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UNIT IV TITLE: Developing Multimodal Skills

TITLE OF THE LESSON: Methods of Presenting Information

Duration: 1.5 Hours


As regard effective transmission of business communication, the adage, ‘It’s not your words,
but the manner by which you deliver it.’ If one utilizes the correct techniques for delivering
particular messages, clients can comprehend and get persuaded because they are motivated to
do so. Go over the choices before giving the information to your audience to assure, enhance
the efficacy of the messages.


1. Explain the history and development of E-mail.

2. Identify the various methods of presenting information.

3. Enumerate various ways of delivering effective information.


Method of Presenting Information

One thing can be used in presenting or delivering information. As regard effective transmission
of business communication, the adage, ‘It’s not your words, but the manner by which you
deliver it.’ If one utilizes the correct techniques for delivering particular messages, clients can
comprehend and get persuaded because they are motivated to do so. Go over the choices
before giving the information to your audience to assure, enhance the efficacy of the messages.

Via Email.

Almost everyone makes use of email to communicate with clients, sellers, fellow employees,
and team members. The speed and effectiveness allow this sort of communication to become
the fitting way to send communication like instruction instantly.

Moreover, the exchange of ideas becomes permanent, which can be retrieved for future use.
However, email messaging has its own drawbacks. If one is not careful because the email sent
is done in haste or haphazardly, this can result in destructive effects. It is difficult when sending
many people same email message. It cannot be considered a matter of one click only and he
job is done for you.

The disadvantage is that when one writes angry responses for instance and sent it immediately,
there would be means of withdrawing what was written and sent. To avoid this mistake, don’t
transmit a message when one is angry. It is possible to delay the response, wait for one to calm
down, review the message, or double check the recipients of the message but hit the right
message to the right person. Another recommendation is ‘never to castigate a subordinate
through email’.

No matter how careful one writes a reprimand letter, sending it through email will generate
resentment which will be recorded permanently. It is indeed so difficult to convey emotions
using this means of communication. The words one writes may be interpreted wrongly. To the
email reader, the message may appear unkind which is contrary to the intention of the writer.

If the message to be transmitted has lots of data, it is better to transmit the message via email
and a phone call can be done as a follow-up. There is no assurance too that the receiver will get
track of the information since there are hundreds of emails one receives every day. These
letters can be deleted if not ignored.

So, to avoid this problem, it is wiser to castigate a subordinate personally through a phone call.
It takes minimal effort to transmit an email but this could also be a drawback. Too often
sending of email could resent the reader from focusing on the email which will sometimes lead
the reader not to read it.
Sending too many might defeat the purpose. Sometimes there is a need to send lots of them,
but it is not effective if the communication is about a complex issue; thus, complete attendance
of the participants makes a meeting effective.

Through Face-to-Face (Preparing for a Speech)

If most sales efforts are done via email or over the phone, review potential customers to
examine whether meetings can make a deal with customers. Face-to-face meetings let one gets
more personal, where he could evaluate body language of peers, shows products and visual

While it is effective to circulate or email, one may consider giving a better impact by calling
everyone together in a meeting to give the announcement. The questions and feedback are
received instantly to the entire memo group.

What Does One Consider in Preparing for a Speech?

Speech can be defined as the process or means of conveying thoughts, feelings, or perceptions
by the articulation of words. Although speech is a useful medium of communication, there are
still defects. Speech is a kind of oral deliberation.

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An effective speech has no room for misunderstanding and for denial. It does not have
documentary proof unless it is recorded. Either the speaker or the members of the audience
should not deny the communication to gain advantage. It should be valid.

Without recording, speech is useless in the courtroom. Speech is not very useful in sending
message unless it is a meeting, seminar, and symposium. It may not become suitable in
supervising and giving direction. While making a speech, sometimes the speaker emphasizes his
attire and gestures rather than the pieces of information which are transmitted.

In such situation, the value of the information diminishes. Speech can distort meaning if the
speaker does not convey clearly or the audience does not thoroughly grasp the message.
Emotions play an important role in delivering a speech. If the speaker lets his emotions rule
during speech, the message sacrifices its objectivity.

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Sometimes the audience hears lengthy and irrelevant speech. This can annoy them and it can
reduce the significance of the major theme. What are the characteristics of a good speech?
Oral communication is the earliest and most prevalent mode of conveying ideas. It has several
forms and speech is one of them. Generally, speech is the most potent means of transmitting a
Speech is a process of transmitting spoken words in front of people who gather during a
meeting, seminar or conference. Through speech, the speaker can express his point of view and
ideas about any topic before a large group of people at a time. Therefore, it is prevalently used
in transmitting oral communication in business, social, political and religious events.

Oral communication has organized ideas for transmitting messages to the listeners during a
conference. Basically, one may argue that speech is a type of formal communication conveyed
to the audience attending a venue to listen to the pieces of information given. Speech is a
powerful tool for oral conversation. The message is usually delivered to a large audience.

