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pee ‘OU Will be able t 5 Discuss becoming a good leader r Discuss becoming a good team player Discuss the role of emotional intelligence i Discuss team building © in leadership piscuss character building oo 500 In the P? co MING A GOOD LEADER it business environment character a parr ag eae coe unpredictable changes, i vecion and destination. In business organisations, executives have to act see eae ‘er job as a leader i more than managers. A leader knows what is hat todo wiewe y sate ats erly Ho tell odo it. He has to envisage the ature ofthe organisation, sl sorte ats and infuence their behaviours in such away ta they may work forthe organisation et van pus. To Brain Tracy, "The superior leader is ikea catalyst ina chemical process at foses the other ingredients to work together in a superior fashion. Superior leader elicit inary performance from ordinary men and women.” MEANING AND DEFINITION OF LEADERSHIP Theword Teader’ stems from the root ‘laden’ which implies to travel o "to show the w ledeshave to devise and demonstrate the roadmap towards the future of the organisation. Thus “Leadership is defined as the relationship in which one person, or leader, influences other ‘nor together, willingly as related tasks to attain that which leader desires.” George R. Terry a Lean e process by which an executive or a manager imag ‘bo fhe work of others in choosing and attainin natives 19 Specified goals pr trey guides and influences t : seiees one individual and the organisation in such @ manner that both iy 7st Will obese tain ‘maximum satisfaction.” a Leadership] is the abilty to shape the attitudes and behaviour of oth 120 Haim, formal or informal situation." 8. Hodge seit Meth "Leadership is an influence process, the dynamics of which are a function of 6. John, characteristics of the leader and followers, and of the nature of the specific ste ae % ons." —Max. Richard and Paul S, reg, * Greeny "{Leadership] Is th FUNCTIONS OF A LEADER “The leaders of business organisation have to perform the following functions, 1, Providing Vision Leaders have to decide the future of the organization with enlightened vision. This vision shape the destiny of the organization and instil passion among people to wok At rave clear direction ofthe future they fel energized to work. Leadership is not feeling alan status quo ; it means challenging the status quo which is possible if leaders have vision, o 2. Making Best use of Human Resources In the present knowledge-based economic environment, the role of human capital has as tremendous importance. The greatest misuse of resources is the misuse of human resources organisation fails to channelize its people's intelligence, wisdom and knowledge. The ef Tenders can make ordinary men do extraordinary things, make common people do uncommon thi Successful leaders ofthe future will find ways of attracting and retaining quality people. are people that provide unique competitive advantage. Leaders have fo use the potentials of and provide them opportunities to use their imagination, creativity and knowledge in best p way. 3. Change Agents Change isthe law of nature which never changes. The leaders of the business enterprise ha anticipate the changing trends and imbibe those changes in order to survive in the ch aivireement. "The best leaders do not simply respond to change but proactively revere Change is necessary, understand the change management process and foster an envir earning and strategic anticipation. 4, Decision Making ‘The leaders of any institution operational matters. A leader is judged by his ability t making process. 5, Maintaining Harmony ‘The leaders maintain harmony among the group resolve and create the environment of trust and open cor or enterprise have to make decisions regarding stategc 10 take decisions, and to influence the decis conflict arises, they immed members. If ip that brings munication. Best leadershi sls rr leadership abilities of everyone crea : irpendence among team members based on peg en aM ust lute traits which a leader must possess, sadauthorities have identified certain qualities of good lenders yet different authors Chester Barnard is of the view that leader should have : Vitality and endorsance, decisiveness, persuasiveness, stability in behaviour, intellectual ability and knowledge. To George Terry the qualities of a leader are energy, emotional stability, knowledge of human relations, personal motivation, communication skill, teaching ability, social skill and technical competence. To Warren Bennis, basic ingredients of leadership are guiding vision, passion, integrity, ‘rust, curiority and daring. Burt Nanus's seven megaskills of leadership are farsightedness, mastery of change, organization design, anticipatory learning, initiative, mastery of interdependence, and