radiant light over the face—a portable lamp wil do. Pressure on the mastoid or nape of the neck wil often stop toothake. TREMORS, FUNCTIONAL We meet with tremors of various kinds—those caused by neurasthenia and hysteria and senility. Another form is that known as hereditary or family tremor. I hav often diagnosed cases with this family tremor where the father and grandfather of the patient had the same tremor. These tremors ar always more pronounst during volun- tary motion or effort. They most often begin in the hands. Whether there is any cure for this condition, I do not know. but I think there has been some improvement by the use of the pulsoidal current thru dishes of water. 1303 TUBERCULOSIS (See Part One, Lecture XIV.) TUBERCULOSIS OF CERVICAL LYMFATICS (See Cervical Lymfatics) TYFOID FEVER Altho Tyfoid Fever does not usually come under the relm of offis practis, yet I want to mention it because of the aid radiant light energy is in this disease. Often a lamp of from 500 to 1,000 candle-power can be instald at the bedside, and it helps wonderfully when radiated over the abdominal region. It is not known by many that powerful radiant light wil reduce fever fully as much as cold water or ice. Some claim that one-half to one grain doses of hydro- clorid of emetin taken daily wil cut short an attack of tyfoid fever in three to six days. It is claimd that this remedy cannot possibly do any harm and therefore it is worthy of a trial. ULCER, RODENT Treatment the same as for Lupus Vulgaris. (See Skin Diseases.) ULCER OF STOMAC (See Gastric Diseases) ULCERS Find out if possible the cause of the ulcers and treat the constitution accordingly. For varicose ulcers radiations from the powerful in- candescent lamp ar of great value. To these should be added radiations from the quartz light. As a rule all ulcers can be best treated by means of the quartz light either by compression radiation or distance ra- diations, depending upon the lesion. Elevate the leg all you can in treating ulcers in that location. (See Skin Diseases.) URETHRITIS, SPECIFIC (See Part One, Lecture XX—Gonorrea) 1304 URIN, RETENTION OF (See Prostatic Diseases) URINALYSIS It is very important to test the urin before beginning the treatment of any patient. Altho many textbooks set forth very elaborate methods for testing the urin and some clinicians ar sticklers for a very elaborate examination of the urin, yet from practical experience, I can say that for the offis specialist as wel as for almost any other class of physi- cians, the simple and up-to-date mesures given below ar sufficient. Tue SamPLe or URIN If any wish to go into the testing of urin more fully and want the very best book on urinalysis and especially the microscopic analysis of urin, I would recommend the Jatest edition of Dr. Louis Heitzmann’s Urinary Analysis and Diagnosis by Microscopical and Chemical Examination, publisht by William Wood & Co., New York City. As I hav had the plesure of studying under Prof. Heitzmann, I can recommend his works and teaching to anyone who wishes to go deeply into this subject. Never attempt to base any conclusion upon any sample of urin unless it is taken from a twenty-four hour sample. The proper way to instruct the patient regarding this sample is to tel them to commence, at, say eight o'clock one morn- ing, and save all the urin they pass uatil eight o'clock the next morning, keeping the urin in a coverd vessel. Tel them to wel mix the whole twenty-four-hour supply of urin, mes- ure it, and bring you a four-ounce bottle ful of that mixture. There wil be many patients who wil bring a “pail ful,” but it is better to hav a quart or two brot than to not hay the specimen that you examin a part of the twenty-four hour sample. The specific gravity of urin should be taken at the cor- rect temperature. Otherwise it is of very little value. DETERMINATION OF SOLIDS For all practical purposes the amount of solids voided can be approximately determind by multiplying the last two figures of the specific gravity by the coefficient of Hae- 1305 U ser, which is 2.33. This givs the number of grams of solid matter in 1,000 mils (c.c.) of urin. This number multiplied by the number of mils past in twenty-four hours and divided by 1,000 wil giv the amount of solid constituents eliminated during that time. Average is about 70 grams. ALBUMIN Probably the most simple and at the same time one of the most accurate methods of determining albumin in the urin is by means of the “dAlbumoscope,” or what is other- wise known as the “Horismascope”’ illustrated in Fig. 406. This is a cold nitric acid test which I find to be very accurate. ig. 406, The Albumoscope or The Horismascope, Nelson, Baker & Co., Detroit, Mich. A convenient and accurate instrument for detecting albumin in the urin, Cold H NOs is used for the reagent, Fig. 407 illustrates the use of this instrument. Urin is poured into this instrument until it is as high as the top of the capillary tube. Then from a dropper bottle, C. P. nitric acid is pourd into the capillary tube, until it rises a little distance against the asfaltum reflector on the horis- mascope. The faintest trace of albumin wil show as a white line between the acid and the urin. To determin whether this albumin is true albumin or nucleo-albumin, the “salting out” method of Purdy is prob- ably the best. 1306 Remember that albumin in the urin doesn't always intimate a nefritis. Albumin may come from pyelitis, cysti- tis, prostatitis, urethritis, or vaginitis. To determin the source of the albumin a microscopic examination is impera- tiv. DETERMINATION OF SUGAR IN THE URIN For this purpose the instrument known as the “Sac- carascope,” shown in Fig. 408, as wel as the “Einhorn Fig. 407. Illustrating the use of The Horismascope. Fermentation Saccarometer” shown in Fig. 409, ar prob- ably the best. Probably the Saccarascope is the more ac- curate of the two for determining the amount of carbon dioxid gas generated from the fermentation. The principle upon which the saccarascope works is the same as that upon which the saccarometer works. Fig. 410 shows the incubator I use for fermentation tests. It is the only safe method of testing the yeast and urin mixture. 1307 Remember that sugar in the urin does not always in- dicate diabetes mellitus. Other symptoms must also be present before making a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Nevertheless, I do not know as a person can hay diabetes mellitus without showing sugar in the urin. Therefore it is a test that should always be made so that diet and treatment may be governd accordingly. If a person livs solely on vegetables for two weeks and drinks only plain water and his urin stil shows sugar, the case can safely be diagnosed as Diabetes Mellitus. Fig. 408. The Saccarascope. Nelson, Baker & Co., Detroit, Mich. A convenient instrument for detecting sugar in the urin, at the same time determining the quantity present. REACTION OF URIN For determining the reaction of urin, I think the most simple and practical instrument is the Acidometer put out by the Abbott Laboratories of Chicago. It consists of a specially graduated test tube into which 10 mils of urin ar placed and one drop of a solution of fenolthalin indicator. Decinormal sodium hydroxid is added to this urin until the 1308 indicator shows a pink color. Then the amount is red off U from the graduated tube and that shows the approximate acidity of the urin in terms of N/10 Na OH. It is of the ut- most importance to know the reaction of the urin, and if acid, the amount of acid in it. Normal urin wil show about 25 by this acidometer test. For reducing the acidity in urin, 1 know of no single remedy that can compare with sodoxylin manufactured by the Abbott Laboratories. If the acidometer shows acid as high as, for example 50, I put the patient immediately on a strictly vegetable dict, Fig. 409. The Einhorn Fermentation Saccarometer. Urin is pourd into tube up to line “U.” Then ad about one gram of comprest yeast and shake thoroly. Empty the contents of the tube into the saccarometer, being careful to so tip it that no air bubble is left at the closed end. All air must be replaced by the urin-yeast mixture. Place in an incubator at a temperature of about 88° F. and leave it there for at least 12 hours, If sugar is present in the urin, CO, gas wil push the fluid down and the % or volume of COs, wil indicate the amount of sugar in the urin. instructing them to drink plenty of distild or spring water, and giv them a dessertspoonful of sodoxylin dry on the tung to be washt down with a glass of water about fifteen minutes before each meal. At the same time I take mesures to hav the bowels wel regulated. 