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Name : Muhammad Fadli Nugraha

Class : 1PPF
Student Number : 060204212123

Muhammad Fadli’S English Report

Monday, 0ctober 12th, 2020
The first day learning, student introductions : Meeting 1

On the first day of learning, to be precise, October 12, 2020. All

students carried out their own introduction activities.

TASK 1 :
Hi everyone, my name is Beni Wijaya. You can call me sir Beni. I am
your English lecturer for this semester. I am really sorry not to have
started our class on time this morning because there was something
wrong with my handphone. Can you list all of your names for your

Attendance list
1. Muhammad Akrom
2. A Pramudya AFG
3. Dandi Saputra
4. Muhammad Fadli Nugraha

TASK 2 :
Question :
Now I want you introduce yourself one by one in English. You can start it with your
full name, nick name, former school, hobbies, etc. You can write it freely to make
sure that your classmates and I know you well then. The longer, the better.
Remember, don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Its just normal because English is not
your native language.

Answer :
My name is Muhammad Fadli Nugraha, you can call me ‘Adin’ iwas born in Kampar,
30th July 2001. I come from vocational high school oil and gas technology of Riau. I
live in Sungai Lilin. I have three siblings they are one brother and two sisters.
Swimming is my hobby… Thank you.
Monday, October 19th , 2020

TASK 1 :
Today is our class introduction. I have introduced myself and you have too. I hope we can be a great
team to advance your English skills. Now this is your homework. Please answer the following
questions honestly. Be free. The longer, the better. Just write your answers directly in this group by
next week before our class starts.
1. Do you like English? Why or Why not?
2. How many years have you been studying English?
3. What are your difficulties in learning English?
4. What do you really want to learn from English?
5. What do you expect from your current English class?
6. In what ways can I help you with your English skills?


1. Yes, I like English. Because achieve and increase knowledge in globalization era, and
try to get the meaning of English songs.
2. 8 years
3. Irrelevant learning methods, very large vocabulary, pronunciation and multiple
languages, and lack of confidence.
4. I want to be fluent in English, both spoken, and written. Because it will be my
support in the future
5. I can add to my insight in speaking English as well as possible.
6. I can do to my insight in speaking English as well as possible.
TASK 2 :

Aslkm. Good morning. You can start your attendance list below
Attendance List of 1PPF
Subject : English 1
Day/Date : Monday/ October 19, 2020
Time : 10:00 - 12:30


Answer :
Attendance List of 1PPF
Subject : English 1
Day/Date : Monday/ October 19, 2020
Time : 10:00 - 12:30

1. Muhammad Akrom
2. Akbar prastyo
3. Jecvano Dwi Petra Ramadhan
4. Dandi saputra
5. Ahmad Burhan Ranjuni
6. Muhammad Fadli Nugraha
TASK 3 :

Today, we are going to talk about our class rules and what we are going to do in this whole
semester. Regarding my class rules, here are what you need to take into account:
1. Be on time for your attendance in my class. If you have any problem related to your
attendance, you may reach me personally through WhatsApp. Being late in my class means
that you are absent for me personally.
2. Participate actively by responding to any single statement, question, etc. I give. There is
no silly or stupid response. It is all about your motivation to use English. Active participation
will improve your score at the end because I assess you based on the learning process, not
the score you get for each meeting.
3. Submit your work on time. No cheating. If I get you cheating, your highest score in my
class is C. Just make your own. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Just be
honest to yourself and I will appreciate it so much.
4. If you want to get an A in my class, do attend my class on time for each meeting,
participate actively and get at least 80 for each assignment or task. A starts from 80 – 100.
Below 80 means you get B, C, D, or E. Try to maintain to get 80 at least.
5. Always keep in mind that making mistake is just normal especially when you learn English.
Stop commenting on each other's mistakes. Be a great team. Help each other. Please give
your comments or questions on these rules.

Ok sir, thank you for the information you have given us, I will do my best.

TASK 4 :

Starting from next week, there will be students' presentation. You are going to present your
topic one by one in English. You can present it by writing it here directly in this group,
recording your voice through voice note and recording yourself in a video. The topic is all up
to you, If you write, write it at least in 100 words. If you use voice note and video, it is at
least 3 - 5 minutes. Be well prepared. Who wants to present next week (meeting 3)?

I am ready sir
TASK 5 :

QUESTIONS : Now please watch and learn from the above video for our
class today. After you watch it, please write about what you have learned from the video.
The longer, the better. Just write what you have got in your own words. Do not be afraid of
making mistakes. I do not care about your grammar. Focus on your ideas.

After I finished watching this video that you gave, I got some important points. Among
others are ; mechanical engineering is an engineering branchthat combines engineering
physics and mathematics principles with materials to design, analyze, manufacture, and
maintain mechanical systems. It is one of the oldest and broadest of the engineering
branches. The mechanical engineering field requires anunderstanding of core areas including
mechanics, dynamics, thermodynamics, material science, structural analysis, and electricity,
industrial equipment and machinery, heating and cooling systems, transport systems,
aircraft, watercraft, robotics, medical devices, and others. It is the branch of engineering that
involves the design, production, and operation of machinery. Developments in physics led to
the development of mechanical engineering science. The field has continually evolved to
incorporate advancements. Today mechanical engineers are pursuing developments in such
areas. Mechanical engineers may also work in the field of biomedical engineering,
specifically with biomechanics, transport phenomena, biomechatronics, bionano technology,
and modelling of biological systems.

MEETING 3 : My Presentation
Monday, October , 26th 2020

_*Attendance List of 1PPF*_
_*Subject: English 1*_
_*Day/Date: Monday/ October 26, 2020*_
_*Time: 10:00 - 12:30*_

1. Muhammad Fadli Nugraha

MY PRESENTATION : Social Media: An Asset in the Classroom

From Twitter to Instagram to Snapchat, today’s students are more connected through social
media platforms than ever before. Not only that, parents are connected there as well. Yet
studies show that teachers have been slow to incorporate social media as an educational
technology platform in the classroom. Many adults think social media will be a distraction
rather than a tool in the classroom. This has been found inaccurate when teachers are
knowledgeable about how to use it. For many teachers, the reluctance to integrate social
media comes down to two questions: How do I integrate social media into my classroom
while focusing on standards, and how do I ensure the students are responsible digital
citizens? Loyola's Educational Technology graduate program is designed to help teachers
learn safe and effective ways to use educational technology, like social media, in the
classroom. “I really like social media in the classroom to connect my students with other
learners and teachers around the world,” says Irene Bal, a lecturer in the educational
technology program. “Social media is also a really great tool to connect with parents,
especially at the K-12 level, because the parents are on social media. It helps gets the word
out and to share things like pictures and classroom updates.” Social media in the classroom
is beneficial for: Promotion – social media platforms are great to showcase student work,
promote special events/programs, and acknowledge student awards Extended Learning –
teachers can use social media to share blog posts or articles to extend student learning
beyond the prescribed reading in the curriculum Creating Connections – social media is an
invaluable way to keep connected with parents, and to connect students with educators,
experts, and other students outside of their physical classroom and school Digital Citizenship
– the best way for students to understand the best practices of how to use social media
responsibly is through experiential learning under the guidance of a knowledgeable teacher
Bal suggests that teachers be very clear about their goals before starting to use social media
in the classroom. “Some teachers do this because it’s the fad thing but the purpose is
important,” says Bal. “The biggest question is: Why?” she continues. “Why do you want to
integrate social media into your classroom? And then beyond the why, how will you use it?
To share resources? To host chats? To connect your students to other students? You need to
be specific about what activities, standards, and content will be tied to your social media
activities.” Teachers also want to protect their students and themselves while they are
online. Many social media platforms have built-in safeguards, but the key to successful use
of social media in the classroom is monitoring. Whether a teacher uses social media to post
homework or facilitate group discussions, monitoring the information posted by students
and other users and having classroom discussions around digital citizenship is necessary.
Before jumping into social media, all teachers must know their school and district’s
educational technology and social media policies and ensure they are following the
regulations outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

in this session I answered 8 questions from each of my friends..

