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Minor Triad Arpeggios

Formula (R, ♭3, 5)

Minor arpeggios are formed with the root, minor third and fifth. Using the CAGED system, below are
five movable shapes that allow you to play minor arpeggios all over the fretboard. These arpeggios sound
great over minor, minor seventh, minor eleventh and minor thirteenth chords.

Practising Minor Triad Arpeggios
Below are some practice ideas to help learn each of the minor arpeggio CAGED shapes in the key of D.
I recommend practicing from the root note like the exercises below as this will help you move the shapes
around more smoothly when changing key. Make sure you pay close attention to the picking strokes,
hammer-ons and pull-offs, as well as the left-hand finger recommendations as this will help organise
your fingers without moving position.


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