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Microscopic Characterization of FO/PRO Membranes − A

Comparative Study of CLSM, TEM and SEM
Yi-Ning Wang,†,‡ Jing Wei,†,‡ Qianhong She,†,‡ Federico Pacheco,§ and Chuyang Y. Tang*,†,‡

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798

Singapore Membrane Technology Centre, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798
Environmental Engineering and Science, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford,
California 94305-4020, United States
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: Osmotically driven membrane processes (including forward osmosis

(FO) and pressure retarded osmosis (PRO)) have received increasing attention in
recent decades. The performance of an FO/PRO membrane is significantly limited by
internal concentration polarization, which is a strong function of the membrane
support layer pore structure. The objective of the current study was to develop
microscopic characterization methods for quantitative/semiquantitative analysis of
membrane pore structure (both pore diameter and porosity distribution across
membrane thickness). The use of confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) for
noninvasive characterization of the internal pore structure of FO/PRO membranes is
reported for the first time. By performing optical sectioning, information on pore
diameter, porosity depth profile and pore connectivity can be obtained. The CLSM
porosity results are further compared to those obtained using scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and reasonably
good agreement was observed. A comparison of these characterization methods
reveals their complementary nature, and a combination of these techniques may allow a more comprehensive understanding of
membrane structure. The current study also provided a comprehensive insight into the pore structure of commercially available
FO/PRO membranes.

Osmotically driven membrane (OM) processes, including
tude).11,16,17,19,21,22 Prior studies have shown that the intensity
of ICP is strongly affected by the pore structure of the support
forward osmosis (FO) and pressure retarded osmosis (PRO), layer. Thinner, more porous and less tortuous support layers
have received increasing attention in the past decades.1,2 FO are generally preferred to reduce ICP.16,17,21−25 Therefore, pore
involves the water transport across a semipermeable membrane structure characterization of FO/PRO membranes is critical for
from a low-osmotic-pressure feed solution (FS) to a high- a better understanding of their flux performance.
osmotic-pressure draw solution (DS) in the absence of an Only a handful of characterization methods have been
externally applied hydraulic pressure. In PRO, a hydraulic reported in the literature on studying the porosity/pore
pressure is applied to the DS, which retards the water flux. structure of FO/PRO membranes. Dry-wet weighing method
Nevertheless, as long as the applied pressure is smaller than the determines the average porosity of a membrane, but this
osmotic pressure difference across the membrane, water will method does not provide any information on membrane pore
still permeate through the membrane from the FS to the DS. In structure.22,26 In existing OM literature, scanning electron
recent years, FO has gained significant interests for applications microscopy (SEM) is the most commonly employed method
in wastewater treatment3−7 and seawater desalination,8,9 for studying the internal structure of FO/PRO mem-
whereas PRO is explored for osmotic power production.10−15 branes.22,26−28 It is generally applied to examine the cross-
The performance of OM processes can be severely limited by section of a membrane to provide information on pore
concentration polarization (CP). In addition to the CP that diameter, pore shape (e.g., spongy-like vs finger-like pore
occurs at the solution−membrane interface (i.e., the external structures), and pore connectivity (how membrane pores are
CP or ECP), an FO/PRO membrane also experiences internal connected to each other).22 Compared to SEM, transmission
CP (ICP) due to the accumulation of feed solutes or the electron microscopy (TEM) can provide significantly higher
dilution of DS inside its porous membrane support layer.16−18
ECP is generally moderate19,20 and can be effectively controlled Received: May 10, 2012
by increasing crossflow velocity or by the use of spacers,21 Revised: August 16, 2012
whereas ICP tends to severely limit the flux efficiency of FO/ Accepted: August 16, 2012
PRO membranes (in many cases by an order of magni- Published: August 16, 2012

© 2012 American Chemical Society 9995 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46, 9995−10003
Environmental Science & Technology Article

