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Pedosphere 28(2): 170–189, 2018

ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
⃝c 2018 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press

Biosurfactants as a Biological Tool to Increase Micronutrient

Availability in Soil: A Review

Ratan SINGH1 , Bernard R. GLICK2 and Dheeraj RATHORE1,∗

1 School of Environment and Sustainable Development, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar 382030 (India)
2 Department of Biology, University of Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 (Canada)
(Received November 12, 2017; revised January 7, 2018)

Addressing micronutrient deficiencies in agricultural soils to meet the growing demands of crops is a matter of great concern
worldwide. The use of biosurfactant, a multifunctional microbial metabolite, to enhance nutrient availability may be a sustainable
way of enhancing agricultural productivity. Biosurfactants are generally less toxic than synthetic surfactants. The application of
biosurfactants in agricultural soils is anticipated to improve nutrient status, increase wettability, and achieve a more even dissemination
of complex nutrients. Numerous studies have evaluated the influence of biosurfactants on bioremediation, antimicrobial activity, and
soil flushing efficiency. This manuscript reviews the possibility of employing biosurfactants to mobilize and solubilize soil nutrients
and make them available to plants through the formation of metal-biosurfactant complexes. Although significant progress regarding
an explanation of the mechanisms behind many biosurfactant-induced effects has been made, there are still many aspects of this area
that are not sufficiently elucidated, such as differences in specificity for nutrients (e.g., Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn) and toxins (e.g., Cd and
Pb). Biosurfactants from various isolates have been considered for their potential role in plant growth promotion and other applications
related to improving the effectiveness of agricultural soils.
Key Words: critical micelle concentration, micelle formation, microbial metabolite, microbial isolate, micronutrient deficiency, soil
metal bioavailability

Citation: Singh R, Glick B R, Rathore D. 2018. Biosurfactants as a biological tool to increase micronutrient availability in soil: A
review. Pedosphere. 28(2): 170–189.

INTRODUCTION tries such as Australia and China are also facing a soil
micronutrient deficiency problem. This widespread mi-
Micronutrients are essential substances that are re- cronutrient deficiency problem increases the challenge
quired in small amounts for human and plant health that worldwide agriculture is facing of adequately fee-
(Miller and Welch, 2013). Micronutrients are also ding and supplying healthy food for people of over 7
known as minor components or trace elements, but the billion, a number which is expected to reach over 9
term micronutrient is supported by the American Soci- billion by 2050 (FAO, 2011). Such an expansion in
ety of Agronomy and the Soil Science Society of Ame- the human population intensifies the pressure for in-
rica (Dubey, 2011). The micronutrients include boron creased food production (Baligar and Fageria, 2015;
(B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), chloride (Cl), manganese Glick, 2015). If the essential nutrients required for
(Mn), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn) agriculture cannot be supplied in sufficient amounts,
(Hänsch and Mendel, 2009). this will result in the development of widespread hu-
Micronutrient deficiencies are a major global pro- man malnutrition (Miller and Welch, 2013). Micronu-
blem for soils/plants that affects both food production trients are used by plant physiological process in very
and human health. Typically, deficiencies of Fe, Mn, small amounts, but are nevertheless important in plant
and Cu are less extensive than that of Zn (Imtiaz et growth and development and crop production (Shukla
al., 2010). In an examination of soils from several In- et al., 2014). These nutrients support biological pro-
dian states, Fe deficiency was observed to be the grea- cesses such as protein synthesis, gene expression, au-
test in Haryana (26%) followed by Tamil Nadu (18%), xin metabolism, maintenance of biological membranes,
Punjab (12%), Gujarat (8%), and Uttar Pradesh (9%) and protection against photooxidative damage, heat
(Rajamani, 2014). In addition to India, other coun- stress and disease. Thus, insufficient nutrients negati-

∗ Corresponding author. Email:


vely affect crop yield, food quality, and human health and microbes), e.g., biosurfactant, a multifunctional
(Alloway, 2004; Yang et al., 2007; Das and Green, microbial metabolite, and have been described as green
2013). The abilities of different plants to take up in- surfactants owing to the perception of them being en-
dividual micronutrients from the soil vary, notwith- vironmentally friendly and biodegradable (Sinha et al.,
standing micronutrient concentrations in plants re- 2008). Biosurfactants have the potential to enhance
flect the nutrient status of the soils where the plant metal bioavailability in soils (Mulligan et al., 2001),
are grown (Knez and Graham, 2013). Successful agri- and compared to synthetic surfactants, they can have
culture therefore requires that soils contain suffici- higher foaming, higher selectivity, and higher speci-
ent levels of key micronutrients (Knez and Graham, fic activity at elevated temperatures, pH, and salinity
2013). Inadequate levels of soil micronutrients have re- (Desai and Banat, 1997; Makkar and Cameotra, 1997;
cently increased significantly in many localities due to Brennan and Shelley, 1999). At the critical micelle con-
the use of continuous cropping systems and decreased centration (CMC), biosurfactants decrease the surface
applications of organic matter (such as bioslurry and tension, increase the solubility and mobility of ionic
farmyard manure) in favor of chemical fertilizers, which metals, and enhance the micronutrient availability in
can degrade the physical, chemical, and biological sta- soil (Pacwa-Plociniczak et al., 2011). There are very
tus of top soils (Fageria et al., 2003, 2007). few published reports on the use of biosurfactants in
The presence of micronutrients in soil does not agriculture, and therefore more detailed study is re-
mean that plants will grow and develop well because quired to evaluate their potential. This review exa-
some of the micronutrients may be tightly bound to mines the role, application, and effects of biosurfac-
soil particles and therefore unavailable to the plants tants on micronutrient solubility, availability, and up-
(Knez and Graham, 2013). Manufactured chemical fer- take in plants and their potential to resolve the prob-
tilizers are typically soluble and fast acting. They con- lems of micronutrient deficiency in soil.
tain high-analysis materials, have a high level of plant
nutrients with few impurities, have a quick response
in the field, and are typically highly soluble in water Methods of providing micronutrients to plants typi-
(Siegel et al., 1962; Silva, 2000). However, manufac- cally include the use of organic matters such as grass
tured fertilizers can become inactive in alkaline soil clippings, tree leaves, and green manure (Welch et al.,
and therefore unable to be absorbed by plants (Os- 1991; Sekhon, 2003) ( Howe-
man, 2013). In an effort to overcome this problem, ver, a more complete list of sources is as follows.
many chemical solutions have been tested for the a-
bility to decrease the binding of ionic micronutrients Natural sources
to soil particles and thereby enhance their availability Geologic parent material or rock outcroppings
to plants. In this regard, the solubility and disintegra- (Morales, 1974), volcanoes (Seaward and Richardson,
tion energy of soil particles rely upon their surface area 1989), and forest and prairie fires are natural sources
(Milani et al., 2015). The availability of micronutrients of micronutrients in soil. The micronutrients in the soil
in soil depends on their solubility and their ability to be and their availability to plants are determined by the
mobilized (Chatzistathis, 2014). In this regard, there minerals contained in the original parent material and
are many soil factors affecting the solubility of mi- by the weathering processes that have taken place over
cronutrients and their accessibility for plants, including the years (Wuana and Okieimen, 2011).
soil type, texture, moisture, temperature, pH, organic
Agricultural sources
matter, calcium carbonate, cation exchange capacity
(CEC), and structure (Schoonover and Crim, 2015). Manures are a common source of micronutrients
Chelates or chemically synthesized surfactants are in soil (Wuana and Okieimen, 2011). Incorporation
typically used in soil washing; they are often a chemical of the following amendments enhance the macro/mi-
complex that is lipid in nature in which the metals are cronutrient supplement contents in soil: compost, crop
held so tightly that it is easily taken up by plant roots residues, silage juice, ruined remains of crops and
(Sahoo, 2007). Unfortunately, chemically synthesized plants, wash water, beddings, spent mushroom media,
surfactants/chelators are often toxic, and many are spent soilless media, and spent supplement solutions
able to persist in the environment for a long time (Jes- ( (Zu et al., 2005).
sop et al., 2015). On the other hand, there are many
Industrial sources
naturally occurring chelating/complexion/solubilizing
agents that are produced by living organisms (plants In India, land around the cities receives sewage wa-
172 R. SINGH et al.