Internet user

Internet access in Indonesia is more accessible, there are many benefits of internet.for
example in the world of education, making it easier for lecturers and students to exchange
information in developing learning methods and strategies. Internet users can communicate
with other users from all over the world using social networks such as whattshap, facebook,
instagram and many addition the internet is also a very unique source of the world of education is very helpful lecturers and students in developing
creative and fun learning methods and addition the internet also helps to share
and exchange information in the world of education. However, some people think the
presence of the internet is very troubling to their lives. They think the internet is the main
cause of all the problems that occur in this life. There are a lot of criminal cases that are
happening right now. caused by the internet. For example the spread of provocative news that
does not correspond to existing facts. And there are many more crimes caused by the internet.
The presence of the internet is rich in benefits for human life. But the internet did not escape
the abuse that led to the rise of criminal acts. It's all closelyrelated to our attitude and
mentality as internet users


How to handle criminal cases in using the internet?
Monday, November , 2nd 2020

Aslkm. Good morning. You can start your attendance with the following format at 10:00, not

Attendance List of 1PPF Class

Subject: English 1
Day/Date: Monday/ November 2, 2020
Time: 10:00 - 12:30
Meeting: 4

1. Muhammad Fadli Nugraha

After you have finished with this attendance, you can continue with the presentations with
our presenters today.

Top 5 the most expensive cat breeds in the world

For decades, cats have been human's favorite pet. their cute nature and adorable face are the
main attraction for someone to buy them as a pet.
As one of the most popular types of animals to keep, the top 5 most expensive cat breeds in
the world have a price that is not kidding. The most expensive cat breeds exceed that of a
Ferrari California! Where did they come?

1. The Ashera cat - IDR 1.8 billion

Sold for IDR 1.8 billion per head, The Ashera is the most expensive in the world today. The
Ashera cat could have such an expensive price because a company from Los Angeles, United
States, allows breeding as many as five tails per year only, quoted from Finances Online. So
if you have 1, you are a lucky one.
The Ashera comes from mainland Asia combined with the African race. From the side of the
skin, the color pattern is very similar to a leopard, including the group that is loyal, smart, and
full of affection.
2. Savannah cat - IDR 700 million
The second most expensive cat in the world has African and Persian blood. The first was bred
by a woman named Judee Frank in 1986.
The result of this marriage suddenly became very famous in the 90s. Like dogs, this breed has
African blood is the most loyal to its owner. Besides, Savannah is also relatively easy to
socialize with other pets.

3. Bengal cat - IDR 350 million

Having thick Asian blood, the Bengal race is the third most expensive. What makes this
animal so special is its skin which is exotic to the eye. Bengal is a very active type and it is
difficult to stay still he often jumps from one place to another if left indoors.

4. Persian cat - IDR 80 million

This race is quite popular among the people of the country. The amount is quite large, making
the price of Persia less expensive than the previous three types. It makes the price of 1 head
only around IDR 80 million. The flat nose and thick fur are the hallmarks of his body. As the
name suggests, this race comes from Persia or better known as Iran.

5. Peterbald cat - IDR 79 million

This race Has no fur with a scary face is his trademark. Although considered strange to some
people, Peterbald is still a lot of love. The proof is that the price of this race is IDR 79
Peterbald come from the plains of Russia and began expanding throughout the world in 1988.


1. How do you know the cat by the breed?

2. How to clasify it?


1. By knowing their behavior, body shape, fur, and parentage.

Online Game Trends In Children
The world of children is a world of play. So it is natural that children really like playing time.
Playing is not only an activity that is entertainment in nature but can also add insight such as
practicing language skills, practicing logic, practicing cooperation, developing imagination,
brain stimulation, and so on. In modern times like today, children enjoy many kinds of online
games. Online games are a form of internet-based digital entertainment that is very popular
and has become a lifestyle trend that is very popular with various groups including children.
Children can even play online games all day long and often play for long periods of time
Online games that are too excessive can have a negative impact on children, including
laziness to do other activities, not socializing with the community, forgetting the closest
people around them, eye problems, the release of harsh words, and so on. Online games can
also cause children to be indifferent to their social environment and even ignore the real
world because of the fun in cyberspace which can result in aggressive attitudes shown by
children. Online game addiction not only affects children's behavior but also affects their
physical health. Children who play too much games are at risk of hearing loss, vision,
insomnia, and even brain development problems. So in this case, the role of parents is needed
to limit children's play time. Because the fatal mistake that parents often make is to give
freedom and not limit the time to play online games for children.


What games should children play so that they can be educated by these games?


Monday, November , 9th 2020

Aslkm. Good morning. You can start your attendance with the following format at 10:50, not
now.Attendance List of 1PPF ClassSubject: English 1
Day/Date: Monday/ November 9, 2020
Time: 10:50 - 12:30
Meeting: 5
2. Ahmad Burhan Ranjuni
3. Dandi Saputra
4. Muhammad Akrom
5. Jecvano Dwi Petra Ramadhan
6. Akbar Prastyo
7. Muhammad Sachio Al Harits
8. Muhammad Fadli Nugraha
After you have finished with this attendance, you can continue with the presentations with
our presenters today directly.

Task 1:

For your assignment of our class today, please find one article about Mechanical Engineering in
English. Post it here with your full name, the title and the link by next week. The sooner, the better.
After that, write what you can learn from the article. The longer, the better. See you next week.


Name: Muhammad Fadli Nugraha

Title : what is mechanical engineering?

Link : https;//; ;text=Mechanical


What is mechanical engineering?

Mechanical engineering careers center on creating technologies.


Animal Zebra

Zebras are four-legged herbivorous mammal who belong to the Equidae Family (horse
family). They have a distinctive black and white stripes skin pattern that became their identity
within the Equidae family. There are three species of them in the world, they are: the plains
zebra, the mountain zebra and the grevy’s zebra. They are originated from Africa. The
appearance of a zebra is similar to a horse, the difference is their skin patterns. The black and
white stripes on their skin help them to protect themselves from the predator. It allows them
to disrupt the focus of the predator when they are moving in a group. The stripes may look
the same for human’s eye, but it is actually unique just like human fingerprint and it is
different from one zebra to the other. Female zebra is ready for mating when they are three
years old, while the male will be ready for that when they are five years old. The color of a
baby zebra is brown and white, as they grow older it turns into black and white stripes. A full
grown zebra can reach the size of 2,6 m long. The body height can reach 1,3 m and the body
weight can reach 350 kg. They can run at the maximum speed of 56 km/h and their kick is
strong enough to injure the enemy.


the dangers of smoking in general

I feel I have much to know, especially for people who smoke cigarettes
every day, because it’s in every pack of cigarettes there are writings
about the dangers of smoking, such as this. Smoking can cause canser,
heart attack, impotence and pregnancy and fatal disorders. But
surprisingly despite the pack or packs of cigarettes are contained writings
about the dangers of smoking are very scary, still many who smoke.
Cigarettes contain more than four thousand substances and two
thousand of them have been declared impact is not good for our health,
such as radioactive materials (polonium-201) and materials used in the
paint (acetone), washing the floor (ammonia), insecticide (DDT), termite
poison (arsenic), toxic gases (hydrogen cyanide) used in the “death
chamber” for who undergo the death penalty, and many more. And
substances in cigarettes are the most dangerous is the Tar, Nicotine and
Carbon Monoxide. Tar contains approximately forty three ingredients
that cause cancer or called by carcinogens. Nicotine has a substance in
cigarettes that can cause addiction, which led to these users is very
difficult to quit cigarette smoking. Nicotine is the substance in cigarettes
that cause heart disease risk, 25 percent of people with heart disease caused by smoking. Danger of
smoking on our health cigarettes can cause cancer piss pot, Stomach cancer, Intestinal and uterine
cancer, Oral cancer, Esophageal cancer, Pharynx cancer, Cancer pankrias, Breast cancer, Lung cancer,
Chronic respiratory diseases, Stroke, osteoporosis, Heart disease, Sterility, Disconnect the initial
period, Bronchitis, Cough, Peptic ulcer disease, Emfisima, Muscle weakness, Gum disease, Damage
to the eye, And to the pregnant mother a danger to the fatal
Monday, November ,16th 2020

TASK 1 :

Question :

For our class today, please find a video on YouTube describing your
dream job. Please write about it as long as possible


Name : Muhammad Fadli Nugraha

Class : 1PPF
NIM : 062040212123
Link :
: I want to be a mechanical engineer. I do this because I am
currently studying at the faculty of mechanical engineering, after
graduating I hope to become the best mechanical engineer, where I
can apply the knowledge I gained during my education so that it can
be useful for human life in the future.
TASK 2 :
presentation Ahmad Burhan

Air polution Nowadays motorized vehicles are either cars or motorbikes are sold on the market.
Traffic is even more frequent because motor vehicles are heavy in big cities and even small towns.
And often we don't realize that motor vehicles are one of the causes of air pollution. Motor vehicle
smoke can cause a variety of diseases. Among the diseases that may arise from motor vehicle smoke
are bronchitis, lung cancer, heart disease, stomach cancer, and many other dangerous diseases. The
fumes of motor vehicles contain dangerous substances in them. These include the following factors
1. Carbon monoxide It has a toxic properties and can cause pain in the eyes, respiratory tract, and
lung cancer. When it enters the blood through the respiratory tract, carbon monoxide reacts with
the hemoglobin in the blood that then forms the hemoglobin (cohb).
2. Carbon dioxide It includes greenhouse gases, so when increased levels of carbon dioxide in the air
can cause an increase in earth's surface temperature.
3. Nitrous oxide (nox) It can react with other contaminants and then causes a smog phenomenon.
Smog can cause reduced vision, irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract.
4. Oxide of sulfur When it enters the respiratory tract, it reacts with water in the respiratory tract
that then forms sulfuric acid that can damage tissues and cause pain. Oxides of sulfur may also
dissolve in rainwater that may then lead to acid rain

[11:34, 11/16/2020] Muhammad Fadli Nugraha: I have one question for you mate
[11:35, 11/16/2020] Muhammad Fadli Nugraha: Can air pollution be caused by natural factors? if the
answer is yes, what is the most appropriate way to prevent pollution caused by these natural
Monday, November , 23th, 2020.

