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SWOT Analysis

Strength – Weakness – Opportunities – Threats

I’m Al-Amin Hossain but Everybody knows me as Al-Amin. The meaning of my name is
“Trustworthy”. I always try to maintain my meaning of name. Currently I’m a running Student of
Pharmacy in Manarat International University. Today I will shortly illustrate SWOT analysis of

1) Everyone got strength in every unique way which defines a person different from other.
Similarly, my Strength is I can stand out in public and lead others. It’s Called leadership quality. I
believe I can perfectly manage and organize people better than most of the general people.
2) The one of the best qualities I can tell that I’m fearless about what other people say at my
abilities, work, passion and activities. I always motivate myself by controlling my emotions.
3) Another strength of mine is I can learn most of the things fast and understand people which
help me to blend with different people around me.

1) Everyone got strength as well as weakness my main weakness is I trust people easily and
which makes me vulnerable for others.
2) For my family situation I couldn’t established much skills of set for digital world which makes
me little set back from others.
3)Sometimes Lack of concentration for study as it should be my first priority.

1) As I said I have some unique set of strengths which makes me unique so I want to keep that
furnish so that people can’t say less about my abilities.
2) I also mentioned that I have lack of digital skill and I wanted to make that weakness to a
proper strength by joining many clubs and institution take some courses about that.
3) I will motivate myself for gaining enough concentration for further days.
1) One of the most serious threats for me is financial issues. I know everyone going through
some different kind of financial issues. But For I think it’s going tough time to handle for me and
my family.
2) I can’t decide my priority which makes me busy on the activities which is not so much
important in real world.

Conclusion of SWOT analysis:

I know if something good happen in the end past is doesn’t matter. No one is perfect in this
world everyone got a sob story to tell I’m no exception. I always believe I can make a different
in this world put some effort to make my family well and make beautiful around me. It’s Never
to late to “Begin”. As I said my name is Al-Amin Hussain mean trustworthy why not I trust
myself and make a purpose.

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