ters containing both domestic and industrial wastes. vous system, and increase susceptibility to other disea-
These wastes can be suitable for crops that are to be ses which slow the growth of children (Swaminathan et
cooked, provided that the content of major plant nutri- al., 2013).
ents is high, that the content of toxic elements is low, It is well known that micronutrient deficiencies in
and importantly, that any sewage has been treated to agriculture soil affect the growth of plants and the nu-
reduce pathogen load-associated risks to human health trient levels of crops. Micronutrients related to agricu-
(Subramani et al., 2014). Sewage effluents are typically lture not only are essential for crops, but also affect
rich in plant nutrients. However, the buildup of heavy livestock (Knez and Graham, 2013). Micronutrient de-
metals, particularly Zn, Cu and Ni, in sewage-irrigated ficiencies in agricultural soils have become a major con-
soils needs to be monitored periodically in view of their straint to the soil efficiency, stability, and sustainabili-
significant accumulation in bioavailable pool associated ty (Bell and Dell, 2008; Kumar and Babel, 2011). The
with decline in pH (Rattan et al., 2005). percentages of agricultural soils suffering nutrient de-
ficiencies have been estimated at 49% for Zn, 31% for
Domestic effluents B, 15% for Mo, 14% for Cu, 10% for Mn, and 3% for Fe
Effluents from domestic waste/municipal sewage (Cakmak, 2002; Alloway, 2004; Graham, 2008). In this
treatment plants often contain high levels of nutrients regard, nearly 50% of the world’s cultivated area sup-
that potentially could be used for plant growth (Ta- ports suboptimal growth because of the lack of plant-
ble I). Agricultural processing of effluents could pro- available Zn in the soil. Calcareous soils or high-pH
vide water and nutrients for crop production (Cham- soils are prone to Zn sequestration, while sandy or ot-
bers et al., 2002); the nutrient-enriched sewage ef- her coarse soils are prone to Zn leaching (Adams and
fluent could substantially reduce the use of chemi- Sun, 1971; Marschner, 2011). These basic soil charac-
cal fertilizers (Wang and Tao, 1998; Ladwani et al., teristics have been found throughout India in Bihar
2012). Sewage effluent, in addition to being a source (calcareous soils), Andhra Pradesh (Vertisols), Tamil
of irrigation water, is a potential source of micronutri- Nadu (Inceptisols), Karnataka (Alfisols), Maharashtra
ents for plants; consequently effluent application can (Lateritic soils), and Haryana (Aridisols), where low
increase the concentration of micro- and macronutri- crop yields have also been observed (Subba Rao et
ents in soil (Asgharipour and Reza Azizmoghaddam, al., 1996). High pH reduces the solubility and mobili-
2012). ty of Zn in soils by stimulating its absorption to soil
constituents and limiting its diffusion to plant roots
SOIL AND ITS IMPACTS Systematic survey and analysis of more than 2.5
million soil samples in 20 Indian states by the All India
It is estimated that the more than 3 billion peo- Coordinated Research Project indicates a deficiency to
ple worldwide suffer from nutrient deficiency (Monre- the extent of 49% for Zn and 33% for B, with 13%,
al et al., 2015). Deficiencies of micronutrients in soil 7%, and 4% of the samples rating low in Fe, Mo, and
and plant are a global nutritional problem and are Mn, respectively (Shukla et al., 2015). These data re-
prevalent in many countries (Cakmak, 2002; Imtiaz et veal nutrient deficiencies in many soils, the seriousness
al., 2010). Iron deficiency generally occurs in citrus or- and extent of which varies over agro-ecological zones,
chards and sugarcane plants grown on calcareous soils, soil types, and, most importantly, management prac-
and Mn deficiency is generally observed in plantation tices, crop yields, and cropping systems. Micronutrient
crops such as cardamom and tobacco. These deficien- deficiencies in soil affect different living systems as de-
cies occur due to specific soil and climatic conditions scribed in detail below.
existing at the time of crop growth, substantially af-
Deficiency effects on plants
fecting the crop yield.
Despite adequate soil preparation, watering, and The deficiency of any single micronutrient in soil
mulching, if plants fail to grow or multiply, it can be can constrain plant growth and reduce yield, notwith-
a sign of multiple nutrient deficiencies in soil/plant. standing the sufficient availability of other essential
Jyothi (2014) compile the data for survey and analysis micro- and macronutrients (Hodges, 1996). All nu-
of more than 250 000 soil samples in 20 Indian states trients have specific and essential functions in plant
(Table II). Micronutrient deficiencies in humans result metabolism (Maathuis and Diatloff, 2013). Micronutri-
in anemia, decrease immunity, decrease resistance to ent deficiencies in soil tend to be harder to reliably de-
infection, impede growth and development of the ner- tect than macronutrient deficiencies, but they enhan-
Various industrial effluents which can be used for irrigation as sources of nutrients/micronutrients in soil