1309 As a rule, within one week the acid test of the urin from such a patient wil be down to 25. Remember that the quantity of urin has a great deal to do with the amount of acidity in it. An acid test of 50 with 500 mils of urin of course is no more than an acid test of 25 with 1,000 mils of urin. Irritable bladder and frequent calls for micturition ar often caused by too concentrated urin-or urin that is hyper- acid. The diagnostic card illustrated in Part One, Lecture XIII shows a very simple manner of recording these sam- ple-urin findings. For all practical purposes, the tests given abov ar sufficient. Fig. 410. The Electric Incubator I use for fermenting yeast and urin mixtures. This is accurate to within a small fraction of a degree. URINARY SYSTEM, DISEASES OF In all diseases of the urinary system powerful radiant light—incandescent and quartz—is indicated. This light should be radiated over the abdomen and over the perineum, also over the back and especially over the lumbar and sacral regions. Regulate the diet according to what the condition is. Oxygen-vapor inhalation and B-D-C therapy ar also very beneficial in this condition. 1310 For retention of urin apply hot cloths wrung out of U eucalyptus water over the perineum and lower abdominal regions. Keep these stupes on continually and allow the patient to hear running or pouring of water. This is often more effectual than passing the catheter. The magnetic wave current is indicated in all nefritic conditions. It seems to hav a selectiv action in stabilizing this unstable condition. (See Prostatic Diseases.) URINARY SYSTEM, GONORREA OF (See Gonorrea, Part One, Lecture XX) URINARY SYSTEM, SPECIFIC URETHRITIS OF (See Gonorrea, Part One, Lecture XX) URTICARIA Urticaria, otherwise known as nettle rash or hives, is a senso-motor neurosis of the skin. The etiology is often obscure, but the condition is a very good indicator of some toxemia, and it usually comes from an intestinal toxemia caused by overeating, or by eating certain foods that do not agree with the person. Many times clothing that does not permit the skin to eliminate wel is an etiological factor. T hav found that the rays from the 3,000-candle-power lamp applied over the affected area, as wel as electric light baths, ar almost specific. Actinic rays ar very beneficial. Hygienic mesures must always be put into force, and these include a thoro clensing of the bowels and keeping them open, along with tepid magnesium sulfate baths. About one-half pound of commercial epsom salts to a small bath tub of water is the proportion. With some patients a very hot or cold bath aggravates the condition and therefore the tepid bath is the one to prescribe. UTERUS, INFANTILE Sometimes dysmenorrea is caused by an infantile uterus. For this condition I use the pulsoidal current for about 5 minutes. This I follow with interrupted negativ 1311 U galvanism, 30 milliampéres for 2 minutes, and the remain- der of the 10 minutes’ treatment I divide up between the slow, superimposed, and the surging sinusoidal currents. In many cases an infantile uterus can be made to develop to normal size after a few weeks of daily treatments as abov specified. I use my special vaginal electrode for this. In all these uterin conditions, unless one is using tam- pons, an antiseptic, hot water vaginal douche is indicated. For this purpose there is nothing better than a powder con- taining the sulfo-carbolates of zinc, which is manufactured by the Abbott Laboratories under the name of Vaginal Antiseptic. If nothing else is at hand, a teaspoonful of so- dium clorid, one-half teaspoonful of borax, and one-half teaspoonful of alum to the pint of water is very efficient. I advize these douches to be taken every evening just before retiring. Use water as hot as can be borne. The douche syringe I recommend is illustrated in Fig. 400. (See Dysmenorrea.) Vv VAGINAL SYRINGE For a vaginal douche syringe, I advize only an all-soft- rubber syringe which plugs the vulva so the water can be forst into the vagina and open up all the folds, after which it is drawn back into the syringe by the action of the elastictiy of the rubber bulb. Never prescribe a vaginal syringe with a hard rubber nozzle as that is liable to injure the cervix. The kind of syringe I hav found to be the best is illustrated in Fig. 400. VAGINITIS, SPECIFIC (See Gonorrea, Part One, Lecture XX) VAGINISMUS Many neurotic conditions, especially in young unmar- ried girls, ar caused by a contracted hymen. If, on exam- ination, we find the hymen very tuf and unyielding to the wel lubricated index finger, it is wel to dilate it fully. For this purpose I use the fingers, or the same dilator as we would use for dilating the rectum. I use the rapid 1312 sinusoidal