Aslkm. Good morning. You can start your attendance with the following format at 10:50, not
Attendance List of 1PPF Class
Subject: English 1
Day/Date: Monday/ November 23, 2020
Time: 10:50 - 12:30
Meeting: 7
1. Muhammad sachio al harits
2. Muhammad Fadli Nugraha
After you have finished with this attendance, you can continue with the presentations with
our presenters today directly.

TASK 1 :
Dandi presentations : How to Use Laptops Effectively as Students Laptops can be the right tools to
help you learn. The process of writing and editing assignments is made easier because you can type
your notes and reports / assignments. Your tasks can be managed and grouped properly. In addition,
having internet access provides a way for you to get a variety of information that can help you
understand various subjects. However, laptops can also distract you, both in class and at home so it's
important that you are aware of and supervise their use. The use of laptops in class gives a lot
benefits to students, but also necessary assessed if any side effects can be interfere with the learning
process in the classroom. The use of laptops in class can give the benefits of technology in the
learning process, but there is also the potential for distraction students and lecturers from the focus
of the activity lectures. Even more so when activities learning takes place using the method lectures
or interactive discussions, lecturers or students who are talking or listen to others, have to contend
with various information and entertainment presented with the most attractive available on the
screen laptop. Despite this the use of laptops indispensable in the classroom, because it is certain
learning activities indeed greatly helped by the laptop.

After dandi’s presentation I give answered for him ;

How to maintain laptop performance to keep it good??

TASK 2 :
in this task i did the presentation :
Name : Muhammad Fadli Nugraha
Nim : 062040212123
Class : 1PPF
The art of Pencak Silat was created and firstly developed in the islands of Java and Sumatra. It is an
art for survival and practised throughout the Indonesian archipelago. Centuries of tribal wars in
Indonesian history had shaped silat as it was used by the ancient warriors of Indonesia. Silat was
used to determine the rank and position of warriors in old Indonesian kingdoms.
Contacts with Indians and Chinese have further enriched silat. Silat reached areas beyond Indonesia
mainly through the diaspora of Indonesian people. People from various regions like Aceh,
Minangkabau, Riau, Bugis, Makassar, Java, Banjar, etc. moved into and settled in the Malay
Peninsula and other islands. They brought silat and passed it down to their descendants. The
Indonesian of half-Dutch descent is also credited as the first to have brought the art into Europe.
Silat was used by Indonesian independence fighters during their struggle against the Dutch colonial
rule. Unfortunately, after Indonesia achieving its independence, silat became less popular among
Indonesian youth compare to foreign martial arts like Karate and Taekwondo. This probably because
silat was not taught openly and only passed down among blood relatives, the other reason is the
lack of media portrayal of the art.
Efforts have been made to introduce and reintroduce the beauty of silat to Indonesian youth and the
world. Exhibitions and promotions by individuals as well as state-sponsored groups helped the
growing of silat’s popularity, particularly in Europe and the United States. Indonesian 2009 Silat
movie Merantau is one of Indonesian efforts to introduce silat to the international scene.
Another martial art from Indonesia is Tarung Derajat. It is a modern combat system created by Haji
Ahmad Drajat based on his experience as a street fighter. Tarung Drajat has been acknowledged as a
national sport by KONI in 1998 and is now used by the Indonesian Army as part of their basic

Monday, November , 30th 2020

Attendance List of 1PPF Class

Subject: English 1
Day/Date: Monday/ November 30, 2020
Time: 10:50 - 12:30
Meeting: 8

1. Muhammad Fadli Nugraha


Task 1 :
In this task, jecvano presented the assignment :
The term computer has a broad meaning and is different for each person. The term computer is
taken from the Latin word meaning computare calculate. According Blissmer, a computer is an
electronic device that is capable of performing several tasks, which receive input, process the input
according to the instructions given, save the commands and results processing, and provides output
in the form of information. Meanwhile, according to Sanders , a computer is an electronic system to
manipulate data quickly and accurately as well as designed and organized in order to automatically
receive and store input data, processes it, and produces outputs based on the instructions that have
been stored in memory. And many more experts are trying to define it differently on the computer.
However, in essence it can be concluded that the computer is an electronic device that can accept
input, process the input, provide information, using a program stored in the computer memory, can
store the programs and the results of processing, and works automatically. From the definition,
there are three important terms, namely the input (data), data processing, and information (output).
Data processing using a computer known as electronic data processing (EDP). Data is a collection of
events that raised a fact (fact), can be numbers, letters, special symbols, or a combination of all
three. Data still not able to tell much that needs to be processed further. Data processing is a
process of manipulation of data into a form that is more useful and more means, in the form of an
information. information is the result of a data processing activities that provide a more meaningful
form of a fact. Therefore, electronic data processing is the process of manipulation of data into a
more meaningful form of an information by using an electronic device, namely computer. Answer:
What is the difference between data, information, and programs on a computer?

After Jecvano’s presentation I give answered for him ;

How to maintenance of the computer so that its performance remains so good??

Monday, December , 7th 2020

Aslkm. Good morning. You can start your attendance with the following format at 10:50, not
Attendance List of 1PPF Class
Subject: English 1
Day/Date: Monday/ December 7, 2020
Time: 10:50 - 12:30
Meeting: 9
1. Muhammad Fadli Nugraha
After you have finished with this attendance, you can continue with the presentations with
our presenters today directly.

TASK 1 :
For your assignment, please write about your favorite tool used in mechanical engineering industy in
at least 100 words. Use your own words. Do not try to copy and paste from the internet. The
deadline is next week before our class starts. See you all next week.

Name : Muhammad Fadli Nugraha
Class : 1ppf
Nim : 062040212123
1. LEFT (File) The file is one of the most important tools in bench work. The file has a steel rod that
has grating teeth, the base material of which is made of high carbon steel. The main function of the
file is to file and level the workpiece. The length of a file is the length of the body plus the length of
the stem. Types of file: a. Rectangular file This file serves to flatten and make the plane parallel
perpendicular. b. Square File (SQUARE) This file is useful for making the elbows flat, between one
plane to another. c. Triangle File (TRIANGEL) This file is useful for leveling and smoothing areas that
form an angle of 60 degrees or greater (often used for biting saw blades). d. Half Round File (HALF
ROUND) This file is useful for flattening or smoothing a concave area. e. Round File (ROUND) Round
file is useful for smoothing and increasing the diameter of a round hole.

TASK 2 :
Akbar presentation :
Name : Akbar Prastyo
Class : 1PPF
NIM : 062040212119
Access to critical information and better understanding about the new strain of coronavirus disease
(COVID-19) is pivotal during the current evolving outbreak. Training can help limit the spread of
misinformation and rumour among the public, as well as support the medical professionals who
manage patients at the front line. The global WHO Health Emergencies Programme has been
investing in learning and training opportunities to strengthen preparedness and real-time emergency
response to the international outbreak, and has recently launched several informative training
modules about COVID-19 on its platform in both English and Bahasa Indonesia. The course “Infection
Prevention and Control (IPC) for novel coronavirus (COVID-19)” is a three-part series providing
preparedness information on how health facilities can respond to a case of COVID-19 including the
correct IPC measures to ensure there is no further virus transmission to healthcare workers, other
patients and visitors in the facility. The modules consist of a mixture of videos and downloadable
presentations. A second training, provides a general introduction to acute respiratory infections and
basic hygiene measures to protect against infection. The dual language courses are both tailored
specifically to support healthcare workers and public health professionals to scale up activities for
COVID-19. Since their release earlier this week, the Bahasa Indonesia versions of the two health
courses have already amassed more than 3 000 enrollments collectively. The free learning resources
are available to anyone interested in COVID-19 on both WHO Indonesia’s website. The OpenWHO
platform was established 3 years ago to support emergency health scenarios where WHO needs to
reach millions of people across the globe with real-time, accessible learning materials answer: What
is the function of WHO covid-19?