Table 1. Membrane Properties of Commercial FO/PRO Membranes Used in the Current Study
thickness (μm)a
membrane TEM SEM contact angle (deg)b pure water permeability, A ( × 10−12 m/s.Pa)c NaCl permeability, B ( × 10‑8 m/s)c
CTA-HW 103 ± 4 106 ± 6 63 ± 3 2.55 ± 0.11 27.2 ± 3.1
CTA-W 91 ± 2 86 ± 5 73 ± 2 1.07 ± 0.12 6.45 ± 0.53
From current study. bFrom ref 22. cTested in crossflow reverse osmosis filtration mode with 10 mM NaCl as feed solution.23

resolution. Although it has been widely used for characterizing used for membrane embedding during TEM sample prepara-
pressure-driven membranes (such as reverse osmosis and tion was supplied by Polysciences (Warrington, PA).
nanofiltration membranes),29−31 its use in FO/PRO membrane Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC, Fluka 46950) was used for
characterization has not been documented. Both SEM and staining membrane samples prior to CLSM imaging.
TEM are destructive methods. In this regard, light microscopy Characterization Methods. SEM. Membrane surfaces and
may serve as a useful alternative.21 In particular, confocal laser cross sections were characterized with a Zeiss EVO 50 scanning
scanning microscopy (CLSM) can be potentially valuable in electron microscope (Carl Zeiss Pte Ltd.). To obtain cross
providing depth-dependent porosity information in a non- sections, membrane samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen and
invasive way. CLSM can acquire in-focus images at desired fractured manually. All samples were dried in vacuum at room
depth by performing optical sectioning of a sample.32 This temperature (∼24 °C) for 24 h, and sputter coated with a thin
method has been used to study membrane interior structures in layer of gold using EMITECH SC7620 sputter coater (Quorum
the context of microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) Technologies Ltd., UK). The cross sections were imaged at an
membranes33−35 in addition to its use in membrane biofouling accelerating voltage of 10 keV. The membrane active layer was
characterization.36 For FO/PRO membranes, it is known that further scanned at accelerating voltages of 2, 5, 10, 20, and 25
the porosity distribution across the membrane thickness plays a keV to obtain morphological information at different sampling
critical role on the mass transport in the porous structure.26 depths.38
Nevertheless, to the best knowledge of the authors, there has TEM. The cross sections of FO/PRO membranes were also
not been any published work on the quantitative analysis of characterized with a JEM 1230 Electron Microscopy at an
such structural information. The ability of CLSM in providing a accelerating voltage of 80 keV. Aromatic acrylic LR white resin
porosity-depth profile and a three-dimensional pore imaging was used to embed dehydrated samples in capsules according to
can thus be extremely valuable for enhancing our understanding our previously reported procedure.29 Briefly, membrane
of the concentration polarization phenomenon during OM samples were dehydrated by several changes of ethanol (3
processes.37 times 100% ethanol, 15 min for each step). Samples were then
The objectives of current study were (1) to compare the use infiltrated in 50, 67, and 100% LR White resin (volumetric %,
of different microscopic methods (SEM, TEM, and CLSM) for prepared in ethanol) sequentially, followed by embedding them
the characterization of FO/PRO membranes, and (2) to in fresh LR White resin that was subsequently polymerized at
provide a quantitative (or semiquantitative in some cases) 48 °C for 3 days. After complete polymerization of the resin,
analysis of membrane pore structure for commercially available thin TEM sections (<100 nm thickness) were cut with a
FO/PRO membranes. To the best knowledge of the authors, diamond knife using Leica Ultracut S ultramircotome (Leica,
this is the first comprehensive study of using CLSM to Wetzlar, Germany) and transferred onto copper TEM grids for
characterize the internal pore structure of FO/PRO mem- imaging. Similar procedures are commonly adopted to prepare
branes. Improved knowledge of FO/PRO membrane pore TEM biological samples.39 Although TEM sample preparation
structure can help process engineers to better understand mass procedures might result in some slight changes in feature
transport inside these membranes and thus to better predict dimensions, the overall dimensional change is generally less
their performance in OM processes for environmental than 10% from its hydrated state.39
applications. CLSM. An Olympus Fluoview FV300 confocal laser scanning


