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Hye Ashwini,

How are you?

I mean isn’t it obvious to ask because you just experienced your first heartbreak from your only guy
best friend whom you thought to be your everything and also you just got your 10 th result and you’re
not at all happy with the score and you don’t know how to deal with both the stuff at the same time.

I know things are immensely tough for you right now because you got nobody to share that how worse
and disappointed you are with yourself but can’t spit it out because you don’t know how to express. All
you knew was to listen to the person in front and to question your own worth. Trust me, even the
people whom you addressed as your friends won’t be there to support you but you still have that hope
and expectation that some-one will understand you and accept the way you are. But honey did you
accepted the way you are?

Now here’s the thing just because that “mean girl” in the school said that you look horrible and that
teacher who disqualified from the debate competition saying that your voice isn’t meant for public
speaking because its heavy and doesn’t sound “girly” enough you shouldn’t have run back to your home
locked yourself in the room cried yourself to sleep and doubted your own ability. Because girl, you don’t
know how strong you are as a human you are the prettiest girl who has that giggly personality with
which you can make everyone around you laugh like hell, you have that powerful voice with which you
can fight and get a bronze medal in 3rd International Karate Championship not only that by the age of 19
you’ll have a job, you’ll be independent you’ll move to a different city stay there all by yourself and that
time trust me nobody will be there to question you.

I know you’ve always been there for your loved ones; you’ve always been a people pleaser, you’ve
always been that who understands but doesn’t know how to be understood, you always kept your
dreams your wishes aside because you were the eldest daughter, you’ve never shared how bad you felt
because you always knew how to empathize. But I know deep down how broken you were, how
insecure you were and how much you were harming yourself mentally and emotionally. Though that
other guy you were in a relationship with used to hurt you a lot, abused you and also made you feel the
worst but still you were with him because you don’t want him to get hurt and maybe that’s why you
started hating yourself you started blaming yourself for every bad thing that’s happening around you
but believe me that thing still affects me and it still haunts me.

So, just a small advice from your future self that don’t be scared of putting yourself out there, don’t be
terrified if you have to speak for yourself, don’t get affected with the fact that other person will judge
you and please prioritize your feelings your mood swings and take time for yourself, do things that
makes you happy if you want to go ahead and learn “pole dancing” then please learn it and give yourself
little credit of what you’ve been or what you’re going to be because you’re the “Main Character” of your
life and you don’t need others to validate that.
I am so proud of you and so thankful, because of you I am this strong you’ve been the greatest teacher
and this future-self admires you a lot. Take care, I love you!

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