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Chapter 2: Gecrretry Clear-te Exercise 2c: Importing and Repairing CAD Geometry (optional) Tris exercise uses the mcdel file, Step 1: Open and view the model file, Exercise_Zc. hm. Step 2: View the model in topology display toolbar to evaluate its integrity. Ctserve where the rrcdel Fas irccrrect ccrnectivity anc rissirg cr duplicate surfaces. Click Geometry > Autocleanup tc cpen the Auto Geometry Cleanup panel. Nete that the surface edges are new cclcred zccercira tc their tcpclogy status. This cocurs because Geometry Color is set tc Auto (2° ml), Click Wireframe Geometry (tc ciepley the rrcdel ir Witetrarre rrcce. ‘The tcclbar centairs iccns that certrcl the display cf the sLrfeces ene surface ecges. Surfeces can ke shacec with cr withett edges cr wirefrarre. Right-click the iecrss tc zccess the crep-cown reru fer ecciticnel cpticrs. Place ycur rretse ever the curscr te view a descripticn cf te Euttcn's functionality, Click Visualization (2) arc navigete tc the Topology tab. Viscalizaticn ccrtrels the display cf the surfaces anc surface ecges. Surfaces car be staced cr wirefrarre, The check boxes within this ment turn the displey cf the cifferent Ecce types enc fixec Pcints (surface vertices) cn cr cff. Clear all tre check kexes except the Free check box. Chily the free ecges sheule ke cispleyec at this Ecint. Chserve the free edges anc rake ncte cf where they are, The free (red) ecces shew where there is irccrrect ecnnectivity cr gaps. HyperWorks 11.0 HyperMesh Introduction 47 Propriefen Irtcretion ct Alte Eroireetirg, Ire Chapter 2: Gecrretry Clear-tr 7. Nete the Iccaticrs where there are clcsec Iccrs cf free edges. These ere Icceticns that prcbebly have rrissirg surfaces. Free eccesirdicatrg eutfece clecontrultes cf the oir cecrretry & Select crly the Non-manifald check kcx. © Oserve the nen-tranifcle ecges ard rrake ncte cf where they ere. Tre ren-rrenifcld edges shew wrere there are rrcre than twe surfaces sharing ar ecge, which rricht irdicete incorrect ccrnectivity. Fer this pert, there are yellow edges completely surrcurcine two areas. This ircicates that there ere prckebly cuplicate surfaces in these Iccaticns, “0. Select all the check boxes. “*. Click the Close kutten tc clese the Visualizeticr tab, “2, Click return tc exit tre panel, “3, Click Shaded Geometry and Surface Edges (@*) The surfaces shcule row appear sclic rether than heving cnly their ecges displayed. “4, Retete, zccm, anc pan tc Iccete eny errcrs in the gecrretry. “5, Neke rete cf the areas tc ke werked cn: + Asurfece that everhencs a reune ecmner + Amrissing surface 48 HyperMesh Introduction HyperWorks 11.0 Preprie‘ry Intent ten cl Alte Eroir eetirg, Ine Chapter 2: Gecrretry Clear-te Surtece ovethengirg en ecce erd e missire sure + Anecge that has epperently keen ccllepsec 4 Le ‘ace Ul colepsed Ecce Step 3: Delete the surface that overhangs the round corner. *, Erter the Delete parel ir cre cf the fellewing ways: + From the rrenu ter click Geometry > Delete > Surfaces * Press F2 2, In the graphics rea, select the cverhancirg surface shewn ir the previcus figure, HyperWorks 11.0 HyperMesh Introduction 49 Propriefen Irtcretion ct Alte Eroireetirg, Ire Chapter 2: Gecrretry Clear-te 2 4, Click delete entity tc celete the selected ertities. Click return tc exit tre panel. Step 4: Create surfaces to fill large gaps in the model. *. Click Geometry > Create > Surfaces > Spline/Filler tc cpen the parel tc create the » ~~ surface. Cleer the Keep tangency check bx. ‘Tre Keep tangency cpticn exerrines surfaces zttached tc the selectec ecges ard tries tc crete a surface tengert tc therr. This Felgs tc ferry @ sirccth trarsiticn tc the sureuncirg surfa Verify the ertily type is set tc lines. Verify the Auto create (free edges) check koxis