Effluent used Selected crop(s) Study Nutrients/micronutrients provided Reference

Domestic wastewater Wheat, gram, palak, Laboratory pot study N, P, K, micronutrients Singh et al. (2012)
methi, berseem
Olive mill wastewater Tomato, pea Greenhouse pot study N, P, K, Mg, Ca, organic matter Mseddi et al. (2016)
Wastewater from wastewater Mung Pot study in wire house N, P, K, Zn, Cr, Cu, Ni Yasmeen et al. (2014)
treatment facility
Drainage effluent Melon Field study N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, organic matter, etc. Miranda et al. (2008)
Domestic sewage effluent Sunflower, celosia Field study N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu Friedman et al. (2007)
Fishpond effluent Cherry tomato Field study N, P, K, Ca, Mg Castro et al. (2006)
Anaerobic baffled reactor effluent Maize Greenhouse pot study N, P, K, Na, Al, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Zn, B, etc. Bame et al. (2014)
Sewage effluent Sugarcane Field study N, P, K, Mg, Ca dos Santos et al. (2016)
Wastewater from urban wastewater Winter melon Field study N, P, K, Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, etc. Masciandaro et al. (2014)
treatment plant
Sugar mill effluent French bean Farm field study N, P, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Z, Mn, etc. Kumar and Chopra (2014)
Molasses-based distillery effluent Sugarcane Field study Na, K, N, P Srivastava et al. (2012)

Distillery effluent Sugarcane ratoon Field study N, P, K, Na Kumar (2016)

Sugar mill effluent Sweet sorghum Field study K, Na, Ca, Mg, Cr, Mn, Cu, Zn, Fe Kumar and Chopra (2013)
Distillery effluent Fenugreek Field study N, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Cr, etc. Kumar and Chopra (2012)
Textile industrial wastewater Rice Field study N, P, K, Na, Mg, Zn, Fe, Cu, Ni, etc. Begum et al. (2011)
Distillery effluent Cucumber, chili, onion, Laboratory germination test N, P, K, S, Cl Ramana et al. (2002)
bottle gourd, tomato in petri dishes
Textile sludge effluent Soybean, cowpea Greenhouse pot study N, P, K, Zn, Fe, Co, Ni, Mn, Cr, etc. Araújo et al. (2007)
Textile effluent Wheat Petri plate germination and N, P, Ca, Mg, S, Cl Kaushik et al. (2005)
pot culture experiments
Sugar mill effluent Radish Greenhouse pot study P, Mg, Ca, Cl, S, Fe Vijayaragavan et al. (2011)
Cassava-processing mill effluent Onion bulb Experiment in the dark Ca, Mg, Z, Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni, etc. Olorunfemi and Lolodi (2011)
at room temperature
Textile dyeing effluent Soybean Greenhouse pot study N, P, K, Na, Ca, S, Cl Ravi et al. (2014)
Textile dyeing effluent Country bean Pot experiment N, P, S, Cl, Cu, Co, Zn, Ni, Cr, etc. Hassan et al. (2013)
Agro-residue-based paper mill effluent Spinach Field study N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Cl Kumar and Chopra (2015)
174 R. SINGH et al.

TABLE II especially among poor people, affecting around 40% of

Extents of deficiencies of nutrients in soil for crop production the world population (Buyckx, 1993; Ramalingaswa-
(source: Jyothi, 2014) mi, 1995). Welch (2002) pointed out that the Zn, Fe,
Nutrient Extent of deficiency Cu, and iodine (I) deficiencies in plant and animal can
cause growth retardation, delayed skeletal and sexual
N 26–63 maturity, dermatitis, diarrhea, alopecia, and defects in
P 38–42 immune function with a resulting increase in suscep-
K 13–37 tibility to infection. Iron deficiency can cause nutri-
S 35–40
Zn 49 tional anaemia, problem pregnancies, stunted growth,
Fe 13 and lowered resistance to infections (Welch, 2002).
B 33


ce the strong development of crops, delivering hig- ENTS
her yields and harvest quality. An adequate supply
of micronutrients also increases hereditary potential of The physical and chemical properties of soils such
plants. More specifically, sufficiency or deficiency of mi- as soil texture, pH, CEC, anion exchange capacity
cronutrients has a significant effect on root and shoot (AEC), and moisture contents are closely related to
growth, seed viability, and food quality. Their toxicity the mobility of nutrients in soil, which increases the
or insufficiency can bring about hindered development, availability of these nutrients to plants. Micronutri-
low yield, and even plant death. ent deficiencies occur not only because of insufficient
amounts present in soil, but also may occur due to
Deficiency effects on food supply
poor solubility, which may be affected by soil orga-
As described previously, soil micronutrient defi- nic matter content, pH, adsorptive surface, texture,
ciencies can lead to lower crop yields (Rehm and and nutrient interactions (Ayele et al., 2013). Sustai-
Schmitt, 2002; PAIS, 2012). During the past decade, nable productivity of an agroecosystem is determined
micronutrient status has been ascertained primarily by soils and their physical, chemical, and biological
for Zn and to a lesser extent for B and Mo (Nar- properties. The sustainability of soils depends on their
wal et al., 2013; Bailey et al., 2015). Deficiency of capacity to supply required nutrients to the develo-
Zn is widespread in Asia (Turkey, India, China, and ping plants; micronutrient deficiencies in soils decrease
Indonesia), sub-Saharan Africa, and the northwestern plant strength, productivity, and (for perennials) fu-
region of South America (Cakmak, 2002; PAIS, 2012) ture sustainability (Bell and Dell, 2008). Increasing or
( Modern, highly productive, decreasing the range of soil pH affects the micronu-
pathogen-resistant crops that also demonstrate tolera- trient availability to plants and is considered to be a
nce against environmental stresses such as drought and major factor for nutrient deficiency. Soils of high pH
ultraviolet (UV) rays have, since the green revolution, ranges (> 6.5) may have limited nutrient availability to
dominated the food supply (WHO, 2005). Insufficien- plants, therefore requiring fertilizer amendment (Poh
cies of micronutrients in soils have now turned into a et al., 2009). Solution theory holds that any ion in soil
limiting factor for yield and productivity in most agri- solution is available to plants if their roots are capa-
cultural fields around the world. Furthermore, many ble of absorbing it (Alloway, 2004); ions must pass in-
food systems in developing countries cannot provide to solution and move to plant roots by diffusion or
sufficient micronutrients to meet the demands of their mass flow of water before being absorbed through sym-
citizens, especially low-income families (Khoshgoftar- plastic, apoplastic, and foliar ion pools (Foster, 1990;
manesh et al., 2010). Silva, 2000). Market research shows that over 90% of
farmers know that they have a problem with nutri-
Impacts of micronutrient deficiency in human
ents in soil being unavailable to plants (Hodges, 1996;
Malnutrition in human develops when micronu- Aref, 2012). Therefore, farmers generally add phospho-
trients are not supplied through food in sufficient rus and Zn fertilizers to agricultural soils to increase
amounts (Miller and Welch, 2013). Worldwide, more crop productivity (López-Rayo et al., 2012; Rawashdeh
than two billion people suffer from one or more mi- and Sala, 2013). On the other hand, these two elements
cronutrient deficiencies (Popkin et al., 2012). In deve- are often tied up with other compounds and become
loping countries, micronutrient deficiencies in human less available to plants, which results in losses of far-
are now a massive and rapidly growing health problem, mers. Chelation/solubilization enhances the accessibi-