Membranes and Chemicals. Unless otherwise specified,
microscopy (CLSM, Olympus Optical, Tokyo, Japan) was used
in both fluorescent mode and reflective mode to visualize the
membranes. Membrane samples were stained by a fluorescent
all the chemicals used in the study were of analytical grade and dye FITC that has excitation/emission wavelengths of 488/
were used without further purification. Ultrapure water with a 500−550 nm. A membrane sample of ∼1 × 1 cm was cut and
resistivity of 18.2 MΩ.cm (Millipore Integral 10 Water immersed in 1 g/L FITC solution for ∼0.5 h and was then
Purification System) was used to prepare all working solutions. rinsed with ultrapure water. The sample, while wet, was
The two commercially available FO/PRO membranes were mounted onto a glass slide and covered by a thin coverslip prior
obtained from Hydration Technology Innovations (HTI, to imaging. Lateral x−y scan was performed with a ×40
Albany, OR). Both membranes are made of cellulose triacetate objective, and images were stored with a resolution of 512 ×
(CTA) and are supported with embedded woven mesh. The 512 pixels (representing an area of 360 × 360 μm). Scan was
membrane cut from a HydroWell module was denoted as CTA- performed either from the active layer (active layer facing the
HW. The other membrane was received as a flat coupon, and objective lens) or from back support surface (support layer
was denoted as CTA-W in accordance with a previous study.22 facing the objective lens). Images were collected at a series of
The surface properties and separation characteristics (water sampling depth at a scanning depth increment of 1 μm in z-
permeability and salt rejection) have been well characterized in direction to obtain the internal structure of membrane samples.
our works22,23 and are summarized in Table 1. LR White resin For the ease of reporting, we set z = 0 at the membrane active
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Environmental Science & Technology Article

Figure 1. Cross sections of membrane CTA-HW. (a) TEM image; and (b) SEM image.

layer surface, with the positive z-direction pointing toward the

supporting layer.
TEM and SEM Observation of Membrane Cross
Image Analysis. TEM, SEM, and CLSM images were Sections. Figure 1 presents the TEM and SEM images of
analyzed using an image analysis software (MediaCybernetics, the cross-section of membrane CTA-HW. Additional TEM and
Inc.).21 The CLSM fluorescent images and SEM images (active SEM images are also presented in the Supporting Information
surface) were converted to gray scale images that contained 8 S2. Both the TEM (Figure 1(a)) and SEM (Figure 1(b))
bits of data per pixel. The gray scale images were then images show a membrane thickness of ∼100 μm (Table 1).
transformed to binary images (i.e., black and white images) by The TEM images were able to provide clear structural details.
adjusting the threshold value (see Supporting Information S1). For example, the woven polyester mesh fibers (represented by
The porosity was determined as the ratio of the total void area the dark circles) were clearly visible in the lower-magnification
to the gross area analyzed using the software. The sampled area TEM image, with a fiber-to-fiber distance of about 160 μm. In
for each analysis was about 100 × 100 μm for CLSM images, the higher-magnification TEM image, the active layer can be
and was about 38 × 57 μm for SEM images. TEM cross- differentiated from the support layer since pores can only be
sectional images were analyzed using the same software to seen in the support layer. The active layer had a thickness of
determine the porosity distribution across the depth. The ∼2−3 μm, beneath which some small pores (5−10 μm) can be
analysis was performed over a sample width of 100 μm. The observed. In addition, larger elongated finger-like pores were
cross-section was divided into segments that were parallel to also present, and these pores are believed to greatly facilitate
the active layer surface for determining porosity at different the mass transport in the porous support.12,22 The pore
sample depth. In all the microscopic methods (CLSM, SEM, diameter distribution and porosity profile of CTA-HW based
and TEM), multiple independent sample locations (≥3) were on the TEM image analysis are presented in the section
taken to determine the mean porosity for each depth. Unless “Membrane Pore Diameter and Porosity Distribution”.
specified otherwise, membrane area adjacent to the woven Compared to the highly porous structure of CTA-HW, the
mesh was excluded for the pore diameter and porosity TEM image of CTA-W membrane does not show pores across
determination. its thickness (Supporting Information S3).
9997 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46, 9995−10003
Environmental Science & Technology Article

