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Department of Electrical Engineering

Following are the proposed updated rubrics for labs.

Rubrics for Experiments based on hardware only.

S. No Rubrics
1. Ability to conduct experiment
2. Equipment Setup
3. Analysis of results
4. Authentication of results
5. Conclusion
6. Adherence Safety Procedures
7. Timeline for lab completion

Rubric for Experiment based on software only.

S. No Rubrics
1. Familiarity with software
2. Simulation steps
3. Coding skills
4. Conclusion
5. Result Analysis
6. Authentication of results
7. Timeline for lab completion
Rubrics for Experiments based on both hardware and software.

S. No Rubrics
1. Ability to conduct experiment
2. Equipment Setup
3. Analysis of results
4. Authentication of results
5. Familiarity with software
6. Simulation steps
7. Schematic & Modeling of Circuit
8. Conclusion
9. Adherence Safety Procedures
10. Timeline for lab completion

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