current as strong as can be borne. Connecting the Y dilator electrode with one pole and having the other pole connected with the pad over the abdomen, is very effectual. Stedy pressure should be made upon the dilator and in many instances the unyielding hymen can be stretcht as much as necessary without causing any rupture, which some foolishly object to. (See Hymen.) VARICELLA (See Chickenpox) VARIOLA (See Smallpox) VERTIGO (See Hedake) VISCEROPTOSIS (See Splancnic Insufficiency) VITILIGO This is a diseasd condition of the skin which is attended with smooth, light-colord patches. It occurs in youth and adult life. The condition is also cald leukoderma. The best modality for treating this condition is the quartz light. Nothing can compare with it. To bring about a good cosmetic effect for the face and hands, one must use quite a good deal of skil to bring the pigmentation up to the right color. (See Skin Diseases.) VOMITING (See Gastric Diseases) WARTS AND CORNS WwW Warts and corns ar easily cured by electrolysis, using 10% solution of zinc sulfate cataforically, or by means of a zinc needle. If the wart or corn is elevated, put the zinc needle into the elevation on a level with the epidermis. From 1313 W 5 to 10 milliampéres of current for about 10 minutes, re- peated every third day for three or four treatments, wil generally be sufficient. For a corn, it is wel to use a compress of 1% zinc sul- fate the night before giving this treatment. The same pro- cedure should be followd for a very large, horny wart. Salicylated collodion, mentiond under the hed of Cal- lositas, is often very beneficial. Quarts Light therapy can be used to good advantage in treating warts or corns. For this purpose a small, localiz- ing applicator is used. Fulguration can also be used to ad- vantage. Focust Sunlight, condensing the sun’s rays thru a suit- able lens is also a reliable method for killing warts and often corns. Fig. 411, Hardy Binocular Loupe, manufactured by F. A. Hardy & Co, Chicago, II Often a few drops of milk from the poppy plant, applied daily, wil remove a wart within a week. Harry Warts Many times an offis specialist has hairy warts to treat. The tecnic is to destroy the wart by electrolysis. If the wart is in a position that does not require its removal, the hairs could be taken out by electrolysis as described under the hed of Electrotherapy. In doing depilatory work of any kind, I advize the use of a binocular loupe. The kind I like is shown in Fig. 411. Some forms of hairy warts can be destroyd by means of the quartz light, using the compression radiation. This wil not kil the hairs however, but they can be taken out by electrolysis. 1314 WHOOPING COF (PERTUSSIS) With this infectious disease there seems to always be found the Bordet-Gengou bacillus, which is a small cocco- bacillus resembling the bacillus of influenza. Whether this bacillus is the cause or the effect, I do not pretend to know. If the bacillus is the cause, we would all like to know where the bacillus comes from. This holds true of all diseases said to be caused by such and such a micro-organism. As the sequellae of whooping cof ar often so serious, to say nothing about the tremendous mortality of whooping cof in children, I want to mention a common sense method of therapy that has been proved to be very beneficial. Radiations from the powerful incandescent lamp, with or without the quartz light, along with oxygen-vapor inhala- tion ar of great value—some claim “specific.” Inhalations of “eucalyptus steam” (10 drops of euca- lyptus oil to the pint of boiling water) is excellent. Nebula from the “Best Ever Nasal Spray,” as men- tiond under the hed of Ear, Nose and Throat, is also very beneficial. If too strong, dilute it with pure hydro-carbon oil. Internally use Abbott’s Calcidin, Calcium Sulfid, and their special formula for Whooping Cof. Keep the bowels open with Podofyllin and Salithia. f you ar so fortunate as to understand Homeopathic prescribing, use the indicated remedy. Zone Therapy has been proved to be very efficacious in the treatment of whooping cof. I hav reports from reli- able physicians who claim to hav caused the paroxysms of coffing to cease after two or three Zone Therapy treat- ments. If a child is strangling during these paroxysms of cof- fing, be sure to take them by the feet and hold them for a moment with the hed downward. If necessary, spank them at the same time, the same as you would a new-born child that does not breathe