Figure 1(b) shows the SEM cross-sectional image of CTA-

no special preparation required

overestimation of porosity due

to water absorption by poly-
dry−wet weighing method
HW. A difference in cross-section thickness can be noticed by

low cost; simple and fast.

comparing Figure 1(a) and (b): the TEM image shows a cross-
section with nearly homogeneous thickness (∼103 μm),

meric material
average porosity
whereas the SEM image shows one with varied thickness

not applicable
(greater thickness of ∼106 μm for where a mesh fiber is located
and thinner thickness of ∼93 μm for locations away from the
mesh). This difference is more pronounced for membrane


CTA-W (Supporting Information S3). The observed undulat-

3-D pore structure and pore connectivity; quantitative depth

depth; not able to sample the entire membrane thickness

no special preparation required; imaging can be performed
ing structure in the SEM images may be explained by the fact

possible interference of fluorescent signal at large sample

microscale (∼ 0.5 μm in z direction and ∼0.2 μm in xy
that SEM samples were scanned in a dry state. Indeed, direct
optical microscopic observation showed significant dimensional
differences between dry and wet samples (Supporting
Information S4). For TEM observations, some slight feature

under wet conditions (hydrated state)

profiles of pore diameter and porosity

changes may also be introduced during sample preparation as a
result of alcohol dehydration and resin embedding. In this

regard, CLSM (see section “CLSM Images”), which allows

for thick samples (>80 μm)

microscopic imaging of wet membrane samples, is preferred to
avoid artifacts arising from sample preparation, despite its lower
resolution (Table 2).

moderate cost; fast

Both TEM and SEM cross sections of CTA-HW (Figure 1)
revealed the presence of a support skin. The pore structure of

this skin may significantly influence FO/PRO membrane
fouling behaviors.40,41 The high-magnification SEM image


(Figure S5(b), Supporting Information S2) further shows
that the support skin have small pores (diameter ∼10−40 nm),

embedding) may potentially cause some mild

extensive sample preparation (e.g., dehydration,

nanoscale (atomic scale for crystalline samples)

2-D (cross-sectional) pore structure and pore

connectivity; quantitative depth profiles of
which agrees reasonably well with a prior study.42
resin embedding, and sample sectioning)

sample preparation (dehydration and resin

SEM Observation of the Membrane Active Layer. SEM
was further used to characterize the pores near the active layer
of membrane CTA-HW. The accelerating voltage was varied

expensive and time-consuming

pore diameter and porosity
over 2 − 25 keV to obtain different sample depth penetration.

By using a higher SEM accelerating voltage, the electrons can

Table 2. Comparison of Methods for FO/PRO Membrane Porosity Characterization

dimensional change
penetrate deeper into a sample to interact with materials
beneath the surface. The resulting SEM image thus shows
information that is convoluted over the sampling depth
(including that from the sample surface). According to the
Kanaya−Okayama depth penetration formula38 (see Support- yes

ing Information S5), the maximum penetration depth of

electrons is approximately 12 μm at an accelerating voltage of
improper sample drying may lead to sample damage; difficult to prepare
cross sections without sample damage; sputter coating may reduce
quantitative porosity depth profile by varying accelerating voltage;

