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RLE F2F and NCM118

Anatomy of the Heart
- located in mediastinum, is the central structure of the cardiovascular system
- it is protected by bony structures of the sternum anteriorly, the spinal column posteriorly, and the rib cage

What is it?
Electrocardiogram “EKG” or “ECG”
- is a test that measures the electrical activity of the heartbeat. With each beat, an electrical impulse (or “wave”) travels through the heart.

Normal ECG Wave

Why is it done?
1. Measures time intervals
2. Measures the amount of electrical activity passing through the heart muscle, a cardiologist may be able to find out if parts of the
heart are too large or are overworked.

Does it hurt?
No. There's no pain or risk associated with having an electrocardiogram. When the ECG stickers are removed, there may be some minor

Is it harmful?
No. The machine only records the ECG. It doesn't send electricity into the body.

Different Types of Leads

Limb Leads
- Electrodes are placed on the right arm (RA), and left leg (LL). With only four electrodes, six leads are viewed.
- Standard leads: I, II, III
- Augmented leads: aVR, aVL, aVF


Electrode Placement
RLE F2F and NCM118

15-1.RAD ECG

Recording of ECG Common Cardiac Rhythms

Methods of Calculating Heart Rate

RLE F2F and NCM118


1.What is ECG?
2.Demonstrate Proper Placement of ECG and
mention the location
3.Identify the ECG Strip
4.Calculate the HR

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