lity of supplements in both manure and in soils (Alley

et al., 2010; Malik et al., 2012). In this way, the surfac-
tant is the most vital part of any chelating compounds.
The word surfactant means surface-active compound.
Surfactants unbind trace metals from the soil surface,
and chelating agents surround the trace metal ions and
keep them in solution. A method of sequestering mi-
cronutrients and providing them to a plant compri-
ses applying an effective amount of a plant fertilizer
comprising a surfactant composition to an area of the
plant or soil/substrate surrounding the plant (Bansi- Fig. 1 Surfactant/biosurfactant monomers corresponding to
wal et al., 2006) and subsequent formation of coor- their ionic properties, nonionic (1), anionic (2), cationic (3), and
zwitterionic gemini (4) surfactants (a), and different types of
dinate bonds with the micronutrients. The surfactant micelle formations by aggregation of biosurfactant monomers,
then transports the micronutrients across plant mem- reverse (1), normal (2), mixed (3), and liposomic (4) micelles
branes and releases the micronutrients for use by the (b).
plant (McLaughlin et al., 2012). Bansiwal et al. (2006) manually chemically synthesized, and biosurfactants
reported surfactant-modified zeolite as a carrier for fer- are biologically synthesized.
tilizer and for the slow release of phosphate. Zeolite
was modified by the addition of hexadecyltrimethylam- Synthetic surfactants and their environmental hazards
monium bromide, a cationic surfactant, to modify its Synthetic surfactants are classified into three ty-
surface to increase its capacity to retain anions (e.g., pes: anionic (the polar group is usually either sulphate,
phosphate, PO3− 4 ). sulphonate, or carboxylate), cationic (the polar group
GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SURFACTANTS is a quaternary ammonium ion), and nonionic (the
polar group is polyoxyethylene, sucrose, or polypep-
Compounds that decrease the surface tension of a tide). The hydrophobic chains of these three types
fluid and the pressure at the interface between two flu- of synthetic surfactants include olefins, alkylphenols,
ids or between a fluid and solid are known as surfac- paraffins, and alcohols (Volkering et al., 1997). The
tants. These are usually amphiphilic organic compo- most common synthetic surfactants which are used
unds containing hydrophobic tails and hydrophilic in trace metal/micronutrient solubilization in soils are
heads (Fig. 1). The basic structure of a surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) (Romanell et al., 2004;
contains hydrophilic (water-soluble) and hydrophobic Shin, 2004; Sun et al., 2011), Triton X-100 (TX100)
(water-insoluble) components, which is achieved using (Shin, 2004; Chang et al., 2005), cetyltrimethylammo-
mono-, di-, and polysaccharides and unsaturated and nium bromide (CTAB) (Sun et al., 2011), Tween-80
saturated fatty acids, respectively. The ability of a (TW80) (Sun et al., 2011; Dong et al., 2013), and
surfactant to develop micelles in solution through the sodium N-lauroyl ethylenediamine triacetate (LED3A)
monomers gives detergent and solubilizing properties (Chang et al., 2005; Qiao et al., 2016). Table III shows
to the surfactant in metal-deficient soil, which can be the different ionic properties of some synthetic surfac-
formed in four different types according to the condi- tants.
tion, i.e., normal, reverse, liposomic, and mixed mi- Unfortunately, synthetic surfactants may have a
celles (Fig. 1). negative impact on the environment during their life-
Surfactants can be categorized into synthetic sur- cycle. Typically, production, formulation, use phase,
factants and biosurfactants. Synthetic surfactants are and discharge phase are counted as parts of their life-
Ionic properties of some synthetic surfactants

Synthetic surfactant Ionic property Reference

Tween-80 Nonionic Dhote et al. (2013)
Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) Anionic Xia et al. (2009)
Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) Cationic Mohammad et al. (2003)
Triton X-100 Nonionic Zhang et al. (2014)
Zwitterionic geminia) Dipolar ionic Malik et al. (2011)
a) Surfactants that are composed of two hydrophilic and two hydrophobic groups (Molinaro et al., 2002).
176 R. SINGH et al.