high standards of integrity. James O° Toole's Characteristics of Values Based Leaders are integrity trust, listening and pect for followers. *3 Eight Discernible Characteristics of Principle-Centered leaders are To Stephen Covey, Ei entation, radiate positive energy, believe in other people, lead a continual alata ‘an adventure, synergize and engage in physical, mental, emotional, balanced life, see li . and spiritual exercise for self-renewal. Fr ood leaders shoud possess the following quali g00% 1. Vision |e ision, an ability to discern a direction that others inthe group may or may not "Leadership always pe to explore”, Ira Chaleff proundly remarks. In business or any other yet see, but which they cf” BW yor and laggards is their ability to imagine their future. A leaders 2 een field, the difference ro “of dhe organisation and sells them convincingly to his followers. A the ful imagines about age sage to initiate taking the first step and leading the way. He initiates pies Sis must have Cour tT ate. The leaders have to initiate various steps in the light of The teat jnate, eat Or ment by discovering the vision ofthe organisation and matching the means to original: Saw sieeriet existing and Ch2FE explore he new opp’ unique strens! 3. EnereY ust have physical and mental energy to work for long hours without feeling der ‘The lea rq tired. i burn ving the biographies or 8 mid night oils, moving fro autobiographies of various great leaders m one place to another and pursuing the 4 Intelligence and Intuitive Power A leader has better intel i i 7 : gence than his followers. Intelligence j diner i ssstematic and step-by-step approach whereas intuition is tha aounety to a assess the dyna analytic process. Leaders possess analytical ability that they. f"¥ sy on ‘ata. They also process better intuitive power, which in mysteri : jay CaM overlook the details of data and by-pass the step-by.cte making process. 0 eaten We find 4 "i sion reckless, 3% n lous to our a 5S. Emotional Maturity 4 reader possesses greater emotional maturity. His higher emotional intel his ability to read and understand emotions of others, ability to conval ne} impulses, and managing conflicts and confrontations in the organisation, 6. Objectivity Ant leaders have objectivity in thei outlook as they can take the things as they ae Pressure, prejudice or preconceived notions. They can pass the judgment without ay toreall IT OF faye 7. Integrity Leadership requires building trust among others. Their trust springs not from po. Snot but rather fom character and commitment. Leadership starts withthe a ye follow a person voluntary only if they find him as authentic servant, not marked speaker i Cashman sees leadership as “authentic self-expression that creates value.” genes . Bate ea 8. Communication Skill A leader should have good communication skill; eloquence of speech, erudition of [authentic] expression through body languages and empathic listening. He must be in a post talk clearly and convincingly. His ability to persuade and motivate his followers can etna willing cooperation. 9. Rapid Learner A leader is always rapid learner who not only learns new things, but also discovers. the how to leam quickly. Not only he contributes to his knowledge, but also recognizes and the learning of his subordinates. 10. Empowering Subordinates The effective and successful leaders believe in empowerment of employees. empowerment they let their people feel stronger, happier, more confident and committed hire the right people, match them to the right jobs, clarify their vision and expected result, then leave them with maximum freedom to perform. Lao-Tzu, great Taoist sage once noted, leader is best when people barely know he exists—when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say w this ourselves.” . sls Ea ya pace setting leaders expect excellence and self-direction among different employees. ders attempt to develop, people for the future, and place employee's learning and fos st top of their agenda. P En “cor? pe coercive Style § qhe coercive style is characterised as "Do What I say" approach in which the leader demands ediate compliance. This style is very effective in a turn around situation, a natural diaster, or working with problem employees. But this style is least effective in most situations because it Seenployesinttive, and adversely affects their pride 4, The Authoritative Style The authoritative style is characterised as “come with me” approach in which the leader gatiizes the people towards a vision. The authoritative leaders are visionary, they state the ends put give people plently of leeway to devise their our means. They also motivate employees to jpnovate, experiment and take calculated risks. This style works well when the business is adrift. But it is less effective when the leader is working with a