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Waypoints are a way of breaking a long haul into a series of smaller hauls. This is useful for instances where we are interested in the time and
distance spent in a particular area, such as in-pit vs. ex-pit haulage. Waypoints can be placed anywhere on the network by right clicking on a point
and promoting to node. If no point exists, we can right click on a segment and select "Split Segment Here."

Note that Export > Travel Times / Cycle Times does not include Waypoints. This is to keep the exported file size within manageable

A waypoint at the pit exit will subtotal in-pit and ex-pit haulage

When a haul passes through a waypoint, the partial hauls will be subtotalled in the Segments tab beneath the viewport.

Haul route subtotal from Source to Waypoint 1

From here we can see the distance, time, speed and other variables from the source node to Waypoint 1. Note that the subtotals automatically
separate loaded and unloaded travel.

In the top right of the segments panel is an Export to Excel button, which will export the selected haul.
Segments and subtotals exported to Microsoft Excel

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