cycle. In the first two phases (production and formula- in terms of toxicity based on the comparison of the pre-
tion), the amounts of chemicals released or emitted dicted environmental concentration and the predicted
into the environment (Mungray and Kumar, 2008, no-effect concentration. Nevertheless, more toxicity da-
2009) may bioaccumulate, and their production pro- ta are needed for terrestrial risk assessment of synthe-
cesses and byproducts can be environmentally haza- tic surfactants and their degradation products (Ying,
rdous (Banat et al., 2000). 2006; Cirelli et al., 2008). Many synthetic surfactants
Some synthetic surfactants, e.g., linear alkylben- pose significant environmental risks due to their harm-
zene sulphonates (LAS) and alkylphenol ethoxylates ful chemical compounds and their incomplete degrada-
(APE), are known to exhibit estrogen-like properties, tion in water and soil. Synthetic surfactants are repor-
possibly linked to a decreasing male sperm count and ted to cause long-term adverse effects, while bio-based
carcinogenic effects (Scott and Jones, 2000; Edwards products are more likely to degrade easily and there-
et al., 2003). While there is little serious risk to the en- fore not pollute the environment (Ying, 2006).
vironment from the commonly used anionic synthetic
surfactants, cationic synthetic surfactants are known Biosurfactants
to be more toxic, and at present there is a lack of da-
ta on the degradation of cationic synthetic surfactants The increasing demand for environmentally friend-
and their fate in the environment (Scott and Jones, ly products and favourable regulatory outlook from
2000; McGuire and Compton, 2002; Mungray and Ku- developed countries are some of the driving fac-
mar, 2009). Anionic synthetic surfactants (SDS) may tors in the market of mannosylerythritol lipid. This
change the structure of DNA or polypeptide chains as biodegradable natural surfactant obtained from mi-
well as the surface charge of molecules in living or- crobes can be an attractive alternative to synthe-
ganisms through binding to bioactive macromolecules tic surfactants in micronutrient-deficient soil (Pacwa-
such as peptides, enzymes, and DNA (Cserháti et al., Plocinicz et al., 2011; Ehrhardt et al., 2015; Mnif and
2002; Ivanković and Hrenović, 2010). These changes Ghribi, 2016). Therefore, there is a need to identify and
can cause modifications in biological functions to oc- evaluate chelators/solubilizers with potentially good
cur (Cserháti et al., 2002). Cationic synthetic sur- micronutrient-solubilizing efficiency and environmen-
factants mainly target the cytoplasmic membrane on tal compatibility, i.e., biosurfactants. There are three
any microorganism present in the soil quaternary am- different types of biosurfactants (Fig. 2): i) glycolipids
monium compound (QAC) which acts to disorganize (glucose + lipid), e.g., rhamnolipid and sophorolipid,
the inner membrane through their long alkyl chains ii) lipopeptides (protein + lipid), e.g., surfactin and
(McDonnell and Russell, 1999). Synthetic surfactants mycosubtilin, and iii) phospholipids (phosphate + li-
in the nonionic category directly bind to different pro- pid), e.g., sphingomyelin and lecithin.
tein and phospholipid membranes and hence have an- Biosurfactants are amphiphilic molecules that are
timicrobial activity. This binding increases the perme- produced by some plants, but mostly by microorga-
ability of membrane and vesicle, resulting in loss of nisms (bacteria, fungi, and yeasts). They are exuded
low-mass molecules (Contreras et al., 2006) and ulti- into the extracellular space and act as surface-active
mately in cell death through the loss of ions and amino agents that reduce surface and interfacial tension be-
acids (Cserháti, 1995). Nonionic and cationic synthe- tween individual molecules at the surface and inter-
tic surfactants adsorb to soil and sediment to a greater face, respectively (Ivshina et al., 1998; Hwang et al.,
extent than anionic synthetic surfactants. Most sur- 2009). Some are produced as fermentation byproducts
factants in soil can be degraded by some species of (Kitamoto et al., 2009). They accumulate at the in-
microorganisms; however, anaerobic conditions might terface between two immiscible liquids (e.g., oil and
make them more persistent (Scott and Jones, 2000; water), between a liquid and a solid (e.g., soil and oil)
Ying, 2006). Mungray and Kumar (2008) reported that or between two solids (e.g., soil and metal). Biosur-
synthetic surfactants enter the environment through factants then reduce the surface and interfacial repul-
discharge of sewage effluents into surface waters and sive forces between the two dissimilar phases and al-
through application of sewage sludge on land (Mungray low these two phases to become miscible. Interest in
and Kumar, 2008, 2009). High concentrations of syn- biosurfactants emanates from their potential for wide
thetic surfactants and their byproducts are often very applicability and their advantages over synthetic sur-
toxic, and they can also alter the composition of soil factants (Desai and Banat, 1997; Banat et al., 2000;
biota. Environmental risks posed by synthetic surfac- Rodrigues et al., 2006; Singh et al., 2007). A large nu-
tants and their degradation byproducts can be assessed mber of different microorganisms can produce surface-

Fig. 2 Chemical structures of some common biosurfactants, rhamnolipid and sophorolipid (glycolipid), surfactin and mycosubtilin
(lipopeptide), and sphingomyelin and lecithin (phospholipid) (Salihu et al., 2009).

active compounds that vary in their chemical proper- ral roles (Ron and Rosenberg, 2002), their applications
ties as well as molecular size (Table IV). in sustainable development (Mulligan, 2005), their use
Biosurfactants can be monomeric or polymeric and in the production of inexpensive compounds (Haba et
particulate compounds. The most promising and ef- al., 2000; Dubey and Juwarkar, 2001; Nitschke et al.,
fective biosurfactants at the present time are sur- 2007), and their use in medical applications (Singh and
factin, a lipopeptide from Bacillus subtilis, rhamno- Cameotra, 2004; Rodrigues et al., 2006). Although mi-
lipid, a glycolipid from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and crobes can grow anywhere on a very wide variety of
sophorolipid, a glycolipid from Torulopsis bombicola substrates, the yield of biosurfactants depends on nu-
(Mulligan et al., 2001). Several reviews on microbially tritional and physical conditions provided (Haba et al.,
produced surfactants have focused on their types and 2000; Dubey and Juwarkar, 2001; Singh and Cameotra,
commercial potentials (Banat et al., 2000), their natu- 2004; Rodrigues et al., 2006; Nitschke et al., 2007).

Microorganisms that can produce biosurfactants and some properties of the biosurfactants produced

Microorganisms Type(s) of Biosurfactant property Reference(s)

Charge CMCa) Surface Interfacial
tension tension
mg L−1 mN m−1
Torulopsis bombicola Glycolipid (sophorolipid) Nonionic/anionic 60–82 25–35 1–9 Siñeriz et al. (2001)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Glycolipid (rhamnose lipid) Anionic 10–200 25–31 4–1 Abdel-Mawgoud et al. (2010)
Bacillus subtilis ATCC 21332 Lipoprotein Nonionic 5 27 1 Christofi and Ivshina (2002)
Bacillus licheniformis Surfactin Nonionic 0.02 25–27 <1 Kong et al. (2010)
Pseudomonas sp. DMS 2847 Glycolipid (rhamnose lipid) Anionic 19 29 11 Kosaric (2001)
Arthrobacter paraffineus Sucrose and fructose glycolipids Nonionic 3 32 16 Celiešiūtė et al. (2009)
Arthrobacteria Glycolipid Anionic 4 27 <1 Kügler et al. (2015)
Pseudomonas fluorescents Rhamnose lipid Anionic 2 23 1 Veremeichenko and Zdorovenko (2004)
Pseudomonas sp. MUB Rhamnose lipid Anionic 5 26 >2 Walia and Cameotra (2015)
Torulopsis petrophilum Glycolipid Anionic 23 30 12 Cooper and Paddock (1983), Bhardwaj et al. (2013)
Candida tropicalis Polysaccharide Anionic 12 – – Aguedo et al. (2003)
Corynebacterium lepus Corynomycolic acid Nonionic 5 – – Cooper et al. (1979), Mulligan et al. (2001)
Acinetobacter sp. HO1-N Mono- and diglycerides Nonionic 4 36 17 Singer et al. (1985), Celiešiūtė et al. (2009)
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus Rag1 Lipoheteropolysaccharide (emulsan) Anionic 18 – – Desai and Banat (1997), Rahman and Gakpe (2008)
A. calcoaceticus 2CAC Lipopeptide Nonionic 0.02–10 27 <1 Neufeld and Zajic (1984)
Candida lipolytica Liposan (mostly carbohydrate) Anionic – – – Cirigliano and Carman (1985), Rufino et al. (2014)
Candida petrophilum Peptidolipid Anionic – – – Dadrasnia and Ismail (2015)
Nocardia erythropolis Neutral lipid Anionic – – – Pirog et al. (2014)
Rhodococcus erythropolis Trehalose dimycolate Nonionic – – – Rapp et al. (1979), Niescher et al. (2006)
Corynebacterium hydrocarboclastus Polysaccharide Nonionic – – – Zajic et al. (1977)
a) CMC = critical micelle concentration at which there is a sudden increase in metal solubility in the system (Mulligan, 2005).
R. SINGH et al.