deeply enuf. This often enables the child to throw quantities of mucus from the throat which might be taken into the lungs and either strangle them or cause neumonia. Because of the prevalence and gravity of whooping cof, I giv the following from the Monthly Bulletin of the Department of Helth of New York City under date of 1315, Ww W November, 1917. This report is from the Chief, Division of Baby Welfare, Bureau of Child Hygiene. In spite of the havoc which whooping cof causes among infants and children, a large part of the laity and many physicians stil fail to grasp its seriousness. There ar yet altogether too many who, like the European pesants, believe that every child must hav whooping cof, and that the dis- ease “continues until it stops.” The mention of smallpox, diftheria, scarlet fever, and kindred diseases, strikes terror into the brests of parents, while whooping cof, which collects a toll of thousands of deths annually, to say nothing of its maiming sequellz, is past by with an indifference which is astounding. As Rucker says: “Any disease which kils ten thousand children per annum is a serious one. If bubonic plague wer to kil that many children in the United States in one year the world would quarantine our country. A child ded of whooping cof is just as ded as a child ded of plague.” Statistics compiled by Morse from the United States Public Helth Reports show that comparativ deth rates per hundred thousand ar as follows: Whooping Cof .. Scarlet Fever Measls Diftheria He states, furthermore, that 94.5 per cent. of the deths from whooping cof in the United States is in children under five years of age, as follows: 11.4 per cent. _ 11.6 per cent. 12.3 per cent. 21.4 per cent. Under one year of age.. 57 _ per cent. In the second yea per cent. In the third year. per cent. In the fourth yea per cent. Inthe fifth year... 214 per cent. It is, therefore, seen that the mortality from whooping cof is higher in those of tender years—being more than twice as high under one as between one and two; and more than five times higher under two years than between two and five. If, to these statistics, we ad many of the reported deths from bronco-neumonia supervening on whooping cof, the mortality from the latter would be stil larger. 1316 WORMS Worms often cause many of the neurasthenic condi- tions that the fysical therapeutist meets. Many of the. in- sidious “crawling sensations” that patients complain of ar caused by very small worms located in the lower rectum. It matters not under what name the intestinal worms go, this is one condition where the worm should be treated and not the patient. For internal medicament probably “taenicide,” put out by the Abbott Laboratories, is the best. The literature that comes with this preparation is so complete that there is no need of saying anything about it here. . Santonin along with Podofyllin, both put out by the Abbott Laboratories, ar also very beneficial, especially for children. Many times Thymol along with Sulfocarbolates, is very efficient in treating lumbricoides. Probably seat or thred worms (ascarides) ar very quickly and redily eradicated in an adult by injecting into the rectum from 1 to 4 ounces of coal oil (kerosene), using a glass or hard rubber syringe. If the first treatment does not prove sufficient, repeat the dose every third night, wash- ing out the bowel with a soapsuds enema or, what many times is better, an infusion of quassia, prepared by soaking one ounce of quassia chips in a pint of cold water. A soap suds made from carbenzol soap is very good. For the irritation that is often caused about the anus because of the pruritus that goes with the condition, the Quartz Light is without doubt the very best modality. Altho there ar many other methods of treating it, this Quartz Light, thru suitable lenses, is so far in advance of any other method that there is no comparison. Todex suppositories ar also very helpful. One remedy that is used very successfully by a great many is turpentine, 5 to 10 drops in milk or on sugar, taken on an empty stomac three mornings in succession. The patient must drink quantities of water when given turpen- tine. I would not advize the use of turpentine if any of the abov remedies ar at hand, because of its irritating effect upon the kidneys, but if the patient drinks a large amount of water it appears to lessen the irritation in the kidneys. 