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fats) The Political Self: Developing Active Citizenship Uh Name: _Vevaine Raina Airy! C. section a AA Instructions: For the following, choose the statement/s that apply to you by putting a ¥ mark on the space provided, Check as applicable. RIcige S| many as Talways make it a point to be updated with current news. Thave voted in the Sangguniang Kabataan elections. I am actively involved in community organizations that are not academically required. I have posted a political statement, at least once, on my social media account. If there is an opportunity, 1am likely to watch the State of the Nation Address (SONA). I find issues about graft and corruption in the government very disturbing Tam likely to engage in discussions about politics with my peers. Thave attended a rally fighting for a specific advocacy, Tmake it a point to follow the ordinances in our barangay, particularly about cleanliness and curfews When confronted with political news, I carefully scrutinize facts before forming an opinion I believe I have a personal responsibility to serve my country. After I graduate, I will use my skills to be a productive citizen of my country. I update myself on current events happening in my country. 225 aan The Political Self: Developing Active Citizenship Section: Instructions: Kindly review the items you checked in Exercise 711A and answer the following questions Do you feel you have a voice in the society? Why or why not? Nes, a5 a citizen of the Philiggines, I can Voice my opinion And give criticism as | as it is for the betterment of my __countey. Every citizen of a country bas the power Ond the vight to voice out their opinion and criticism on how the. government Should address the wi ec WSicounthewnen. 2 2 ae In your opinion, can an adolescent initiate change in the society? Why or why not? Yes, as Dv. Jose Rizal Said, “the youth is the hope of our future," in way opinion, it 16 gossible for adolescents to make a change in Society loecause they will be the ones who can have the lest vesources and they can spread their word and theiv belie €s through the use of technology. They can chanae Society because they will be the future gillars to make the country better. 227 Unfolding the Emerging Facets of the Self 228 3. Do you feel optimistic or pessimistic about the future of the country? Why? Lam optimistic about the futuee of our county mainly because I believe in the youth They have the gotential to make cur countyy Wetter and reach success “They are eager to gain new Knowledge and experience to make our countey vise £com the loottown, 4. Do you feel optimistic or pessimistic about being a Filipino? Why? I cannot definitely say I dm optimistic being a bas $0 many disadvantages ut being a Fiigine even when others ave not. The Political Self: Developing Active Cit zenship Name: secdonis Van eS {nstructions: Choose a particular political or societal issue that you feel strongly about. Write down the nature of that issue in the box below and answer the questions. Land Socio-Economic and Political Issues: -Uneaual distviloution. Problems of boundary dispute. -Lack of commitment to sustainability, 1. Why do you feel strongly about this issue? Explain. those who have power. The agrarian reform has loogholes and it is the reason why poverty i5 Still pronounced in many euval areas. Althovah the agrarian reform movement has Significantly contributed to the agrarian xefoem grogeamme, the government has not been alle to tag the full potential of this movement to gush for faster and meaningful agearian vefoeen 229 230 Emerging Facets of the Self What can you do as an individual to address this issue) Describe and explain. _ can garticigate im youth leaders o« youth associations that heles to create markets am en we access for Farmers while ensuring eroduce _ Avaceability, ley linking thew SO tess i igh manufacturers, eroduce buyers aS well aS imout louyers. Are you happy being a Filipino? Explain As of now, I am not hagey being a Filigmo. __ Zam envious of how other countries ave doina, So well with their Sacial, economic, _and political asgects But I want to ve _one of the veasons why Philiggines com 62 _ __ue when time comes, that iS why T will do _wny lest nd give back te my countey WY

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