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Hope is something that we want to happen and we work very hard for it to happen. But we
are not sure whether it will happen or not and sometimes we can’t do anything about it.
Hopes and dreams signal future intentions

Expressing Hope

I hope you win the game. Artinya adalah saya berharap kamu memenangkan pertandingan.

I hope to see you again soon. Artinya adalah saya berharap bertemu denganmu segera.

I hope you can find your ring. Artinya saya harap Anda bisa menemukan cincin Anda.

I hope our uncle will not angry with us. Artinya saya berharap paman kita tidak marah
dengan kita.

I hope she can forgive me. Artinya adalah saya berharap dia bisa memaafkan saya.

Expressing Dreams/wish

Wish bisa berupa doa atau harapan yang mungkin sulit terwujud namun jika ada keajaiban
atau campur tangan Tuhan di dalamnya harapan tersebut bisa terkabul. Simak beberapa
contoh kalimat menggunakan wish berikut ini:

I wish Joon-gi were here. Artinya adalah saya berharap Joon-gi ada di sini namun
kenyataannya tidak ada dan bahkan tidak mungkin karena dia seorang artis atau publik figur.

I wish I could dance in the party with him.  Saya berharap bisa menari di pesta dengan dia.

I wish I had known the answer. Artinya adalah saya berharap saya tahu jawabannya.

I wish I spoke English well. Artinya adalah saya berharap saya bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris
dengan baik namun kenyataannya tidak.

The verb ‘hope’ is to express:

An event that possibly happened (past)

A event that will possibly happen (future)

To say what you hope about the past, you use the simple past:

 I hope she found  the restaurant. 

 I hope he passed  his class last semester.

To say what you hope about the present, you use the present

 I hope he‘s all right.
 I hope he knows where the clinic is. 
 I hope he‘s having a good time in Florida.
 I hope  he likes Italian food

To say what you hope about the future, you use the future (or the future, although it is lesscommon)

 I hope the has a good time in Florida next month. (I hope he’ll have a good time in
Florida next month.)
 Ihope she comesto see us when she passes through New York.(I hope she’ll come to
see us when she passes through New York.)

How to express our hopes:

a. Sentence structure to express hope using ”ing verbs”. 

Subject+-ing verb+Complement
b. Sentence structure to express hope using “to” and “that”.


c.Sentence structure to express hope using verb tenses.

Subject+Verb+ Complement/object
Examples to express hope:

 – I want to become a doctor.

 –  I am hoping to finish all my work on time.

 – I hope I will realize all my dreams.

 –  I hope that I will always be honest.

 –  I hope that I will never lie.

 –  I hope that I will never smoke.

Expressing Hope
The difference between "wish" and "hope"
How to use "wish"
Wish is most commonly used in hypothetical (or imagined/unreal) situations:


:I wish (that) you were here. (Unfortunately, you're not, and I miss you.)
Sometimes wish is used in greeting and expressions of goodwill:


:We wish you a "Merry Christmas."

How to use "hope"

Hope can also be used in expressions of goodwill, but the grammar is slightly different:


:I hope (that) you have a Merry Christmas. (some time in the future)I hope (that) you had a
nice Birthday. (some time in the past.

Hope can be used to specify a desired outcome. For future hopes, the possibilities remain
open,but for past hopes, the outcome has usually been determined already.


:I hope you can come to the party on Saturday.(future possibility)I was hoping that you would
come to the party.(but you didn't)I had hoped to see you at the party on Saturday. (but I
A: “Hai, Bella. How is your condition today? Are you in a good health?”
B: “Extremely good, Arthur. I can assume that my body has recovered about 70 percent.”
A: “Great, I am glad to hear that. I hope you will get better soon so you can join us in the next
basketball training.”
B: “I hope so. And hopefully we can do our best to win the competition.”
A: “Is that the final match next week?”
B: “No, that will be the semi-final match.”
A: “Oh I see. So it means, if we win the game, then we could go to the final?”
B: “Yes, you are right. That’s why I really hope that my leg will recover soon.”
A: “I am sure you will.”
B: “I hope we can get the championship title this time.”
A: “I hope so. See you next week and don’t force yourself!”
B: “I will. Thank you!”

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