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Ecranization Trends and Their Effects in the World of Indonesian Literature

Izdiharti Husniyah - 170211604547

The films 'Dilan 1990' and 'Dilan 1991', ‘Bumi Manusia’, ‘Teman Tapi Menikah’, ‘Dua
Garis Biru’, are a few examples of famous films in 2019 which based on novels that also has
been popular before. These films are very successful in the market, especially for Indonesian
millennials. The actors presented the idols of young people, such as Iqbaal Ramadhan, Vanesha
Prescilla, Adipati Dolken, Mawar Eva de Jongh, Angga Yunanda, and Zara JKT48. They are the
newcomers actors who add the lively excitement for industry film in Indonesia in 2019. In
addition there are the films ‘Terlalu Tampan’ and 'Eggnoid', which aired respectively in January
and December 2019. Both of them are films based on the popular series webtoon (web cartoons)
which also played by talented young actors such as Ari Irham, Rachel Amanda, Nikita Willy,
Morgan Oey, Sheila Dara, and Kevin Julio.

Previously there were a lot of popular Indonesian films that were also popular. For
example, ‘Ayat-Ayat Cinta: 2008’, ‘Laskar Pelangi: 2008’, ‘Ketika Cinta Bertasbih: 2009’, ‘5
CM: 2012’, ‘Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck: 2013’, ’99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa: 2013’,
‘Filosofi Kopi: 2015’ based on short stories, and horror films from true stories originally written
in novels namely 'Danur: 2017 ', and many more. As a statement delivered by Kristanto (2017)
that in Indonesia no less than 240 films were made based on novels, both domestic and foreign
novels, between 1927 and 2014. This number represents more than seven percent of all
Indonesian films that recorded in the Indonesian Film Catalog.

The great enthusiasm from peoples for ecranization films proves that these works are
very influential. Enthusiasm in the sense here is not when the work is seen as good. Some films
have aroused controversy about whether it is appropriate for the film to be transferred, or
whether certain actors are suitable for portraying characters from a novel into a film. Like the
figure of Minke in Bumi Manusia, played by Iqbaal. Some people consider Iqbaal is
inappropriate to play the figure of Minke. In addition, another controversy that often occurs with
ecranization works is the ability of a film to show the true spirit of a novel, so that it often reaps
debates. But whatever the public's reaction to the film ecranization, certainly these works
succeeded in attracting the attention of a large community, both in terms of appreciation and
sharp criticism.

There are several factors that make the work of ecranization able to attract a large
audience, including the audience that having a great curiosity about how all the events and
characters in the world of the novel are able to be visualized as if present and real. Or to answer
their curiosity about other versions of the novel they read for example. Most of those who watch
or enjoy the work of ecranization is to answer their curiosity. In addition, it can be watched by
are more inclined to be interested in the another form of creation. For example, someone enjoys
watching movies rather than reading novels.

In addition to the great enthusiasm of society, trends ecranization in Indonesia is certainly

also influenced by how the film industry works. Based on, that the priority of
best-selling novels in the practice of ecranization reflects the understanding that films are made
as commodities that are sold to consumers (viewers). There are even films which, although less
popular as novels, are still raised to the silver screen because the genre or writer is popular. Very
often the case, if the film can meet the expectations of the audience (more like a novel), then the
audience is more likely to rate good though in general not necessarily good film quality.

Limitations of ideas in writing scripts in addition to making screenwriters adapt stories of

other forms, too cause symptoms of plagiarism film. Symptoms of film plagiarism in Indonesia
seen in the emergence of films the same theme at the same time. Dryness of ideas in the creative
process writing script will make the screenwriter choose the fast way to produce script a good.
Novel is one source of writing scripts. Novels with good sales or earn the title of best seller is
strategic sources in the process of writing a script. Best seller novel is novels whose sales exceed
sales target figures (Praharwati & Romadhon, 2017).

Based on the description of the sources above, the authors conclude that the trend of
ecranization in Indonesia is apparently largely influenced by the interests of the film industry.
The industry is more profit-oriented than the work itself. Because novels that are already popular
and in demand will have greater profit potential, because film production certainly costs quite a
lot compared to novels. The film also presents elements of art that are more complete and
complex than just words in the novel, such as audio-visual, artistic elements, settings and scenes
that are accurate but also beautiful, and so on. It is also not to blame because there are many
films that have a good quality and should be appreciated by works.

In fact, it is not always the film industry only films popular works, because there are
actually many films that introduce a novel through the film. So that people who like their films
or famous films first, even though the novels that are published first, will start searching and
reading the novels as original works. It is also based on the curiosity of the audience or readers
of other forms of the work or as an expression of their love for the work itself. According to
(Praharwati & Romadhon, 2017), several examples of films that actually present introduce the
original work through the film, for example ‘Mimpi Sejuta Dollar’, ‘Marmut Merah Jambu’,
‘Assalamualaikum Beijing’, Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika’, Refrain’, ‘Air Mata Surga’, and
many more.

Although ecranization can lift the original work through film, but it still applies the same
only in popular novels that have a high likelihood of being liked by the public. According to
( the industry-focused economization trend also cannot be separated from
the capitalistic reading styles that are closely embedded in society. Consumption of readings
such as pop novels are indeed more in demand than "literary novels" and certainly more
profitable to be filmed. However, novels categorized as "canon literature" also have a place in
the universe of ecranization. Call it the Atheist filmed by Sjuman Djaja, the novel of the
‘Tenggelamnya Kapa Van Der Wijck’ and ‘Di Bawah lindungan Kaabah’ by Hamka, also the
film The Dancer which is an adaptation of the novel ‘Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk’ by Ahmad

This is a problem in the end, because ecranization has not been able to lift literary works
'canon'. Although there are but few in number. Supposedly, with the success of several literary
works filmed, it can be used as learning to make the same thing. Indonesia must be able to create
trends. A trend in which the 'canon' literary novel stories are very interesting to study and if
made into a film will make the film strong, meaningful, quality, and deep to the study. For
example, take the example of the success of ‘Bumi Manusia’.

I hope that many other productions will emerge that seriously raise the 'canon' literature,
of course, with good quality and equivalent to the quality of the original work - ignoring the
changing parts of the film. For example, with qualitiessuch as The Godfather, El Secreto de sus
Ojos, or No Country For Old Men. It is indeed difficult to expect work that encapsulates the
complexity of humans and their world in audiovisual form, but it is worth a try. Basically the
public will remain interested in quality and interesting films. This burden is certainly given to all
parties who work in film production. The ability of producers, directors, screenwriters to
understand, explore, interpret a film is very tested and honed in this case. So as to be able to
produce quality and interesting works in the eyes of the public they cannot be careless in making.
They also need to be able to read opportunities, trends in society, or even create the trends
themselves. It is also possible that the trend of ecranization in Indonesia can be better utilized to
introduce quality literary works to the public.

Reference: adapt-ke-praktik-di-1927-2014/ accessed on 16 February 2020.

novel-film-ecranisasi-nusantara- / waiting for the

best-possible-respect-respectrances // accessedaccessed on February 16, 2020.

Praharwati, Dyan Wahyuning & Romadhon, Sahrul. 2017. Literary Ecranization:

Appreciation of Literature Connoisseurs Alih Wahana.Bulletin Al-Turas: Pulpit of
History, Literature, Culture, and Religion - XXIII (2)

Woodrich, Christopher. 2017. History of Ecranization: Raising Novels into Films in the
Archipelago (1927-2014). Andalas University.

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