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Metals and their uses 24/11

Extracting metals
-earth's crust
-combined with oxygen-chemically seperated
-metal ore-enough metal compound in rock
Worth extracting
-how easy to extract from ore
-how much metal the ore contains
these may change over time
-new cheaper method to extract metak
-low grade metal>economic source of metal
Gold, silver-so unreative-found in elements-native state

extract metals
-depend on reactivity series
-carbon displace less reactive metals from their oxides
-metal oxide+carbon->heat metal+carbon dioxide
-more reactive then carbon-electrolysis

Iron and steels

iron less reactive than carbon
extract in blast furnace
iron(III)oxide+carbon->iron(molten)+carbon dioxide
contains96% iron and some carbon-very brittle
molten iron--cast into different shapes-cast iron
pure iron-very soft and easily-shaped-too soft for use
iron with carbon and metals(nickel,chronium)-alloy-useful
change properties of steel by adding elements in carefully
controlled amounts
Carbon steels
-leaving small amounts of carbon
-high carbon steel-strong but brittle
-mild steel
-pressed into shapes
-mass production(car bodies)
-low carbon steels
-soft easily shaped
-less likely to shatter on impact
Alloy steels
-Low-alloy stells-expensive than carbon steels-1-5% of
other metals
-high-alloy steels-much higher percentage of metals->
chromium-nickel steels-utensils,cutlery, chemical reaction
vessels-do not rust

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