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A. Identify and Explain B. Goal

Teachers face difficulties under the new normal. One of the Online Class Set-up Goal
challenges encountered is the issue of students who are
Action Topic: Ways to Avoid Students From Cheating

1. Give sanctions to those students who have same answers

cheating either online or modular. This tells us that they and obviously cheated
don’t need teachers because they can probably learn and 2. Give subjective type of exams
get answer in just one click in the internet or the “copy- 3. Let them use dual device for strict monitoring
paste” technique. As a teacher, we wanted to make a 4. Use timer
difference in their lives by educating and developing them 5. Conscience and guilt
holistically. But its due to pandemic, we have to make
transition that will not fully help us give quality education.
C. Planned Strategies D. Actual Outputs
1. In formulating test questions, make sure to construct 1. Summative Test with subjective content like essay,
subjective type of exam that will let students express and problem solving, and application test
give their personal ideas 2. Exam that is good for 1 hour
2. During exam day, they need to prepare laptop for taking
the exam, and phone for the camera.
3. There will be a timer-based tests
4. Give students words of wisdom about conscience – the
voice of God
E. Reflection
Learners used to learn in school, face to face classes with teachers’ different pedagogy of teaching lessons. But the
pandemic impacts the delivery of lessons and triggered students demotivating attitude in class. Due to that, students look
for an avenue to make their learning easier without the need of staying in 1-2 hour class via zoom or google. Cheating
became part of our teaching-learning problems even during face-to-face classes. We have to impose measures and
strategies to solve or eradicate cheating because students should be responsible with their own learning.

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