25 keV, while it is less than 3 μm at accelerating voltages of ≤10

relatively simple sample preparation (e.g., sputter coating for non-

2-D (cross-sectional) pore structure and pore connectivity; Semi-

Figure 2 shows a series of SEM images over the same sample
area scanned under different accelerating voltages. At 2 keV, the
SEM image shows relatively smooth active layer with no
nanoscale (up to 1 nm for field emission SEM)

observable pores. When the voltage was increased to 10 keV,

many tiny pores can be observed. The membrane appeared to
limited sampling depth (∼ or <10 μm)

be more porous at 25 keV. The more porous structure observed


can be rationalized by the greater electron penetration depth/

interaction volume at higher accelerating voltage (Supporting
yes; difficult to avoid artifacts

Information S6). While the SEM images obtained at low

membrane pore diameter

accelerating voltage show mainly the surface features of the

conductive samples)

sample, those at high beam energy reflect more features from

the bulk sample43 (pores in the current study). Based in Figure
moderate cost

2, the pore diameter close to the active layer was a few μm to

∼10 μm, which is in accordance with the TEM (Figure 1(a))
and CLSM observations (refer to Section “Membrane Pore

Diameter and Porosity Distribution”). We did not observe any

suitable for fouling
noninvasive meth-
pore structure in-

differences in the images of CTA-W at different penetration

potential artifacts
and limitations
sample prepara-

cost and time


depths. The current study demonstrates that SEM character-


ization using a range of accelerating voltages can be a valuable


tool for detecting membrane pores underneath a dense thin


surface layer.
9998 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46, 9995−10003
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Figure 3. CLSM images of membrane CTA-HW viewed from the

active layer side. z is the distance to the membrane active surface. (a) z
= 0 μm, (b) z = 4 μm, (c) z = 8 μm and (d) z = 12 μm.

Figure 4. CLSM images of membrane CTA-HW viewed from support

layer side. z is the distance to the membrane active surface. (a) z = 100
Figure 2. SEM images showing the active surface of membrane CTA- μm, (b) z = 92 μm, (c) z = 83 μm, and (d) z = 74 μm.
HW. A range of accelerating voltages were applied: (a) 2 keV, (b) 10
keV, (c) 25 keV. can be obtained for a maximum scan depth of ∼23 μm from the
active layer surface (data not shown) or ∼54 μm from the
CLSM Images. Figure 3 and 4 show the CLSM images of support skin, which are limited by the attenuation of
membrane CTA-HW scanned under fluorescent mode (see fluorescent signal by the membrane material.44 The lower
more information in Supporting Information S7 and S8). penetration depth from the active layer side was likely due to
Membrane material absorbs the fluorescein isothiocyanate light scattering by the closely packed small pores under the
(FITC) and emits a fluorescent signal of yellow color. By layer.
comparison, pores and woven mesh appear in dark color due to Figures 3(a-d) show representative CLSM images of CTA-
no or little staining. In the current study, clear CLSM images HW obtained at scan depth of 0, 4, 8, and 12 μm from the
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Environmental Science & Technology Article