TASK 3 :

I want you to find the video talking about your favorite tool you have just described. Post the link of
the video here in this group along with the description of what you can understand from the video.
The longer, the better. Next week will be your mid semester test.

Name : Muhammad Fadli Nugraha
Class : 1PPF
Nim : 062040212123
A screw micrometer is a measuring instrument consisting of a calibrated screw and has a precision of
0.01 mm (10-5 m). This tool was first invented by Willaim Gascoigne in the 17th century because it
needed a more precise tool than a caliper. Its first use was to measure the angular distance between
the stars and the size of space objects from the telescope.
Although it contains the word "micro", this tool is not suitable for counting objects on the
micrometer scale. The word "micro" in this tool is taken from the Greek micros which means "small",
not micro scale which means 10-6.

After passing 9 meetings so far, I, the undersigned, say that my attendance rate has reached 100%
(9 meetings without being absent)
Monday, December , 14th 2020
Before we do the class, the first thing we do fill in the attendance list at LMS (Monday, December,
14 th 2020).
After that we collect the tasks that have been given. For this task include :
1. Mid semester report of 1PPF class.
2. Mid semester test of 1PPF class. For this submission i was submitted 40 mins 56 secs late.

Monday, December , 21th 2020
Before we do the class, the first thing we
do fill in the attendance list at LMS
(Monday, December , 21th 2020).
After that we collect the tasks that have
been given. For this task include:
1. Student's Presentation of 1PPF Class
(Akbar & Pramudya).
2. Assignment of 1PPF Class :
Please find one article from English
newspapers or magazines published in 2020 talking about
Mechanical Engineering. Then write what it is about, what you
can learn the most from it and why people need to read it too
in Ms. Word. Do not forget to include the artice title, the link and
the author(s).

1. Student's Presentation of 1PPF Class (Akbar & Pramudya)

Akbar Presentatiton -
Pork is a real danger. Especially if the meat is not properly cooked or consumed excessively.
Apart from protein, the saturated fat content of pork is also very high. Thus, consuming too often in
the body can result in fat deposits. This fatty deposit will cause high cholesterol levels in the blood,
thus increasing the risk of heart disease. Autism The risk of illness behind the dangers of pork
Besides triggering heart disease, eating pork also carries the risk of causing:
 1.  Parasite infection (disability)
You should know that consuming uncooked or uncooked pork is ata high risk of causing a parasitic
infection. This can happen when pork contains tapeworms and trichinella spiralis worms that can
cause trikinosis.

 2.  Liver cancer and cirrhosis

Though further study is needed, one study suggests a link between consuming pork and the
appearance of liver disease, primarily liver cancer and cirrhosis. This is due to an unusually large n-
nitroso substance found in a high-temperature processed pork product. Moreover, the high levels of
saturated fats in pork are also the underlying factor in liver disease.
 3.  Hepatitis e
Hepatitis e infections usually result from drinking water that is already contaminated by the virus. In
addition, a hepatitis infection.
My question for Akbar :
how is the most appropriate way to avoid heart disease???
I want present about laptop 
A laptop or portable computer is a personal computer that is relatively small and lightweight.
Weights range from 1–6 kg, depending on the size, material and specifications of the laptop. The
laptop's power source comes from a battery or A / C adapter which can be used to recharge the
battery and power the laptop itself. Laptop batteries in general can last about 2 to 6 hours before
they finally run out, depending on how you use them, specifications, and battery size. Laptops are
sometimes referred to as notebook or notebook computers. As personal computers, laptops have
the same function as desktop computers in general. The components in it are exactly the same as
the components on the desktop, it's just that the size is reduced, made lighter, less hot, and more
power efficient. Laptops mostly use LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screens measuring 10 inches to 17
inches depending on the size of the laptop itself. In addition, the keyboards found on laptops are
sometimes equipped with a touch pad that acts as a "replacement" for the mouse. Additional
keyboards and mice can be attached via the Universal Serial Bus or PS / 2 sockets if available. Unlike
desktop computers, laptops have support components that are specifically designed to
accommodate the nature of portable laptops. The main characteristics possessed by the
components of the laptop are small size, saving energy consumption, and efficient. Portable
computers usually cost more, depending on the brand and specifications of the constituent
components, however, the price of portable computers is getting closer to desktops in line with the
increasing level of consumer demand.
My question for Pramudya :
how to use and take good care of laptops to keep their performance to the maximum???
Pramudya answered :
- Keep liquids away from your laptop. ...
- Having antivirus software available is the best defence against a virus. ...
- Keep food away from your laptop. ...
- Do not use your computer in a room where animals are. ...
- Ideally keep the computer in a clean and dust free room.
- Always have clean hands when using your laptop.

2. Assignment of 1PPF Class :

Please find one article from English newspapers or magazines published in 2020 talking about
Mechanical Engineering. Then write what it is about, what you can learn the most from it and why
people need to read it too in Ms. Word. Do not forget to include the artice title, the link and the
My Answer for this assignment :
This article discusses about : 'It has been a challenge': ABB Motion Services innovates to cope with
pandemic. Adrian Guggisberg, division president of ABB Motion Services, on how the company has
had to adapt its operating practices to cope with the pandemic. The knowledge that I got from this
article : I got a lot of knowledge from this article, including: knowing the current business market
conditions, what changes have occurred due to a pandemic affecting the business, knowing the long-
term trends for a company to keep running well and growing, knowing the management strategies
thrive for the moment, and know the greatest opportunities globally, Why people need to read it ? I
think this article provides a lot of additional knowledge in doing business in a company, this is very
useful for all of us, Link :'it-has-been-a-challenge'-abb-
motion-services-innovatesto-cope-with-pandemic (11 hours 31 mins late)
Monday, Desember , 28th 2020

Before we do the class, the first thing we do fill in the attendance
list at LMS (Monday, December , 28th 2020).
After that we collect the tasks that have been given. For this task
include :
1. Teaching and Learning Forum of 1PPF Class (Akrom
2. Assignment of 1PPF class.

1. Akrom Presentation
12 Ways to Fix Your Sleep Schedule
Throughout the day, your internal clock rotates between sleep and wakefulness. This 24-hour sleep-
wake cycle is known as our circadian rhythm. Your internal clock is located in a part of the brain
called the hypothalamus. It responds to external cues that tell your body it’s time to go to bed.
Sometimes, your circadian rhythm can get thrown off due to: Luckily, there are things you can do to
improve sleep hygiene and reset your internal clock. Here are 12 ways to work your way back to a
good night’s sleep.

