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Recruitment and Selection Program

Before the process of recruiting and selecting of workers in the company, we will

post first the job vacancies for the public to be inform. Major procedures are as follows:

 Screening- this is the first procedure in recruiting and selecting workers. The

company will scan the entire resume passed by all the aspiring workers. This will help

the company to select applicants according to their background and personal

information written in the application form.

 Preliminary Interview- in this process, the company will call all the applicants

they think fit to the job vacancies. They will check all the information written if it is

correct and reliable thru asking the applicants.

 Mental Test- this will help the company to know if the following applicants is

literate and in good condition. And it will give them idea on how they will handle some

incidents that are unexpected.

 Background check- this is a very important step in recruiting and selecting

workers because this will give assurance to the company that the applicants is a good

citizen and he do not have any criminal violations.

 Final Interview- after checking all the necessary information, the company will

do a final interview to the applicants who passed the first processes. This will assure the

applicants that they are in process and under consideration of the company.

 Legal requirements- in this process, the applicants must secure and pass all the

important documents that the company requires.

 Physical and Mental Examination- the applicants will now undergo medical to

test their physical fitness and medical condition. This will give assurance to the

company that the applicant are in good health and not medically ill.

Applicants who will fail in any if the steps in the process in recruiting and

selecting workers will be rejected. On the other hand, after passing all the steps in

recruiting and selecting workers, the company will hire the applicants made it up to the

last step

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