BIOSURFACTANT PROPERTIES exposure to low concentrations of biosurfactants (Law

and Kunze, 1966). Biosurfactants can reduce the sur-
Chemical properties of synthetic surfactants can be face tension of water from 72 to 30 mN m−1 or less
similar to those of biosurfactants with regard to foa- of liquid-liquid interfaces such as oil-water interfaces.
ming ability, emulsification, lubricity, surface tension Researchers also found that biosurfactants have the a-
reduction, solubilization, etc. However, biosurfactants, bility to reduce the interfacial tension to as low as 1 mN
produced by microorganisms, are biodegradable and m−1 (Mulligan, 2005). There is no further reduction in
less toxic compared to many synthetic surfactants (De- surface or interfacial tension above the CMC. At the
sai and Banat, 1997; Mnif and Ghribi, 2016). They also CMC, the biosurfactant molecules themselves assem-
have better foaming properties and higher selectivity ble to form structures such as vesicles, bilayers, and
(Edwards et al., 2003; Mulligan, 2005). micelles. Formation of CMC is dependent on pH, ionic
Biosurfactants are considered as very promising strength, and temperature. Biosurfactants exhibit low
biotechnological products. The use of biosurfactants CMC with the values ranging from 0.15 to 30 mg L−1
instead of synthetic surfactants in many applications (Desai and Banat, 1997; Pichot et al., 2013). Biosur-
allows for high levels of specificity as well as efficien- factants with lower CMC values are better and more
cy. Biosurfactants are good wetting agents and emul- efficient than their synthetic counterparts (Figs. 1 and
sifiers, having several advantages over synthetic sur- 3).
factants including effectiveness over a wide range of
temperature, pH, and salinity (Kosaric, 1992; Das et Surface and interfacial tension of biosurfactants
al., 2008; Pacwa-Plociniczak et al., 2011) and synthesis
A good surfactant can lower the surface tension
under user-friendly conditions (e.g., low temperature
of water from 72 to 25 mN m−1 and the interfacial
and pressure). Biosurfactants are described by prope-
tension of water/hexadecane from 40 to 1 mN m−1
rties including critical micelle concentration (CM-
(Mulligan, 2005; Muthusamy et al., 2008; Vijayakumar
C), hydrophilic-lipophilic equalization (HLE), chemi-
and Saravanan, 2015). Biosurfactants have a struc-
cal structure, and charge and also properties from their
ture with two different characteristics, i.e., hydrophilic
biological source (Van Hamme et al., 2006). Some use-
and hydrophobic, making them surface active and in-
ful properties of biosurfactants are described as follows.
creasing the absorbance properties, causing an inter-
Critical micelle concentration face between polar and nonpolar media so that the
head aggregate is soluble in the polar and the tail in
Critical micelle concentration is the concentration
the nonpolar medium. Surface tension is quite simi-
at which all of the molecules in a surfactant will exist
lar to interfacial tension in that cohesive forces are al-
as micelles (even in very small quantities). Formation
so included; however, the interfacial tension involves
of micelles needs a very low concentration in water,
the adhesive forces between the liquid-liquid, liquid-
and for the potential application, these micelles are
solid, and liquid-gas phases of two different substances
needed in a very low amount, i.e., the CMC (Barros
(Bustamante et al., 2012). Biosurfactants also may en-
et al., 2007; Kumar and Lal, 2014; Ehrhardt et al.,
hance the release of trace metals from soil through
2015). Capacity to form micelles from monomers (esti-
ion exchange and electrostatic and other attractions
mated colloidal clusters) in any liquid solution because
(Shin et al., 2005). Since rhamnolipids are negative-
of the presence of hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups
ly charged, they may form metal-surfactant comple-
in a monomer molecule in a concentrated form is also
xes with cations (micronutrients) (Wang and Mulligan,
a basic characteristic of biosurfactants (Rangel-Yagui
et al., 2005; Ying, 2006). Subsequently, the CMC is
the most critical parameter for any biosurfactant in The movement of micronutrients in soil is main-
terms of its capability for solubilization of hydropho- ly controlled by solid-liquid interfacial reactions be-
bic pollutants in contaminated soil. The wide use of tween the surface of soil particles and the metal in soil
biosurfactants in different industrial fields (cosmetic, water. Therefore, when we deal with micronutrient-
medicinal, environmental agriculture, laundry, etc.) is deficient soils, it is essential to understand how trace
due to their tendency in various media to form micelles. metals/nutrients behave at the solid-liquid interface
The amphiphilic nature of biosurfactant molecules (Fig. 3).
allows them to partition at surface interfaces and re- Solubility and mobility of biosurfactants
duces surface and interfacial tension. The surface ten-
sion of water was found to be reduced even through Biosurfactants, through their accumulation at the
180 R. SINGH et al.

Fig. 3 Interrelationship between biosurfactant concentration and physical properties. Concentration of monomers in a biosurfactant
solution represents the micelle formation and its role in surface and interfacial tension reduction. CMC = critical micelle concentration
at which there is a sudden increase in metal solubility in the system (Mulligan, 2005).