1. Get right with the light One of the best ways to fix your sleep schedule is to plan your
exposure to light. you’re exposed to light, your brain stops producing melatonin, the sleep hormone.
This makes you feel awake and alert. Darkness tells your brain to make more melatonin, so you feel
drowsy. In the morning, exposing yourself to light can help you wake up. Try opening the curtains,
taking a walk, or relaxing on the porch.At night, prime yourself for sleep by turning off or dimming
bright lights. You should also avoid glowing electronic screens from computers, smartphones, or
television, as they can stimulate your brain for several hours. 2. Practice relaxation Making time for
relaxation might help you sleep better. When you’re stressed or anxious, your body produces
more cortisol, the stress hormone. The higher the cortisol, the more awake you feel. Creating a
relaxing bedtime ritual may reduce stress and its negative effects on sleep. Focus on calming
activities, such as: 3. Skip naps If your sleep schedule is out of whack, avoid naps during the
day. Napping can make it difficult to go back to sleep at night. Long naps might also cause
grogginess, which is the result of waking up from deep sleep. If you must nap, aim for less than 30
minutes. It’s also best to nap before 3 p.m. so your nighttime sleep isn’t disrupted. 4. Get daily
exercise One way to reset your internal clock is getregular exercise. Most of your tissues — including
skeletal muscle — are linked to your biological clock. So, when you work out, muscle responds by
aligning your circadian rhythm. Exercise also helps you sleep better by promoting melatonin
production. Thirty minutes of moderate aerobic exercise may improve your sleep quality that same
night. However, you’ll get the best results if you exercise regularly. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate
aerobic activity at least five times a week. Keep in mind that evening exercise can overstimulate your
body. If you want to exercise at night, do it at least one to two hours before bedtime. 5. Avoid noise
A quiet sleeping environment is a must for a good night’s rest. Your brain continues to process
sounds, even as you snooze. Loud, distracting noises can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep.
To remove loud noises, keep your television out of the bedroom and turn it off before bedtime. Turn
off your cell phone or use the “silent” setting. If you live in a noisy neighborhood, white noise can
help you get quality sleep. White noise is a soothing, steady sound that masks environmental noise.
You can create white noise by using a: You can also wear ear plugs to block outside sounds. 6. Keep
it cool Just before bedtime, your body temperature drops to prepare for sleep. A cool bedroom
temperature — between 60 and 67°F (15 to 19°C) — will help you feel comfortable and doze off.
One 2012 studyTrusted Source from the National Institutes of Health found that the temperature of
the room where you sleep is one of the most important factors in achieving quality sleep. Anything
below 54°F (12°C) or higher than 75°F (24°C) might disrupt your slumber, so be sure to adjust your
thermostat. You can also use an air conditioner or fan during warmer weather, or a space heater
during cold weather. These offer the extra benefit of creating white noise. 7. Be comfortable A
comfortable bed is the best sleeping environment for a good night’s rest. Old mattresses and pillows
can cause aches and pains, making it difficult to get quality sleep. Generally, experts suggest
replacing your mattresses every 10 years and pillows every two years. You should also get a new
mattress or pillow if you wake up feeling stiff, or if you feel more comfortable sleeping on a bed
away from home. The firmness of your mattresses and pillows is up to you. But if your mattress is
saggy and your pillows are lumpy, it’s time for a replacement. 8. Eat early Your circadian rhythm also
responds to your eating habits. A late dinner can delay sleep, so eat your last meal two to three
hours before bed. This will give your body enough time to digest the meal. Eating dinner around the
same time each day will also get your body used to a routine. It matters what you eat, too. Heavy,
high-fat meals might disrupt sleep because they take a while to digest. If you’re hungry, eat a light
snack. The best foods for sleep include a combination of carbs and protein, such as wheat toast and
almond butter. Avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea, or energy drinks. As a
stimulant, caffeine takes several hours to wear off, so have your last cup before mid-afternoon. It’s
also best to skip alcohol before bed. A nightcap might make you drowsy, but alcohol actually
disrupts your circadian rhythm, making it difficult to sleep well. 9. Keep it regular If you want to fix
your sleep schedule, it helps to make one first. Choose a bedtime and wake-up time. Stick to these
times every day, even on weekends or days off. Try to avoid staying up or sleeping in for more than
one to two hours. By following a regular schedule, your internal clock can develop a new routine.
Over time, you’ll be able to fall asleep and wake up with ease. 10. Try fasting When you eat and
digest food, your internal clock knows that you’re awake. That’s because metabolism and circadian
rhythm are closely linked. On the other hand, fasting puts your body on “standby” so it can repair
itself. Fasting is also a normal part of sleep. Try skipping food just before bedtime. Since fasting
naturally happens during sleep, it may help you doze off. Plus, your body continues to burn calories
during sleep. If you fast before bed, you’re more likely to feel hungry in the morning. This might
motivate you to rise early, then return to a normal sleep schedule over the next few days. But
remember, going to bed on an empty stomach can keep you awake. Fasting may be useful if you
aren’t already hungry. 11. Consider melatonin As mentioned earlier, melatonin is a hormone that
regulates your sleep cycle. Melatonin is normally made by the pineal gland in the brain, but it’s also
available as a supplement. It can promote relaxation, so people with jet lag or insomnia often use it
as a sleep aid. At the proper dose, melatonin is generally considered safe. Always follow the
instructions. Possible side effects include: 12. Talk with your doctor It’s normal to have sleep
problems every now and then. Usually, changing behaviors or habits can restore your routine. But if
sleep troubles persist, visit your doctor. You might have an undiagnosed sleep disorder. If so, a sleep
specialist can guide you through proper treatment. The bottom line Shift work, all-nighters, and jet
lag can mess with your sleep schedule. Fortunately, practicing good sleep hygiene can get you back
on track.Before bed, avoid bright lights and heavy meals. Make sure your sleeping environment is
comfortable, quiet, and cool. During the day, stay active and skip naps so you can sleep better. If you
still can’t sleep well, visit to your doctor.

2. Assignment of 1PPF class :

Please write your daily activities that include the positive, negative and interrogative sentences of
Simple Present Tense.  You have to write at least 10 sentences in the form a paragraph telling about
what you usually do in Ms. Word. Here is the sample:
My answer for this assignment :
My name is Muhammad Fadli Nugraha, I give up at 05.00 am, because i start college at 07.00 am. i
go to bathroom and i take shower, after that I do wudu' and pray. I have breakfast with my family at
around 06.45 am, we usually eat fried rice or noodles and a glass of coffee. And after that I go to
start my college. I finish collage at 12.30 pm. I have lunch with my family at dining room.
My name isn’t Muhammad Fadli Nugraha, I don’t give up at 05.00 am, Because i don’t start college
at 07.00 am, i don’t go to bathroom and i don’t take shower, after that I don’t wudu' and pray. I
don’t have breakfast with my family at around 06.45 am. We don’t usually eat fried rice or noodles
and a glass of coffee. And after that i don’t go to start my college. I don’t finish college at 12.30 pm. I
don’t have lunch with at dining room.
Does my name is Muhammad Fadli Nugraha? Do i give up at 05.00 am? do I go to start college at
07.00 am? Do i go to bathroom and take shower? After that do i wudu’ and pray? Do i have
breakfast with my family at around 06.45 am. Do we usually at fried rice or noodles and a glass of
coffee? And after that do i go to start my college? Do i finish college at 12.30 pm? Do i have lunch
with my family at dining room?

MEETING 13 : Monday, January , 4th 2021

Before we do the class, the first thing we do fill in the attendance
list at LMS (Monday, January , 4th 2021).
After that we collect the tasks that have been given. For this task
include :
1. Teaching and Learning Forum of 1PPF Class (Jecvano Presentation)
2. Assignment of 1PPF class.
1. Teaching and Learning Forum of 1PPF Class (Jecvano presentation)
Broadly speaking, a motorcycle has 3 main components, namely the electric part, the engine
and the electrical part
1. Cylinder Head : The name of a motorcycle engine component and its first function is the
cylinder head. The cylinder head or cylinder head has the main function as a cylinder bore
cover in the cylinder block and also as a place for engine spark plugs.
2. Cylinder Block : The name of a motorcycle engine component and its next function is a
Cylinder Block which has the main function as a place for the engine piston to move. This
piston cylinder block consists of two components which are combined into one, namely the
liner cylinder and the cylinder block, both of which are attached to each other.
3. Engine Crankcase (Crankcase) : The name of the motorcycle engine component and its
function that you should know next is the crankcase of the engine. In part one will provide
complete information about the crankcase of a motorcycle engine.
4. Piston : Torak is one of the names of the engine components on a motorcycle that
functions to move the engine power obtained from the combustion of fuel to the crankshaft
or crank shaft through the piston rod (connecting road).
6. Crank Shaft : The name of a motorcycle engine component and its function on this one is
to change the up and down motion of the piston into a rotating motion which can then move
the wheels on a motorcycle. And Bearing,Flywheel,valve and others which makes the
machine move.

2. Assignment of 1PPF class :

Please write your unforgettable experience that include the positive, negative and interrogative
sentences of Simple Past Tense.  You have to write at least 10 sentences in the form a paragraph
telling about the unforgettable experience do in Ms. Word.

My answer for this assignment :


I was Fadli, I went to Borobudur temple when I was fourteen years old. I was so excited because that
was my first time to see one of the world’s seven wonders. Me and my friend walked around the
Borobudur temple. After that, We went to find some food, I loved Gudeg so much. After that we
spent our time in Malioboro street. We bought some merchandise from Yogyakarta. My friend
talked to the tourist, after that we went to the beach. In the beach, we sat on the edge of the beach.
We saw a beautiful dusk in the sky. After that we went to the hotel.
I wasn’t fadli. I didn’t go to Borobudur temple when I was fourteen years old. I didn’t excited
because that didn’t my first time to see one of the world’s seven wonders. Men and my friend didn’t
walk around the Borobudur temple. After that, we didn’t go to find some food, I didn’t love Gudeg
so much. After that we didn’t spend our time in Malioboro street. We didn’t buy some merchandise
from Yogyakarta. My friend didn’t talk to the tourist, after that we didn’t go to the beach. In the
beach, we didn’t sit on the edge of the beach. We didn’t see beautiful dusk in the sky. After that we
go to the hotel.
Did I Fadli? Did I go to Borobudur temple when I was fourteen years old? Did I excited to see one of
the world’s seven wonders? Did me and my friend walk around the Borobudur temple? After that,
did we go to find some food? Did I love Gudeg so much? After that, did we spend our time in
Malioboro street? Did we buy some merchandise from Yogyakarta? Did my friend talk to tourist?
After that, did we go to the beach? Did we sit on the edge of the beach? Did we see beautiful dusk in
the sky? After that, did we go to the hotel?

