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Nutrition Evaluation

In terms of health and quality of life, diet and physical activity are key determinants. Two

of the most important things that you can do to be and remain healthy at any age are eating a

good diet and being physically active. In maintaining a healthy weight, a balanced diet requires

eating the right number of calories and nutrients. For physical activity, food provides energy. A

person's energy needs will change as they become fit and active, as the person loses weight.

Nutrients can trigger the expression of genes by manipulating each organism's phenotype.

A variety of nutritious foods included in an eating plan that helps control your weight:

tomatoes, leafy greens, and oranges filled with minerals, fiber and vitamins, and even fresh

herbs. Adding stews and omelets to frozen peppers, broccoli, or onions gives them a convenient

and straightforward color and nutrient boost. For life, a daily supply of dietary energy is

necessary and is needed to power several different body processes. These include the

maintenance of the heart beating, and the organs' functioning, muscle contraction, body

temperature, and growth.

Nutrition provides liveliness for physical activity. As you become more fit and active,

and as you lose weight, your energy needs may change and be determined by the calories you

need. Since I start exercising myself, I'm physically fit in terms of health. I need to improve in

morning excise activities such as running, doing press sups, and many more. My expected

lifetime activity is running, and it is was I have experienced since I join this class; it is so helpful.

My movement has changed since I can walk faster, submitting my assignments on time, and

answering. By maintaining my daily exercise, I can improve my health status.

Genetic differences may have significant or small effects on the risk that a particular

disease may develop. In my case, for example, some mutations in my family's BRCA2 or

BRCA1 genes that I fear may increase the risk of my sisters developing ovarian and breast

cancer. Variations in other genes, such as BARD1 and BRIP1, may also raise the risk of breast

cancer, but the result of these genetic variations to an individual's general risk seems to be much


Nutrition is the product of three life classes: exercise, hereditary behaviors, and a good

life. Only the last one depends more on the individual's decisions, but an evaluation,

interventions, and customized improvements are possible. Eating a balanced diet and doing

exercise has a more significant impact on someone's life. It can increase or reduce a person's life.

Works Cited

Anderson, Denise. Combo for Nester's Microbiology: A Human Perspective w/Connect AC &

LearnSmart Labs. McGraw-Hill Education, 2015.

Schiff, Wendy J. Nutrition Essentials: A Personal Approach. McGraw-Hill Education, 2017.

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