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Welcome to keyword?

Keywords are those words that people search to find the related product!

Types of the keyword(by length):

● Short-tail keywords (also known as head, broad, or generic keywords)

A large competition and search volume is on these keywords, you need to struggle too much, if you
want to rank the products on these keywords!
It mostly consists of 1 or 2 words.
Examples: Blender

● Mid-tail keywords
Mid tail keywords have a high volume of traffic but they have high competition!
Mid tail keywords have small volume of traffic but with low competition and higher conversion rates.
It mostly consists of 3 words.
Examples: Portable Hand Blender

● Long-tail keywords
Long tail keywords are very targeted to a specific topic or audience. These keywords have mostly low
search volume but the competition is really low! As they are specified it has more conversion rates
than other keywords types!
It mostly consists of 4 words.
Examples: Mini portable hand blender

These types of keywords(Semantics) include:

● Broad match keywords

Broad match keyword includes a broad variety of results which includes the similar related products!
It shows results if someone searches for a similar phrase, singular or plural form, misspelling,
stemming, synonym, or another related variation of the broad match term.

Example: If you searched for “cooking” and results are cooking utensils, cooking recipes and cooking
books etc…..

● Phrase match keywords

If we want to get exact results, but it must contain a phrase( 2 or more words), we can search for it
by swapping the words as well! But the results will be limited to your search always!

Example: If you search for cooking utensils, results will be “best cooking utensils”, “cooking utensils
in city”, “

● Exact match keywords

As the name defines the exact match keywords, Exact matches always display exact words in the
results! It also covers spelling errors, singular or plural forms, abbreviations, stemmings, or closely
related words

Example: If you search for “Cooking Recipes” it will display, “recipes cooking ”, “Recipes for Cooking”

● Negative keywords

Are those keywords eliminated from the search results! If results are based on broad match, and you
want to eliminate the irrelevant keywords among them, such keywords are known as negative

If you run a campaign for : So when people will search “mobile phones for sale”, it will show the
results: “android for sale” and “ios for sale” etc!

If you want to remove any of them, then add it as a negative keyword!

What is primary keyword or what is meant by main keyword in amazon:

Primary keyword is a keyword on which we focus and try to get maximum results on that keyword, in
maximum cases, it’s a keyword with maximum traffic!It is always the first priority! It’s only one
keyword, because we don’t divide our attention with our keywords!

Example: “Laptop Table” is the primary keyword, having monthly searches 100+.....

What are Secondary keywords:

Secondary keywords are the keywords which we prioritize after primary keywords and they can be
more than 1 keyword! It has the 2nd priority after the primary keyword! They have lower traffic than
the primary keywords!

Example: “Laptop Accessories” and “ Laptop Stand” these are keywords having monthly searches 60
and 50.

What are Territory keywords:

These are the keywords that are prioritized after secondary keywords, they can be more than 1, and
they have lower traffic than the secondary keywords!

Example: “Cooling Laptop table”, “gaming laptop table”, “wooden laptop table”, “Steel laptop table”
are the keywords with monthly searches of 20,30,30,40!
How to find primary keywords for amazon or how to do keyword research for amazon results:

1. Manual Method - hit and trail (unaccurate)

We saw a product, how can we find the keyword?

● Find the most common words from the titles!

● That is mostly in 1,2 line of the title
● Search that keyword on amazon, if the product appears in top results, that’s
an indicator that it can be the main keyword!
● A Product with the most reviews on the page can might be primary
keyword(main keyword)
2. Using Helium 10 X ray

We saw a product, how can we find the keyword?

● Find the most common words from the titles!

● That is mostly in 1,2 line of the title
● Search that keyword on amazon, if the product appears in top results, that’s
an indicator that it can be the main keyword!
● Run h10 x ray and find the search volume of the keywords you think that
might be the main keywords!
● Keywords having the most highest Search Volume will be the “primary
keyword or main keywords”

Tip: All the keywords having low search volume from the highest can be considered as secondary

3. By using Cerebro.

We saw a product, how can we find the keyword?

● Copy the ASIN from the product page or url

● Paste it into Cerebro Helium10
● Click on the button “get keywords”
● Using word frequency
● Combination of words let us know about the main keyword!
● Apply Search Volume filter with Sorting (Large to Small)
● We can get our main keywords as well!
4. By using Magnet

We saw a product, how can we find the main keyword with magnet?

● Get all the keywords that you think that can be main keywords from the title and add
them in the magnet!
● Click on the button of get keywords
● Product with the highest Search volume will be the main keyword!

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