Monday, January , 11th 2021

Before we do the class, the first thing we do fill in the
attendance list at LMS (Monday, January , 11th 2021).
After that we collect the tasks that have been given. For this
task include :
1. Teaching and Learning Forum of 1PPF Class (simple future
tense) (sachio Presentation)
2. Assignment of 1PPF class.

1. Teaching and Learning Forum of 1PPF Class (simple future tense) (sachio Presentation)
I know that all of you have been familiar with English tenses especially Simple Future Tense. You
have learnt it since you were a kid. Please write about what makes you still confused regarding that
tense. You can check these following videos on Youtube to help you out:

2. Assigment of 1PPF class :

Please write paragraph(s) or make a video (3-5 minutes) about "My Plans after Graduation" in the
field of Mechanical Engineering. Use your own words/ sentences. The longer, the better. Submit it
on time. The sooner, the bettter.
My answer for this assignment :
My Plans After Graduation
My name is Muhammad Fadli Nugraha, currently I'm to continue their education at one of
the universities in the province of South Sumatera, Palembang city to be exact. My continuing
education in this college because I want to achieve my dream which is to become an engineer in the
field of mechanical engineering. After I graduated college I really want to be an Mechanical Engineer,
who can create his own company later. Therefore I have the determination to become one of the
best graduates in my college. I want to make my parents proud to me, be a useful person for the
family, society, nation and religion. All this I do to promote my country in order to compete with
other developed countries. Not only that, after graduating I want to collect the capital to make a
business coffee shop or cafe, I want to do business in the field of food and drink, I want to my
business has many branches later. After that I want to get married and have a family for a happy life
and can travel around the world with the same family. My last wish, namely to dispatch both of my
parents to perform Hajj. Hopefully this can all be realized.

Monday, January , 18th 2021

Before we do the class, the first thing we do fill in the
attendance list at LMS (Monday, January , 18th 2021).
After that we collect the tasks that have been given. For this
task include :
1. Teaching and Learning Forum of 1PPF Class (My
presentation) (Burhan presentation)
2. Quiz of 1PPF class

1. Teaching and Learning Forum of 1PPF Class (My

presentation) (Burhan presentation)
My Presentation :
The Government's Efforts in Pandemic Covid-19 in Indonesia
Covid-19 Virus which is penetrated in every country, especially Indonesia, has been defined by the
WHO as a pandemic. On March 31, 2020, the President of the Republic of Indonesia has set
Keadaruratan Public Health Covid-19 in Indonesia through Presidential Decree Number 11 Year
It can’t be considered trivial and should be given serious attention for sustainability of living
together. Therefore, every citizen of Indonesia must comply with all existing rules to control the
problem. A lot of the things done by the government in an effort to prevent the spread of the virus
COVID-19 in Indonesia, among others, is to establish a protocol of health as a matter that must be
obeyed for the sake of common security.
Protocols health, among others such as always wearing a mask, do not touch objects in public places,
always keep your distance, and keep clean. The government also makes the Movement of the
hashtag in the form #YukDirumahSaja. The hashtag is intended for people who feel less healthy (with
the criteria of fever,cough/runny nose/sore throat/shortness of breath). With these circumstances,
they are recommended to be in the house alone can do the activity in the form of using a mask in
the house (make sure to always be replaced each day and instantly disposed into the trash-covered),
washing hands correctly, the consumption of nutritious foods and vitamins, enough rest, trying to
make a separate room with other family members, and keeping people healthy at least 1 meter.
In addition, they also recommended to avoid sharing cutlery (plate, spoon, fork, and glass) and is
obliged to wash the cutlery with soap and water. Stay at home and make sure it is easy to be
contacted, if forced to get out, then required to use a mask, avoid the crowd/the crowd. Take care of
the cleanliness of the house and use a liquid disinfectant.
One of the government's efforts in controlling the spread of the virus COVID-19 continuous endemic
in an area is with the making of regulations regarding the limitation of large-scale social (PSBB).
Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia number 9 year 2020
Guidelines on the Limitation of Large-Scale Social (PSBB) in order to expedite the handling of corona
virus disease in 2019 (COVID-19) is established on April 3, 2020. Considering the spread of COVID-19
with the number of cases and/or the number of deaths has increased and is widespread across the
region and country and have an impact on all aspects in Indonesia, the then Minister of Health set
restrictions on large-scale social.
Under Article 9, paragraph (1), set Restrictions on Large-Scale Social (PSBB) is performed on the
basis of:
a. the increase in the number of cases in a meaningful way in a certain period of time;
b. the spread of the case quickly in another region in a certain period of time;
c. there is evidence of event of local transmission.
Described also in Article 13 paragraph (1) that the implementation of the Social Restrictions of the
Large-Scale covering (PSBB) :
a. close school and the workplace;
b. restrictions on religious activities;
c. restriction of activities on-site or public facilities;
d. restrictions on the activities of social and cultural;
e. restrictions mode of transportation;
f. restrictions on other activities specifically related to the aspects of defense and security
For Restrictions on Large-Scale Social (PSBB) takes place, there are things that are prohibited and
allowed to do.
It prohibited, among others, is:
1.      Prohibited from carrying out activities in public areas
Activities in public areas is restricted in order to reduce the number of people out of the house to do
things that are not urgent. In addition, public transportation is also limited.
2.      Work from Home
Teaching and learning activities done online and is prohibited implemented offline. So also with the
activity at work is replaced by working from home (75%)
3.      Restaurant and mall
There are restrictions on hours of operation, if you want to eat where there are restrictions on
capacity and hours, limit open the mall until 7 pm, visitors of the restaurant to a maximum of 25%
space capacity.
4.      Places of worship
Operate 50% protocol health
It allowed, among others, is:
1.      Buy daily necessities and medicine
For Restrictions on Large-Scale Social (PSBB) takes place, the community is allowed out of the house
for shopping daily needs.
2.      Buying/shopping online
Shopping activity also is recommended for online transactions, good food, drinks, and goods.
The things above is an activity that is basically made for the continuation of life together, not as if
just to complicate the society. Should the whole community involved better appreciate the
regulation with stick to it. 
It is expected and encouraged, all citizens of the area who reviewed for Restrictions on Large-Scale
Social (PSBB) to execute it.
However, it is unfortunate, there are still many Indonesian people who still do not understand the
content of the regulation. Still very often found krumunan people close out. In fact, the government
makes these rules with the goal of keeping the chain of the spread of COVID-19 could be resolved.
Therefore, let us as good citizens, follow the rules of COVID-19 regulated government, both central
and local, for the sake of a normal life back as desired.

2. Quiz of 1PPF class

Please write a story in which the sentences use the simple present, past and future tenses in Ms.
Word. The topic is related to mechanical engieering. The story must have at least one sentence for
each form of the tense (positive, negative and interrogative). The longer, the better. Manage your
time wisely. Good luck!

My answer for this quiz :

- Simple Present Tense -
My name is Fadli, I study at Sriwijaya State Polytechnic, I study mechanical engineering. After
graduation I want to build a company that works in the field of mechanical engineering, i want my
company to be able to compete in the world.

My name isn’t Fadli, I don’t study at Sriwijaya State Polytechnic, I don’t study mechanical
engineering. After graduation i don’t want to build a company that works in the field of mechanical
engineering, I don’t want my company to be able to compete in the world.
Does my name is Fadli? Do i study at Sriwijaya State Polytechnic? Do i study mechanical engineering?
Does after graduation i want to build a company that works in the field of mechanical engineering?
Do i want my company to be able to compete in the world?

- Simple Past Tense –

I was fadli, i was studied at Sriwijaya State Polytechnic, i was studied mechanical engineering. After
graduation I want to built a company that worked in the field of mechanical engineering. I want my
company to be able competed in the world.
I wasn’t fadli, i wasn’t studied at Sriwijaya State Polytechnic, i wasn’t studied mechanical
engineering. After graduation I didn’t want to built a company that worked in the field of mechanical
engineering. I didn’t want my company to be able competed in the world.
Did i fadli? Did i studied at Sriwijaya State Polytechnic? Did i studied mechanical engineering? After
graduation did I want to built a company that worked in the field of mechanical engineering? Did I
want my company to be able competed in the world?
- Simple Future Tense –
I will be study at Sriwijaya State Polytechnic. I will be study mechanical engineering. After graduation
I will be to build a company that works in the field of mechanical engineering. My company will be
able competed in the world.
I will not be study at Sriwijaya State Polytechnic. I will not be study mechanical engineering. After
graduation I will not be to build a company that works in the field of mechanical engineering. My
company will not be able competed in the world.
Will i be study at Sriwijaya State Polytechnic? Will i be study mechanical engineering? After
graduation, will I be to build a company that works in the field of mechanical engineering? Is my
company will be able competed in the world?