team of experts or peers who are spore experienced than he is. 3, The Affiliative Style ‘The Affiliative style with hallmark of "People come first” attitude resolves around people by valuing individuals and their emotions more than tasks and goals. The affiliative leaders strives to keep employees happy and to create harmony and emotional bonds among them. They give people freedom to do their work in the way that pleases them and do not impose unnecessary strictures. This style is very useful for building team harmony increasing morale improving organisational communication, or restoring broken trust. But its exclusive focus an praise allow poor performance to go unnoticed. Consequently employees perceive that their mediocrity is tolerated. Moreover affiliative leaders rarely offer advice, which often leaves employees rudderless. 4. The Democratic Style The Democratic style characterized as “What do you think” approach, invites people’s ideas and forges consensus through participation. By giving employees a voice in decision making, democratic leaders build organisational flexibility, mutual trust, respect and commitment. But sometimes, this style leads to endless meetings without consensus and scheduling of more meetings. But this approach is suitable when the leader is himself uncertain about the best direction and seeks guidance from able employees. This style is also suitable when the leader has a strong vision and wants employees to generate fresh ideas for its successful execution. 5. The Pacesetting Style ‘Under the paceseting style, the leader sets high standards for performance and exemplifies them himself. He is obsessed with doing things better and faster and expects the same of everyone around him. If things happen otherwise han bis Peeratons: he pinpoints them quickly. The drawback of this style is that many employees feel aoe 'elmed by the pacesetter’s demands for excellence and as a result ther morale drops. Tis approach work well when all employees are selfnotivreay highly le direction. competent and need ltt 6. The Coaching Style ate, The coaching style focuses more on personal develo} 2 PIER of employees y # work-related tasks: The coaching leaders help employees to identify ear tern thei ve and tie them to their personal and career developments. They encourage emer’ and career and conceptualize a plan for attaining that long e ie not focus on immediate performance, yet it affects the immediate Performance 2°! way. This style works well when the employees hav ing i lance *yle inborn need to exce| Bat it) Pa when employees are least motivated towards excellence and elevation and 4 Fesist change, "Oi There is no unique style suitable for each and every situation, Leaders must styles and apply them according to the situation. Goleman’s research shows that pid di four or more styles and move seamlessly from one to the other depending on, the situa most positive impact and most effective performance. atic ion hay BECOMING A GOOD TEAM PLAYER Today the field of leadership focuses not only on the leader, but a other team members. Leadership is no longer simply described as an flifference, but rather a shared relationship in the complex social d leaders of the organisation, but eve! responsible behaviour. Presently BABAR Weaken term goal. Through tre oY" to 9 Iso on followers individual characters = lynamics, Therefore ny team player is supposed to demonstrate Tesponsive ly we are not working in isolation, but ‘with cooperative collaborative efforts among different persons at work. We work in tearn-e Mature group com: People with interdependence, motivation, and shared comunitment to accomplish agreed Upon eo Researchers indicate that the following seven skills are highly desirable for team members f effective: 2. Emotional stability. The more emotionally stable an individual is, the faster he or sh tions confronted by teams. One should tr ‘th patience and persistent efforts develop oneself as emotionally matured person. 3. Accountability. When individual team members accept responsibility for their o Performance and contributions, team effectiveness increases, On the other hand, if peg indulge in the habit of accusing others and excusing oneself for any adverse perfor distrust is likely to bread in the team and team spirit is likely to suffer. individual team player should have the sense of accountabi ity. 4 Problem-solving abilities. Team members should be able to analyse the problem a develop alternative solution to those Problems. They should try to talk in term solutions to the problems, than talking in terms of problems that further increase problems, 5. Communication skills, Team players should have communication skills to express ideas and opinions in e! fective way and to listen others’ views and opinions empa

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