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Programing Language Lab

Project Proposal: Bus Reservation System

Group Members: Work Distribution:

Muntazir Ali (200401100) Class, Functions and Arrays
Qaiser Abbas (200401037) File handling, Searching and Switches

In this modern world, storing information and data should not be that much problem. Bus Reservation
System is a console application without graphics that will develop in C++ platform.

Our primary purpose is to facilitate the customers, workers, automate the ticketing system, reduce the
manually tedious ticketing job (means recorded manually), and reduce time. Trying to make it simple as
everyone having little knowledge about it can run it efficiently without facing any difficulty.

This program allows the user to book a ticket as much as he can. He can search for Bus, seats, driver
name bus numbers, departure time, arrival, and many more options. He can update his ticket or maybe
cancel it, and it will also record the whole data in a file.

This program uses class, arrays, member functions, switch, file handling, searching, dynamic arrays, etc.

In this program, the user asked the user to either Install Bus, reservation, show the status, or the Bus
availability, update or cancel the ticket. First, the user has to select the "install" the bus information and to
show the customers that this Bus is to be going, and by "show," it will print on the screen, then start
booking by selecting "reservation" (in this part we will use dynamic array asked user how much seats are
to be reserved.) till the seats are available if he enters more date and if all the seats are reserved then the
program asked him that "No seats are available," and if the user wants to check the Bus is available or not
by selecting "bus availability" if Bus is available it will print Bus are available along with detail. Suppose
a customer wants to update his ticket, increase or decrease the number of seats, change his date of
departure, or cancel it by selecting the "update" and "cancel," respectively. Both of these perform
searching for the particular data and operate on it. The program stores all the data in a file and updates
data in a new file. The program will give the user an option whether he wants to delete the specific
passenger or bus data. If he selects "Yes," then the whole data in the file are deleted and ready to store
new information.
Date: 15-04-2021

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