Monday, January , 25th 2021

Before we do the class, the first thing we do fill in the attendance list at LMS ( Monday, January , 18th
After that we collect the tasks that have been given. For this task include :
1. Teaching and Learning Forum of 1PPF Class (Dandi’s presentation) (Pramudya’s presentation)
2. Assignment of 1PPF class
1. Teaching and Learning Forum of 1PPF Class (Dandi’s presentation)
Air Conditioner
Air conditioner (AC) is a machine made to stabilize the temperature and humidity of air in a room.
This tool is used to cool or heat, depending on needs. However, air conditioning is often referred to
as air conditioning because it is more widely used to cool the room.
Although air conditioning is a product of modern technology, the concept of air conditioning has
been known since medieval times, namely in ancient Rome and Persia. Willis Haviland Carrier
became the first person to discover large-scale modern air conditioners that used electrical energy in
AC function
Air conditioning has a function to conditioning the air in a room to feel cool, comfortable, and
healthy. There are three things that can be conditioned or regulated by using air conditioning,
namely temperature, humidity, and air hygiene.
Regulating Air Temperature The main function of air conditioning is to regulate the temperature in
the room. The desired temperature can be set through the number indicated on the remote control.
In general, the lowest air conditioning temperature is 180 Celsius and the highest temperature is 300
Regulating Air Humidity The temperature and humidity of the air are interconnected so that
indirectly, the air conditioner also serves to regulate the humidity. Air conditioning temperature
should be set at the ideal temperature, which is 24–26 degrees Celsius because the air is too cold to
have high humidity, causing the skin to dry quickly.
Air Cleaning Air Ac machine is equipped with a filter to filter dust and dirt contained in the air so that
it becomes clean and healthy. Therefore, air conditioning filters must be cleaned regularly to remove
filtered dirt so that the air can be maintained coolness and cleanliness.
How AC Works An AC consists of two interconnected coils, namely an evaporator coil placed indoors
and a condenser coil placed outdoors. The coil contains refrigerants that flow continuously.   The
working principle of air conditioning is very simple, which is to keep the evaporator coil cool (colder
than room temperature) and the condenser coil to stay hot (hotter than atmospheric temperature).
The flowing refrigerant absorbs heat from indoors and throws it outdoors.
The way it works is as follows.  The refrigerant of a low-pressure evaporator flows into the
compressor so that it becomes high pressure and turns into hot gas. Hot refrigerant gas flows
towards the condenser and heat will be released outdoors with the help of a fan. During this phase
of heat release, the refrigerant will turn into a liquid and its temperature drops. Liquid refrigerant
flows into expansion valves that serve to limit flow and reduce pressure so that the refrigerant
temperature drops and is colder than room temperature. Cold refrigerant flows into the cooling coil
on the evaporator. Hot air from the room that enters the air conditioner will flow through the
cooling coil so that it becomes cold. Cold air flows through the grille and is returned to the room. The
process occurs repeatedly and continuously. 
Types of Air Conditioners
Along with the development of technology, air conditioners are now produced in various types with
different uses. Here are some types of air conditioners marketed in Indonesia.
1. Split Wall AC Type This type of air conditioner is widely used at home because of its small size,
affordable price, and easy maintenance. This type of split air conditioner consists of two parts placed
indoors and outdoors. Split air conditioning capacity varies between 0.5PK–2 PK. 
2. Cassette AC type cassette type is widely used in larger and higher rooms, such as large offices,
shophouses, or meeting rooms with a capacity of 1 PK to 6 PK. Cassette air conditioner type also
consists of indoor and outdoor parts. However, the indoor part is not installed on the walls, but on
the ceiling of the room.
3. Types of AC Central Hotel, multi-storey buildings, and malls usually use central type air
conditioners because they have a very large capacity. The way this type of air conditioner works is
cooled air in a cooling plant located outdoors, then flowed into the building.
4. Type AC Split Duct Machine AC type split duct works by dividing the cold into all rooms through
ducting system. In split duct air conditioners there are many temperature regulators, but have one
centralized control point. This type of air conditioning ducting is also often used in malls or spacious
5. Types of AC Standing Floor As the name suggests, the type of AC standing floor is not installed on
the wall or ceiling, but placed on the floor. This type of air conditioner is often used in receptions,
seminars, and the like. Because it is easy to move and removable, ac standing floor is often rented. 
6. Types of portable ac type portable air conditioners are small so easy to carry and the price is very
economical so that many students who rent rooms indekos. In portable air conditioners, compressor
parts and evaporators become one and hot air from compressors is discharged through pipes.
7. Types of AC Window Such as portable air conditioners, compressor parts and evaporators on ac
windows are also fused. To install the AC window, the wall must be hollowed out according to the
size of the AC and the ac is placed in it using a bracket with the position of the evaporator facing the
Hopefully by understanding the components, how they work, and their types, you can decide which
type of air conditioner best suits your needs. Not only that, you are also able to keep it working
optimally and not damaged quickly.

2. Assignment of 1PPF class :

A. Please watch the following videos:
Write what you can understand from the videos in your own words by clicking reply in this forum.
The longer, the better.

B. Please watch the following video:
Practice and write how many questions you can answer correctly. Be honest to yourself. It is only for

My answer for this assignment :

1. A. Answer 1. : Introduction to the TOEIC a. What is the TOEIC? He TOEIC stands for test of English
for internasional communication. That really the TOEIC is an exam that measures Business English,
your knowledge of business English or English used in the workplace. b. What does it measure? The
TOEIC measure ability to read, write, speak, and understand English as it’s used in the workplace. It’s
about general and business English or english in workplace c. Why do people take it? People take the
TOEIC exam for several reasons. People take it first of all to get the a job, because many employers
do request the result of the TOEIC exam from job applicant. Many people also take this exam in
order to get a promotion and some others take it to get a visa. d. Where is that popular? The TOEIC
was most popular in japan and korea. Now the popularity of the TOEIC has really spread to other
places around the world, including india north America, in South America. Really more in South
America and also parts of Eropa. e. How many kind are there? The TOEIC exam we a relatively short
two hour exam and it tested only listening band reading skills. It was quite different from exams like
the IELTS or exams like the TOEFL which tested all four skills. Is only was a test of listening and
reading. Many employers said that’s not really enough. It’s not enough to know about inly listening
and reading skills. 2. Introduction to the TOEIC test a. Photo sections Photo section of the TOEIC test
is the first section the test. Here given a photos, the photos can be a group people or maybe an
object and anything. For each photo you will hear four spoken sentences and after looked the photo
listen to the sentences and decide which sentence best describe the photo now we don’t have a lot
time to answer, we only actually have five seconds. There are three main type of photo. b. Questions
and response This sections question are actually very simple. We will hear one speaker ask a
question and we will hear another speaker say three responses or three replies. We have to choose
the best response to the question. The sections nothing to read and nothing to look at. It’s 100
percent listening. c. Short conversation The short conversation section is third section of the
listening test, we will hear 10 short conversations each short conversation has three question so
that’s a total of 20 questions for this section. We have to listen to the conversation, read the
question about the conversation and answer them from the end of one conversation to the
beginning of the next we only have 24 seconds to answer. The conversations are between two men
or two women sometimes d. Short talk The short talk sections of the TOEIC test is the last sections of
the listening test. A short talk is a monologue basically a monologue is one person talking, it’s not
conversation, it’s not people speaking with each other. A short talk can be and advertisement
announcement a message really anything. Sometime a short talk is formal and sometimes informal.
We cannot see the short talk, we can only hear it. We can see the question and the answers choices
those are written is our test booklet each short talk has three question to it. Usually one question we
only have eight second to answer. e. incomplete sentence incomplete sentence is the first of the
reading test, let’s take a look at an incomplete sentence question. To answer we need knowledge of
grammar and vocabulary. In this sections we will have 40 of these question. we have one hour and
fifteen minutes but we has three different sections that we must do in that time. We have
incomplete sentence, passage completion and short reading. Usually the short reading section is the
most difficult. f. Passage completions Passage completion is the second section in the reading test.
Lets take a look at a passage completion reading here it is these can be emails, report, forms,
advertisements, announcements, letters. This section is similar to the short reading sections because
the verry long, they are long and often are work places documents. but it’s also similar to incomplete
sentence because to answer these question we need some knowledge of vocabulary or grammar. g.
Short reading This sections is the very last section of the test and for many people it’s the most
difficult sections. These reading can be short like three to four sentence ling some of them can be
verry long like 300 words. Its can about work trade entertainment technology and anything. This is
the last sections most people are tired and they also don’t have a lot of time actually many student
cannot finish all the questions in this sections. This section we will see seven to ten single passage
reading for a total of 28 questions and we will see four double passage reading for twenty question.
For a whole section we will see 48 questions. 3. TOEIC Listening Overview TOEIC is an internasional
standardized proficiency test that focuses on business English or English in the workplace context. It
can measure skill in listening, reading, speaking and writing. The TOEIC listening and reading tests
two out of the four main comuication skill listening and reading. Listening and reading test is
proctored paper and pencil test the administrators and protor’s will be ones to provide and
distribute the pencils answer sheet and test booklet. The test is good for 2 hours, there will 45
minutes for listening and 75 minutes for reading. Question and choices will be played via and audio
player. 4. TOEIC Overview The TOEIC listening and rading test is a valid assessment of English
langyage reading and listening skills for the workplace. Reading skills are necessary for email written
report, newsletter and other forms of business correspondence. 75 minutes for 100 questions,
incomplete sentence 40 questions, text completion 12 question, and reading comprehension 48
B. Answer : 1. C. 11. C. 2. A. 12. B. 3. D. 13. C. 4. C. 14. B. 5. B. 15. A. 6. A. 16. C. 7. D . 17. A. 8. D. 18.
B. 9. B. 19. C . 10. D . 20 . B. 21. A. 31. C. 22. B. 32. B. 23. A . 33. B . 24. A. 34. B. 25. C. 35. A. 26. C. 36.
A. 27. A . 37. C. 28. B. 38. C. 29. C . 39. B. 30. A. . 40. A. 41. A. 51. B. 42. D . 52. C. 43. B. 53. C . 44. C.
54. B. 45. B. 55. A. 46. C. 56. B. 47. D. 57. C. 48. D. 58. B. 49. C. 59. B. 50. A . 60. C . 61. C . 71. C. 62.
B . 72. A. 63. D . 73. B. 64. A . 74. D. 65. A . 75. B. 66. C . 76. C. 67. B . 77. B. 68. C. 78. B. 69. B. 79. D.
70. D. 80. A. 81. B. 91. A. 82. A. 92. B. 83. C. 93. D. 84. D. 94. D. 85. C. 95. A. 86. C. 96. C. 87. A. 97. B.
88. B. 98. B. 89. B. 99. A. 90. D. 100. C.