active layer surface (i.e., z = 0, 4, 8, and 12 μm). The active

layer surface (z = 0) was generally free of pores; numerous
small pores (diameter ∼ or <10 μm) were visible at z ≥ 4 μm.
In addition, the pore diameter and porosity increases with
depth (from 4 to 12 μm) gradually. These features are in
qualitative agreement with the TEM and SEM observations
(Figure 1).
Figures 4(a−d) show representative CLSM images of CTA-
HW obtained at scan depth of 0, 8, 17, and 26 μm from the
support skin (corresponding to z values of ∼100, 92, 83, and 74
μm, respectively). Membrane pores were clearly visible at a
scan depth of 8 μm. More pores were observed at scan depths
of 17 and 26 μm, and the pore diameter (a few tens of
micrometers) was in reasonable agreement with TEM
characterization (Figure 1(a)). A three-dimensional (3-D)
reconstruction of the pore structures can be obtained by
stacking the individual images obtained over a range of scan
depth. As shown in Supporting Information S9, elongated 3-D
pores were obtained, confirming the TEM and SEM cross-
sectional observations (Figure 1). In addition to the pore
structure, the woven mesh fibers can also be clearly visualized in
Figure 4. Finally, membrane CTA-W was also characterized
using CLSM (Supporting Information S10). There was no
observable pore, in good agreement with TEM characterization
(Supporting Information S3). Change in scan depth only shows
the presence of woven mesh at different sample depth.
Membrane Pore Diameter and Porosity Distribution.
Quantitative information on membrane pore structure (pore
diameter and porosity distribution) can be obtained from TEM
and CLSM micrographs. Figure 5(a) presents the depth profile
of pore diameter (i.e., average pore diameter vs z) for
membrane CTA-HW. The profile obtained from TEM agrees
well with that based on CLSM - smaller pores (∼ or <10 μm)
were present close to the active layer and larger pores (10−40
μm) were observed on the support skin side. Pore diameter
measured from CLSM was slightly larger than that from TEM,
which may be attributed to the different sample preparation:
CLSM was performed for wet samples while TEM was
performed for alcohol-dehydrated and resin-embedded sam-
ples. Figure 5(b) presents the depth profile of porosity for
membrane CTA-HW. Over the active layer side (z from 0 to 6
μm), the membrane porosity increased sharply with scan depth,
and it remained at ∼50% over the bulk of the sample depth (z
from 10 to 80 μm). Porosity reduced toward the support skin
side (z from 80 to 100 μm) due to the termination of finger-like
pores. Compared to the CLSM porosity analysis, the TEM
analysis had significantly larger error bars, which can be Figure 5. The pore diameter and porosity distribution of membrane
attributed to its much smaller sampling volume (i.e., sampling CTA-HW in z direction. (a) pore diameter distribution obtained from
area × sampling thickness (<100 nm for TEM)). In principle, CLSM and TEM; and (b) porosity distribution obtained from CLSM
similar information on pore diameter and porosity distribution and TEM; (c) porosity adjacent to the active layer obtained from SEM
can be obtained from SEM cross-sectional images. Never- under different accelerating voltages (Kanaya-Okayama penetration
depth). The results were based on at least three different sample
theless, due to the lack of clear contrast for some pore features, locations.
quantitative analysis of these parameters was not performed in
the current study.
For comparison purpose, the porosity measured by the dry- The porosity near the active layer side can also be
wet weighing method22 is also shown in Figure 5(b). characterized by SEM using a range of accelerating voltages
Membrane CTA-HW had an average porosity of 64% based (see Figure 2). Figure 5(c) presents porosity as a function of
on the weighing method,22 which was significantly higher than the Kanaya-Okayama penetration depth (dKO). The porosity
those based on TEM and CLSM. The higher reported value for depth profile of CTA-HW measured by the SEM technique
the weighing method may be attributed to the absorption of agreed reasonably well with those obtained based on TEM and
water by the membrane material45 (in addition to water filling CLSM (Figure 5(b)). Since it does not require the
the pores), leading to an overestimation of membrane porosity. sophisticated sample preparation steps that are needed for
10000 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46, 9995−10003
Environmental Science & Technology Article