1317 Ww For sapeworm, insted of using “taenicide” aboy men- tiond, some use three teaspoonfuls of the oil of turpentine taken in milk with about two tablespoonfuls of castor oil, after a 24-hour fast. No matter what kind of intestinal worms you ar trying to eradicate from the intestinal tract, never neglect to keep the bowels wel open. For this purpose podofyllin, castor oil, epsom salts, milk of magnesia (Phillips), or salithia (Abbott) ar probably the best. WOUNDS Oren Wounpbs Nowadays we hear a good deal about certain irrigation methods for open wounds. Many various solutions ar her- alded thru the press as great discoveries in the treatment of wounds. These ar “hysterical times” and almost anything from certain sources is publisht and proprietary medicin manufacturers jump at the chance of “getting in line” with the hysterical populace. Keeping the wound cleaw is all that nature requires. In fact nature wil do a great deal toward that if foren bodies ar removed. Many of the solutions that ar so widely pub- lisht ar in reality nothing more than steril water. In fact steril water, as far as I can lern from observation, experi- ence and information from those of very wide experience, is perfectly effectual in keeping a wound in good condition. It must be true that if any antiseptic solution of strength enuf to kil bacteria is used in an open wound, it wil prevent the healing of the wound, or if not prevent it, retard it very much, The object of irrigation is to wash off foren bodies or floating particles in the air, bacteria or moulds, so they wil not gain a nidus there. If the patient’s resistance is kept up to par and is not run down by tobacco, liquor, and vicious living, nature wil rapidly do her part. Powerful radiant light energy, and especially the quart light, is indicated for an open wound or wounds of all kinds more than any other modality. Infected wounds ar best treated by autotherapy. At least that is the best “first aid.” Sucking the wound and swal- lowing the saliva, altho it may sound a little obnoxious, has nevertheless been proved to be one of the greatest boons for 1318 the victim of such a lesion. The reason for this is thoroly W discust in Part Five, Lecture [Y—Autotherapy. The next best method for infected wounds is to kil the offending micro-organisms. To do that by any washes, one has to use solutions so powerful as to delay healing, yet it is often a necessary mesure. If, however, one has the quarts light, they can destroy the surface micro-organisms and stil not delay the healing process. In fact, healing seems to take place more rapidly if the wound has been rayd by the quartz light. Ulcerated wounds ar to be treated the same as infected wounds because all such wounds ar infected. X-RAY DERMATITIS Xx For x-ray dermatitis radiations from the powerful in- candescent lamp is probably our best remedy. Some say they ar getting better results by also using the quartz light. (See Skin Diseases.) 1319 PART TEN Parr TEN. Lecture I. THE AURA PSYCO-MAGNETIC RADIATION OR MAGNETIC ATMOSFERE DEFINITION Aura is a manifestation of the rate and mode of motion from a living body—animate or inanimate. In other words, it is the manifestation of the rate and mode of motion of vital force. Aura is not seen by itself, but on contact with the sur- rounding energies of air or magnetic currents. That is, an imterference of energy makes the psyco-magnetic radiation visible. PROPERTIES The rays (Auric Rays) from this magnetic atmosfere change direction and appearance when the subject or living object is turnd from east or west to north or south or vice versa. These psyco-magnetic radiations ar governd by the same laws as govern magnetism or electrical currents. The magnetic atmosfere changes directly with its source. That is, if its source changes in any way, the mag- netic atmosfere about it also changes. This magnetic atmosfere is only somewhat luminous and therefore cannot be redily discernd in a bright light, be- cause the rate and mode of motion of a bright light is so great that it interferes with the outward manifestation of this magnetic atmosfere. This is on the same principle as that a very bright light makes a dim light invisible. The aura, psyco-magnetic radiation, or magnetic at- mosfere, being a rate and mode of motion must, according to the fundamental laws of fysics, be influenst by every other rate and mode of motion. Inasmuch as thot is a product of activity, then thot must be a rate and mode of motion. Consequently the psyco- 1322

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