Name: Muhammad Fadli Nugraha Nim: 062040212123: A. Answer

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Name : Muhammad Fadli Nugraha

Nim : 062040212123

1. A. Answer

1. : Introduction to the TOEIC

a. What is the TOEIC?
He TOEIC stands for test of English for internasional communication. That really the TOEIC is
an exam that measures Business English, your knowledge of business English or English used in
the workplace.
b. What does it measure?
The TOEIC measure ability to read, write, speak, and understand English as it’s used in the
workplace. It’s about general and business English or english in workplace
c. Why do people take it?
People take the TOEIC exam for several reasons. People take it first of all to get the a job,
because many employers do request the result of the TOEIC exam from job applicant. Many
people also take this exam in order to get a promotion and some others take it to get a visa.
d. Where is that popular?
The TOEIC was most popular in japan and korea. Now the popularity of the TOEIC has really
spread to other places around the world, including india north America, in South America. Really
more in South America and also parts of Eropa.
e. How many kind are there?
The TOEIC exam we a relatively short two hour exam and it tested only listening band reading
skills. It was quite different from exams like the IELTS or exams like the TOEFL which tested all
four skills. Is only was a test of listening and reading. Many employers said that’s not really
enough. It’s not enough to know about inly listening and reading skills.
2. Introduction to the TOEIC test
a. Photo sections
Photo section of the TOEIC test is the first section the test. Here given a photos, the photos can
be a group people or maybe an object and anything. For each photo you will hear four spoken
sentences and after looked the photo listen to the sentences and decide which sentence best
describe the photo now we don’t have a lot time to answer, we only actually have five seconds.
There are three main type of photo.
b. Questions and response
This sections question are actually very simple. We will hear one speaker ask a question and we
will hear another speaker say three responses or three replies. We have to choose the best
response to the question. The sections nothing to read and nothing to look at. It’s 100 percent
c. Short conversation
The short conversation section is third section of the listening test, we will hear 10 short
conversations each short conversation has three question so that’s a total of 20 questions for this
section. We have to listen to the conversation, read the question about the conversation and
answer them from the end of one conversation to the beginning of the next we only have 24
seconds to answer. The conversations are between two men or two women sometimes
d. Short talk
The short talk sections of the TOEIC test is the last sections of the listening test. A short talk is a
monologue basically a monologue is one person talking, it’s not conversation, it’s not people
speaking with each other. A short talk can be and advertisement announcement a message really
anything. Sometime a short talk is formal and sometimes informal. We cannot see the short talk,
we can only hear it. We can see the question and the answers choices those are written is our test
booklet each short talk has three question to it. Usually one question we only have eight second
to answer.
e. incomplete sentence
incomplete sentence is the first of the reading test, let’s take a look at an incomplete sentence
question. To answer we need knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. In this sections we will
have 40 of these question. we have one hour and fifteen minutes but we has three different
sections that we must do in that time. We have incomplete sentence, passage completion and
short reading. Usually the short reading section is the most difficult.
f. Passage completions
Passage completion is the second section in the reading test. Lets take a look at a passage
completion reading here it is these can be emails, report, forms, advertisements, announcements,
letters. This section is similar to the short reading sections because the verry long, they are long
and often are work places documents. but it’s also similar to incomplete sentence because to
answer these question we need some knowledge of vocabulary or grammar.
g. Short reading
This sections is the very last section of the test and for many people it’s the most difficult
sections. These reading can be short like three to four sentence ling some of them can be verry
long like 300 words. Its can about work trade entertainment technology and anything. This is the
last sections most people are tired and they also don’t have a lot of time actually many student
cannot finish all the questions in this sections. This section we will see seven to ten single
passage reading for a total of 28 questions and we will see four double passage reading for
twenty question. For a whole section we will see 48 questions.
3. TOEIC Listening Overview
TOEIC is an internasional standardized proficiency test that focuses on business English or English
in the workplace context. It can measure skill in listening, reading, speaking and writing. The
TOEIC listening and reading tests two out of the four main comuication skill listening and reading.
Listening and reading test is proctored paper and pencil test the administrators and protor’s will be
ones to provide and distribute the pencils answer sheet and test booklet. The test is good for 2
hours, there will 45 minutes for listening and 75 minutes for reading. Question and choices will be
played via and audio player.
4. TOEIC Overview
The TOEIC listening and rading test is a valid assessment of English langyage reading and
listening skills for the workplace. Reading skills are necessary for email written report, newsletter
and other forms of business correspondence. 75 minutes for 100 questions, incomplete sentence 40
questions, text completion 12 question, and reading comprehension 48 questions.
B. Answer :

1. C. 11. C.
2. A. 12. B.
3. D. 13. C.
4. C. 14. B.
5. B. 15. A.
6. A. 16. C.
7. D. 17. A.
8. D. 18. B.
9. B. 19. C.
10. D. 20. B.

21. A. 31. C.
22. B. 32. B.
23. A. 33. B.
24. A. 34. B.
25. C. 35. A.
26. C. 36. A.
27. A. 37. C.
28. B. 38. C.
29. C. 39. B.
30. A.. 40. A.

41. A. 51. B.
42. D. 52. C.
43. B. 53. C.
44. C. 54. B.
45. B. 55. A.
46. C. 56. B.
47. D. 57. C.
48. D. 58. B.
49. C. 59. B.
50. A. 60. C.
61. C. 71. C.
62. B. 72. A.
63. D. 73. B.
64. A. 74. D.
65. A. 75. B.
66. C. 76. C.
67. B. 77. B.
68. C. 78. B.
69. B. 79. D.
70. D. 80. A.

81. B. 91. A.
82. A. 92. B.
83. C. 93. D.
84. D. 94. D.
85. C. 95. A.
86. C. 96. C.
87. A. 97. B.
88. B. 98. B.
89. B. 99. A.
90. D. 100. C.

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