Therefore, speech functions as a vital tool for delivering pieces of information during meetings,
political or business gatherings. However, a speech is considered useful if it follows the
following characteristics:

● Clarity. Clarity is an important characteristic of an effective speech. Speech must be

easily understood and clear so that the attendees can comprehend without difficulty. If
important ideas are hardly expressed during the speech, audience cannot relate to the
information delivered.

● Definiteness of Message. To become definite the information given during a speech

must be related to the topic.

● Conciseness. People usually become bored if they listen to a long talk. Therefore, the
speech must be direct to the point to avoid losing the interest of the audience. But
completeness must not be sacrificed if the speech is shorter.

● Interesting. Speakers should get the attention or interest of the audience so that they
can be prompted to listen attentively. Adding humor, anecdotes, quotations, and
helpful illustrations make the speech powerful.

● Informal Touch. Although speech is presented formally, The message should be

personalized and informal.

● Recognizing the Audience. Speech transmits ideas to a particular audience. So the

speaker must consciously acknowledge the assumptions, concern, and characteristics of
the members of the audience.

● Speaking Slowly. An effective speech is one which is done gradually and in naturally. It
aids audience to listen and comprehend the ideas distinctly.

● Free from Emotions. It is very important to deliver the speech without using biases and
emotions. If this happens, the speaker may deviate from his or her intended topic.

● Use of Body Language. Effective Speech goes along with the appropriate body gestures.
This is usually done by using different nonverbal hints.
● Ensuring Participation of Audience. Getting the audience participation is an effective
way of delivering a speech. As the audience pay attention because they listen carefully,
this shows that they are united and enthusiastic during their participation.

If the speech lacks the above mentioned characteristics, the speaker loses his or her audience.
Although speech has some limitations; if done well enough, the speaker makes the audience
move toward his goal
Why Does a Speech Fail?

Oral Communication is using words by mouth. Oral communication has many advantages.
However, in few situations, this technique of communication cannot achieve the expected
advantages because of some reasons. Compared with other types of communication, it is the
most natural which people hone and there are causes of not achieving oral communications
expected outcome.

● Absence of planning. If the message to be transmitted is not carefully planned, it cannot

capture the interest of the audiences. Therefore, before communicating a message, the
speaker should have proper planning.

● Over confidence. In oral communication, the speaker must showcase poise or self-
confidence. It is very important in oral communication. On the other hand, over confidence
may disrupt the communication.

● Over busyness. Many times, oral communication happens when all people are busy. This
occasion can distort the message transmitted. This is also the reason why communication
becomes ineffective.

● Quick transmission. When someone sends a message or pieces of information hastily, the
audience may find them incomprehensible be it a part or whole. In this situation, if the
sender does not repeat the message, communication suffers breakdown.

● Poor and defective presentation. If one wished to engage in effective oral communication,
s/he must plan carefully the presentation. Some of the reasons why communication
become ineffective and poorly transmitted is because of faulty presentation of ideas.


If you are please put a heart reaction thank you

● Inattention. Lack of attention is the major reason for communication breakdown. Sender
and receiver should listen carefully to the message being transmitted and received. If both
parties do not pay attention, communication is usually destroyed.

● Presence of emotion. Both parties should not allow that either hinders good
communication. There are times that in oral communication, people lose control of their
emotions. This can lead to ineffective communication because they defeat its purpose.

● Status difference. Differences in status of both sender and receiver can strongly affect
effective communication. If both parties are in conflict with each other during
conversation, then communication is usually hindered.

● Lack of evaluation. There is little chance for both parties during communication to assess
the message. This is another way of making oral communication a failure.
● Linguistic barrier. Language style and barrier can also defeat the purpose of the
conversation between both parties. Language barriers happen when speaker or receiver
uses unfamiliar words, technical words, jargon’s, difference in accent and the like.

● Disregard to receiver. When the boss speaks with the rank and file employees, he or she
once in a while uses impolite words. For this reason, employees have the tendency not to
become interested with the message.

● Difference in personality. When it comes to oral communication, members of the

audience focus their attention to the qualities of the speaker. If the speaker does not
possess strong personality, the audience will not listen carefully to the speaker’s ideas.

● Receiver’s interpretation. The interpretation of the audience is a strong factor to be

considered when one would evaluate the effectiveness of oral communication. Basically,
listeners strive to comprehend the message of the speaker using their emotions as point of
view. In this case, listeners may arrive at wrong conclusions.


How Prepare a Speech Outline

● An outline is your presentation plan.

● This differentiates the principal logical elements. For example, which ideas support the
central ideas?
● It identifies the significant parts of a speech such as introduction, body, conclusion,
stories, and other salient concepts.
● It binds the mentioned elements together in proper sequence.
● It can also plan the details of transitions between elements even if this may be put off to
a later part of the preparation

Basic Speech Outlines

Three basic parts of speeches and presentations:

1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Conclusion

Similarly, the basic speech outline template for logical elements is the familiar advice:

Some Tips in Preparing a Speech Outline

1. Tell them what you’re going to say. State the ideas you have in mind
2. Tell them. Verbalize them
3. Tell them what you’ve said. Restate / inform them of your ideas
4. Combine them in order to make a general speech outline.

Three Basic Parts:

Introduction – It states the main topic and central message.