Monday, February, 3rd 2021

Before we do the class, the first thing we do fill in the attendance list at LMS (Monday, January ,3rd
After that we collect the tasks that have been given. For this task include :
1. Teaching and Learning Forum of 1PPF Class (Akbar Presntation)
2. Assignment of 1PPF class

1. Teaching and Learning Forum of 1PPF Class (Akbar Presntation)

Wastewater that is not managed properly will have an adverse impact on the environment, such as
the following.
1. Environmental Quality Decrease
Disposal of polluted materials directly into the waters can cause pollution in these waters. For
example, the disposal of organic waste can lead to an increase in microorganisms or the fertility of
aquatic plants, thus inhibiting the entry of sunlight into the water. This causes a decrease in the
dissolved oxygen content in water, thus disturbing the balance of the ecosystem in it.
2. Health problems
Wastewater that is not managed properly will cause various diseases. It is possible that the
wastewater contains viruses and bacteria that cause disease. Wastewater can also be used as a nest
for mosquitoes and flies that can carry (vector) certain diseases.
3. Biological Concentration
Try to think about if a water is polluted by poisonous substances. The toxic material can seep into
the body of algae, or other microorganisms. Furthermore, small animals (zooplankton) will eat the
algae, then zooplankton will be eaten by small fish and large fish will eat small fish. When the big fish
are caught by humans and eaten, the poisonous material will enter the human body. Zooplankton
that eat not one algae, but many algal cells. Thus, the zooplankton already contains a lot of toxic
materials. Likewise, small fish that eat zooplankton, and large fish will eat not just one small fish. The
more small fish eat, the more pollutants will enter the body of the big fish. What about the human
body if you often eat these poisonous fish?
4. Disturbing scenery
Sometimes wastewater contains pollutants that do not harm health and ecosystems, but disturb the
view of the city. Even though polluted water doesn't smell bad, the discoloration of the water
irritates our eyes. This certainly disturbs the comfort and beauty of the city.
5. Speed up the process of damage to objects
Some wastewater contains substances that can be converted by bacteria into destructive gases such
as H2S. This gas can speed up the rusting of iron. In order to avoid the above matters, preferably
before being discharged, the wastewater must be treated first and meet the requirements of the
wastewater quality standard

2. Assignment of 1PPF class

A. Please watch the following videos:
Then write what you can understand from the videos in your own words. The longer, the better.

B. Please watch the following video:
Practice and write how many questions you can answer correctly. Be honest to yourself. It is only for
My answer for this assignment :
A. Answer :
1. TOEIC Reading Skills Part 1; Overview and Question Type 5: Incomplete Sentence General test
taking strategy multiple choice test. when taking a multiple choice test, it is best to understand how
test makers develop to the test to guarantee a correct answer. If you have 4-5 choice in the answer
stem, them test design TYPICALLY follow this pattern : one is the answer, on to two distractors are
COMPLETELLY wrong, one to two distractors look correct except for a small problem. This process of
finding the correct answers is called process of elimination (POE). If you have reduced your choices
to 2, and you have one choice that you know and one that you don’t, try both in the problem and
see if the one you know work. POE is not a 100% solution. incomplete sentence. Two major areas are
grammar patterns and word choice. Question recognition, the key to succeeding on this part of the
test is being able to recognize what TYPE of questions it is before answering. Word choice question
require knowledge of the meaning and usage of the particular words you are given. 2. TOEIC Reading
Skills 2: Text Completion Two major areas (and their Subcategories): 1. Grammar partterns : part of
speech (word families) 2. Word Choice : adverbs of frequency, conjunctions/connector, prepositions,
transition words, general business words often confused. Reading, Skimming, and chunking : -
Reading: paying close attention to the text to understand it deeply. You may need to read a text
several time in order to understand it’s complete meaning - Skimming: looking over a passage
quickly to establish the organization of passage and basic idea or gist. This should be done no more
than two times on the exam - Chinking: is a flexible process involving grouping ideas together. This
was discussed in the previous video under collocation. Collocations are chunked or grouped words
that directly work together, such as an ADJ-noun. Chunking often depends on what you are looking
for. You can chunk as few as ideas (word, sentence, or even paragraph) depending on what you are
trying to do. Different from questions type 5: the idea that the questions/prompts are in the context
of business correspondence seems to indicate that the test makers were looking to provide the
appearance of greater authenticity. This section more than ever indicate ETS desire to present a
more integrates approach to grammar and vocabulary 3. TOEIC Reading skills 3: Reading
Comprehention General strategy: the reading comprehension section of the test requires an
understanding of the business are being represented and the format of the reading passage (letter,
memo, etc). The main ideas/purpose or intention of the text : how details/facts work to support
ideas, how vocabulary works in context and meaning inferences/predictions. Business
area/audience: it’s important to think about the basic assumptions and characteristic of each area of
business. This also relates to the audience of reading in question. Main ideas, important information
can be found: at the little of the passage, at the beginning/end of paragraphs, near important signal
words. signal words involve a broad variety of words that help signal of=r indicate information
connect to information. SW can work on many levels, between sentence to link sentence together,
inside of sentences to connect information together, between paragraphs to connect paragraphs
together. Locating signal words. Vocabulary in context involves understanding how words word in a
particular reading.

B. Answer :
101. B 102. A 103. C 104. A 105. B 106. C 107. C 108. D 109. C 110. A 111. B 112. A 113. B 114. D 115.
C 116. D 117. C 118. B 119. B 120. A 121. C 122. D 123. A 124. A 125. C 126. B 127. C 128. B 129. D
130. A 131. C 132. A 133. C 134. B 135. C 136. D 137. A 138. B 139. C 140. A 141. B 142. A 143. D 144.
C 145. B 146. A 147. D 148. B 149. C 150. A 151. B 152. C 153. B 154. B 155. C 156. A 157. B 158. D
159. C 160. B 161. A 162. C 163. D 164. D 165. B 166. C 167. A 168. B 169. C 170. A 171. B 172. D 173.
A 174. C 175. B 176. A 177. D 178. C 179. B 180. A 181. C 182. D 183. B 184. A 185. B 186. C 187. B
188. A 189. C 190. B 191. D 192. C 193. A 194. D 195. B 196. D 197. A 198. B 199. A 200. B


After passing 9 meetings so far, I the undersigned, say that my attendance rate has reached 100%
(9 meetings without being absent or permission)

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