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uran . Medant Surah) a ‘ 30 for30 * Style of Madani sural JUZ 1, } AL-BAQARAH Song Surah © long verses e The 1st uz revealed on the 15+ year after Hijrah Tust migrated from Makkah - Madinah Settling in new homes Establishing @ community not under prosecution © Stil) dealing with hostile enemy in Makkah and within al- Madinah The ginsees 000 The law Conti? AT 1 People asked many questions as new REVELATION community is being established BD Legal questions Cin Juz 2) “they asked you about...” e Establishing their own set of law e Ahkam /rufings applied within the muslim society The first foundation is the foundation of TAQWA ) © Catagorization of people God- consciousness a enter Istam to ney feature © harm it From of Madinah within ’ warning for them Aah talked about © not to lose their fatth e their plotting and © lose the opportunity planning fo be sincere betievers, e how they will fail in companions to Prophet the dunyo and hereafter e they will fail with their * they are only fooling worldly plan themselves “ © Bani Israel, remember the favor of God upon you ...” €2:49) BANI weet] The MuSlims in Madinah dealing with the Jewish tribes community for the first time © Reminding them of musa (A$) j the gratitude ° « his “message and mission that we should + the Continuation of his legacy have towards Allah sadam cas) go * Ibrahim CAS) * Musa CAS) } . the weapon of believers =——S a = Story of the building of manly eres: [esos ps © Revealed as Muslims have just been exile from Makkah © For the first time living away from the Kaaba ° Missing Makkah a Aliah revealed the inikal construction ef Kaabah lorahim CAS) built the they raised their hand Kaaba with Ismael CAS) and pray for + the city of makkah - + their descendants to be upon righteousness and uphoid the sanctify of that House (2:127-124) soothing the heart of the Prophet (saw) and the believers « they will return to Fulfill the legacy of Ibrahim (AS) e the promise Allah gave to Ibrahim CAS) A people will come worshiping atah alone wTawheed will be established in the Same place they had to leave because of their tawheed You will return VICTAORVOUS) ! “ We see your face Co Muhammad) turning in the direction of Makkah and We wit grant you the direction of Prayer that you wit be pleased with... » (a: Iu4) the great Status of Prophet (saw) In the Sight of Allah He will never be indifferent , not only of his duaa, but his inclinations “ Then your hearts became hardened after that, being like stones or even harder. For indeed, there are Stones from which rivers burst forth, and they are some of them that spiit open an water comes out, and there are some of them for fear of Anah. And Allah i$ not unaware of what you do” (a: 74) ’ consistent evaluation of our heart ask Questions to ourseives about Ourselves oo ask Allah «© MUS CAS) told his people to slaughter @ Cow (2367) « They did not respond in a way pleasing to Aah ° “ And Crecan when you slew a man and disputed over i}-- but AnNah was to bring out that which you were Concealing™ ¢2:729 + “So we said, “Strike him with part of it. Thus does Allah the dead to tife , and he shows you signs bring that you might reason " (2:73) 7 e “and he tells who +he killer was PONDER OVER to Soften our heart Stwith the 7 bani israel 4 Their hearts are hardened Cas 74) “ then your hearts became hardened after that, being ike stones or even harder. For indeed, there are Stones from which rivers burst forth, and they are Some of them that Split open and water comes out, and there are some of them for fear of Allah. And Allah iS not unaware of what you do” (a: 74) depends on how look in the 2 g— soft the rock iS mirror! The Quran + the best remembrance « soften the heart * Stay away from what hardened the heart ) Prophet Csaw) : a person will not | Peng | enter Jannah if he has even arrogant a@ mustard seed of arrogance * evaluative eriteria [n-enqarah % + how to evaluate the sofiness of] of your heart ¢ Ql. Ragqarah , al- Hadid Cearly Madinah Surah) have Clear caution agains} faith becoming compromised frovhet cSaw) : (Faith) wears out the same way a garment wears out on feamsventig ik your body Anah Saas our fa & WHEN TO CHECK FOR IT « revealed in Madinah - relative safety, comfort « the warning tO not succumb #0 the i of prosperity — Banv Israel a” * Jewish community in Madinah SOCIALIZATION > the hearts hardened . secularism Compromised their faith » Selective submission THE FAVORS OF ALLAH UPON US! © Let them worship the Lord of this Bouse ; the one who safe-Quarded them , the one who fed them People of e Security and Gustcinance Makkah © Remember My favor upon you (2:47) e Chosen as a nation © favor upon Musa CAS) = ®... and sent down to you manna and quails ..."¢ars7) J “Sustoinance + “1. we saved you from the people of Firaun...* 62:49) 5 Security Prophet CSAW) : whoever wakes ep physically healthy , feeting (Safe) and Secure within himself , withfood for the day , it iS as if he acquired the whole worid interrogate ] Am t submitting the way Ibrahim CAS) ourselves ! submitting 2 IBRAHIM AS ADAM AS MUSA AS x Po snaytan —Fitaune-]_—> Banu Israel “whoever turns away from the way of Ibrahim except they bting upon themselves disgrace in this life ‘and the next™ © Allah chose Ibrahim CAS) with special favor in this dunya and special favor in the Hereafter © Because of his Submission and sincerity © And he was victorious

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