selectec. ‘Tre Auto create cpticn siplifies the selecticr cf the lires kcuncirg the missing surface, Cree a line is selected, HyperNesh eutcrretically selects the rerreining free ecges that fcr a clcsec Iccp, ard ther create the filer surface, Zcem inte the erea inciceted in the fcllewirg irrage Niscing Surfaces ‘Mee clmiscire surteces Pick cre cf the réc lires ketncirg cne cf the cars (rrissirc surfaces). HyperlVesh atterratically creates ¢ filler surface tc clcse the hele, Repeat cut-step 7 tc create a filer strfece ir the cther gep. Click return tc exit tre panel. Step 5: Set the global geometry cleanup tolerance to .01 «Press Otc go tc the options parel. ‘50 HyperMesh Introduction HyperWorks 11.0 Preprie‘ry Intent ten cl Alte Eroir eetirg, Ine Chapter 2: Gecrretry Clear-te 2. Gc tc the geometry sut-rerel. 3. Ir the cleanup tol = field, type 0.1 te stitch the surfaces with a gag less than (.C’. 4, Click return tc exit the penel. Step 6: Combine multiple free edge pairs at one time with the equivalence tool. *, Frerr the rrenu kar, click Geometry > Edi > Surface Edges > Equivalence Activete the equiv free edges anly check kcx. Select surfs >> all. Verify thal the cleanup to is set tc C. 01, which is the clebel cleanup tclerence sfecilied ir the options parel. Click the greer equivalence tutcn te comtine ary free edge pei clearug tclerance. Mest cf the rec free ecges are combined inte creen shared ecces. The few rerrzining are causes by caps larger then the clearug tclerarce. hap within the specifiec Step 7: Combine free edge pairs, one pair at a time, using the toggle. +, Gele the toggle suk-parel, Ir the cleanup tol = field, type 0. 1. In the crarhics erea, click cre cf the free ecces shewr in the fcllewira imace. hen Retate enc zcc inte the ares if neeced. When the edee is selected, it will chenge fre rec tc creen, inciceting that the free ecge Fair hes keen ectivalerced, Edges to toggle ‘ace wr ete tee edges reed ce tcoglee 5, Use teggle tc ecuivalence the cther ecges shewn in the irage. HyperWorks 11.0 HyperMesh Introduction 51 Propriefen Irtcretion ct Alte Eroireetirg, Ire Chapter 2: Gecrretry Clear-te Step 8: Combine the remai *. Ge te the replace sut-penel. 1g free edge pair using replace. In the Mecel Browser, click ~ ext tc the View2 saved view. With the selecter urder maved edge: ective, click the leftrrcst free edge in the craphics area. Verify thet the selecter uncer retained edge: is rw ective, Select the rightrrest red edge. In the cleanup tol = fielc, erter 0.1, Click replace. Once the lire is selectec, HyperMesh pests e message sirrilar te: ep moms "Gap = (200018). Do you stil wish tc toggle?" 7. Click Yes tc clese the gep. Edges to retain and remove for replacement Eeces(cretain ard eve tor repecerrert & Click return tc exit tre panel. Step 9: Find and delete all duplicate surfaces. *, Frerr the Ment Bar, click Geometry > Defeature > Duplicates 2. Click surfs >> displayed. 52 HyperMesh Introduction HyperWorks 11.0 Preprie‘ry Intent ten cl Alte Eroir eetirg, Ine Chapter 2: Gecrretry Clear-te Ir the cleanup tol = field, type 0.01, Click find. ‘The status bar cisplays the fcllewing rressage, "2 surfaces are cupiiceted." Click delete tc rerrcve any duplicate surfaces. Aw Step 10: Observe the model again to identify any remaining free edges, or missing or duplicate surfaces. *. Use the tepclegy displey ard shacec rrcdes to ferfenr this task. All cf the edges in the rccel shculd be displayed as greer shered edges, indicatirg that we Fave a ccrrfletely encicsec thin sclic fart, 2. Click return tc exit the panel. Step 11 (Optional): Save your work, With the cleerur crereticrs cerrpletec, seve tre mcel. HyperWorks 11.0 HyperMesh Introduction 53 Prepieey Irtanretin cf Alter Erojretirg, re

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