immiscible fluid interfaces can reduce surface tension, ter protophormiae was found to be stable at 30–100

increasing the surface area of such compounds with di- C and at pH 2–12 (Singh and Cameotra, 2004; Vi-
fferent degrees of polarity and allowing increased mo- jayakumar and Saravanan, 2015). Similarly, Sudha et
bility, bioavailability, and biodegradation (Banat et al., al. (2010) observed that sophorolipid production and
2000). Biosurfactants can be effectively used to solu- stability from Candida tropicalis was optimum at 30

bilize, mobilize, and increase the availability of mi- C. Moreover, the optimum temperature for bioemul-
cronutrients and trace metals in deficient soil (Maier sifier production and stability was found to be from 37
et al., 2001; Sheng et al., 2008). Cationic, anionic, and to 100 ◦ C (Jagtap et al., 2010). Below pH 7 and at
nonionic surfactants contain both hydrophobic and hy- a temperature of 20 ◦ C, lipopeptide from B. subtilis
drophilic portions, making them ideal for solubiliza- LB5a was stable after autoclaving (121 ◦ C, 20 min)
tion of hydrophobic compounds (Georgiou et al., 1992; and after 6 months at 18 ◦ C; in addition, the surface
Makkar and Cameotra, 2002). Different types of bio- activity did not change between pH 5 and 11 and be-
surfactants, low- and high-molecular-mass biosurfac- tween 0% and 20% NaCl (Nitschke and Pastore, 2006;
tants, have different physical characteristics. For exam- Nitschke and Costa, 2007).
ple, low-molecular-mass biosurfactants lower the sur-
face and interfacial tension and are effective in solu- Degradability of biosurfactants
bilizing metals in water and soil, as well as reducing
repulsive forces between two non-similar phases. On Along with increasing environmental concern a-
the other hand, high-molecular-mass biosurfactants are mong consumers, governmental legislation forces in-
able to reduce repulsive forces between two immisci- dustry to search for easily biodegradable microbially
ble compounds through higher emulsification activity, produced surfactants (Cameotra and Makkar, 1998;
making it easier for them to mix (Calvo et al., 2009; Nitschke and Costa, 2007). Chemically synthesized
Soberón-Chávez and Maier, 2011). surfactants are generally non-biodegradable, while bi-
osurfactants such as sophorolipids, surfactins, and
Stability of biosurfactants under different environmen-
arthrofactins are rapidly degradable in the environ-
tal conditions
ment (Hirata et al., 2009). Mohan et al. (2006) indi-
Most of the biosurfactants and their surface activi- cate that microbially produced biosurfactants are ea-
ty are resistant towards changing environmental con- sily degraded and are particularly suited for environ-
ditions such as temperature and pH (Vijayakumar and mental applications such as nutrient solubilization and
Saravanan, 2015). McInerney et al. (1990) found that bioremediation. Conversely, Pei et al. (2009) studied
lichenysin produced by Bacillus licheniformis is effec- the degradation of rhamnolipids by incubation in black
tive at a temperature of up to 50 ◦ C, over the pH range loamy soil and red sandy soil for 7–8 d and concluded
of 4.5–9.0, and at up to 50 g L−1 NaCl or 25 g L−1 that the degradation rate was slow (Pei et al., 2009;
CaCl2 . In addition, a biosurfactant from Arthrobac- Lima et al., 2011).

Environmental friendly nature of biosurfactants more sustainable for use and are considerably safer to
living organisms than synthetic surfactants (Rebello et
Many studies have reported ecofriendly nature of
al., 2014). However, biosurfactants are also known to
biosurfactants through assessment of their toxicity to
increase the mobility and bioavailability of toxic metals
various test organisms, and they are generally very low
such as Pb and Cd in soil (Juwarkar et al., 2007) and
or non-toxic products and are appropriate for phar-
uptake of Cd in grass (Gunawardana et al., 2010). Site-
maceutical, cosmetic, and food uses (Kuyukina et al.,
specific considerations for application of biosurfactants
2007; Hwang et al., 2009; Sahnoun et al., 2014). The
should therefore also include a preliminary assessment
properties of any biosurfactant control its suitability
of site history, soil heavy metal content, and underly-
for application in any environment in that it should
ing geology in order to safeguard the environment and
be low in toxicity, ecofriendly, eco-biodegradable, and
human health.
stable in nature (Bezerra de Souza Sobrinho et al.,
2013). Ivshina et al. (1998) reported that the toxici- BIOSURFACTANT APPLICATION FOR PLANT
ty of a biosurfactant produced by Rhodococcus ruber NUTRIENT AVAILABILITY IN MICRONUTRIENT-
at the concentration that inhibits 50% of test species DEFICIENT SOIL
(bacterium Vibrio fischeri) (inhibitory concentration,
IC50 ) is 10–100 times lower (and therefore 10–100 times Advanced food production technology is required
more efficient) than several commercial synthetic sur- to meet the food demand of the growing world popu-
factants (Ivshina et al., 1998). A study suggested that lation. Worldwide, millions of hectares of arable land
an anionic synthetic surfactant (Corexit) has a con- are deficient in plant-available trace elements such as
centration that is lethal to 50% of test species (lethal Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn (Li et al., 2013). Among the most
concentration, LC50 ) against Photobacterium phospho- important risk factors for disease in low-income coun-
reum ten times lower than rhamnolipid, indicating tries, the deficiencies of Zn and Fe are ranked the fifth
the greater toxicity of synthetic surfactant. In com- and sixth, respectively, by WHO (2002). Trace element
parison to cationic synthetic surfactants (e.g., CTAB, deficiencies affect both global food production and hu-
tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide (TTAB), and man nutrition and health. There are several factors
cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC)) and ani- such as soil pH, CEC, salinity, organic matter, cal-
onic synthetic surfactants (e.g., SDS), biosurfactants cium carbonate, and texture and climate (Schnug et
show much lower hemolytic activity to human erythro- al., 1998; Stacey et al., 2007; Najafi-Ghiri et al., 2013)
cytes (Shin et al., 2005; Mȩdrzycka et al., 2009). Beze- that can substantially reduce the efficacy of trace ele-
rra de Souza Sobrinho et al. (2013) indicated that ment fertilizers and thus decrease the solubility and
the biosurfactant from Candida sphaerica UCP 0995 availability of these metals/nutrients in soil and plant.
demonstrated no toxicity against the seeds of Brassi- Biosurfactants play an important role in providing mi-
ca oleracea, Chicoria intybus, and Solanum gilo em- cronutrients in nutrient-deficient soil; they chelate and
ployed as bioindicators. Toxicity screening of the bio- form complexes with trace metals, followed by adsorp-
surfactant from Lactobacillus helveticus MRTL91 had tion, desorption, and removal of the metals from the
much lower cytotoxicity and phytotoxicity in compa- soil surface interfaces (Table V), resulting in increased
rison to SDS (Sharma et al., 2014). Therefore, given micronutrient concentrations and bioavailability in soil
their much lower level of toxicity, biosurfactants are (Abdul et al., 1990; Roy et al., 1997).

Application of biosurfactants to solubilize metals and enhance their availability

Biosurfactant Microbe producing the biosurfactant Metal(s) Plant(s) Reference

Di-rhamnolipid Pseudomonas aeruginosa BS2 Cd, Pb – Juwarkar et al. (2007)
Lipopeptide Bacillus sp. J119 Pb, Cd, Cu, Tomato, maize, Sheng et al. (2008)
Ni, Zn sudangrass, canola
Rhamnolipid Pseudomonas aeruginosa Cu – Venkatesh and Vedaraman (2012)
NSa) Zn, Cd Sunflower Wen et al. (2016)
NS Cu, Cd, Pb Perennial ryegrass Gunawardana et al. (2010)
NS Cd, Zn Maize, sunflower Wen et al. (2010)
Saponin NS Pb, Cd, Zn Italian ryegrass Zhu et al. (2015)
a) NS = not specified.
182 R. SINGH et al.

