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Evolved Essence

We began with a desire – a mission, to help people, especially women – through

economic sustainability. As we moved ahead, we faced numerous challenges and came
to face with many realities.

This journey of confronting, not only the economic, but the social issues as well – made
us gradually evolve our vision. We realized that the troubles that underpin our society
were not only material in nature. Rather, the material outpourings were only a natural
consequence of the lack of love and empathy.

Likewise, we deliberated, on the cure for this common ailment – and came up with our
Core Values – that were weaved by our experience in dealing with the socio-economic

These Core Values – we divide under two headings: Love and DOTE

1. Love – We consider love as the pivot of human existence. With love, not only can
we solve our mutual problems, but also transcend all the boundaries that weigh
us down. Love, is liberation – breaking the fetters of opportunism, hate,
revulsion and fragmentation. It bonds us together in a collective whole. It makes
us rise above the narrow barricades that part our ways. It makes us work
collectively; for the betterment of all. It paves way for cooperation, replacing
competition. It leads to association, replacing appropriation.

2. D: Dignity - What forms the essential core of human existence – is the craving
for dignity. Even greater than life itself, the sense of being respected - is the most
precious jewel in humanity’s crown. We, in our dealings – internal or with
others, ensure that we uphold each other’s dignity. We consider, respect for each
other; in every form of interaction – of supreme importance.

3. O: Ownership – We believe our troubles, in whatever aspect of life and society,

they may be – can only be solved through our own efforts. We believe in taking
ownership of our own work and destinies; whether in our teams, or in our
societies. We inculcate Ownership as the only way to overcome our difficulties.
Only by taking ownership of our present realities and our envisioned future, can
we salvage ourselves. We seek refuge in ourselves.
4. T: Transparency – A Persian maxim states – Sun’s existence is proved by its
appearance. Wishing to put our vision into words, we wish to have such
institutional transparency – that our work will embody our thought. Our efforts
are, and shall always be, to make all of our dealings in absolute consonance with
our stated objects. Without any facades, or ulterior motives, our projects shall
always reflect the core values we espouse.

5. E: Equality – Every human is part of the whole. Like pieces of a puzzle; we only
make sense when fixed together. Without the numerous hands and minds,
whose efforts go to make the world what it is – life would be impossible. As
such, no work is menial. Every effort at adding value to life, in enriching
humanity and creating a better world is worth appreciation. Hence, Equality
forms our central tenet – In thought, in action and in results – we shall uphold
Equality as the bedrock of human relations; whether social or economic.

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