Body – It contains supporting ideas to the main topic.
Conclusion – It summarizes the points /ideas in the paragraph

Task: Write a short speech regarding your own experience during the COVID -19 pandemic.
Apply the principles and the parts which you have learned.

Title of Speech:



Reflection/Learning Insights

Presentations are very useful for it helps the students to learn more .It greatly contributes to a
language learning experience. It enhances one’s vocabulary, phonology and grammar as well
as in their speaking, reading, writing and listening skills.

Final Requirement: 1. Write a 10-15 minute speech on the effects of COVI19 Pandemic in
one’s life.
2. Write an e-mail asking for information.
Other Parts:

Suggested Readings and Links:

Griffin, J. (2019). History of the email quiz.

Shvidko, E. (2016). Email writing: 10 classroom activities.


Griffin, J. (2019). History of the email quiz.

Shvidko, E. (2016). Email writing: 10 classroom activities.
Republic of the Philippines
Bulacan State University
City of Malolos, Bulacan

Purposive Communication

Unit IV Post Test

Student’s Name: Date:

Student’s Number: Score:

Instructions: Choose the correct answer from the options below each question by circling
the letter that best represents your choice.

1. Viewing is considered skill which can improve fluency in language.

a. Comprehensive skill

b. Innovative skill

c. Connective skill

2. is a media platform that excites people, appeals to their

different senses, creates consciousness and encompasses learning among viewers.
a. Facebook

b. YouTube

c. Television

3. The average amount of television watching time increases to per day.

a. four-and –a half hours

b. six –and – a half hours

c. eight – and –a half hours

4. Heavy media use may interfere with health particularly with sleep and
physical activity.
a. mental
b. physical

c. emotional

5. Being able to understand the meaning behind the visual material helps learners
develop intellectually and .
a. emotionally

b. skillfully

c. psychologically

6. Sometimes students have a grasping information while viewing.

a. hard time

b. leisure time

c. fun time

7. The question, “What are the different kinds of characters

portrayed?” is asked .
a. before viewing

b. during viewing

c. after viewing

8. The question, “What is the theme of the story”, is asked .

a. after viewing

b. before viewing

c. during viewing

9. The question, “How will the characters handle the situation?” is asked

a. before viewing
b. during viewing

c. after viewing

10. is significant in a student’s life because’ learning never ends.’ One

is always in search of knowledge to expand understanding.

a. Watching Talk Shows

b. Watching Documentaries

c. Watching TV programs

11.11. give viewers new

things to share and talk about with others.
a. Talk Shows

b. Movies

c. Documentaries

12. is an art, not a science, and the only way to truly learn how to make a

documentary is to make a documentary.

a. Viewing

b. Filmmaking

c. Editing

13.13. are needed in delivering effective and

engaging presentations o a variety of audiences.
a. Reading skills

b. Viewing skills

c. Presentation skills

14. Using to represent the speaker’s ideas are a great way to engage the
audiences with the presentation.
a. visual aids
b. visual media

c. video projection

15. The first step in preparing a presentation is to learn more about to whom
one speaks.
a. the students

b. the topic

c. the audience

16. In planning the body of the presentation it is important to provide .

Listeners may quickly become bored by lots of facts or they may tire of hearing story after
a. facts

b. variety

c. sources

17. During the opening of the presentation, it is important to attract the audience’s
attention and build their .
a. interest

b. imagination

c. skills

18. During the opening, the presenter would want to clearly present the topic and the

a. purpose

b. style

c. flow

19. During the conclusion of the presentation the presenter needs to the
main idea.
a. expose
b. summarize
c. reinforce

20. In addition to planning the content of the presentation, the presenter needs to
give advance to how s/he wants to deliver it.
a. preparation

b. thought

c. variation

21. is important to identify the characteristics,

knowledge and needs of the audience so that the speaker delivers the right presentation
to the right audience.
a. Audience response

b. Audience pre- assessment

c. Audience participation

22. In structuring the presentation, thinking is also a challenge to the

a. what to say

b. how to react

c. how to start a presentation

23. is important because a well- organized presentation

creates an impression that the speaker knows what s/he is talking about to gain the
audience attention and trust.
a. Structure

b. Style

c. Format

24. is the major portion of the presentation. It is necessary that it

connects directly to the purpose of the speech.
a. Opening of the Presentation
b. Body of the Presentation

c. Closing the Presentation

25. The closing should be as important as the beginning. It should be

. a. strong and connected to the purpose
b. short and simple

c. informative

26. to the audience is when the speaker is ready to answer questions .

a. Formality

b. Credibility

c. Sincerity

27. Studies have proven the effects of . When one imagines a positive
outcome of a scenario in mind, it is more likely to happen.
a. positive Outlook

b. positive Vibes

c. positive Visualization

28. lets one gets more personal where he could evaluate body language
of peers, shows products and visual aids.
a. Face to face

b. Video call

c. E-mail

29. is a process or means of conveying thoughts, feelings

or perceptions by the articulation of words
a. Acting

b. Speech

c. Communication

30. An outline is a for your presentation.

a. sequence
b. summary

c. blueprint

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