Biosurfactants can enhance the mobility of metals tween solid surfaces and trace metal cations, therefore
by reducing the interfacial tension between the metals increasing the solubility and mobility. This may also be
and soil and by forming micelles (Pacwa-Plociniczak applicable for explaining desorption of weakly bound
et al., 2011). Interfacial tension is normally measured trace metals/micronutrients from solid surfaces of soil
in mN m−1 , and it is the power/force that holds two (Wang and Mulligan, 2004). Biosurfactants are able to
different phases together. Under conditions of reduced increase the availability of metals such as Zn, Mn, Cu,
interfacial tension, biosurfactants can bind to sorbed and Fe in soil to plants in various ways. According
micronutrients directly and transfer them to the root to Le Chatelier’s principle, biosurfactants can chelate
zone interface (Singh and Cameotra, 2004). and form a complex with ionic and nonionic metals and
The use of bacterial strains capable of producing then release them from soil (Miller, 1995). With ani-
biosurfactants is a relatively new approach increasing onic characteristics, biosurfactants can form comple-
the availability of micronutrients to plants (Pacwa- xes with positively charged metals. This offers the op-
Plociniczak et al., 2011). Biosurfactants and inorganic portunity to use biosurfactants as metal-sequestering
ligands are efficient for simultaneous solubilization of agents permitting metal desorption from soil and con-
micronutrients and trace metals in soil (Olaniran et al., taminated water. Interestingly, as suggested by Pacwa-
2013). Hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups are the two Plociniczak et al. (2011), the electrostatic interactions
basic domains of biosurfactants; therefore, biosurfac- between the positively charged metal and the nega-
tants have the ability to reduce surface and interfacial tively charged surfactant is so strong that flushing wa-
tension of two immiscible liquids as well as to enhance ter through soil removes the surfactant-metal complex
the solubility of inorganic and organic components in from the soil. This is because the polar head group of
insoluble compounds (Bustamante et al., 2012). Glyco- micelles can bind metals, thereby mobilizing the me-
lipids are the best studied microbial surfactants for me- tals in water (Fig. 4) (Mnif and Ghribi, 2015).
tal complexes. The best-known glycolipids are rhamno- Microbially produced surfactants confer a wide
lipid, trehalolipid, sophorolipid, and mannosylerythri- range of properties including the ability to lower sur-
tol lipid (Edwards et al., 2003; Thavasi, 2011). The face and interfacial tension of liquids and the formation
addition of a biosurfactant, such as a rhamnolipid, in of micelles and microemulsions between two different
soil can effectively decrease the interfacial tension be- phases (Banat et al., 2010). This also enhances the bio-

Fig. 4 Impact of micronutrient deficiency on plant growth and soil quality on a micronutrient-deficient soil (a) and mechanisms
of biosurfactant application enhancing micronutrient availability in micronutrient-deficient soil to the plant, soil quality, and related
water quality through increasing nutrient solubility at a fixed concentration of biosurfactant molecule (modified from Mao et al., 2015)
(b). CMC = critical micelle concentration at which there is a sudden increase in metal solubility in the system (Mulligan, 2005).

availability of the products which helps to increase the can increase nutrient availability thereby facilitating
availability of micronutrients and metals from soil to success in agriculture, provided that the mobility of
plant (Fig. 4). Therefore, biosurfactant-enhanced solu- toxic elements such as Cd, Pb, and Ni are also consi-
bility of trace elements has potential applications in dered. To enhance micronutrient availability from de-
agriculture (Bezza et al., 2015). Soil alkalinity is one ficient sites there are several advantages of using of bio-
of the major causes of micronutrient deficiency in soil. surfactants over synthetic surfactants: biosurfactants
In this case, biosurfactants help to unbind the metals are biodegradable, cost effective, and of low toxicity
from the soil complex and form new bioavailable metal- and can be produced from renewable resources at low
biosurfactant complexes (Rufino et al., 2011). cost. Biosurfactants increase the availability of metals/
The method of increasing the uptake of micronu- micronutrients from soil columns through solubiliza-
trients by a plant through application of biosurfac- tion. Bonds formed between anionic biosurfactants and
tants to the soil surrounding the plants root may be a cationic metals are strong, and the resultant complexes
useful tool in developing sustainable agriculture. Ionic are readily taken up by plant roots. In short, biosurfac-
biosurfactants in trace metal/micronutrient-deficient tants are capable of enhancing the nutrient/trace metal
soil can create metal-biosurfactant complexes. These mobility in soil through reduction of surface and in-
bonds are stronger than the metal bonds with soil, and terfacial tension and micelle formation. Currently, the
metal-biosurfactant complexes are desorbed from the increased interest in the application of biosurfactants
soil matrix to the soil solution due to the lowering of is due to their potential use in industry and in the field
the interfacial tension by which trace metals become as a replacement for synthetic surfactants. Biosurfac-
readily available to plant roots (Gregory, 2006; Pacwa- tants exhibit greater emulsification, foaming, and sur-
Plociniczak et al., 2011). One of the more common face activity properties than synthetic surfactants. In
ways of delivering the appropriate metal micronutri- addition, biosurfactants are stable over a wider range
ent has been to form a chelated complex of the me- of environmental conditions compared to synthetic sur-
tal ion with surfactant/biosurfactant or any synthetic factants, including pH, temperature, moisture, and
chelants as this maintains the metal ion in a soluble salinity. Thus, the potential role and application of bio-
form for ease of application and reduces metal adsorp- surfactants in agriculture is promising although addi-
tion and fixation in soil (McLaughlin et al., 2012). The tional research is required in nutrient-deficient soil for
efficiency and availability of micronutrient in soil (to sustainable agriculture.
plants) might be increased, either by the bioaugmenta-
tion of biosurfactant-producing bacteria or through a- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
mendments of biosurfactants in micronutrient-deficient
The first author Miss Ratan Singh is thankful to
soil. Several studies have reported the bioaugmenta-
the Ministry of Human Resource and Development
tion of potential bacteria in soil for improving plant
(MHRD), India, for granting a fellowship (No. RGNF-
growth and soil quality (Singh et al., 2011). For exam-
ple, Sheng et al. (2008) investigated a biosurfactant-
producing Bacillus sp. strain J119 for its ability to pro-
mote plant growth and trace metal uptake in canola, REFERENCES
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