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Course Name Data Science and Machine Learning

What will be ● Why data science and machine learning?

covered in ● Who can learn data science and machine learning?
Introductory ● What are different roles in data science and machine learning?
Class ● What you need to learn to be a data scientist or machine learning engineer?
● Opportunities in data science - the career of tomorrow
● Opportunities in machine learning field – The future
● Demo on rain fall prediction using zero programming machine learning platform?
Course Name Deep Learning by Tensorflow 2.0

What will be ● Why deep learning when we have machine learning?

covered in ● Who can learn deep learning?
Introductory ● What you need to learn to be a deep learning engineer?
Class ● Opportunities in deep learning - the career of tomorrow
● Demo on handwritten digit recognition
Course Name Computer Vision with OpenCV and Deep Learning

What will be ● Basics of NumPy, Manipulate Images with NumPy

covered in ● Use OpenCV to work with image files (Image manipulation and feature extraction
Introductory techniques)
Class ● Segment Images, detect and track objects in a video
● Basic understanding of neural Network Design and Training
● Using Python and Deep Learning to build image classifiers
● Work with Tensorflow, Keras, and Python to train on your own custom images.
Course Name Internet of Things and its Applications

What will be ● Why Embedded System and IoT?

covered in ● Who can learn Embedded System and IoT?
Introductory ● What are different roles in Embedded System design and IoT?
Class ● What you need to learnt to be IoT?
● Opportunities IoT - the career of tomorrow?
● Opportunities in IoT - The future
● Demo on Controlling and monitoring devices anywhere in the world using Cloud Services.

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