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Final Period Quiz and Recitation 1

According to the speaker, what should you do to overcome nervousness?

This is one of my weaknesses when it comes to public speaking. My nervousness triggered when I
started to overthink that I might say a word or phrase that will offend my audience or the things that I
am mentioning if nit aligned with my key points. The speech that I have watched made me realize a lot
of things especially to overcome the nervousness in delivering the speech. First thing that the speaker
discussed is to know your subject and speech. In every information that you include in your speech has
a basis from the quotation to facts. In that way, you will able to know the context of your speech.
Creating an outline is a must, in this way it helps me or us to organize the thoughts of the speech and to
not get lose in the middle of the speech.

Next, know your audience and your space. The intended message should align depending on the
audience. For example if the speech that I will be writing is about Teenage pregnancy to the young
adult, since my target audience is young adult, I can’t use word that they couldn’t understand this will
lead them to confusion of the intended message. In terms of the space, every speaker needs to know
their limitation, like example they have too much information and key points that makes the audience
bored during the speech. It can caused you trouble in sorting the outline of the speech and that’s one of
the reason why people get nervous on giving speech.

Imagine yourself giving a great speech, basically you need to be yourself while giving a speech you are
confident and comfortable enough to express the things that could inspire, educate, and motivate the
audience to listen to your speech. People will believe you as a credible speaker if they see you as a
person who has a passion in giving a speech. It’s okay to create mistakes during speech because it’s all
about giving the context of the intended speech message and on how they will perceive the speech. And
lastly, focus on your message, not yourself. People are familiar that the reason why you are giving a
speech simply because you wanted to educate, inspire and to motivate. Also I have notice that some
speaker usually uses their personal experience for the audience visualization about the certain situation
but this could lead then to the different angle of the message. And the audience might think that the
speaker is more self-center speaker than audience-centre.

Why is it not suitable for a speaker to apologize during a speech?

According to the speaker, “It calls attention to the wrong part of the presentation and it takes away the
most important of the speech you make” Actually, Mam Didal already explained before that we should
not apologize to the audience if the time is up. This shows that the speaker is unprepared with his
speech and that could affect the speaker’s credibility as a person. It means that you are not confident
with the information that you gave to the audience. Again, as what mentioned on the video, you as a
speaker knows the details of your speech, even though you skip some part of your speech but still
maintain the context of message then it’s okay. You know your own speech than the audience so you
should own it and don’t apologize for the lapses.

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