TEM and it provides better resolution compared to CLSM, As discussed above, these techniques generally provide
SEM can be a useful method for porosity characterization of the complementary information on porosity and pore diameter
active layer (and regions near the active layer). Nevertheless, characteristics. When combined together, these methods can
the SEM method reported in the current study is only lead to improved understanding of membrane pore structures.
semiquantitative, and dKO estimates the maximum penetration For example, CLSM can provide detailed information on the 3-
range rather than the average penetration depth.46 Further D pore structure of wet membrane samples at a microscale
studies are needed for more accurate interpretation of SEM resolution, while TEM and SEM are able to resolve finer
results (e.g., by using Monte Carlo simulation).46 structures near the membrane skins for dehydrated samples.
Comparison of Microscopic Methods for Porosity For the first time, CLSM is proven to be a versatile method for
Characterization of FO/PRO Membrane. Table 2 summa- characterizing internal pore structure of FO/PRO membranes.
rizes the three microscopic methods (SEM, TEM, and CLSM) Since the dimension of CTA membranes may change
for characterizing pore structure of FO/PRO membranes. The significantly upon drying (Supporting Information S4),
weighing method is also presented for comparison. Among the CLSM is the preferred method that allows characterization of
four methods, the weighing method is the simplest and also the membranes in wet state. Future studies may further explore its
cheapest approach. This method measures the membrane use as a noninvasive method for (1) characterizing the adhesion
average porosity, but provides no information on its depth between membrane matrix and supporting mesh (Supporting
profile. It also tends to overestimate the porosity as a result of Information S7), and (2) real-time monitoring of FO/PRO
water absorption by the polymeric substrate. membrane fouling (particularly internal fouling/scaling inside
SEM and TEM are two electron microscopic methods with the support layer18 that is difficult to characterize using
nanoscale resolution. SEM is a relatively simple and conventional methods).
straightforward method, and it has been widely used to gain
qualitative understanding of membrane pore structures. By
varying the accelerating voltage (thus sample penetration

S Supporting Information
depth), one may even obtain a semiquantitative measurement S1. Conversion of color image to binary black-white image; S2.
of porosity depth profile near the membrane active layer. Additional TEM and SEM images of membrane CTA-HW; S3.
Compared to SEM, TEM has better resolution and it can TEM and SEM cross-sectional images of membrane CTA-W;
provide quantitative analysis of the pore diameter and porosity S4. Optical microscopic images of dry and wet membrane
variation across an entire membrane cross-section. However, samples (CTA-HW); S5. Kanaya-Okayama depth penetration
TEM characterization is expensive and it also involves tedious formula; S6. Evaluation of the effect of high accelerating voltage
and time-consuming sample preparation, which limits its use in to membrane samples; S7. Additional CLSM images of
sampling large membrane areas. membrane CTA-HW taken at different locations; S8. A
In the current study, the porosity distribution results from comparison of CLSM images under fluorescent mode and
CLSM image analysis showed a good consistency with those reflective mode; S9. 3-D pore structure of CTA-HW based on
analyzed from TEM images. Compared to the electron CLSM characterization; S10. CLSM images of membrane
microscopic methods, CLSM offers several important advan- CTA-W. This material is available free of charge via the
tages: Internet at

• CLSM requires minimal sample preparation and the
method is noninvasive. This also avoids artifacts related AUTHOR INFORMATION
to sample preparation (such as sample drying). Corresponding Author
• CLSM is simple, fast, and relatively cheap, and it can be *Phone: +65 6790 5267; fax: +65 6791 0676; e-mail: cytang@
used to scan relatively large sample areas to improve
statistical accuracy. Notes
• CLSM can provide 3-D pore structural information, The authors declare no competing financial interest.

including pore diameter and porosity distribution, and
pore connectivity. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
• Membrane samples can be scanned under hydrated
conditions, which means that the membrane pore This research was supported by Tier 1 Research Grant No.
RG6/07, Ministry of Education, Singapore. We also thank the
characteristics during CLSM imaging match closely
support by the Singapore Membrane Technology Centre.
with those during typical FO/PRO membrane operation.
Hydration Technology Innovations is thanked for providing us
For thick membrane samples, however, the method is not membrane materials. We thank John Perrino and the Cell
able to image over the entire membrane thickness (CLSM Sciences Imaging Facility at Stanford University for the help on
performed image analysis over the membrane thickness of ∼75 preparing TEM sections. The comments and feedbacks from
μm in the current study). Finding the exact location of surfaces the editor and the four anonymous reviewers have greatly
can also be difficult for membranes with large surface features. improved the quality of the manuscript.

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